Re: [情報] Mobley+Bardley for Doug Cristie!! D …

看板Orl-Magic作者 (地底漫遊人)時間19年前 (2005/01/12 20:10), 編輯推噓3(300)
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※ 引述《EddieGriffin (RileyYangfan)》之銘言: : 讓我們繼續來聽聽球員們、教練、總管的心聲 先不論這筆交易面的利益是正向還是負向 光是從球員的心理面看來就已經輸掉一大半了 首先當然是SF的態度,他說的也沒錯 你既然都知道他會跳脫合約,然後把他交易過來 那幹麻又要把他交易出去? 在來是文章裡大家反感的--宣布的時間 球賽前半小時 當Mobley還在研讀資料想要怎麼對付塞爾提克的時候,突然有人走過來說 "今天你不用打了,你以後就是國王隊的球員了" 誰會覺得這沒什麼大不了的 尤其是這又是一個先斬後奏的行為 讓球員不僅感到錯愕,更是氣憤 想當然爾,在30分鐘後跳球的那一剎那,勝負已經分出來了 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "我想史蒂夫他不會在意的.雖然我知道他是一個性情中人,但是我們也知道我們幫球 隊爭取了最大的利益"Weisbrod這麼說 從這句官腔,不要說SF本人了,哪一個人看了不會覺得火大 一個GM可以不關心球員,但是你絕對不能表現出不關心球員的樣子 "我們也相當的清楚,交易掉Mobley是一件相當可惜且遺憾的事情,但是我們球隊上確實 有一些存在的問題需要補強" 同樣都是官腔,試問哪一句聽了會讓人舒服些 當然是後者 前者充分的表現出:沒差啦,我只是為了球隊好;至於球員的心情,那是啥?能吃嗎?? GM常常為所欲為的囂張 但是絕對不能把囂張的樣子表現出來 正是為了不讓球員和球迷過於反感 經營籃球隊不是玩NBA live 把每個有很能力的球員組成一隊,就會變的很強勢,在遊戲裡當然是如此 因為不用考慮到,這幾個球員間的化學反應式是劇烈還是緩和 自然就不會出現T-mac,Carter擺爛 Kobe和Shaq搞不好的情形 很顯然的,Weisbrod把這次的交易當作是在玩遊戲 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 防守,一切都是為了防守 好吧,你嘴巴上那麼說 那試問哪個有眼睛的人看不出來,魔術的防守出現漏洞,不是因為戰術呆版? 對手的教練難道都不知道,要擊敗魔術隊,要用的是利落的導球,導出三分外線的空檔? Stan Van Gundy知道 Tomjanovich知道 D'antoni也知道 所以魔術這幾場球輸,都是輸在第四節被導出空檔,連續三分球 如果球員個人防守好就可以補足這種問題 那球隊需要教練做什麼? 好吧!我知道GM總有他的理由 不說第二個原因沒關係 6月球隊總戰績出來以後 Weisbrod是不是在玩他的NBA live,答案將會相當的明顯 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 以下純個人猜測 Weisbrod知道球隊防守不好,但是球隊並不缺乏防守人才 因此我覺得,他是不願意開除Davis才這麼做的 不論是他和Davis有掛勾 還是故意把戰績搞爛後,直接再開革Davis 但是補進防守大將絕對不是增進一個防守戰術出問題的球隊首先需要動作 以上... 因為這幾天作期末報告一個人做整組...搞的太晚都沒啥睡...現在頭很昏沉 如果以上有語意不清,語無倫次,鳥語花香...阿不是...總之...請多多包含 看來我該去睡覺了...大家晚安...(仆床) :,1,1540710.story : ?coll=orl-sports-headlines : : No heart, no focus, no victory : A lethargic Magic squad is outplayed from the tip-off in a 119-101 defeat to : the Celtics. : By Brian Schmitz | Sentinel Staff Writer : Posted January 11, 2005 : BOSTON -- Orlando Magic guard Steve Francis questioned not only the trading : of Cuttino Mobley, his teammate and best friend, but the timing of the deal. : Coach Johnny Davis delivered the stunning news shortly before tip-off Monday : night in their dressing room, rendering any pregame motivational speech : useless. : The Magic (18-15) were shaken psychologically and rocked emotionally, the : sudden loss of Mobley leading to a 119-101 loss to the Boston Celtics at the : Fleet Center. : Orlando dealt Mobley, its starting shooting guard, and reserve center Michael : Bradley, to the Sacramento Kings for defensive-minded veteran Doug Christie. : An emotional powder-keg, Francis conceded that "mentally, I wasn't into it" : and proceeded to blast Magic management after the abrupt end of Orlando's : three-game winning streak. : "It was hard for me to play. He's my brother," Francis said. "I still 饥 : can't believe it." : Francis didn't mention him by name, but his anger and disappointment was : directed at Magic General Manager John Weisbrod. : "Be professional. ... Management should be professional. You don't wait 30 : minutes before the game to tell us something like that," Francis said. : "First of all, they shouldn't have traded him. Why would you try to break : something that wasn't broke?" : Weisbrod said the trade was made to help the Magic's defense, which could : have used Christie the way