[轉錄][討論] 快速入手下半季!上半季大事摘要

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※ [本文轉錄自 RedSox 看板 #1CGITqVL ] 作者: majohn (腦殘沒命菸酒生) 看板: RedSox 標題: [討論] 快速入手下半季!上半季大事摘要 時間: Sat Jul 17 11:45:50 2010 http://0rz.tw/cZdSe 重點結錄 Top Five Surprising Teams 1. Padres 2. Reds 3. White Sox 4. Rangers 5. Mets(幹,東西都跑來我們家了) Top Five Disappointing Teams 1. Mariners 2. Diamondbacks 3. Twins 4. Cardinals 5. Orioles Top Five Hitters 1. 胖卡布 2. 猛牛 3. Josh Hamilton 4. Joey Votto 5. 光頭 Top Five Pitchers 1. Francisco Liriano 2. Josh Johnson 3. Roy Halladay 4. Cliff Lee 5. Jon Lester Bottom Five Hitters 1. Brandon Wood 2. Ken Griffey Jr. 3. Garret Anderson 4. Tommy Manzella 5. Brendan Harris Bottom Five Pitchers 1. Dontrelle Willis 2. Scott Kazmir 3. Nick Blackburn 4. Todd Wellemeyer 5. Ian Snell 後面的附上全文 Top Five No-Hitters/Perfect Games 1. Roy Halladay, May 29th. Good efficiency and 11 strikeouts against a reasonable lineup. Halladay was overdue for a game like this, and in true Halladay fashion, he handled it with modesty and humility. Unlike another guy on this list. 2. Armando Galarraga, June 2nd. The only 28-out perfect game in history, what was truly most amazing about Galarraga's effort is that it came from a lousy pitcher. Everything about that game was weird. 3. Dallas Braden, May 9th. Cheers to Dallas Braden for an outstanding performance. Jeers to Dallas Braden for drawing more attention to himself since I find him completely insufferable. I wish Dallas Braden and Dontrelle Willis would swap results. 4. Ubaldo Jimenez, April 17th. With six walks and just seven strikeouts, this wasn't actually one of Jimenez's best early performances, statistically, but he didn't allow a single line drive, and as a result, he didn't allow a single hit. He even struck out Jason Heyward twice, which, if you remember what Jason Heyward was doing early on, should probably push Ubaldo up past Braden on this list. Ehh 5. Edwin Jackson, June 25th. This was an ugly game but an amazing game, as Jackson had seven walks and 68 pitches through the first three innings. It's worth noting that, following his 149-pitch no-hitter, he was poor in his next two starts. Worth it? I don't know. I don't care. Top Five Moments 1. Daniel Nava's first-pitch grand slam. I probably don't need to recount the whole Nava story to you, but I still want to, because it's awesome. Nava got cut in college, wasn't drafted, and was purchased by the Red Sox away from an indy league team for a dollar. He made it all the way to the bigs and hit a grand slam on the first pitch he ever saw. It doesn't matter if Nava ever sticks around or wins a World Series. He's already had his Hollywood ending. 2. Jason Heyward's home run in his debut. Just watch the video. The anticipation, the chanting, the no-doubt-about-it swing and distance - Heyward may never deliver a more perfect home run. 3. Everything about Stephen Strasburg's debut. You'll notice a theme here: debuts. The best headline I saw on the game was Beyond The Box Score's "Hype Fails To Live Up To Stephen Strasburg." That's a great way to put it. In front of a packed house, with the country's undivided attention, Strasburg struck out 14 big league hitters without a single walk, every strikeout earning a bigger roar than the strikeout before. That's a game that's going to stick with me for years. I can still see his breaking ball when I close my eyes. 4. Brooks Conrad's walk-off grand slam. Coming back from a six-run deficit in the bottom of the ninth is big enough. Capping it off with a grand slam hit by some no-name journeyman is the stuff of legends. Conrad hasn't done a whole lot since the big dinger, but he doesn't have to. His name won't soon be forgotten. 5. Armando Galarraga presents Detroit's lineup card to Jim Joyce. Despite the initial devastation, one could argue that Joyce's blown call in Galarraga's perfect game wound up a net positive, as parents and children the country around were reminded that, even in the year 2010, sportsmanship in the professional ranks isn't dead. Galarraga and Joyce handled the incident with such mastery and grace that one almost begins to suspect it was scripted. Top Five Breakthrough Performances 1. Brennan Boesch. Two years ago, Boesch was a 23 year old with a sub-.800 OPS in A-ball. A year ago he made some gains, but he still wasn't seen as much of a prospect. Now it's 2010 and at the All-Star break, Boesch is out-hitting Albert Pujols. He isn't going to sustain his current performance, but he doesn't have to. He's shown that he can put the bat on the ball and hit for power. The Tigers knew they'd need to find some protection for Miguel Cabrera, but I doubt they ever thought they'd find it in-house. 