[情報] Overwatch Beta Patch Notes–February 9

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http://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20742184292 只能玩onlywatch的人 翻譯很奇怪請見諒 新遊戲模式:控制 以下不翻 New Game Mode: Control In this update, we’re introducing a brand new game mode: Control. On Control maps, two teams fight over a series of objective areas in a best-of-three format. When a team is in control of the round’s objective area, they will make progress toward capturing it, and whichever team gets to 100% first wins the round. Each round (up to 3 total) will feature a new objective area located in a different part of the map. Two Control maps are currently available for testing: Lijiang Tower and Nepal. New Control Map: Lijiang Tower Lijiang Tower was built in the heart of a modern Chinese metropolis, its busy streets lined with stores, gardens, restaurants, and famous night markets, where foods from around the region are available at all hours. The tower itself is home to one of the leading companies in China’s state-of-the-art space industry, Lucheng Interstellar, an organization with a long pioneering history that is currently pushing the boundaries of space exploration. New Control Map: Nepal Years ago, a group of omnic robots experienced what they described as a spiritual awakening. They abandoned their preprogrammed lives to establish a monastery high in the Himalayas of Nepal, where like-minded omnics could gather to meditate on the nature of their existence. Led by their spiritual leader, Tekhartha Mondatta, they took over the ruins of an ancient monastery and turned it into the home of the Shambali, a place where omnics and humans alike make pilgrimages in the hopes of finding a greater truth. 新遊戲模式:玩家 vs AI 能單排或組隊進入 6v6 新特色:玩家進度 玩對戰或對抗AI會提升等級,升級會得到loot box,裡面包含造型 表情 噴漆等等 一般 Private Games Private Game 被重新命名為 Custom Game 玩家能右鍵點擊好友邀請進入自訂遊戲 玩家能在自訂遊戲中設定以下內容 地圖地圖: 地圖輪替 (隨機,指定幾張圖,單一地圖) 回到大廳 (永不,一場對戰後,一場攻守方後) 玩家能選擇會出現哪些地圖 在自訂遊戲中 英雄選項: 重複英雄上限 (無上限,一隊一名,一隊二名,兩邊只能一名,兩邊只能兩名) Role Selection Limit (None, 2 of Each Role Per Team) 這看不懂 允許換角 (On, Off) 重生後隨機選角 (On, Off) 玩家能選擇哪些英雄不能使用 在自訂遊戲中 遊戲選項: 玩家能將自訂遊戲設定為前哨戰 玩家能自訂下列數值:生命,傷害,回復,大決充能速度,重生速度,技能冷卻 玩家能顯示/不顯示下列選項:造型,生命條,Kill Cam, Kill Feed, Headshots Only 隊伍選項: 隊伍平衡 (自動, 關) 隊伍平衡在__之後 (一場對戰, 一場攻守方) 自訂遊戲AI改進: 玩家可加入AI隊友 玩家可選擇要對抗哪種AI對手 玩家能設定每個AI不同的難度 AI能在所有模式中行動 以下不翻 Several small quality-of-life changes have been made to Custom Game spectating Scrolling the Mouse Wheel will now zoom you in and out of third-person view When spectating in third-person, right-clicking will now detach the camera at its current location The third-person camera will now orient based on where the spectated player is aiming Miscellaneous A new work-in-progress Training mode has been added: the Practice Range A new work-in-progress profile system has been added (under “Career Profile” ) Initial support for AMD Crossfire and NVIDIA SLI has been added Jeff Kaplan’s beard progression has been reset 英雄平衡 一般 治療效果能夠治療護盾 拳擊會暫停武器回復時間 (不知道是不是裝填) 換彈會在裝彈動作中間即完成,而非跑完裝彈動作才完成 以下戰鬥中視覺效果調整: 敵方技能的顏色應該更清楚 數把武器的槍口閃光已調整 以下戰鬥中音效調整: 當靠近間接治療(例如paylord,路西歐的治療)會有更明顯的提示 