[新聞]The Big Interview: Rafael Nadal-譯完

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The Big Interview: Rafael Nadal April 23,2006 原文出處 : http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/article708386.ece The 19-year-old who is the only serious challenger to Roger Federer says his success is a family affair, writes Alison Kervin 到大家都在PO Nadal的童年,想到之前在wiki相關看到的新聞,所以就PO上來了 Monaco in springtime, and the world’s best tennis players are out in force, scattered across the clay courts of the Monte Carlo Country Club and filing past well-dressed, heavily bejewelled Cote d’Azur spectators. Monaco現在是春天,許多世界上最好的網球選手分散到Monte Carlo Country 網球俱樂部 的各個紅土球場去,而走進了一隊衣著華麗的蔚藍海岸的遊客們。 (編按:這位記者想說的我不懂 XDD Cote d’Azur查到是蔚藍海岸,所以就當成美麗的錯 誤吧 (遮住耳朵 不聽我不聽)) Andy Murray scuttles by, tentatively signing autographs before being led off to the locker room. Juan Carlos Ferrero stands tall, smiling and making small talk with the youngsters who have gathered around him and hover somewhere down by his knees. They reach up with their scraps of paper and tournament programmes, waving pens at him and shouting their names. Andy Murray在小跑步跑到自己的衣物櫃之前,暫時幫球迷簽名。Juan Carlos Ferrero 站得高高得,向著這些聚在他身邊大約只到他膝蓋緊張的小球迷們笑談著。這些小小球迷 們舉著他們手上的碎紙跟賽事節目單,在他面前揮著手大叫著自己的名字希望蚊子簽名。 (編按心得:Q_Q 多麼和藹帥氣的蚊子,有種一家和樂的感覺 (誤) XDD) But the real action is taking place on the court opposite us, where the stand shakes with the delight of hundreds of eager supporters. Only this court is bursting with fans as they jostle for seats. The cheers ring out into the chilly mid-afternoon sky: “Rafa, Rafa, Rafa.” 但是在我們對面的球場看臺正因為數以百計的高興的熱切支持者而被撼動著。只有這個球 場擠滿著搶觀看位置的球迷們。他們在冷颼颼的傍晚熱情的向天空喊著"Rafa!Rafa!Rafa!" The stand is overflowing, so I am ushered courtside to watch Rafael Nadal conduct his training session. His coach Toni, who is also his paternal uncle, approaches the court at the same time, his shoulder heavy with the weight of half-a-dozen rackets. He smiles and shakes my hand. “Welcome,” he says. I’ m told it is the only English word he knows. 那個看臺已經人滿為患了,所以記者被引導到場邊觀看Nadal自己安排的網球訓練。他的 教練同時也是他的叔叔 Toni背著半打的球拍也走到場邊。Toni叔叔笑著和記者握手。 Toni 叔叔說"歡迎",記者被告知這是Toni唯一知道的英文單字。 (編按心得:Toni叔叔你也太可愛了吧,只靠Welcome就想走天下嗎?) Standing on court while the world No 2 plies his trade is a rare treat. The colossal speed of the ball and the unnerving accuracy of every shot are there in all their glory. Their impact is exacerbated by proximity. It is all breathtaking. The 19-year-old from Majorca fires heavily spun forehands across the net with such power that it is hard to see most of them coming. What must it feel like to face these balls? And this is only a practice session. 在場邊觀看世界排名第二的選手做著他日常的練習是一個稀有的享受。那些驚人的球速、 令人害怕的擊球準確率簡直是一種榮耀。當球更靠近場邊時,球迷更加激動難以自制。 這一切美得足以奪走人們的呼吸。這個來自Majorca的19歲選手熱愛強烈上旋的正手拍, 使得球強勁到過網後難以看見大部份球的來向。誰將要在場邊面對這些球?更別提這 僅僅是一個網球練習而已。