Re: [EU4 ] patch 1.2 change list (理念&其他)

看板Paradox作者 (幼稚小鬼)時間10年前 (2013/09/24 19:01), 編輯推噓5(506)
留言11則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1.2: Changes to Ideas 理念相關 Plutocracy 財閥理念組 (共和限定的軍事理念) Abolished Serdom is now +10% land morale instead of +0.25 Land Morale "廢除農奴制"從加0.25陸軍士氣改為+10%陸軍士氣 (以後陸軍士氣只要高過3就會加的比現在多了) Innovativeness 創新理念組 Patron of the art now only reduces prestige decay by 1% instead of 2%. "提供藝術贊助"給予的 抵銷威望衰減改為1%(從2%) Diplomatic 外交理念組 Lost adaptability and gained War Cabinet, reducing cost of WE reduction by 33%. 刪除"適應性"理念(移動到內政)並增加"戰時內閣"理念 降低厭戰的成本減少33% Defensive 防禦理念組 Military Drill now gives +25% Land Morale, instead of +0.5 Land Morale "軍事訓練"理念從增加0.5陸軍士氣改為增加25%陸軍士氣 (一樣士氣達到3時會加的比現在多) Improved Foraging nerfed to -25% land attrition. "強化補給"理念 減少的陸軍損耗 改為25%(從50%) Economic 經濟理念組 Finisher changed from enabling inflation reduction to 33% cheaper inflation reduction. 完成理念組的獎勵從"開放抵銷通膨功能"改為"抵銷通膨成本減少33%" Naval 海軍理念組 Superior Seamanship now gives +25% Naval Morale instead of +0.5 Naval Morale "高級航海術"理念從加0.5海軍士氣改為加25%海軍士氣 Grand Navy nerfed down to +50% force limits. "大海軍主義" 額外海軍上限改為+50%(從+100%) Quantity 數量理念組 Mass Army is now the first idea. "大陸軍主義"理念成為該組第一個理念 Administrative 行政理念組 Bookkeeping is now 4th idea & Organised mercenaries is 3rd. "記賬"(貸款利息-1)成為該組第四個理念 "組織傭兵"(僱傭兵費用-25%)成為該組第三個理念 Lost War Cabinet and gained Adaptability as 2nd idea reducing coring cost by 25%. 移除"戰時內閣"(移動到外交) 增加"適應性"(造核成本-25%)為該組第二個理念 Resilient State is no longer spy defence, but reduces inflation cost by 10%. "靈活政府"不再增加間諜防禦 而是減少 降低通膨成本10% 1.2: Misc Changes 其他雜項 Governments 政府 - Horde government is now only 50% manpower and 50% forcelimits "部落"型態政府擁有-50%人力和-50%軍隊上限的減成 - Religious governments no longer get a -1 stability for having their ruler die. "政教合一"型態政府在君主死亡時不再-1穩定度 Advisors 顧問 - Natural Scientists now give +10% production efficiency. "自然科學家"改為增加10%工業效率(原本是-10%行政科技成本) - Grand Captain now gives +10% cheaper maintenance. "大元帥"改為減少10%軍隊維持費(原本是+0.3士氣) - Naval Reformer now gives +10% navy morale. "海軍改革家" 改為+10%海軍士氣(原本是-10%外交科技成本) - Army Reformer now gives +10% army morale. "陸軍改革家"改為+10%陸軍士氣(原本是-10%軍事科技成本) 總結:顧問減科技成本的功能全部移除 Holy Roman Empire 神聖羅馬帝國 - Holy Roman Emperor will no longer receive a imperial authority hit if it refuses to join a war started by a member state that is also allied with the Emperor. 神羅成員攻擊皇帝的同盟時 皇帝拒絕神羅成員的支援請求不再減少帝國權威 - You can now add provinces to the empire, if they border a seazone bordering the empire. 現在即使省份被海域隔開時 你仍然能把對岸的省份加入到帝國中 - When the emperor is refused by a country in Revoke the Privilegia, he now gets claims on all their formelry HRE provinces. 當"撤銷成員特權"(倒數第二個帝國提議)被通過時 有成員國拒絕該項提案(因此會脫 離帝國)神羅皇帝得到對該國所有原帝國所屬省份的宣稱 - Revoke the Privilegia no longer causes a war. "撤銷成員特權"不再導致戰爭 - Can no longer start a war with HRE if you are allied to the Emperor and the Emperor is fighting a war that has not gone on for at least two months 當皇帝結束一場戰爭後兩個月內 皇帝的同盟不能對神羅成員發動戰爭 - Enemy and Heretic status is now severe drawbacks to elector decisions, not blockers. 帝國的敵人及異教國家現在只對選候國造成負面觀感而非完全不能參選皇帝 - HRE provinces taken from non HRE members are no longer considered 'unlawful' 從非神羅成員國手中得到一塊神羅省份時不會變成"非法領土" - Grant electorate can now be done after 1650. 