[討論] C18第五名賽後訪談

看板NextTopModel作者 (趙泰坦)時間12年前 (2012/05/18 16:50), 編輯推噓41(41026)
留言67則, 33人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文網址:http://tinyurl.com/72blml2 30-NEVER/50-FOREVER的訪談出來囉,英文不太好,翻譯錯的地方再請各位幫忙指正囉:) -- Q: What was your initial reaction to getting eliminated? 問:知道自己被淘汰時,妳一開始的反應是什麼? Eboni: In the moment when I got eliminated I was disappointed of course. I had come so far, I could see the finish line, and I was almost there. But after I thought about it, the fact that I could see the finish line in itself was amazing. Coming so far and having so many girls, you know, there’s three girls left in the house now. Coming that far is a huge accomplishment in itself. So after the dust settled and the emotions cleared, I really felt proud of coming that far. Eboni:得知自己被淘汰的當下,我當然很失望。畢竟已經走了那麼遠,幾乎看得到終點, 就快要到達了。但思考過後,能看到終點線的本身就已經很了不起了;走了那麼遠,周遭 又有那麼多的參賽者,你知道,現在房裡還剩下三個參賽者,能拼到這個位置已經是很大 的成就了。所以塵埃落定,我的心情也平復時,我就真正開始為自己的表現感到驕傲了。 Q: Why did you struggle with the 30 Never branding? 問:妳為什麼對於「青春永駐」這個品牌如此掙扎呢? Eboni: I feel like sometimes the expectations the judges had for me led to some of the criticism that I got during panel, and it caused me to overthink a lot on my shoots and I think you can see that on my face. On the Hello Kitty week [Cycle 18, Episode 8: “Georgina Chapman”], they were saying, “Oh she looks confused.” And it’s like, I am confused! I’m overthinking this brand that I’m trying to portray, I’m not sure why, I’m just overthinking it. And it caused me to struggle a little bit during panel, and it caused me to struggle during the challenges. Eboni:我覺得有時候評審對我的期待會招來我在評審環節中的一些批判,這些批評造成我 拍照時想太多,觀眾都可以在我的表情上發現這個情形;像是在Hello Kitty照時,她們會 說:「她看起來一臉困惑。」,是啊,我的確很困惑,因為我對於如何表現出我的品牌這 件事上面想太多了,我嘗試著想要帶出自己的品牌感;我不知道是為什麼,但我就是想太 多。而這最終造成我在評審環節時的掙扎,也造成我在接受挑戰時感到掙扎。 Eboni: For example, when we went to the Dorchester Hotel, that panel Kelly [Cutrone] said, “Oh Eboni, you’re disrespecting the judges by not wearing your ponytails to the casting.” Well I go on castings quite frequently. I model outside of the show, I was modeling before the show, and never has my agent ever told me that it was okay to wear my hair in ponytails. And I feel like if I did wear my hair in ponytails they’d send me home laughing at me. So with that inner conflict, and what I’ve learned being in the industry and the conflict between what I’ve learned from castings in the industry and what was being told to me on the show, I feel like it caused me to struggle internally and it kind of came out in the work that I produced on the show. Eboni:舉例來說,當我們前往Dorchester旅館時,石凱莉說:「Eboni,妳為什麼來應徵 沒有綁馬尾?妳這樣是對評審意見的不尊重。」,我常常去應徵工作,我在節目外也有從 事模特兒工作,我在參賽前就已經從事模特兒工作了,從來沒有任何一家經紀公司跟我提 過可以綁馬尾;我覺得:如果我綁著馬尾去應徵,會被對方取笑並趕回家去。