Re: [DOYS]'The Shock of the Lighting' 首播 ! !

看板Oasis作者 (gas panic!)時間16年前 (2008/08/16 01:00), 編輯推噓14(14010)
留言24則, 12人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
※ 引述《kane316 (gas panic!)》之銘言: : i'm over my heart's desire : i feel cold, but i'm back in the fire : outta control but i'm tied up tight : come in, come out tonight : coming up in the early morning : i feel love in the shock of the lightning : i'll follow into the blinding light : come in, come out, come in, come out tonight : love is a time machine : up on the silver screen : it's all in my mind : love is a litany : a magical mystery : all in good time : and all in good time : all in good time : i got my feet on the street but i can't stop flying : my head's in the clouds but at least i'm trying : outta control but i'm tied up tight : come in, come out tonight : there's a hole in the ground into which i'm falling : so god speed to the sound of the pounding : i'm all in to the blinding light : come in, come out, come in, come out tonight : love is a time machine : up on the silver screen : it's all in my mind : love is a litany : a magical mystery : all in good time : and all in good time : all in good time : it's all in my mind : love is a time machine : up on the silver screen : but all in good time : and all in good time : all in good time : 錯過剛剛BBC或是XFM廣播的人 : 可以到下面線上聽完整版本!! : : 有需要高音質版本的板友再推文低調分享! 有將單曲下載到電腦的板友們 可以將整曲'倒轉'聽聽看 會聽到意想不到的東西 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/16 01:02, , 1F
感謝 316 分享:DDDDDDDD(託你福FD我也聽得好爽!!!!)
08/16 01:02, 1F

08/16 01:07, , 2F
感謝 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
08/16 01:07, 2F

08/16 01:29, , 3F 週末低調放送:單曲高音質版(2G流量)
08/16 01:29, 3F

08/16 01:34, , 4F
08/16 01:34, 4F

08/16 01:35, , 5F
哦晚睡的鳥兒有蟲吃:DDDDD 316最高!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08/16 01:35, 5F

08/16 01:59, , 6F
316 分享當然要推的啦!! 316最高!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08/16 01:59, 6F

08/16 03:47, , 7F
今遍片唱片行買不到單曲 太感謝了 還以為心情沒法好轉
08/16 03:47, 7F

08/16 03:47, , 8F
08/16 03:47, 8F

08/16 04:23, , 9F
08/16 04:23, 9F

08/16 07:20, , 10F
08/16 07:20, 10F

08/16 07:24, , 11F
08/16 07:24, 11F

08/16 07:24, , 12F
一大早聽 Liam 唱的 TSOTL 真好耶:D 充滿了活力!
08/16 07:24, 12F

08/16 07:29, , 13F
08/16 07:29, 13F

08/16 14:52, , 14F
The download limit has been reached for this file. Please
08/16 14:52, 14F

08/16 14:52, , 15F
contact the sender and ask them to resend the file.
08/16 14:52, 15F

08/16 15:14, , 16F
To skyoasis: 單曲要9/29上架,你太早去了啦XD
08/16 15:14, 16F

08/16 15:23, , 17F
To Aqoo: yousendit 空間有限大家反應熱烈已經爆了:P
08/16 15:23, 17F

08/16 18:45, , 18F
可以再po一次連結嗎 我沒下載到 嗚嗚T^T~
08/16 18:45, 18F

08/16 21:45, , 19F
想要下載的板友可以用估狗就可以找到了^^ 不過不知道是
08/16 21:45, 19F

08/16 21:45, , 20F
不是 HQ 版本:P
08/16 21:45, 20F

08/16 22:06, , 21F
有哪位可以分享ㄧ下嗎 拜託了~>"<
08/16 22:06, 21F

08/19 04:11, , 22F
08/19 04:11, 22F

08/20 23:25, , 23F
08/20 23:25, 23F

06/24 21:18, , 24F
06/24 21:18, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #18fROrl_ (Oasis)
文章代碼(AID): #18fROrl_ (Oasis)