現在1650年后也可以進行"授予選候資格"了 - imperial influence is now reset if a reform is revoked. 帝國改革被撤銷時也會造成帝國影響重新計算 Rebels 叛軍 - Fixed an exploit where you could greatly reduce the power of rebels by having weak units selected for your army 叛軍的軍種不再根據你所選用的軍種了 所以你不能在預計要爆叛軍時把先鋒步兵改為長弓兵來輕鬆戡亂 - Revoltrisk from foreign rebel support now scales with the support given, and the revoltrisk scales with support_rebels ideas. 對他國進行"支持叛軍"所花費的經費現在也會影響叛變發生率 同時"間諜理念組"的"+33%支持叛軍效率"亦同 - Doubled effect and cost of harsh treatment "殘酷鎮壓"效果和花費成本通通加倍 - Lollards now dissapear when you negotiate with them. "羅拉德派叛軍"會在你與他們溝通後消失了 - Religious rebels will now convert every province they take 宗教叛軍會轉化所佔領省份的宗教 - Religious rebels will only convert a country's religion if the they represent the dominant religion 現在宗教叛軍必須在把大部分省份都轉為他們的宗教後才會使該國國教轉換 - Religious rebels of a non-dominant religion give a heretic tolerance modifier on enforce 宗教叛軍佔領省份後會給予該省"宗教容忍" - Non-pagan religious rebels can now negotiate/enforce religious conversion if dominant religion 非原始宗教叛軍轉化大部分省份宗教后 可以與之談判/接受宗教轉變 - Rebels now break a country when they occupy more then half of your provinces 叛軍佔領超過半數省份後會使國家崩潰 - Rebels now prefer to defect provinces to independent countries 叛軍更傾向叛逃省份給其他國家 Lucky Nations 幸運國家 - Exported historical-lucky to a scriptfile, so modders can now have what they want in their mods. MOD製作者現在可以在文件裡指定他們想要的國家成為幸運國家了 - Lucky nation bonus on monarch stats are now +1 instead of +2. 幸運國家的君主能力加成從+2改為+1 (我就知道那些國家老是跑出5566的國王一定有鬼) - The player should now never be set as lucky 玩家再也不會被認定為幸運國家 - Lucky nations no longer changes when a nation is annexed 有國家被併吞時不再造成幸運國家改變 Misc 雜項 - It is no longer possible to westernise while overextended. 有過度擴張時不能西化 - Rebalanced prestige dramatically, its now harder to get capped. 大幅度的改變威望的增加/衰減 讓威望不再那麼容易封頂了 - Non-existent countries will no longer bump down your score. 被消滅的國家不會再把你從排行榜上擠下來 - Fixed an exploit where you could run an endless amount of colonies at no cost 修正一個BUG讓你不能在無限的免費製造殖民地 - When changing country tags, a country will now always get the culture group union setting of the tag they change to 現在國家變身時 必定會把文化群組加到主流文化裡了 - Tweaked AI/Player bonuses 修正一些 電腦/玩家的加成 - Moving capital to another continent is only possible if you only have one province on that continent. 你必須在同一塊大陸裡沒有其他省份時才能把你的首都搬到另一塊大陸去 (大洋洲首都 掰) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/24 20:13, , 1F
09/24 20:13, 1F

09/24 20:15, , 2F
選取單位那邊是 原本叛軍會根據你選的兵種出現
09/24 20:15, 2F

09/24 20:16, , 3F
所以你選個men at arms 燃後叛軍爆發再改回火槍單位
09/24 20:16, 3F

09/24 20:16, , 4F
09/24 20:16, 4F

09/24 20:16, , 5F
部落原本是各加100%的樣子? 現在nerf一半?
09/24 20:16, 5F
目前部落沒有對人力和軍隊上限的加成 所以最新的改動應該是把上述兩者都削弱 ※ 編輯: shirman 來自: (09/24 21:12) ※ 編輯: shirman 來自: (09/24 21:15)

09/24 22:23, , 6F
09/24 22:23, 6F

09/24 23:32, , 7F
蠻多國家都有特殊理念了 美帝第一個理念無視宗教懲罰...
09/24 23:32, 7F

09/25 12:36, , 8F
09/25 12:36, 8F

09/25 12:43, , 9F
09/25 12:43, 9F

09/25 22:56, , 10F
1.0 一開始鍋子(喀山)汗國和金帳汗國
09/25 22:56, 10F

09/25 22:56, , 11F
09/25 22:56, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1IGN48Jd (Paradox)