所以我內在 有些衝突,我在這行飯裡學到的、我在模特兒行業的應徵中所學到的和在節目上接收到的 指示之間的衝突,這些衝突造成我內心的掙扎,於是我在節目中的表現多少就反映出了我 的掙扎。 Q: What would you have branded yourself? 問:妳會怎麼樣去塑造自己的品牌呢? Eboni: I don’t think I would brand myself. I think branding puts you in a box. I don’t think Tyra has branded herself, because Tyra is one of the most versatile models, that’s ever been in the industry. And she’s done, from Vogue to Victoria’s Secret, from Seventeen magazine, she can be sexy, she can be high fashion and I think it’s kind of interesting that she chose to brand us, when that’s what she did without a brand it kind of got her to where... the things that she’s achieved in her career. Eboni:我不覺得我會為自己樹立品牌,我覺得品牌會限制住一個人。我也不覺得泰嬤有為 自己樹立品牌,因為她其實是業界最多面化的模特兒之一,從Voque、Victoria's Secret 到Seventeen雜誌都有她的蹤影,她可以性感也可以時尚;所以我覺得她決定要為我們打造 品牌是件很耐人尋味的事,她自己本身就是因為沒有品牌限制才能達到現在的成就 Q: Why do you think you and Laura fought so much? 問:為什麼妳會覺得自己跟Laura之間有很大的紛爭? Eboni: I wouldn’t call it... I don’t think me and Laura fought because fighting goes two ways. I didn’t really retaliate or say anything to her. The episode where her teddy bear’s ear got ripped off, you see me sitting there rubbing her hand, rubbing her hair. I like Laura and I have compassion for Laura. And I sat there for hours trying to comfort Laura when that happened and somehow, something happened, the shift happened, her emotions towards me changed, and I’m not sure why, and I think there was a lot of confusion. That’s why you see that scene before we leave for Macau, sitting in the bathroom and you see me ask Laura, “Why don’t you like me?” And she goes, “Oh well you’re vain, you can be so vain sometimes, you’re a bitch.” And I don’t see the vanity. [I don’t see where] there’s a point in the show where I’m like, “I’m the greatest.” You don’t see me in the mirror or things like that, and even if I was vain, I don’t see why Laura would hate me for that, call me a bitch, tell me I need to go home. I feel like that’s a personal internal battle that she’s fighting that has nothing to do with me. Eboni:嗯…我不會把它定義成紛爭,我不覺得我跟Laura之間有紛爭,畢竟紛爭是雙方的 事,但我並沒有真的去報復或對她說任何話。在Laura的泰迪熊耳朵被撕開的那一集,你們 可以看到我坐在旁邊摸著她的手、摸著她的頭髮,我很喜歡而且同情Laura的遭遇,我坐在 那邊數個小時想要安撫她當下的情緒;但曾幾何時,事情發生了,有些轉變了,她對我的 情緒改變了,我不知道為什麼,我對整件事也感到一團霧水。這也就是為什麼觀眾會看到 我們要出發前往澳門的那一天,我坐在浴室裡問Laura:「妳為什麼不喜歡我?」,而她回 答:「因為妳很自戀,妳有時候會顯得很自大,妳完全是個婊子。」;但我看不到我一點 讓人覺得自負,我甚至沒有表現過像是「我是最強的!」之類的狀況,妳也沒看到我在鏡 子裡或之類的自戀行為;就算我真的自負好了,我也不清楚這到底哪一點招惹到Laura,讓 她恨我、覺得我該回家。我個人是覺得那是Laura本身內在的戰鬥,而那場戰爭跟我一點關 聯都沒有。 Q: Who do you think will win? 