(編按心得:我也想在場邊被Shock然後狂尖叫啊~~~) Nadal adjusts his headband as his admirers adjust their binoculars. Like a rock star reaching for a microphone, there are screams of appreciation as he moves to flick the ball expertly on to the face of his racket and send it thundering over the net. 當Nadal調整他的頭帶時,他的愛慕者也跟著移動他們的視線。就像搖滾明星靠近麥克風 時會引來尖叫聲一般,這些愛慕者在Nadal準確的揮拍擊球過網時發出了欣賞的尖叫聲。 (編按心得:頭帶果然是重點之一啊 XDD) Nadal had a tremendous year in 2005, and, despite injury at the end of it, is seen as the only man likely to challenge Roger Federer, the world No 1, in the immediate future. The fact that he plays with similar flair and excitement to Federer has earned him fans worldwide. There are fists pumping and leaps of elation with every point scored. Nadal在2005年有著驚人的成績,雖然在年末的時候受著傷病困擾,他仍然被視為目前唯 一最有可能在不久的將來挑戰現今世界第一的Roger Federer。(編按心得:這是2006年 的報導) Nadal打球時特別的天賦及跟Federer打球時帶給人們的刺激興奮替他贏得遍佈 全世界的球迷。在精彩的每一分來回之間有著打出好球的振臂歡呼及高興興奮的跳躍。 (編按心得:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fist_pump 新單字Get XDD 糟糕,我覺得我翻不出記者要的感覺耶 = " = 我的英文太弱了 Sorry) Then there are the clothes. The Capri-length shorts that have been the subject of much mocking on phone-ins and websites across America. The citrus-coloured shirts that have ranged from an arresting orange to a stunning lime green. The curly, jaw-length hair, held back by a flat, wide alice band that owes more to the style of Doris Day than John McEnroe. 接著是Nadal獨特的衣著。七分褲一直是在美國扣應節目中及網站中被嘲笑的穿法。 那些醒目的亮橘色及驚人的萊姆綠色的櫬衫。那長及下巴的捲髮被一個平寬的頭帶 繫在腦後,這種綁著頭帶的習慣與其說像是John McEnroe倒不如說偏向Doris Day 的特色。 (編按心得;John McEnroe的介紹:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McEnroe 小編我出生的晚,只看過這位大人物的名字,當看到wiki上的照片時,還是不懂啥叫 John McEnroe的風格,心裡還在想,他需要頭帶嗎? (不要打我,我是無心的) 所以下面提供 http://0rz.tw/9e4rQ http://0rz.tw/c54ol http://0rz.tw/914oS Doris day的介紹:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doris_Day 記者說的是這種的嗎? http://0rz.tw/7c4mJ 還是這個? http://0rz.tw/134ng 如果豆子戴這種的 http://0rz.tw/7a4n4 我一定會笑死 天啊 我到底在想什麼 (我很懷疑我找錯了,可是我找不到Doris Day其它頭帶照 = =請高手好心人提供) Headvand 也叫 Alice Band :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headband 又是新單字 XD) But what Nadal lacks in sartorial judgment, he more than makes up for on court, with his slashing topspin forehand and fancy footwork. Well-judged shot after shot skids to within millimetres of the baseline, while the supporters stand three deep beside the stand, mesmerised. 也許Nadal缺少了對於穿著的時尚感,但是他在場上的強烈上旋正拍以及需高度技巧的 跑動替他增色許多。在底線後幾釐米的位置球拍滑行擊中球,這樣精準的揮拍過程使 得在站臺旁的支持者們都深深著迷。 Nadal is the only man to have beaten Federer this year. With every match, he grows more accustomed to the physical, emotional and mental demands of life as a tennis professional. The energy-sapping clay-court season has just begun. At its climax is the French Open at the end of next month, followed by grass and the Stella Artois and Wimbledon. Nadal是今年唯一一個擊敗過Federer的人。每經過一場比賽,Nadal漸漸習慣在生活中 達到一個網球職業選手該有的身體上、情緒上、心理上的要求。消耗大量精力的紅土 賽季才剛剛開始。