Re: [書籍] Theories of Everything by Logic

看板Physics作者 (做一個有質感的好人)時間11年前 (2012/08/27 04:31), 編輯推噓12(1203)
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※ 引述《Discover2011 (Discover2011)》之銘言: : 為何地球內部如此之熱?真的是地球內部有大量放射物質嗎? : 地球明明是鐵核心 不是鈾或鐳核心啊? : 為何遠離太陽遙遠的天王星及海王星內部也如此熾熱? : 此乃因質量會產生加速度a=GM/r^2 : 而加速度會導致溫度(烏魯效應Unruh effect T=a/2pi*c*k) ㄟ,先生,你連公式都抄錯耶,你要不要再檢查一次 : 因此越大的質量會產生越高的溫度 你不知道Unruh effect 大多是在重力場極強的黑洞討論嗎? The Rindler spacetime has a horizon, and locally any non-extremal black hole horizon is Rindler. So the Rindler spacetime gives the local properties of black holes and cosmological horizons. The Unruh effect would then be the near-horizon form of the Hawking radiation. Unruh radiation Although Unruh's prediction that an accelerating detector would see a thermal bath is not controversial, the interpretation of the transitions in the detector in the non-accelerating frame are. It is widely, although not universally, believed that each transition in the detector is accompanied by the emission of a particle, and that this particle will propagate to infinity and be seen as Unruh radiation. The existence of Unruh radiation is not universally accepted. Some claim that it has already been observed,[12] while others claims that it is not emitted at all.[13] While the skeptics accept that an accelerating object thermalises at the Unruh temperature, they do not believe that this leads to the emission of photons, arguing that the emission and absorption rates of the accelerating particle are balanced. 不過Unruh上次用一個簡單流力實驗說可以說明Unruh effect,他英文說太快我聽不懂>< 如果真的可被實驗證實,那他跟霍金應該可以一起拿諾貝爾獎,因為都真的很偉大 Experimental observation of the Unruh effect Under experimentally achievable conditions for gravitational systems this effect is too small and its observation is very difficult. It was shown by Bell and Leinaas[14] that if one takes an accelerated observer to be an electron circularly orbiting in a constant external magnetic field, then the experimentally verified Sokolov–Ternov effect coincides with the Unruh effect. [15] A recent work by Martin-Martinez, Fuentes and Mann showed that accelerated detectors acquire a geometrical phase due to their movement through spacetime and that this can be used for the direct detection of the Unruh effect in regimes physically accessible with current technology.[16] : 此可解釋為何大質量物體如太陽或銀河中心為何總是熾熱 因為老子算完場論看你這鳥文章整個覽趴火燒起來啦 : 請見 : Theories of Everything by Logic一書中的Kindle版本 : 有詳細推導 期待妳的寶貴意見回饋 靠,你竟然聽過Unruh effect,然後可以亂掰一通白癡文 Unruh真衰小,不過他有過台灣感覺他很隨和應該會笑一笑 Unruh effect 中文維基就把你打臉了 盎魯效應,也譯作安魯效應,是1976年由當時在英屬哥倫比亞大學的 威廉·盎魯(William G. Unruh)[1][2]所提出,此效應預言:一名加速運動的觀察者可以 觀測到慣性參考系中觀察者無法看到的黑體輻射,即加速運動的觀察者會發現自己處在一 個溫暖的背景中。所表示的意義為慣性參考系中觀察者所看到的量子基態,在一名加速參 考系的觀察者看來則是處在熱力學平衡態。 以加速度a均勻加速的粒子所有的相應能量kT為: hbar a k T = _______ 2πc k是玻爾茲曼常數,T是以開爾文溫標(K)表示的絕對溫度,是約化普朗克常數, c是真空中光速。 因此,因為地球重力場而以加速度g = 9.81 m/s^2加速的一顆粒子,其所見到的真 -20 26 空溫度只有 4 ×10 K。要從實驗上驗證盎魯效應,加速度須達10 m/s^2 以得到約400,000 K的溫度。 盎魯效應也導致加速粒子的衰變率與慣性粒子的不同。如質子等的穩定粒子 在加速時具有不為零的衰變率 -------------------------- 盎魯效應就是說你從101大樓跳下來,你看到地球溫度跟你坐著打這本爛書沒有差別ok? 原來打臉可以學到東西的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Lindemann 來自: (08/27 04:46)

08/27 12:09, , 1F
0.0 對黑洞還沒很了解,只聽說過質量吸引力突破電磁力
08/27 12:09, 1F

08/27 12:10, , 2F
的重力崩潰 XD 所以剛看到第一個想法是,還沒崩潰就先
08/27 12:10, 2F

08/27 12:10, , 3F
08/27 12:10, 3F

08/27 13:00, , 4F
推~ 原來還有 Unruh effect 這種效應啊
08/27 13:00, 4F

08/27 18:07, , 5F
所以作者並不完全是隨便搞的 還讀了很多東西
08/27 18:07, 5F

08/27 18:47, , 6F
第一次聽說Unruh effect
08/27 18:47, 6F

08/27 20:26, , 7F
@yyc 不 他念了很多東西之後 隨便亂搞
08/27 20:26, 7F

08/27 22:59, , 8F
1推 xgcj:@yyc 不 他念了很多東西之後 隨便亂搞
08/27 22:59, 8F

08/27 22:59, , 9F
做人那麼誠懇怎麼行呢 ~ XDD I like ir
08/27 22:59, 9F

08/27 23:22, , 10F
08/27 23:22, 10F

08/28 05:26, , 11F
t XDD 感謝樓上
08/28 05:26, 11F

08/28 08:52, , 12F
xgcj:@yyc 不 他念了很多東西之後 隨便亂搞
08/28 08:52, 12F

08/28 10:10, , 13F
08/28 10:10, 13F

09/02 02:21, , 14F
林德曼發文必推 ^.<
09/02 02:21, 14F

10/07 14:05, , 15F
優質打臉文 沒三兩三還敢來物理版當小白XD
10/07 14:05, 15F
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文章代碼(AID): #1GEeUk-f (Physics)