問:妳覺得誰會是最後贏家? Eboni: If I had to pick one person to win, I think it’s between Sophie and Laura just because I feel like Annaliese, she’s a great model, don’t get me wrong, but she’s a presenter. And she’s using the competition as a stepping stone, which most of us are, but we’re using it as a stepping stone to launch our modeling careers, whereas she’s just using it to launch her presenting career. So I think the other two models would benefit more from the prizes that are being offered for us. As far as Sophie and Laura, I think Sophie deserves it a little bit more than Laura. She said constantly throughout the competition how much she wanted it, and I just think she has a better attitude and outlook on the competition and just on modeling in general. Eboni:如果必須要挑一個冠軍,我想是Sophie或Laura其中之一,因為我覺得Annaliese, 別誤會,她是個優秀的模特兒,但她是個主持人,她參加比賽只是為了做為她的墊腳石, 當然我們都是,但我們是為了往自己的模特兒職涯前進,而她是為了自己的主持人生涯邁 進。所以我想另外兩名參賽者比較能從這次比賽的獎勵中獲益。至於Sophie和Laura之間, 我覺得Sophie又比Laura更值得贏得冠軍一點,她在比賽中始終如一地表示她想要獲勝,而 我覺得Sophie對於模特兒圈來說,她的態度和前景是比較好的。 Q: Did Annaliese tell you that she was just using ANTM to be a presenter? 問:Annaliese有跟妳們說過,她參加ANTM是為了主持事業嗎? Eboni: Yeah, that’s something that she’s said on the show. She said, “I’m not the best model here, I want to present, I’m a presenter.” And then Kelly Cutrone has said it. I think Annaliese has made it very clear that that’s what she wants to do and that’s fine. I think that’s great. And I think that this is an amazing opportunity for her, I’m just looking at the prizes,the contract with NY Models. If you’re going to be a presenter you don’t need to be with NY Models, you need to be with a talent agency. Eboni:是啊,這是她在節目上提到過的。她說:「我不是這場比賽最棒的模特兒,我想要 主持,我是個主持人。」,石凱莉也這樣說。我想,Annaliese很清楚自己的目標,這是很 好的。我想這場比賽對她而言是很棒的機會,但我只覺得這些比賽的獎勵、與紐約模特兒 公司的經紀約,如果妳真的想成為主持人,那妳其實不需要進入紐約模特兒經紀公司,妳 應該找份藝人經紀約。 Q: Did you think new judge Kelly Cutrone was fair? 問:妳覺得新評審石凱莉是公正的嗎? Eboni: I think she was fair and realistic, and based on the amount of work that she’s done and the amount of runway shows that she’s produced and the people she knows, I think she’s very knowledgeable and I think she’s not afraid to share that knowledge or sugarcoat it or make it seem like something that it’s not. There were a couple of opportunities where I got to talk to Kelly off- camera and just get to understand what she’s saying, where she’s coming from. Because there’s a slight difference between what is shown on camera and what is shown off-camera, and I feel like her intentions are great and her expectations are high, and when we don’t meet those expectations that’s when there’s a problem. But she knows what the industry is looking for, and she knows the standards that we need to hit in order to be in this industry. Eboni:我覺得她是公正而且實際的人,基於她達成了那麼多的成就,製作過那麼多場時尚 秀,人脈又那麼廣;我想她是很有知識,也毫不避諱去分享她在這一行的知識,不會為那 些事實裹上任何糖衣,或讓那些事情失真。節目外,我有過一些機會去和石凱莉聊天,去 瞭解她所說的話,以及她的來由;銀幕前後的狀況真的是有些差距的,我認知到的她,意 圖是好的、標準是高的,當我們達不到那些標準時,問題就來了;但她瞭解這個行業真正 要的是什麼,也知道我們要吃這行飯,必須達到的標準在哪裡。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/18 16:53, , 1F
05/18 16:53, 1F

