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看板Phillies作者 (古 典 愛 樂)時間10年前 (2013/09/19 14:23), 編輯推噓19(1902)
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月圓郎團圓 (超強 呆過日據淑代的我爹 居然還記得兔兔的日文是usagi ) 選擇這別具意義的節日 笨孔回來也 \^^/ 各位kiyomi的費迷們 這十幾天過得還不臭吧? 在Ryno的帶領下 戰績看來也不臭 :D~~~ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Halladay wins possible last home game as Phillie September 18, 2013 , Jim Salisbury Roy Halladay was two months into his tenure with the Phillies when he pitched a perfect game against the Florida Marlins on a warm Miami night in May 2010. The image of the triumphant pitcher raising his arms as Juan Castro threw across the diamond to Ryan Howard for the final out is still fresh in the mind. 莎利絲貝瑞 又提起了好樂迪幾年前 對馬林魚的那場 Perfect Game It was difficult not to reflect on Halladay's perfect game Tuesday night. Three-and-a-half seasons after that exhilarating moment, Halladay found himself facing the Marlins once again, only this time at Citizens Bank Park. Times change. Back in May 2010, Halladay was just beginning his time with the Phillies. He is older now. Injuries have taken a toll on his fastball. The euphoria of the perfect game has been replaced with the uneasiness of an uncertain future. 武林人物尊為霸主的 Doc 多年來是極其風光 然而 受到傷痛及老化的摧殘 現在卻也烙到~恐怕明年誰要給他一份大檸檬約 都是個問號 的光景rz And so, there was a very real possibility that Halladay made his final start in home whites for the Phillies on Tuesday night. At least he came away with the win in the Phils' 6-4 victory. 由於接下來剩餘的二次登板 都是客場賽程 在球迷渾然未覺的狀況下 好樂迪"也許"已經投下喏市銀公園的最後一次露面 Q_Q~ Robotic to the end, Halladay said he felt no pangs of nostalgia as he walked off the mound after holding the young Marlins to four hits and a run over six innings. 一如往常的 六局結束後退板 好樂迪表示 他並沒有絲毫的惆悵與不捨 "Honestly, I did not think about that," he said. "It's not out of lack of respect for the fans or anything like that. I just did not think about it. I don't let myself look that far ahead." 坦白說 俺並沒有想到這件事 這不是說對球迷不敬啦 只是偶並沒有想那麼遠哩 The fans didn't think about it that much, either. The announced crowd was 28,872, the second smallest of the season. 球迷幾乎也都渾然不豬 否則 怎麼可能連三萬人都坐不滿 不過 笨孔有個特別的觀點 你想想喔 之前在七月底前 Chase續約 或是交易走 的傳言甚囂塵上 那淑 八月上旬的追追promotion (譬如進場前幾千名 發他的公仔啦 那種促銷活動) 卻沒有被取消 眼尖的記者與球評就說 可見追追肯定會續約... 同理可證 如果GM如本 壓根兒就不想讓好樂迪再留下來 那他 肯定會交代宣傳推廣部 跟 球場管理組 之類的 大肆的宣傳 或有意無意放風聲 ~ 這場可能是好樂迪告別費迷之役 那麼 觀眾人數就絕對不會是兩萬八 肯定四萬五起跳 連站票也賣觀觀 Halladay will be a free agent this offseason. He has struggled since coming back from shoulder surgery in late August. The darting fastball that used to carve up hitters has lost its bite and is less menacing. The void has been filled by a heavy reliance on off-speed stuff, trickery out of the Jamie Moyer handbook. 作者說 年紀大了 子彈愈來愈少的鳥王 開始愈來愈倚重變化球種 復出後 快速球連88都很難催上去rz Halladay would like return to the Phillies next season. It's unclear whether management will offer him the opportunity. He will be 37 in May. There are questions about how much he has left in the tank. 以老闆跟GM的行事作風 ~ 相當的在乎球隊的臉 (也許我們可以說 那是為了售票量而著想 ) 即使有更好的辦法 可以花大錢再打造個黃金rotation 即使 好樂迪的地位 可能會排到Gonzalez的後面~變成第四號 用個便宜約 把好樂迪留下來 也應該不會太意外... "Unfortunately, that's out of my control," Halladay said. "So I'm going to continue to play as hard as I can for the organization and my teammates and hopefully I have a chance to pitch again." "這不是偶能控制的 ... 希望我還有機會(明年再在市銀公園)登板投球..." 笨孔曰 才怪咧 如本一定會問你的意願 你只要回答說 當然好啊 薪水低一點沒關西 偶想在這裡投到退休... 那以如本跟蒙哥馬利的歷史紀錄 他們一定會讓你留下來滴 o(^-^)o "But I can't worry about things that are out of my control." Chase Utley, another aging player who has had his share of injuries, received a contract extension last month. He hopes Halladay gets one. Utley也是年紀大了 先前也是痛痛人 還是順利留下來喏 ... 他希望Halladay也能拿到一紙新約 "It did not dawn on me," Utley said of the possibility that this was Halladay's last start in home whites in Philadelphia. "I hope that's not the case." 啥 最後一役? 這沒有讓偶恍然大悟啦... 偶想應該不會是這麼回事 (且安心) "He's improving. Coming off surgery with a new arm slot, it's something that he has to get used to. It seems like his command is getting better. I'm a true believer that the more reps and the more comfortable he gets with that new arm slot, the stronger he'll get." 追追說 他持續有在進步呀 出手高度有改變 這必須慢慢習慣 不過我們可以感覺得到 他的控球有愈來愈好 俺深信 投得愈多 Doc就會愈習慣愈舒服 也會愈來愈強壯 (球速就會漸漸回來) Halladay did not face a world-beating lineup Tuesday night. The Marlins are young -- four of their nine starters were rookies -- and their offense is terrible. They rank last in the NL in runs per game (3.21), batting average (.231) and OPS (.627). 對馬小魚這場勝投 是好事 但不能過度樂觀 因為我們不應自欺欺人 他們的主將幾乎全部都被交易出去 現在是用全新秀在練兵... Giancarlo Stanton -- a.k.a. Ruben Amaro Jr.'s obsession -- is the only real threat in the Marlins’ lineup. Halladay got him to pop out on a changeup with two men on base to end an uprising in the fifth. 除了 如本魂牽夢縈流口水的 ~ 蔣卡羅。史坦頓 This has become Halladay’s style of pitching -- finesse, lots of off-speed stuff. His best fastball was just 88 mph Tuesday night. Manager Ryne Sandberg was asked if he believed Halladay would continue with this style. "For the rest of September I do," he said. "His stuff has pretty much stayed the same." 剩下的兩場 球速一樣會這麼慢嗎? 桑柏格說 嗯 我想是吧... (難道你會幻想他突然飆回93麥?) And beyond September? "I don't know. That's the unknown," Sandberg said. "You would think that getting these innings under his belt, these games, being healthy, are good signs. It’s hard to tell, but with a normal offseason throwing program, I'd be optimistic that he could gain some velocity." 不過小熊先生說 短時間雖然如此 但是經過冬天好好的休養生息 然後循序鍛鍊 (偶而要去釣釣魚 然後三英戰一下巨蟒 練一下臂力 ccc :D~~~ ) 明年春訓 我很樂觀 他的球速應該會重拾好幾英哩... 略一段... Getting back on a mound less than four months after surgery is a courageous move, but Halladay is not being evaluated on courage. If he were, the Phillies would offer him a five-year extension today. The team had a gaggle of front office types - from Amaro to Pat Gillick, Dallas Green, Marti Wolever and Charley Kerfeld -- at Tuesday night's game. Using cold, clinical evaluation, Amaro and his team of advisers must decide whether Halladay can still consistently get major-league hitters out. 這場比賽 冠蓋雲集 幾乎整個制服組 球探組的高層 全都到齊 用冰冷專業的眼光 在看Halladay明年到底還堪不堪用? They will have two more looks at the pitcher next week, but those starts will come on the road. The home portion of Halladay's season is over and it's fair to wonder if he has thrown his last pitch in Phillies' home whites. 左~左~左右左~的 左樂崎 分析 應該會續 不過也是嚴重傾斜的 激勵式 合約 譬如投滿幾局 多幾萬啦... ERA多少以下 年底再多發幾萬啦... 反正 少囉嗦 如本你要費迷的心嗎? 要的話 就把我們的Doc給留下來! 與其看藍色小精靈的敵人 ~ 約翰藍儂 當第四第五號 三不五時爆爆樂 偶們寧可讓好樂迪 慢慢重拾身手 早日東山再起 費迷們你們說是嗎 \(^▽^)/ -- David Brian Cone Mets KC Jays NYY BOS SP Ht: 6'1" Wt: 190 Bat: L Throw: R Born: 1-2-63 Kansas City YR Team W L ERA IP BB SO 1999.7.18 Perfect Game 94 Royals 16 5 2.94 171.2 54 132 1994 Cy Young Award 98 Yankees 20 7 3.55 207.2 59 209 1998 AL Wins Leader Ttl 14-Year 180 102 3.19 2590.0 985 2420 '90'91'92 StrikeOut King -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/19 14:36, , 1F
09/19 14:36, 1F