2. Colby Lewis. Did you know that one of the AL's best #2 starters was a free agent last offseason? Did you know he signed a two-year contract for five million dollars? Lewis was a bust in the States, so he went to Japan, where he learned to be awesome. He has since returned and continued being awesome, being a huge stabilizing force for a Rangers rotation that no one's ever trusted. Lewis has to be seen as one of the best investments any team has made in a year. 3. Andres Torres. Torres is a remarkable story. A guy with a lot of speed, Torres spent the early part of his career as something of a groundballing slap-hitter. When he realized he wasn't being very productive, he took to completely re-tooling his swing, and he started to have a lot of success in AAA. He carried it over into San Francisco as a backup outfielder in 2009, but now he's proven himself in what's become a starting role in 2010. With Mark DeRosa injured and Aaron Rowand struggling, the Giants could've sunk. In large part because of Torres, they haven't. 4. Jose Bautista. Through his first 2000 big league trips to the plate, Bautista slugged .400, with one home run per 35 PAs. In 2010, he's improved to .543, with one home run per 15 PAs. The Blue Jays, for a long time, were staying competitive by beating the crap out of the ball, and Bautista was one of the biggest contributors. Just 29, the former disappointing prospect has put himself back on the map by finally tapping into what once made him interesting. 5. Mat Latos. Given the recent history of the Padres' farm system, it would've been enough for Latos to come up and serve as a decent #4 or something, like Brian Tollberg that one time. Instead, Latos has shot forward and developed into an ace at the age of 22 and made everyone forget that Jake Peavy ever existed. They say the Padres are in the race because of smoke and mirrors. More accurately, it's smoke, mirrors, relief, and Mat Latos. He doesn't do a whole lot wrong. Top Five Things You Should Know About The Royals 1. Billy Butler isn't a bust. Remember how Baseball America really loved him and then he came up and didn't wow anybody? He's actually been a good big league hitter for a year and a half! 2. David DeJesus is one of the better all-around outfielders in baseball. You've seen the Royals, and you've seen the name "David DeJesus," and you've figured he was just some nobody Latin kid in the outfield. He's actually quite talented! He doesn't do any one thing like a superstar, but he doesn't really have any weaknesses, with the total package making him a good value. He's going to have a long, boring career. 3. Joakim Soria is amazing. Did you know that, since 2007, Soria's ERA is only 16 points worse than Mariano Rivera's, and 12 points better than Jonathan Papelbon's? He's an elite-level closer! The Royals have someone elite! 4. The farm system is good. I saw a Tweet a week or two ago that read, "Is anybody's system having a better year than Kansas City's?" Mike Moustakas is the big name, as the 21 year old has a 1.100 OPS in AA. Left starter Mike Montgomery is advancing quickly. Eric Hosmer is blowing up in high-A. Kila Ka'aihue is tearing up AAA. And so on, and so forth. Losing a lot helps a system, but it seems the Dayton Moore front office isn't all bad. They've collected a very strong set of top prospects. 5. The Royals have been referred to on The Simpsons on two separate occasions. In one, a book is seen with the title Kansas City Royals: Champions Forever. In another, there exists a Radioactive Man comic titled Radioactive Man Meets The Kansas City Royals. Top Five Remaining Trade Targets Now That Cliff Lee Has Been Dealt 1. Dan Haren. There are a number of reasons why Haren may not get traded, but if he is, he'll be a prize. He's still putting up strong peripheral statistics, his home run rate is flukishly unsustainable, he's proven himself in both leagues, and he's signed to a reasonable long-term contract. Nevermind the ERA. He's an ace. 2. Ricky Nolasco. If the Marlins decide to move Nolasco, he should bring back a bounty, because though a lot of people don't realize it, Ricky Nolasco's a really good pitcher. Over the last three years, he's run a K/BB of 4.4. He throws strikes, he misses bats, and he's durable. He's kind of like Javier Vazquez without the chapter where he sucks in New York. 3. Roy Oswalt. Another ace on the market who is very talented, but whose value is lowered by the big $16m 2011 price tag. Oswalt's having another strong year, and he's doing it again in a tiny ballpark. He just seems like the kind of guy who could put a team on his diminutive back for the playoffs, you know? 4. Adam Dunn. Contract talks with the Nationals seem to have fallen apart, putting Dunn on the market. All he's doing is slugging .588. Dunn is a short-term answer for any team in search of a big middle-of-the-order bat, as he's well on pace to hit 38 or more home runs for the seventh consecutive season. 