紅土賽季的最高潮就在下個月底的法網,緊接著是草地賽事及女王 草地網球賽跟溫布頓錦標賽。 (編按心得:Physical我很想翻肉體,可是一定會被說.......... = =) “Rafa, Rafa, Rafa,” they shout as he continues his practice, apparently oblivious to the furore he is causing all around. They coo when he fiddles with his hair, and as he dances around the court, leaping, prancing and twirling through his warm-up, their eyes never leave him. 當Nadal在練習時很明顯地引起周遭的騷動,他們令人印象深刻的持續叫著"Rafa!Rafa! Rafa!" 在Nadal用手指整理自己的頭髮時,他們竊竊私語低聲討論著。當Nadal在場上 跑動、跳躍時,Nadal在暖身轉體時,他們的眼睛都沒有離開他。 “It’s crazier than this in Spain,” says Benito Perez-Barbadillo, an ATP Tour representative as well as being Nadal’s confidant and sometime translator. “There, he’s treated like Ronaldo.” He says pictures of Nadal sell out as soon as they go on sale in Spain. And it is not just in Europe. Perez-Barbadillo remembers walking through New York City with Nadal. “We were on 90th Street or something, miles away from the centre.” They went to step through the doors of a building when a large, rough-looking man stopped them in their tracks. “Hey,” he cried out, aggressively. “You Rafael Nadal? Nice to meet you, man.” Benito Perez-Barbadillo 是ATP中Nadal信任的代理人,有時也會幫Nadal翻譯,他說 "在西班牙,支持者比現在更瘋狂。在那邊他就像Ronaldo一樣。"他說Nadal的照片一 開始販賣就快速賣光。而且不只是在歐洲,他記得跟Nadal一起走在紐約的街頭。他說 "我們就在離中心幾英哩遠的90街或者某一條街上。" 當他們正要走進一棟大樓的門口 時,有個高大長相粗獷的男子停下來擋在他們的面前。那個男子說"嗨,你是Rafael Nadal嗎?" 他激動到哭了出來,一邊說著 "真高興能夠遇到你!" (編按心得:糟,在Nadal面前哭已經有人用過了,還有那一招可以讓他印象深刻?) IT IS 8PM NOW, and Nadal has returned to the hotel. He was on the practice court for 10 hours, but feels that he didn’t do quite enough. When the rain delayed his second session, he headed inside while the fans stayed outside, awaiting his return beneath umbrellas, afraid to give up their seats for fear of losing them. Such was the demand to watch the young man from Manacor practise in the rain. 現在是晚上八點,而Nadal才剛回到旅館。他在練習場已經練了10個小時了,但他似乎 仍然覺得練習得不夠。當雨打斷延誤Nadal第二部份的練習時,當Nadal在屋裡等待 著雨停時,屋外的球迷們在傘下等著Nadal回來練習,深怕一旦離開就會失去他們觀看 Nadal練習的好位置。這些在雨中等待的球迷們期盼著能看到這位來自Manacor的年輕人 練習網球。 “It was too dark to play any more,” says Nadal, still musing on his lost court time as he lounges across a sofa, eating crisps as fast as he can move his hand to his mouth. He requests a bottle of Coca-Cola “with a straw” and sucks thirstily until it is quickly gone. He requests another. He looks like a teenager now — about a quarter of the age of the rock star tennis player on court No 8 earlier. Nadal說"這真的是太黑了,沒辦法再練習了。"懶洋洋地躺在沙發上,一邊快速地吃著薯 片,仍然在想著他少掉的練習時間。(編按:原來是我偷懶,早知道應該先翻前面的,豆 豆從一開始被採訪就開始吃吃喝喝的了。XD)他要求了一罐"附吸管"的可樂,而且就像渴 到不行一般快速的把整罐吸完。然後又要了另一罐。(編按:XDD 你是在練習十秒內喝完 一罐可樂嗎?)現在他看起來像是個年輕人─ 大概比剛剛那個在第八球場練習時像搖滾 明星般的網球選手年輕多了。(編按:這部份前面還有一點內容 Orz,球迷在他練習時一 直喊著Rafa, Rafa, Rafa) “This is nice,” he says with a smile, still shovelling crisps with staggering speed. “I am a simple boy, really. I like simple things. I like fishing on a boat. I like being with my family. And . . .” he smiles at the empty bowl “. . . and I like crisps.” Nadal帶著笑容說"這樣很棒"一邊以驚人的速度吃著薯片"我真的是一個簡單的男孩,我 喜歡簡單的事情。