Re: 國際新聞對世運的報導

看板Olympics_ISG作者 (名為森林的小酒館)時間15年前 (2009/07/28 14:48), 編輯推噓14(1404)
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GlobalPost, 一個位於波士頓的新興媒體。 這篇報導寫的不錯, 記者本身有來台灣採訪, 評論蠻中肯的,以下翻譯前半段跟大家分享, 做為我個人紀念2009高雄世運的方式。 (翻譯的方式採鄉民式@@, 有翻錯的地方,歡迎補充指正,謝謝大家。) KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan — China snubbed the opening ceremony. A tropical storm forced the canoe polo indoors. And female Brazilian athletes scandalized Taiwan by going topless on a local beach. 高雄,台灣報導 中國刻意未參與開幕儀式。 颱風迫使輕艇水球在室內舉行。 巴西女性運動員在當地海灘上空引發騷動。 (其實是獎勵到場看球的鄉民 XD) But aside from those hiccups, the World Games 2009 — an obscure sporting event run under the patronage of the Olympic Committee but featuring non-Olympic sports — was celebrated in a closing ceremony Sunday as a smashing success. 除了上述這些小瑕疵, 2009世運會因為巨大的成功,在星期天的閉幕式中被慶祝。 世運會-一個在國際奧委會支援下,以非奧運項目的運動為特色,較不著名的運動事件 。 "The 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung have been the best games ever!" said a punchy International World Games Association president Ron Froelich to a screaming crowd Sunday night. 星期天晚上,IWGA主席朗佛契對尖叫的觀眾說:"2009高雄世運是有史以來最好的世運!" This year's games had an especially apt setting. Taiwan, the island-nation that craves greater recognition, played host to 31 sports that are fighting for more respect (korfball, fistball, ultimate frisbee). 今年的世運有個特別適當的背景(主辦國)。 台灣,一個渴望更多認同的島國, 對31項努力獲得更多尊重的運動,扮演地主國的角色。 (台灣跟世運,一起努力爭取世界更多的尊重 @@) Sure, it's easy to ridicule a sports event that features competitive "canoe polo" and "artistic roller-skating." But the athletes showed just as much heart as Olympians. And for sheer entertainment value (and novelty), I'll take the World Games. 當然,去嘲笑一個以輕艇水球與花式滑輪溜冰的運動事件事很容易的。 但是,運動員展現出與奧林匹克運動員相同的用心與熱情。 而且,就全然的娛樂價值而言,我會選擇世運。 (我也認為運動項目並無高低之分,運動員對練習的投入, 跟在競賽過程中展現出來的運動家精神,都是一樣的。@@) The Russians came out on top in Kaohsiung, grabbing 18 golds and 47 medals total — compared to the U.S. haul of 13 (26 overall). Italy and China followed Russia in the gold medal count. 俄國在這屆世運拔得頭籌。 Iraq sent one jujitsu athlete who failed to get a medal; ditto the Pakistani beach handball team. 伊拉克派了一位柔術的運動員,不過未能得牌。 巴基斯坦的沙灘手球也是一樣。 One of the Games' mottos, "The World is Watching," was clearly an overstatement (or wishful thinking — no U.S. broadcaster picked up the Games). But for those few who were tuned in, the Games were a quirky, down-to-earth answer to the over-hyped and security-choked Olympics. 本屆世運的標語之一,"世界正在看"是一項過度的聲明(也許應該說是主辦單位的期望)- 沒有美國的媒體轉播世運。 但是對於其他觀賞者來說,世運對於過度宣傳擴大與因債務窒息的奧運, 是一個多變的,踏實的答案。 Overall, Taiwan did a great job as host. Japanese architect Toyo Ito's sci-fi, serpentine Main Stadium got rave reviews, and was truly stunning at night — though it was too bad the Games couldn't make more use of the venue (it hosted the opening and closing ceremonies, ultimate frisbee and rugby). 總體來說,台灣做為一個地主國,成功的完成了他的工作。 日本建築師伊藤豐雄的主場館獲得極大的好評, 而且在夜裡確實令人讚嘆--- 不過很可惜,世運不能更進一步的運用主場館。(僅用於開閉幕、飛盤及橄欖球) The opening ceremony featured some brilliant creative touches, while avoiding the bombast of last year's ceremony in Beijing. Temple gods rolled into the stadium on neon-lit scooters, in a combination of traditional and contemporary Taiwan. Later, a phalanx of middle-aged "shiqu mama" — community moms, who can be seen doing evening exercises in parks across Taiwan — danced to a throbbing techno beat. 開幕式具有ㄧ些燦爛、有創造力的觸動, 同時避免去年北京奧運開幕式的誇大。 廟會眾神騎著霓虹閃爍的摩托車滑進會場, 結合傳統與當代的台灣。 接著,一群在全台灣四處可見做著晚間運動的中年社區媽媽, 隨著耀動的電音節拍舞動。 