5. Dan Uggla. Though he's not the world's most athletic second baseman, Uggla can handle himself in the middle infield, and he hits like a DH. There are concerns about the money he'll be owed the rest of the way and in 2011, but there are no concerns about what Uggla brings to the table, and how much he could help the middle of a team's order. Top Five Laziest Hanley Ramirezes 1. Hanley Ramirez 2. Hanley Ramirez 3. Hanley Ramirez 4. Yunel Escobar? 5. Hanley Ramirez ㄎㄎ Top Five AL World Series Contenders 1. New York Yankees. Even if they sit still and don't make a move, they have perhaps the AL's best lineup, and perhaps the AL's best rotation. They have the league's best record for a reason, and they're only better than the version of themselves that won the Series a year ago. There just aren't many holes. I don't know that there are any holes. 2. Tampa Bay Rays. The annoying little team that's keeping up with the Yankees, the Rays don't excel at the plate, but they do excel on the mound and in the field. The front of the rotation is impressive, the top of the bullpen is strong, and there's enough ability in the lineup to keep the team winning. You know who could really fit here? Adam Dunn. 3. Boston Red Sox. Finishing off the AL East triumvirate, the Red Sox are only down because they're beat up, and they won't be beat up forever. Players will come back, and the team will improve. If Josh Beckett shows up and pitches well, then they can throw him in there with Jon Lester and Clay Buchholz and conveniently forget about the troublesome #4 and #5 slots should they make the playoffs. Which isn't a guarantee, but if they make it, they'll be tough. 4. Texas Rangers. I don't know quite how well the Rangers stack up against the beasts of the East, but I know the Cliff Lee acquisition was a huge, huge help. All of a sudden, with Lee, Colby Lewis, CJ Wilson, and Neftali Feliz, the Rangers have an impressive playoff pitching staff. Before the Lee move, I thought Texas might just roll over in the postseason. With Lee, they have at least one game where they'll arguably have the pitching edge over anyone. 5. Minnesota Twins. I know they're in third place right now, and it was hard for me to pick between them and the Tigers here, but I had to give a narrow edge to the team with the Mauer/Morneau/Thome/Liriano/Pavano core. If they make a move, as they nearly did with Cliff Lee, so much the better. This team is a good deal worse than the four above it in this list, but with a guy like Liriano and those three names in the order, funny things can happen in the playoffs. Top Five NL World Series Contenders 1. St. Louis Cardinals. Putting a team that's presently out of the playoff picture at #1 won't win me any fans outside of St. Louis, but their top three starters have a combined 2.54 ERA and their lineup has Albert Pujols, Matt Holliday, Ryan Ludwick, and Colby Rasmus. There is a lot of star power on this roster, and star power - top-level talent - is the biggest advantage come playoff time. Nobody cares about depth in the playoffs. People care about a team's best players. St. Louis' best players make for what I consider the strongest unit in the NL. 2. San Francisco Giants. The fourth-place San Francisco Giants, mind you. The fourth-place San Francisco Giants have a very solid rotation led by one Tim Lincecum, they have an underrated intimidator in Brian Wilson, and they've answered one of their biggest offensive concerns with Buster Posey. With continued success from Aubrey Huff, I expect them to make a strong push, and if they get into October, they'll be scary. 3. Los Angeles Dodgers. If you can't tell, I place a big emphasis on starting pitching in the playoffs, and the Dodgers can come at a team with Clayton Kershaw, Chad Billingsley, and an underrated Hiroki Kuroda. There aren't any questions about Jon Broxton in the bullpen, and the lineup produces enough runs to offset the runs they give up in the field. Right now they only really have one offensive hole, and that's at catcher, where you can accept a lesser performance. As much as I like the Padres, I'm worried they might be too thin. 4. Atlanta Braves. I have to say, I'm uncertain about how Jason Heyward's injury is going to affect him the rest of the way, and that lineup really needs him to produce. I'm also not completely sold on Tim Hudson's ERA. Tommy Hanson, though, is very good, and even if Alex Gonzalez doesn't produce as he did with Toronto, he should still improve on what the Braves had been getting from shortstop. This isn't an elite team, but it's a good one. 5. Philadelphia Phillies. Much of the core is older and worse, but that's still a core that's taken the team to two straight World Series. With the familiar pieces in place behind an ace in Roy Halladay, the Phillies are health and a hot streak away from again being in position to make a whole lot of noise. -- 「寫下這些日記的人,在重新踏上阿根廷的土地時,就已經死去。我,已經不再是我。」 ---Che Guevara--- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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