the Celtics were scoring. : But Mobley also was going to exercise an option in his contact and become a : free agent this offseason, forcing the club to decide whether to re-sign him : to a lucrative long-term deal or risk losing him. Weisbrod elected to receive : compensation immediately and acquired Christie, 34, rather than pay Mobley, : 29, an estimated $7 million to $8 million over six or seven years. : Weisbrod expected an emotional reaction from Francis, who wears his heart on : his sleeve and wore Mobley's No. 5 wristband in tribute. : "I think Steve will be fine," Weisbrod said. "I knew he'd be emotional. But : it's my belief that they know we did it in the best interest of the team." : Francis had played his entire career with Mobley, beginning with the Houston : Rockets in the 1999-2000 season. The two guards, along with center Kelvin : Cato, arrived from the Rockets in a blockbuster deal involving Tracy McGrady. : "What? You trade him because he was going to be a free agent and you didn't : want to pay him?" Francis said. "You knew that when you traded for him. Why : did you trade for him then?" : Other Magic players wondered about Weisbrod's timing, but Davis said, : "Sometimes the timing of these things can't be orchestrated and you just have : to handle it, which we did not do a good job of tonight." : Mobley had no idea an hour before tip-off he wasn't heading to the Magic's : next game in Minnesota, as he was reviewing film of the Celtics. Minutes : later, he was told of the pending deal and was held out of the game. Asked : about the timing, Cato said, "They couldn't have done that another day?" : "The timing wasn't good," forward Pat Garrity said. "Focus is such a delicate : thing. When something like that is introduced in the locker room before the : game it's tough. As teammates, we have a bond and you go out there and start : thinking about other things." : The Magic didn't have defense on their minds. After posting three consecutive : defensive efforts worthy of framing, they fell behind 22-6 in the opening : period. Francis played only four minutes of the first quarter, took one shot : and was scoreless. : The game was mirroring Boston's 117-101 bludgeoning of Orlando on Nov. 29 at : TD Waterhouse Centre. The Celtics (16-19) aren't known for their defense, : either, and the Magic crept back in, trimming the lead to six to start the : second period. : But Boston went on a 14-0 scoring run, stretched the lead to 21 and it was : essentially over at halftime. The Magic fell behind by as many as 30 points : in the final period. : Francis played just 27 minutes and finished with 18 points. : Rookie Jameer Nelson led Orlando in scoring with a career-high 19 points and : added six assists. : "I felt when we started the game we weren't mentally ready to compete," Davis : said. : "Obviously there was a lot of disappointment because Cuttino has been with : some guys six, seven years. The team is close, and it was like losing someone : who was very close to them." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 01/12, , 1F
我覺得說的好...推.... 01/12, 1F 01/12, , 2F 01/12, 2F 01/13, , 3F
的確,我們防守該檢討的應是教練,而非球員 01/13, 3F
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