Taiwan was more than prepared to handle the media. At many venues' media centers, volunteers far outnumbered journalists, and security guards would wander in to snatch up all the uneaten snacks. The Taiwanese themselves gave their typical good-humored, humble welcome to foreigners. 台灣也對媒體做好完全的準備。 在許多場地的媒體中心, 志工數量遠超過記者, 安全警衛徘徊進來並拿取所有未吃的點心。 (警衛這句我抓不太到意思, 感覺好像是說我們用很多點心招待媒體朋友, 然後吃不完這樣嗎 ? = =" ) 台灣人展現出他們典型的好脾氣、幽默感與謙卑來歡迎外國朋友。 (感謝這次高雄及全國鄉民的熱情參與,讓台灣能夠花光花熱 台灣鄉親就是熱情~~~ XDDD) "We're still not good enough to compare with the Americans and Australians," taxi driver Tsou Ching-kun said, complaining about Taiwan's athletes. At one subway station, a worker made my day by asking, "Are you an athlete?" Nearby, a young Taiwanese girl tried out a korfball net they'd put up at the station. 計程車司機Tsou Ching-kun 抱怨台灣的選手說, 我們與美國人與澳洲人相比仍不夠好。 (台灣人比較謙虛,要低調一點 XD) 在捷運站,一個工人問我是不是運動選手,讓我心裡暗爽。 附近,一個年輕台灣女孩試著碰觸設於捷運站內的Korfball的網子。 "We felt it was time to let Chinese Taipei (the name Taiwan is forced to use in international sporting events, due to China's objections to recognizing it as a state) show that they have the ability to bring an international event of this level to Chinese Taipei," said International World Games Association president Ron Froelich, at one press conference. IWGA的主席朗佛契在一個記者會中說: "我們覺得是時候讓中華台北 (台灣被強迫在國際運動事件中使用的名稱,歸因於中國拒絕承認台灣是一個國家) 表現出他們有能力來承擔這個層級的國際活動。 (在很多場合不能被稱為中華民國或台灣、不能拿國旗, 都是因為被打壓,這不應該是常態。 這本來是只用於奧會的奧會模式,後來不斷被中國擴張。 我希望政府能努力改變這個被打壓的狀態, 而不是總是自我審查,看到中國人就自己亂撤國旗, 再怎樣的善意跟和諧,也不應該這樣做 @@。) Later, asked about China's no-show at the opening ceremony, a clearly frustrated Froelich told me, "I was sad that China deprived its athletes of the chance to meet with other athletes." 隨後,被問到關於中國沒有出席開幕式, 明顯受挫的佛朗契告訴我: "我感到很難過,中國剝奪了他的運動員與其他國家的運動員交流的機會。" (這邊說得很好,不參加,可憐的是中國選手) "I've told the Chinese myself, 'How can you do that?'" he said. China never explained its boycott, though observers speculated it had to do with Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou's presence to kick off the ceremony, or fears of the behavior of pro-independence Taiwanese spectators. “我已經親自告訴中國,你怎麼能夠做出這種事?”佛朗契說。 中國從未解釋他的杯葛, 雖然觀察家推測,隨著總統 馬英九的出席宣布開幕, 或害怕支持台灣獨立觀眾的行為,中國必須這麼做。 (朗主席有Guts,讚!) At the closing ceremony, Kaohsiung mayor Chen Chu trumpeted Taiwan's freedoms, in an indirect jab at authoritarian China. "We're a democratic country, so you can see flags of all colors here in this stadium," she said. In the stands, spectators waved green-and-white flags with the word "Taiwan" in English (green is the color of the pro-independence party here) — a display sure to set Chinese nationalists' teeth on edge. But for the most part, politics stayed on the sidelines as the Games' sports — including the oddball ones — took the stage. Below, a few highlights and explanations from the Games. 在閉幕式,高雄市長花媽,大力宣揚台灣的自由, 用間接的方式偷酸中共當局 ”我們是一個民主國家,所以你可以看到各種顏色的旗幟在場中飄揚”。 看台觀眾揮舞著綠白相間,寫有TAIWAN的旗幟(綠色在本地是民進黨的顏色), 這樣的展示可能會讓中國國民黨員氣得牙癢癢。 不過,就大部分而言,政治在世運中謹守分際而未喧賓奪主。 接下來是關於ㄧ些世運的特寫與解說。 ------接下來他有介紹ㄧ些運動,很多說明都不錯, 就交給其他有興趣的朋友幫忙翻譯分享好了 @@------ 最後,身為ㄧ個觀眾,藉這個機會, 感謝所有世運的工作人員、志工 以及參與世運選手及熱情的觀眾。 2009高雄世運是我有生以來所看過, 最感動人心的大型運動會, 謝謝大家讓我有ㄧ個美好的回憶 @@。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/28 14:49, , 1F
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※ 編輯: lebois 來自: (07/28 14:50) ※ 編輯: lebois 來自: (07/28 14:51)

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※ 編輯: lebois 來自: (07/28 15:00)

07/28 15:01, , 4F
謝翻譯 這篇前面文章有連結了
07/28 15:01, 4F

07/28 15:06, , 5F
翻譯得很好 氣得牙癢癢!XD
07/28 15:06, 5F

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willyt:轉錄至看板 Kaohsiung 07/28 15:47

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'How can you do that?!!!!
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