09/19 14:36, , 2F
09/19 14:36, 2F

09/19 14:38, , 3F
09/19 14:38, 3F

09/19 15:56, , 4F
09/19 15:56, 4F

09/19 16:29, , 5F
我希望DOC留下來!!!!!!!! 如本別讓費迷失望阿~~~~~~~
09/19 16:29, 5F

09/19 16:47, , 6F
09/19 16:47, 6F

09/19 17:59, , 7F
Doc 留下來吧 ^0^
09/19 17:59, 7F

09/19 19:14, , 8F
doc~ 再簽2年吧!
09/19 19:14, 8F

09/19 19:44, , 9F
09/19 19:44, 9F

09/19 22:20, , 10F
we love Doc, we love Doc, we love Doc, on aime Doc !!
09/19 22:20, 10F

09/19 22:29, , 11F
上海灘添哥 你最近跟法國租界過從甚密 pupu :D~~
09/19 22:29, 11F

09/20 01:44, , 12F
09/20 01:44, 12F

09/20 03:29, , 13F
唉 我倒是希望能夠好好想想費城人如今缺的是什麼
09/20 03:29, 13F

09/20 06:03, , 14F
完全支持版主 和DOC
09/20 06:03, 14F

09/20 08:57, , 15F
09/20 08:57, 15F

09/20 09:33, , 16F
希望能夠好好想想費城人如今缺的是什麼 +1
09/20 09:33, 16F

09/20 11:23, , 17F
希望Doc留下 QQ
09/20 11:23, 17F

09/20 12:59, , 18F
09/20 12:59, 18F

09/20 14:29, , 19F
09/20 14:29, 19F

09/20 23:09, , 20F
09/20 23:09, 20F

09/23 01:02, , 21F
09/23 01:02, 21F
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文章代碼(AID): #1IEfXXH2 (Phillies)