Re: [書籍] Theories of Everything by Logic

看板Physics作者 (做一個有質感的好人)時間12年前 (2012/08/13 10:57), 編輯推噓9(1238)
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※ 引述《Discover2011 (Discover2011)》之銘言: : 2012年 Theories of Everything by Logic一書 : 做了重要改版 加入了希格斯機制 : 以把強力弱力及電磁輻射(光)大一統起來 : 並解釋了夸克及pi介子的質量來源 : 前陣子版主似遭到質疑 : 敝人與版主素昧平生 : 敝人認為最重要的事是宣傳該書的物理理論尤其地震理論來救人 : 這是一個自由民主的社會 : 該有包容力接受不同於主流的理論 : 否則會變成BBS酸民的正義 : 敝人相信總有一天該書會紫爆 : 請至下列網址見作者該書的最新2012 update edition : : 感謝批評指教 和平 理性 勿戰 The author Wan-Jiung Hu(born1973) is a MD (National Taiwan University) and PhD (Johns Hopkins University). 我終於可以跟我家人說其實我真的比某個台大醫科和Johns Hopkins的腦袋好超多 This book contains theories of everything in physics, chemistry, biology, geosciences, economics, and mathematics. 以上這一段話一看就知道是唬爛到了不可思議的地步 Spinnity is a force to drag spacetime to rotate around central mass. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rest mass produces gravity, spinning mass produces spinnity; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ rest charge produces electricity, spinning charge produces magnetism. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lightity is dark energy. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 你在講三小? Photon emitted from galaxy expands the universe acceleratedly via radiation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pressure ^^^^^^^ 宇宙加速膨脹是個未解得大難題,可能宇宙內部是有種排斥力 絕非是什麼光子從星系跑出來,你講這什麼鬼啊 General relativity suggests mass induces spacetime curvature; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 是mass momentum tensor好嗎? mass只是scalar 可見你對最基本General relativity的sense都沒有 charge relativity suggests charge induces spacetime torsion(vortex). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 寫這三小,你找個有torsion spacetime 的例子來讓我們看啊 There is no dark matter, and spiral galaxies (vortex-shaped) are formed due to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 明明就有dark matter的機會高一點,因為愛因斯坦宇宙常數項 and spiral galaxies (vortex-shaped) are formed due to charge relativity which ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ replaces quantum electrodynamics. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 你寫這三小 spiral galaxies are formed due to charge relativity 還有charge relativity replaces quantum electrodynamics. 我不知道你要表達什麼,如果是SR + QM = QED 那charge relativity 只是一小部分 Integrating general relativity, charge relativity, and radiation tensor, we get Grand Unified Field Theory. 亂寫一通 簡直是神經病 這世界上有著名的物理學家支持你我就跟你道歉一萬次 We can also deduct the birth and end of universe. 聽你在唬爛 推給我看啊? Integrating gravitospinnity and electromagnetism, we deduct a determinative ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ atom model and chemical bond theory replacing quantum mechanics. In addition, 你真的連高中生的數量級都忘了了嗎? I propose a new chemical bond theory according to the new atom model. 你去寫給化學家看 Homochirality is due to co-catalysis of L-amino acids and D-sugars. 看不懂 Extinction is due to Milankovitch cycle. Earthquake is caused by radiation release from inner earth which explains Electromagnetism/ionosphere anomaly and intra-tectonic earthquakes replacing plate tectonic earthquake theory. Tornado genesis is related to charge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ relativity. In economics, I propose money conservation and monetary leverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to explain economic bubbles. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 你還挺時髦的可以把最近的話題都扯再一起 In the part of theories of everything in mathmatics, I propose a new Higgs mechanism to desribe Higgs-meson interaction and Strong-light unification to solve the puzzle of Yang-Mills mass gap in QCD. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 既然解決了Yang-Mills mass gap趕快去跟Clay領一百萬美金ok? This book is very important to earthquake prediction and tornado control. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This book is very important to tell us 有人很愛幻想又很愛亂扯一堆無相關的 抱歉英文爛>< Many nuclear plants of Taiwan are located near fault areas. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If huge earthquake happens, it will cause detrimental effect. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ then? 你是馬英九+王金平嗎? 我也希望台北趕快遷都到南投山上,這樣我家才可以翻身 做自己想做的事情 I used several nights and weekends to finish this book without affecting my normal work. 原諒我說一句話 你做這些事情真的是埋沒了你其他的器官了,因為你不是這塊料 但是我有自知之明不會去搞這些東西甚至誤導大眾,你一看就知道沒真正受過物理訓練 如果有女友就天天做愛吧,沒有女友就打手槍真的對你還比較有意義一點 我認為念物理除了運動,尤其需要這方面的發洩來繼續下一段冗長的計算和唸書>< 我大學累了就去游泳,我最幹的遺憾就是沒有動我二個女友><,明明都已經水到渠成了 (還有其實113應該一堆宅男人人有幾百G的X片>?<) I am still most interested in biomedicine. 那你就不要再寫物理了 I will also use my leisure time to advocate this book only because of the new earthquake theory. 原諒我再說規勸您一句話 你做這些事情真的是埋沒了你其他的器官了,因為你我不是這塊料 有女友就天天做愛吧,沒有女友就打手槍真的對你還比較有意義一點 我認為念物理除了運動,尤其需要這方面的發洩來繼續下一段冗長的計算和唸書>< Both biomedicine and earthquake research can save millions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of lives, so I need to perform them concurrently. Show More Show Less ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 其實你沒能力去拯救這麼多蒼生,剛好我需要錢,也認為有機會比你做出來 如果您想贊助我這個對科學有熱情卻還一事無成的人,就我來幫您完成吧 請固定匯款到我個人帳戶一個月一萬即可,我真的會好好珍惜您的贊助努力往這方面走 局號帳號私人信箱給 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Lindemann 來自: (08/13 11:03)

