Fw: [閒聊] 台灣女生看看吧..

看板RIPE_gender作者 ( E L I T E)時間11年前 (2012/08/16 12:57), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ [本文轉錄自 sex 看板 #1GAvrWQ6 ] 作者: Nilo (辰) 看板: sex 標題: Re: [閒聊] 台灣女生看看吧.. 時間: Wed Aug 15 21:00:13 2012 歡迎轉載到各大版 ^.< As an Adult Business Teacher, i listen to a lot of answers to topic questions in my class. when the topic gets around to love and relationships you always hear TW Girls saying the same exact shit 我在一家成人英語補習班教授商用英文,跟學生聊過很多事情,也聽到 不少回應。當我和學生聊到愛情和兩性關係之類的主題,台灣女孩子的 回答都一樣,又臭又糟糕。 " i want a guy who is tall, understands me, is responsible, etc" 像是:「最好又高,了解我,又負責任,我最喜歡這樣的男孩子了。」之類的。 The problem with this is they never really define what responsible is. From my experience, what they mean by responsible is "safe". They want some castrated man with spiked hair who never takes chances, never moves in a direction that might make them feel unsafe, never walks the path less chosen. They want a guy who is just bent to their wishes for "their dreams" ie, the house, the car, the baby, the whole nine yards. 她們所謂的責任感,到底是什麼?這就是問題所在。就我長期觀察,她們所謂的 「責任感」,其實就是「安全感」。她們想要一個男人,這個男人可以任由她們 擺佈(譯註:任由擺佈,castrated被閹割的,衍生為"毫無男子氣概");這男人 從不會令他們感到不安;這男人最好盲從大眾,在人生旅程內,不會走那些崎嶇 小徑。她們想要一個男人,這個男人最好能依照她們的意願行事,最好能將她們 的意願當作自己的夢想,最好替她們買個房子,買輛車子,養個娃兒,買一堆東西! Nothing is wrong with those things, except that they have become the "Price For Admission" so to speak, rather than the result of two people's love and efforts for one another. They constantly take shortcuts. 其實這也沒什麼。然而,她們總把這些事情當作是「愛的門票」,而非 「兩人互信互愛的結果,彼此付出」的結果。她們喜歡抄小路,而非走 康莊大道。 These Women always talk about how they want someone who understands them. By this, i take it to mean they want an extension of their spoiling family or old boyfriends (Plan B... but still wait around) who will put up with their temper tantrums, immaturity, and stupidity. These women are basically in the market for either daddy or their older brother, someone who is used to their bullshit. 台灣女人總希望某人可以了解自己;換句話說,她們就是想要有一個人,能像自己 的家人和男朋友一樣,忍受自己的壞脾氣、不成熟、還有愚蠢。這些女人基本 上沒什麼市場,除了自己老爹和哥哥之外,沒人受得了她們的鳥脾氣。 Expecting someone to understand you is the height of immaturity. We should seek more to understand others than to be understood. The world owes us nothing, but we live in it, and should learn to adapt to it, not the other way around. 想要某人了解自己,這本來就是「不成熟的極致表現」。我們應該試著 了解別人,而非怨恨別人不了解自己(譯註:子曰:「不患人之不己知;患不知 人也。」)。這世界沒欠我們什麼,而我們卻寄身於此,我們應該學習 「與世界和諧相處」,而非「教世界與我們和諧相處」。 i find TW women to be utterly selfish, insecure, and self centered. As I have seen with many couples and unfortunate friends, when they age it's even more nonstop bitching and moaning. The focus just becomes on more money, more eating, more competition to show off to family and friends. You can forget about an exciting sex life. Lately i look at them with a mild disgust, despite some of their physical beauty. 台灣女人特別自私,自我中心,又很沒安全感。我看過很多夫妻檔和不幸的朋友 ,當他們老了,還得忍受自己的伴侶不停犯賤和抱怨。她們就是想要更多的錢 ,吃更多的東西,向自己的家庭和朋友炫耀。你別想說有刺激快樂的性生活, 我一向覺得台灣女人有點噁心,雖然她們肉體還是有迷人之處。 No pussy is worth being constantly drained by these emotional vampires. Funny, with the many new girls I meet here, I aways say to myself "this one is different". LOL! Nope, same shit with a different package. Same movie played over and over. 台灣女人個性善變,像個吸血鬼,她們的鮑不值得追求。我也曾經遇過幾個女孩 ,試圖說服自己:「這些女孩跟其他女人不一樣。」這很奇妙。然而,英雄聯盟啊! 她們換湯不換藥,與其他女人一樣爛。相同的悲劇一再發生。 Oh Well, at least have a little fun, play their game, complement them on how brilliant it is to wear glasses without lenses, expect to pay for lots of dinners out. And most important....Yes, indeed, know when to say next. Their stock will drop in value quick and is a short sale. HK Girls are a way better catch. 好吧,玩她們的遊戲,看她們戴上「沒有鏡片的眼鏡」,稱讚她們有多好看, 請她們吃晚餐,這些事的確還有點趣味。最重要的就是:「該換下一個, 就換下一個了。」她們的價值就像股票賣空一樣,下跌得很快。香港的女孩子 好多了呢! 感謝版友指證! P.S 第二篇! -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Nilo 來自: (08/15 21:01)