05/18 16:55, , 2F
05/18 16:55, 2F

05/18 17:03, , 3F
05/18 17:03, 3F

05/18 17:22, , 4F
Eboni跟節目呈現的超好多喔 剪輯真的太可怕了
05/18 17:22, 4F

05/18 17:26, , 5F
Eboni說話很有內容欸! Titan大翻譯的好也有差XD
05/18 17:26, 5F

05/18 17:27, , 6F
05/18 17:27, 6F

05/18 17:30, , 7F
05/18 17:30, 7F

05/18 17:31, , 8F
05/18 17:31, 8F

05/18 17:46, , 9F
05/18 17:46, 9F

05/18 17:54, , 10F
05/18 17:54, 10F

05/18 18:03, , 11F
05/18 18:03, 11F

05/18 18:04, , 12F
05/18 18:04, 12F

05/18 18:59, , 13F
Eboni的訪談加分呀!!!L真的謎樣 但她的照還是很合我胃口
05/18 18:59, 13F

05/18 19:14, , 14F
我有點懂了 Eboni被laura這樣對待 一定很失望
05/18 19:14, 14F

05/18 19:15, , 15F
05/18 19:15, 15F

05/18 19:26, , 16F
05/18 19:26, 16F

05/18 19:26, , 17F
05/18 19:26, 17F

05/18 20:27, , 18F
05/18 20:27, 18F

05/18 20:34, , 19F
看完報導可以推論蘇菲不sneaky嗎XD 因為她從頭到尾都想贏XD
05/18 20:34, 19F

05/18 20:35, , 20F
05/18 20:35, 20F

05/18 21:53, , 21F
加分+1 這季好多人都是被剪接害死..我還上當
05/18 21:53, 21F

05/18 21:54, , 22F
05/18 21:54, 22F

05/18 22:08, , 23F
05/18 22:08, 23F

05/18 22:26, , 24F
Laura真的有病 難怪我第一眼看到他就不愛了
05/18 22:26, 24F

05/18 22:48, , 25F
品牌那段真是太中肯 一連串訪談看下來 Queen Az Eboni
05/18 22:48, 25F

05/18 22:49, , 26F
05/18 22:49, 26F

05/18 22:52, , 27F
Eboni真的不適合這個稱號 然後Kyle也不是next door型的..
05/18 22:52, 27F

05/18 22:52, , 28F
05/18 22:52, 28F

05/18 22:56, , 29F
05/18 22:56, 29F

05/18 22:56, , 30F
05/18 22:56, 30F

05/18 22:57, , 31F
想當初泰嬤第一季不是要又可以ㄟ機 又可以拍牙膏廣告的?
05/18 22:57, 31F

05/18 23:29, , 32F
05/18 23:29, 32F

05/18 23:29, , 33F
05/18 23:29, 33F

05/18 23:30, , 34F
05/18 23:30, 34F

05/18 23:31, , 35F
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05/18 23:31, , 36F
05/18 23:31, 36F

05/18 23:31, , 37F
05/18 23:31, 37F

05/18 23:32, , 38F
還我15 16的品質
05/18 23:32, 38F

05/18 23:32, , 39F
05/18 23:32, 39F

05/19 00:24, , 40F
eboni未來假若都能呈現楓糖照的水準 前途不可限量
05/19 00:24, 40F

05/19 01:31, , 41F
05/19 01:31, 41F

05/19 01:32, , 42F
05/19 01:32, 42F

05/19 07:56, , 43F
Eboni大加分> <
05/19 07:56, 43F

05/19 09:14, , 44F
05/19 09:14, 44F

05/19 11:04, , 45F
05/19 11:04, 45F

05/19 11:04, , 46F
05/19 11:04, 46F

05/19 11:32, , 47F
05/19 11:32, 47F

05/19 11:54, , 48F
如果以後來辦個"最有印象的mv部分討論" 真的會想到她...
05/19 11:54, 48F

05/19 18:53, , 49F
HI! I'm Kyle. I smile from miles!
05/19 18:53, 49F

05/19 19:07, , 50F
05/19 19:07, 50F

05/19 20:06, , 51F
05/19 20:06, 51F

05/19 20:06, , 52F
至於Kyle則是隔壁的女孩 沒有半點model樣
05/19 20:06, 52F

05/19 20:41, , 53F
但我覺得Kyle的臉很HF耶= =
05/19 20:41, 53F

05/19 20:59, , 54F
雖然我很不想這麼說 我剛開始也覺得kyle來這裡幹嘛
05/19 20:59, 54F

05/19 20:59, , 55F
但後來真的覺得他有一點實力 但個人覺得沒到hf
05/19 20:59, 55F

05/19 23:25, , 56F
Kyle照片除了車子 3D外其他都偏冏 但名次都意外的高
05/19 23:25, 56F

05/19 23:26, , 57F
05/19 23:26, 57F

05/19 23:27, , 58F
05/19 23:27, 58F

05/19 23:29, , 59F
提到Kyle就一定要說她的大改造真是有夠糟糕 同Eboni
05/19 23:29, 59F

05/19 23:30, , 60F
說高估也還好 這季一堆怪照片...她的算好了
05/19 23:30, 60F

05/19 23:30, , 61F
05/19 23:30, 61F

05/19 23:31, , 62F
那劉海髮色是很可愛啦 但根本fashion不起來
05/19 23:31, 62F

05/19 23:39, , 63F
05/19 23:39, 63F

05/20 00:03, , 64F
kyle沒有災難性的作品 (mv算嗎XD)
05/20 00:03, 64F

05/20 15:25, , 65F
Hi I'm Kyle~~~~~~~~~~~~~XD
05/20 15:25, 65F

05/22 11:36, , 66F
我還蠻喜歡Kyle的 因為臉長才要有瀏海吧 可惜都1號表情
05/22 11:36, 66F

05/22 14:44, , 67F
這季最喜歡就Kyle跟Az 結果連兩周 冏
05/22 14:44, 67F
文章代碼(AID): #1FjWrizz (NextTopModel)