08/13 13:54, , 1F
08/13 13:54, 1F

08/13 15:16, , 2F
08/13 15:16, 2F

08/13 18:11, , 3F
XDD 哎呀呀 ~ 大家都好認真 (GJ !!! XD)
08/13 18:11, 3F

08/13 19:46, , 4F
08/13 19:46, 4F

08/13 23:19, , 5F
他是誰 有懶人包嗎
08/13 23:19, 5F

08/13 23:21, , 6F
08/13 23:21, 6F

08/13 23:40, , 7F
樓上看得真仔細 竟然沒直接end
08/13 23:40, 7F

08/14 05:48, , 8F
真的耶 XDD 我都沒注意到那行
08/14 05:48, 8F

08/14 11:39, , 9F
批得真犀利! 胡本人我算還有幾面之緣 當醫師他確實沒
08/14 11:39, 9F

08/14 11:40, , 10F
問題也很優秀 不過醫科裡的物理訓練是很差的 大概
08/14 11:40, 10F

08/14 11:42, , 11F
胡醫師平常被病人及一些自稱健康專家的人壓迫到不行 因
08/14 11:42, 11F

08/14 11:44, , 12F
08/14 11:44, 12F

08/14 11:46, , 13F
這年頭喔! 就像幾位樓上推文:認真你就已經輸了
08/14 11:46, 13F

08/14 22:08, , 14F
08/14 22:08, 14F

08/14 22:48, , 15F
08/14 22:48, 15F

08/15 05:07, , 16F
08/15 05:07, 16F

08/15 07:55, , 17F
08/15 07:55, 17F

08/16 02:06, , 18F
無論胡本人的理論有多荒謬 這篇從頭到尾只是謾罵
08/16 02:06, 18F

08/16 13:15, , 19F
08/16 13:15, 19F

08/16 13:16, , 20F
08/16 13:16, 20F

08/16 13:18, , 21F
08/16 13:18, 21F

08/16 13:19, , 22F
08/16 13:19, 22F

08/16 15:24, , 23F
08/16 15:24, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1GA6qb51 (Physics)
文章代碼(AID): #1GA6qb51 (Physics)