[新聞] 英鐵營運商協會主管:服務品質讓歐洲羨慕

看板Railway作者 (武愛神拳打遍天下無敵手)時間5年前 (2018/09/03 02:12), 編輯推噓4(401)
留言5則, 5人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
We’re the envy of Europe, says rail boss amid chaos 來源:時報 http://bit.ly/2ox7I7r Britain’s railways are the “envy” of Europe, an industry leader said yesterday just as train passengers in northern England faced travel chaos. 列車運營商協會的頭頭在北英格蘭的列車受阻時表示 我國的鐵路讓歐洲各國為之羨慕。 Robert Nisbet, regional director of the Rail Delivery Group, which represents train companies, said that other European Union nations could “only dream” of the UK’s levels of punctuality and said: “We’re a hugely successful railway in many ways.” 列車運營商協會的區域營運總監蘿蔔尼斯本表示:「我們的準點程度在歐洲各國是 夢寐以求的水平」「從各方面來看,我們都是十分出色的鐵路系統。」 ===以下廢話 也不太想翻譯(笑)=== The transport secretary is under further pressure to intervene as rail passengers in northern England faced delays and cancellations despite the introduction of an improved timetable. 儘管時間表有所改善,但北英格蘭的乘客仍飽受誤點和臨時停運之苦,運輸部長在民意 壓力之下出來調解。 More than 100 trains were affected yesterday, which was supposed to herald a turnaround for Northern Rail. Passengers complained on social media about trains that did not run or were too full to board. Almost a quarter of trains suffered some disruption. 昨天有過百班北鐵列車延誤或停運,預計過千人受影響。乘客在社交媒體上抱怨列車沒有 嚴格 按照時刻表行駛,大概有1/4的火車停運。 Northern said that the worst of the chaos was caused by a signal problem in the northeast and a track circuit failure outside Sheffield, both of which are the responsibility of Network Rail. However, it said that staff shortages were again behind some of the cancellations. 北鐵表示這是因為東北的號誌出現問題和在雪菲爾附近的追蹤系統故障所致,這都是國鐵 害的不關我們的事。另外由於人手不足,日後仍然會有部分班次取消。 譯註:英國的鐵路民營化是只有營運民營化,路線維護和產權仍由國鐵負責和管理。 Last month Northern scrapped 168 trains per day to give passengers more certainty and prevent last-minute cancellations. Yesterday 126 of them were reinstated. 上個月北鐵已提早宣佈每天有168班列車會停運,避免乘客在最後一分鐘才知道停駛消息。 其中的128班列車已在昨天恢復行駛。 Andy Burnham, the mayor of Greater Manchester, called for Chris Grayling’s resignation. The prime minister’s spokesman said that the transport secretary had her full confidence but called the disruption unacceptable. 大曼徹斯特市長安迪柏南不批淮克里斯葛瑞林的辭職。發言人表示交通部部長對他充滿信 心,但不認同列車停運的安排。 David Brown, managing director of Northern, described yesterday’s problems as “a few local operational issues”. 北鐵經理大衞布朗形容昨天的事件只是營運上出現些小瑕疵。 Grant Shapps, the former Conservative party chairman whose Welwyn Hatfield constituency has been affected by rail chaos in the southeast, told The Daily Telegraph that Mr Nisbet’s comments were “crass” and insisted that the rail industry was “out of touch”. 受東南鐵影響的韋温帽場(強行意譯)選區的議員前保守黨主席格蘭沙普斯接受每日電訊報 訪問時,則批評尼斯本的言論魯莽,認為鐵路業不吃人間煙火。 -- 哈哈哈 英鐵水準 作惡夢才會夢到吧 --

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原來如此 感謝回答 哈哈 去骨雞飯 看了覺得好餓
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-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Railway/M.1535911931.A.4AC.html

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