Re: 全國研究生助學金 陳情書 (一封公開信)

看板PhD作者 (l'Erudit)時間18年前 (2005/12/25 14:40), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《gashchou (頭在暈)》之銘言: : 政府的教育經費年年是在往下刪減,雖然有弄一些啥子五年五百億的經費,想要讓一 : 些大學能擠入世界百大,但是整體而言,研究經費並未能增加許多。許多老師們的研 : 究經費也都往下縮減,研究生人數往上增加,如此的經費要如何去幫助研究生能有基 : 本的生活開銷。 Basically, the living cost is actually a personal problem rather than a public issue. There is no relationship between the living cost (whether the government supports or not) and the research quality. Everybody, except babies, got to pay their living cost by themselves. If you go to look at the history, you probably would be surprised that how many great scientists actually struggled in poverty. Of course some of them are rich. Anyway, they all changed this world by their great contributions. What about you? Postgraduates! What are you going to do after getting supports? == For the university management and funding sources, I don't think the current government has so much money can do this. The only way to gather the money is basically to reform the tax rates. This issue has already been discussed in the last few years. The current government also promised to do this as well. However, as all the other non-delivered promises, I cannot expect they will do this by 2008. (We got so many great election runners, rather than great government runners or good managers.) From the other view, the high educational system now has already been twisted to an American style. The universities are now almost independent from the government's control, and, therefore, should not ask more money from the government. Conversely, in the past, like EU, the government ran the universities and, therefore, supported them and controlled them. This is a sort of interest-duty balance. You cannot ask something from nothing. If the universities wants to get supports from the taxpayers, they should be under control of the taxpayers (the government) as well. Else, they should go away, get their own money and manage themselves. The other problem, as I have already stated many times, the national universities have never done good management on their funding. Look at your universities, Do they charge their students for printing? or set a quota for the students? Do they monitor the uses of the Internet? If the answer is yes, has anyone downloading mp3 or whatever got punishment from the university? Have your universities installed auto-controlled switches for saving the power? Have your universities control the uses of telephones for just study purposes? How about the wonderful (and expensive) flat monitors in the central offices? Are they required or more important than your research equipment? Do the lecturers need to pay for their car parking in the campus? ..... Gentlemen, have you noticed we are talking about several billion dollars? Those techniques have already existed in the markets and no longer expensive. Most of the top universities in the world have already done this for ages. Oh, excuse me, gentlemen. I just noticed one they have done: Some of them must have saved a lot of money from the human labour cost by asking their undergraduate students to clean their campus (I should say 'force', because if the students refuse to do this, they cannot get their degrees!) I personally have not yet seen this been done anywhere else in the world. Is that a smart action? Gentlemen. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lerudit 來自: (12/25 19:56)
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