Re: 全國研究生助學金 陳情書 (一封公開信)

看板PhD作者 (默默地做靛靛的看)時間18年前 (2005/12/25 19:14), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串7/79 (看更多)
有沒人 可以列一下 在台北念研究所 一個月的開銷(住宿費+便當錢+...) 和 從學校拿到的助學金 有個數字 就可以 比得 比較清楚 住宿費:5000-6000 (不包刮 住所的網路費+第四台費用+ 很倒楣的沒有抽到宿舍) 吃飯錢:70*3*30=6300 這兩筆只是初估 可以刻苦一點 好歹也要個1.1萬 以台大為例 學校給的,以台大 可能有人拿到的 5000打6折=3000 實驗室 有人 0 有人3000 有人跟的老師比較有錢 6000以上 那大概拿到的錢 6000吧 以上 當然是我就以我目前所看到的大概 有人過的可以比以上好 但我想也有人過的比以上不好 以上支出和收入來比 能有很多人當全職的學生嗎? 當研究生的人沒當過家教的人有多少, 沒打過工的人有多少 對一學生開源的方式 兼家教是很普遍的 當然花在研究的時間和心思也少了 我不介意學校究竟給學生多少 但是 學生逐年多收 學校給的學生的錢竟然還要打折 ><" ※ 引述《lerudit (l'Erudit)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《gashchou (頭在暈)》之銘言: : : 政府的教育經費年年是在往下刪減,雖然有弄一些啥子五年五百億的經費,想要讓一 : : 些大學能擠入世界百大,但是整體而言,研究經費並未能增加許多。許多老師們的研 : : 究經費也都往下縮減,研究生人數往上增加,如此的經費要如何去幫助研究生能有基 : : 本的生活開銷。 : Basically, the living cost is actually a personal problem rather than a public : issue. There is no relationship between the living cost (whether the government : supports or not) and the research quality. : Everybody, except babies, got to pay their living cost by themselves. : If you go to look at the history, : you probably would be surprised that how many great scientists actually : struggled in poverty. Of course some of them are rich. : Anyway, they all changed this world by their great contributions. : What about you? Postgraduates! What are you going to do after getting supports? : Also, from the name of the money; that is a sort of charity! : Is anyone going to protest for getting more charity money?! : Com'on, Postgraduates! What are you doing? : == : For the university management and funding sources, : I don't think the current government has so much money can do this. : The only way to gather the money is basically to reform the tax rates. : This issue has already been discussed in the last few years. : The current government also promised to do this as well. : However, as all the other non-delivered promises, : I cannot expect they will do this by 2008. : (We got so many great election runners, rather than great government runners : or good managers.) : From the other view, the high educational system now has already been twisted : to an American style. The universities are now almost independent from the : government's control, and, therefore, should not ask more money from the : government. Conversely, in the past, like EU, the government ran the : universities and, therefore, supported them and controlled them. : This is a sort of interest-duty balance. You cannot ask something from nothing. : If the universities wants to get supports from the taxpayers, they should : be under control of the taxpayers (the government) as well. : Else, they should go away, get their own money and manage themselves. : The other problem, as I have already stated many times, the national : universities have never done good management on their funding. : Look at your universities, : Do they charge their students for printing? or set a quota for the students? : Do they monitor the uses of the Internet? If the answer is yes, has anyone : downloading mp3 or whatever got punishment from the university? : Have your universities installed auto-controlled switches for saving the power? : Have your universities control the uses of telephones for just study purposes? : How about the wonderful (and expensive) flat monitors in the central offices? : Are they required or more important than your research equipment? : Do the lecturers need to pay for their car parking in the campus? : ..... : Gentlemen, have you noticed we are talking about several billion dollars? : Those techniques have already existed in the markets and no longer expensive. : Most of the top universities in the world have already done this for ages. : Oh, excuse me, gentlemen. I just noticed one they have done: : Some of them must have saved a lot of money from the human labour cost by : asking their undergraduate students to clean their campus (I should say 'force', : because if the students refuse to do this, they cannot get their degrees!) : I personally have not yet seen this been done anywhere else in the world. : Is that a smart action? Gentlemen. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/25 19:58, , 1F
So what? Is that the taxpayers' problem?
12/25 19:58, 1F

12/25 20:24, , 2F
You want a master degree. you pay the cost. that's all
12/25 20:24, 2F

12/29 17:17, , 3F
I agree with lerudit
12/29 17:17, 3F
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