當攻擊無敵玩家時會有更明顯的提示 爆炸聲會有更明顯的提示 大決充能條(全英雄) 當玩家受到傷害不再增加大決充能 現在所有玩家會隨時間慢慢增加大決充能 因為以上改變,一些英雄的大決消耗重新調整 開發者備註:大意是之前的系統會讓玩家不去攻擊"被治療中"的玩家 堡壘機兵 基礎生命增加50裝甲 (現在是200hp/100裝甲) 機動模式: 初始不擴圈,最大擴圈變大10%,擴圈恢復變快 哨衛模式: 解除哨衛模式的變形時間從1秒變0.5秒 現在能360度旋轉 擴圈減少20% 裝彈時間從2.5秒變2秒 傷害降低33% 獲得額外300裝甲 正面護頓移除 從背後攻擊堡壘機兵會造成3倍傷害 自我修復: 現在每秒修復25%血量 開發者備註:之前的堡壘機兵對新玩家太強,但對熟練玩家又太弱 D.Va 當D.Va從機甲上被打下來時不再有無敵時間 防護力場 範圍變小約50% 防護區域更加錐形而非圓柱型 開發者備註:太多隻豬肉在場時實在太難打,所以nerf他 半藏 散射箭散射更加固定 音波箭射在移動目標會跟著移動 大決龍魂擊在引導中能夠轉頭 慈悲 守護天使(飛向隊友那招) 現在能飛向死掉隊友的位置 復活 消耗減少25%(集大決更快) 詠唱時間從1.5秒變1秒 範圍從40米變15米 詠唱中不再鎖定目標(可以轉頭的意思?) 開發者備註:不管怎翻語意都不順就不翻了 Mercy is a very strong support hero with a very strong Ultimate, so it’s no surprise that many teams consider her mandatory. We don’t want any hero—or any hero ability—to feel like an “auto pick.” Our goal with these changes is to tone down Resurrect by allowing opponents to counter it, but still make sure it can feel game-changing. 法拉 當法拉在不能走的地方漂浮時不再補充噴射背包充能 萊因哈特 地裂擊 傷害降低50% 扇形寬度降低40% 在施放地裂擊時能夠轉頭 在施放地震擊時免疫札莉雅大決(之前會被吸住敲在空中,現在會敲地上) 攔路豬 鉤子的昏迷時間稍微增加,以讓網速慢的能順利連技 士兵76 重型脈衝步槍 新增加的準心 增加遠程傷害遞減 擴圈立即恢復,而不是在一小段延遲之後 擴圈現在有一個曲線,在前幾發更準確,後面連發時則降低 開發者備註:修正後會給76更好的體驗,但怕遠程狙擊太強所以增加了遠程衰減 辛梅塔 辛梅塔的砲台打在護盾上不再增加大決充能 傳送器 大決消耗降低40% 當傳送器啟動中不再增加大決充能 開發者備註:以後辛梅塔得到第一個傳送器更快,並且對手破壞後不會被立刻開啟而沮喪 托比昂 托比昂的砲塔打在護盾上不再增加大決充能 碎塊 最大碎塊獲得量為200,原本100 撿取地上降低為20,原本30 現在地上碎塊會有提示 鉚釘槍 左鍵 傷害提高25% 射速降低20% 右鍵 傷害增加50% 射速降低33% 在近距離有傷害衰減 現在為投射物 設置砲塔 現在蓋砲台不需要碎塊而且設置更快 等級一砲塔 傷害增加15% 血量從250變150 等級二砲塔 傷害增加15% 血量從425變300 沒有大決時無法建造等級三砲塔 等級三砲塔 傷害增加15% 射速增加25% 血量從600變800 火箭發射器傷害降低50%但現在一次發射4發 射速降低33% 爆炸範圍降低40% 火箭發射器不再擊退 裝甲強化包 冷卻時間移除 增加裝甲從50變75 敵方不會顯示 爐心超載(大決) 不再補滿碎塊 不再使護甲包免消耗 能在移動中施放 會自動使等級二砲塔變等級三砲塔(大決結束後也會降回等級二砲塔) 開發者備註:跟堡壘機兵一樣,對新手太強大不過對高手又太弱,所以將他普攻加強 ,加強前二級砲塔傷害,降低砲塔血量,大決連結等級三砲塔 後面ui就先不翻 USER INTERFACE: General The game's Main, Social, and Options menus have been redesigned Game Options Gameplay An "Always Skip Kill Cam" option has been added A "Kill Feed Display" option has been added Sound Volume sliders have been added for Music, Sound Effects, and Voice Chat In-Game UI Scoreboard Scoreboard statistics have been reworked for all heroes Social Features Commendations New commendations have been added for several heroes Players can no longer receive more than one commendation during end-of-round voting Voice Chat An on-screen notification will now appear when players are speaking in other channels BUG FIXES: General Having a controller connected no longer prevents menu navigation Made improvements to how the game handles widow creation and transitions between Fullscreen and Windowed modes Maps Performance improvements have been made for all maps (most significantly on Numbani) Player collision improvements have been made across all maps Heroes Interrupting Hanzo’s bow draw should no longer prevent the bow from being re-drawn if Mouse Button 1 is still held down Junkrat’s RIP-Tire should no longer fall through sloped surfaces Reinhardt’s Fire Strike damage can no longer be calculated as a headshot against an enemy player -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/OverWatch/M.1455085688.A.DA5.html
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