我喜歡在船上釣魚,我喜歡跟家人在一起,而且.." 他一邊指著空碗說 "而且我喜歡薯片。" (編按:大家快寄蚵仔煎口味給Nadal試試啊,台灣美食耶 XDD) Today the simple boy from a simple place, with simple likes, will take on a simply monstrous task. Nadal plays Federer in the final of the Monte Carlo Masters, to defend his title. With a victory over the Swiss player in Dubai under his belt, Nadal has some psychological advantage for which to reach as he approaches the match, but he knows how far ahead of the pack Federer is: “ Look at his points. He is the No 1. That is all there is to say. He is there to be beaten.” The Spaniard admits to watching the video of his victory over Federer before leaving for Monaco, to give him the “lift” of knowing that he could beat the world’s best player. 今天這個來自簡單的地方,有著簡單的喜好的簡單的男孩,有一個簡單又巨大困難的任務 。Nadal必須在Monte Carlo大師賽跟Federer比賽,必須想辦法保住他的冠軍頭銜。Nadal 在Dubai擊敗了這位來自瑞士的選手後,對於即將來到的這場賽事有了一些心理上的優勢 就像上一場比賽一樣拿下勝利,但是他也明白要打敗Federer是多麼的困難。Nadal說"看 看他現在的積分,他是現今網球選手中的第一名。這說明了一切,他在一個大家都想要 打敗他的位置"(編按:怎麼說呢,翻成"在一個只剩下被打敗的位置"會比較好嗎?)這位西 班牙人承認透過看著上一場在Monaco打敗Federer的影片後,會給他一些信心去面對 Federer這位世界上最好的球員。 “That win was very important for me,” he says. “It came in the second tournament after I came back from injury. I enjoyed the match. I went to the court with a great calm that day and winning was a very special sensation.” Nadal說"這場勝利對我來說很特別,那是我傷後復出的第二場賽事。我很享受這場比賽, 我那天在場上非常的平靜,而且勝利給了我特別的感受。" Since he and Federer are ranked first and second, they only meet in the final stages of tournaments, “so there is always some added pressure on us”. 自從他跟Federer分別列於排名第二及第一後,他們僅僅在賽事中的決賽碰頭。"所以那 總是有些額外的壓力在我們倆身上。"Nadal說。 Nadal says he usually knows fairly soon in a match whether he will win. He gets what he calls “a very special feeling in me” when he has the measure of his opponent, and it drives him on to victory. Nadal說他通常都很快就知道他會不會贏得比賽。他說"他自己常有一種非常特別的感覺" 當他讓對手感受到比賽勝負的壓力時,那常常會讓他贏得比賽。 “Last year when I went to Barcelona, I had it,” he says. “A special feeling from the start and I won.” Nadal說"去年我去Baarcelona時,我有這種感覺。從一開始就有這種特別的感覺,而最後 我贏了。" (編按:Nadal你是有第六感天線嗎?? XDD) There may well have been a number of very special feelings last year. Nadal had the sort of 12 months of which most tennis professionals can only dream. He has won more than 40 consecutive games, and hasn’t been defeated on clay for more than a year. He is in Monte Carlo seeking his 14th title after winning 11 tournaments last year, with eight titles on clay. 那可能從去年以後,Nadal就有了一堆特別的感覺。Nadal去年12月有了大多數網球選手 夢想得到的成果。他去年有超過40場的連勝紀錄,而且在紅土比賽上有一年以上都沒有 被擊敗過。他在Monte Carlo尋求他的第14個冠軍頭銜,自從去年他拿下了11個冠軍,其 中有八個是紅土冠軍。 