08/15 21:02, , 1F
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08/15 21:02, , 2F
08/15 21:02, 2F

08/15 21:02, , 3F
浮出來就為了推這篇!! 股票下跌就不會再起來了
08/15 21:02, 3F

08/15 21:03, , 4F
08/15 21:03, 4F

08/15 21:04, , 5F
八卦好像有人翻過這篇了 還是推..
08/15 21:04, 5F

08/15 21:04, , 6F
08/15 21:04, 6F

08/15 21:05, , 7F
推這篇 其實外國人都看在眼裡 台灣女人自甘墮落 怨不得
08/15 21:05, 7F

08/15 21:05, , 8F
08/15 21:05, 8F

08/15 21:05, , 9F
然而,英雄聯盟啊! 好笑泥
08/15 21:05, 9F

08/15 21:05, , 10F
LOL 不是英雄聯盟..是大笑的意思
08/15 21:05, 10F

08/15 21:06, , 11F
英雄聯盟 會成為版標嗎XDD
08/15 21:06, 11F

08/15 21:06, , 12F
辛苦惹 雖然我看不完
08/15 21:06, 12F

08/15 21:07, , 13F
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08/15 21:07, , 14F
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08/15 21:08, , 15F
英雄聯盟是故意的吧? XD
08/15 21:08, 15F

08/15 21:08, , 16F
08/15 21:08, 16F

08/15 21:08, , 17F
好 屌
08/15 21:08, 17F

08/15 21:09, , 18F
英雄聯盟啊!!!!!! XDDDDDDDD
08/15 21:09, 18F

08/15 21:09, , 19F
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08/15 21:09, , 20F
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08/15 21:10, , 21F
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08/15 21:10, , 22F
lol是怎樣 XDDD
08/15 21:10, 22F

08/15 21:11, , 23F
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08/15 21:12, , 24F
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08/15 21:13, , 25F
中肯0 0
08/15 21:13, 25F

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08/15 21:16, , 30F
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08/15 21:16, , 31F
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08/15 21:16, , 32F
英雄聯盟啊! XDDDDD
08/15 21:16, 32F
Shaider:轉錄至看板 CATCH 08/15 21:17

08/15 21:17, , 33F
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08/15 21:20, , 34F
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08/15 21:21, , 35F
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08/15 21:21, , 36F
LOL太好笑了 就好像每隔兩周就出新角色依樣XD
08/15 21:21, 36F

08/15 21:23, , 37F
08/15 21:23, 37F

08/15 21:23, , 38F
08/15 21:23, 38F
還有 90 則推文
還有 4 段內文
08/16 01:05, , 129F
推 真是太中啃了啊
08/16 01:05, 129F

08/16 01:06, , 130F
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08/16 01:39, , 133F
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08/16 01:49, , 134F
以偏概全 抱歉了
08/16 01:49, 134F

08/16 01:58, , 135F
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08/16 02:06, , 136F
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08/16 02:13, , 137F
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08/16 02:36, , 138F
第二段 那是有什麼好罵的 因為英文差啊 只會表達那些
08/16 02:36, 138F

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08/16 02:38, , 140F
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08/16 07:04, , 141F
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08/16 07:06, , 142F
08/16 07:06, 142F

08/16 07:57, , 143F
英雄聯盟 XD
08/16 07:57, 143F

08/16 08:23, , 144F
aad carry謝謝
08/16 08:23, 144F

08/16 08:26, , 145F
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08/16 08:34, , 146F
08/16 08:34, 146F

08/16 09:08, , 147F
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08/16 09:10, , 148F
LOL!! 然而,英雄聯盟啊!
08/16 09:10, 148F

08/16 09:15, , 149F
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08/16 10:02, , 154F
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08/16 10:23, , 155F
the nine yard指的是全部的東西~不是庭院的意思
08/16 10:23, 155F

08/16 10:29, , 156F
08/16 10:29, 156F
※ 編輯: Nilo 來自: (08/16 10:29)

08/16 10:34, , 157F
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08/16 10:52, , 158F
08/16 10:52, 158F

08/16 10:56, , 159F
然而,英雄聯盟啊! XDDDDDDD
08/16 10:56, 159F

08/16 11:19, , 160F
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08/16 11:23, , 161F
08/16 11:23, 161F

08/16 11:37, , 162F
一看就故意的, 有點幽默感 行嗎 ......
08/16 11:37, 162F

08/16 11:53, , 163F
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08/16 11:57, , 164F
08/16 11:57, 164F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: htl (, 時間: 08/16/2012 12:57:00

08/16 16:45, , 165F
08/16 16:45, 165F

08/17 01:31, , 166F
這個『LOL=英雄聯盟』是那招? 雖然也是沒錯啦 XDDD
08/17 01:31, 166F
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文章代碼(AID): #1GB7sU6C (RIPE_gender)