In the space of a glorious 27 days he won 17 matches and three singles titles on clay: the Masters Series championships in Monte Carlo and Rome on either side of the Barcelona tournament. But it all went wrong at the end of the year when he suffered a stress fracture to his left foot that kept him out of competition for four months. “Now I haven’t got that rhythm that comes with match practice. I’ve only played four tournaments, and last year I had played double that,” he says. “But every day, every match I improve a little. I feel stronger all the time. Injury makes you appreciate everything so much more.” 在那27個輝煌的日子裡,他贏了17場比賽及三個紅土的冠軍頭銜:Monte Carlo、Rome 大師賽及Barcelona賽事。但在年底的時候因為左腳傷勢而四個月無法參賽後情況越來 越糟糕。Nadal說"現在我還沒有跟上比賽練習的節奏,我已經打了四個賽事,而去年 我打的比賽量是現在的兩倍。但是每一天每一次的比賽,我都有些進步。我感覺情況 越來越好。受傷會使你對現在擁有的每一樣事物都特別的感激" THE RAFAEL NADAL story is the tale of three brothers — his father, Sebastian, and his two uncles Toni and Miguel, who live close to one another on Majorca. His tennis adventure began 16 years ago. As a three-year-old with a burgeoning passion for football, he was introduced to tennis by Toni, a competitive tennis player who had some success at national level in Spain. Miguel, meanwhile, was a footballer, a fine defender with an imposing physique who played for Spain in the three most recent World Cups and had a long, successful club career with Barcelona and Majorca before retiring this year. Rafael Nadal的故事是來自於三兄弟之間的故事 ─ Nadal的爸爸 Sebastian,他的叔叔 Tony 以及也住在Majorca附近的Miguel。他的冒險始於16年前(編按:此新聞是2006年 寫的,當時Nadal 才19歲,標題旁邊有註明 XD) 三歲時,Nadal對足球的熱情迅速增長 ,而Tony叔叔將Nadal帶進網球的世界。Tony 叔叔是曾在西班牙 National Level有過幾 場勝利,有競爭性的網球選手。 Miguel叔叔是一個有宏偉身材的足球後衛(編按:是的 我就是對足球不熟,可以等我作完功課,或者好心人士直接指出我的錯誤,感謝 XD), 曾經替西班牙出賽最近三次的世界盃,在他今年退休之前在 Barcelona 及 Majorca 有著 非常優異的足球表現。 (編按:寫文章時是2006年,再次提醒 XDD) Toni encouraged his young nephew to play tennis for fun alongside his football practice, but noticed quickly how confident the boy was with a racket in his hand. “I carried on playing football as well as tennis, but slowly played more and more tennis with my uncle,” says Nadal. “But I still preferred football. That was my real love when I was a young boy.” Tony叔叔鼓勵他的年輕侄子在足球練習之餘,玩玩網球放鬆;但很快的注意到當這小子拿 著網球拍在他手上時,相當的有自信。 Nadal說:「我持續地練習足球跟網球,但漸漸地 我跟叔叔練習網球的時間越來越多。但是我的心比較偏向足球,那是我還是年輕小孩時的 真愛。」 By the time he was five, he was going to the tennis club twice a week to play. When he was eight, and a promising striker in the local football team, he won the regional tennis championships for under-12s. 當他五歲的時候,他一星期去網球俱樂部練習兩次。當他八歲時,是當地足球隊有前途的 前鋒,他也贏得區域性的12歲以下的網球冠軍。 “That’s when people started to say maybe I could make it to the top in tennis,” he says. Winning a tournament for boys three years older than him did not go unnoticed. Clubs began calling and inviting him to play for them, and Uncle Toni started to work more seriously with his young protege. He began urging his nephew to rush to the net, even when he was beating opponents from the baseline. He also encouraged his young charge to change hands and play with his left, even though he is right-handed. “He noticed that I was playing forehand shots with two hands, so one day he told me to try with one hand. I used my left foot in football, so he thought I should try that. I did. It worked.” Nadal說,"那是人們開始說也許我可以成為網球選手中的佼佼者。"從比他大三歲的對手 中贏得冠軍引起了許多的注意。網球俱樂部開始打電話並邀請他為他們打比賽,Tony叔 叔也與他年輕的門徒開始了更嚴格的練習。Tony叔叔會要求Nadal多上網,即使Nadal在底 線就可以擊敗他的對手。Tony叔叔也鼓勵他右撇子的侄子練習左手正拍。Nadal說"Tony叔 叔注意到我是雙手右手正拍,所以有一天他要我試試用左手。我在足球練習中都是使用我 的左腳,所以我叔叔認為我應該可以試試左手。我試了,而且真的可以。" (編按:這是傳說中的黃金左腳嗎? XDD) Too right it worked. By the time he was 12 he had won the Spanish and European tennis titles in his age group and was playing either tennis or football all the time. Then in stepped the third of the three brothers, Rafael ’s father, Sebastian. “My father made me choose between football and tennis so my school work didn’t suffer,” Nadal says. “I chose tennis. Football had to stop straight away.” 沒錯,左手正拍真的可行。在他12歲的同時,他贏得了同齡賽中西班牙及歐洲網球的頭銜 ,而且也還練習足球。這時,影響Nadal的三兄弟中的第三個,Nadal的爸爸Sebastian要 求Nadal在足球與網球中選擇。Nadal說"我爸爸要我在足球及網球之中作選擇,避免因同 時練習兩個運動而打擾到我的學校功課。我選擇了網球,足球練習馬上就被中止了" Had he opted for the kicking game, there is every chance that he would be preparing for the World Cup in June, instead of the Stella Artois and Wimbledon. By the time he was 13, he was playing tennis every day. He went to school from 9am until noon, played tennis from 12 until 2, had lunch, school in the afternoon, then played a further two hours in the evening. 如果他當初選擇了足球,那他可能在六月時是準備踢世界盃而不是女王草地賽及溫布頓錦 標賽。在他十三歲時,他每天都練習網球。他從早上九點到中午會去學校,然後中午12點 到下午兩點都在練習網球,吃過中餐後下午又去上課,然後在傍晚會在多練習兩小時。 (編按:上次有一個去過西班牙的自助旅行的人到我們學校演講時有說,西班牙人下午兩 點才是午餐時間喔。不過練習完網球就吃飯對身體好嗎?) At 14 the Spanish tennis federation suggested that he leave Majorca to train in Barcelona, the centre of Spanish tennis. But his parents wanted him to stay. “They were worried about my education suffering too much,” Nadal says. “My uncles both agreed with them, so I stayed at home.” 在Nadal 14歲時,西班牙的網球協會建議他離開 Majorca 到在 Barcelona 的西班牙網 球中心練習。但是他的父母希望他留在家鄉。 Nadal說"他們太擔心我的學業會被干擾, 而我的Tony叔叔也同意他們的意見,所以我留在家裡。" Turning down the offer meant resigning himself to less financial support from the federation, but his father offered to pay for his training. Those close to Nadal, including Toni, claim that the decision to stay at home with his family was crucial to his development into the player he is today. He continued to train with his uncle, but took it all much more seriously. He would play at least twice a day as well as compete regularly; by 2003 Nadal was, at 16, ranked in the world’s top 50. 拒絕了協會的意見相當於放棄來自協會的少量的財務上的贊助,但是他的爸爸提供了他所 有的訓練費用。跟Nadal相當親近的人們及Tony叔叔,一致認為,留在家鄉這個重要的決 定養成了Nadal成為今日這樣的一個運動員。Nadal繼續的跟他的叔叔練習,但是Nadal更 為認真的看待網球訓練。他會把一天兩次的練習當成正規的比賽。在2003年,Nadal 16歲 時,他已經排名在世界前50。 “I think that having my uncle and coach with me has been the best for me. He is uncle first and coach second. It is a nicer life to travel round with your uncle there. My family can’t come to all matches, but I always have my family there in my uncle.” Nadal說"我認為有身兼教練的Tony叔叔陪在我身邊是最好不過了,他總是把叔叔的身份 放在第一,教練第二。能夠有叔叔陪我一起旅行是更好的生活。我的家人們沒辦法陪著 我去每個比賽,但是我的叔叔就代表著他們陪著我。" We meet a week after Andy Murray’s departure from his coach and the start of his search for a new mentor. “I realise how lucky I am,” Nadal says. “ There is no question of that with me. We are a team — my uncle, me and my physical trainer. We work together.” 記者在Andy Murray與前教練解約並開始尋找新的教練後的一個星期跟Nadal訪談。Nadal 說"我了解到我是一個幸運的人,我不會有這樣的問題。我的叔叔跟我及我的體能訓練員 是一個團隊。我們一起工作。" Uncle Toni is credited with keeping the youngster’s feet on the ground. Stories abound about him making Nadal carry the rackets and balls, and not letting his vast success change him in any way. Tony叔叔被認為是使Nadal這年輕小伙子腳踏實地的重要人物。(編按:夭壽 這句好難翻 救命喔!)一堆故事都說是Tony叔叔讓Nadal自己背著自己的球拍跟球,並且不讓那些網 球上斐然的成功改變原有的可愛Nadal “My goal in life when I was a young boy was to be happy. My goal now? To be happy. Nothing has changed. I have got better at tennis, but that is all. Nothing in me has changed. People think they will meet me and I will be a different person, but I won’t. I am the same. I still want nothing more than to be happy.” Nadal說"當我還是年輕男孩時的生活目標就是快樂。我現在的目標?快樂的生活。什麼 事情都沒有改變。唯一改變的就是,我可以打網球打得更好。我自己沒有改變過。人們 認為他們將來遇到我時,我會變成另外一個人,但是我不會。我還是我。我仍然是只要 生活快樂,對其他別無所求的人。" And what makes a 19-year-old millionaire tennis prodigy happy? “My family make me happy. It is my No 1 wish for them to be all healthy. For my friends to be happy. For me to be able to play tennis.” 而什麼事情可以使這位19歲百萬富翁的網球天才快樂呢?"我的家人使我快樂。我對他們 的最大的願望就是他們都健康。對我朋友們的願望是希望他們都快樂,對我自己則是能 夠打網球。" Simple wishes from a simple boy. “What more could anyone want?” he asks. To beat Federer and become the world’s No 1 player? “That would be good. That could help me to be happy,” he says with a laugh. 簡單的願望來自於一個簡樸的男孩。Nadal問"還有什麼樣的事情是別人會祈求的?"擊敗 Federer而且成為世界第一?(記者問) Nadal帶著笑說"那會很棒,那會幫助我感到快樂 。" “I am serious, though, when I say I think first of my family and that they are most important to me. In Manacor I’m normal. People have known me since I was a little kid. They congratulate me when I win something, but treat me like everybody else. I have the same plans for my life as everyone else.” Nadal持續說"我很認真的,當我說我第一個想到的是我的家人,而且他們對我來說是最 重要的。在Manacor,我只是個普通人。人們從我還是個小孩時就認識我了。他們當我 贏得冠軍後會恭賀我,但是仍然把我視為普通人看待。我對我的人生有著跟其他人同樣 的計畫。" Football still fascinates him. He watches it whenever he can, and says he will be “hyperactive with excitement” when the World Cup comes round. 足球仍然使他著迷。他會逮住任何可以看足球的時間,而且他說,在世界盃比賽的期間, 他會"興奮的坐不住,像個過動兒"。 Away from the international game, he supports Real Madrid because he remembers his father giving him a Real shirt when he was very young. “My uncle was playing at the time. I think my father gave me the shirt to have a joke with him.” 在國際性的比賽之外(編按:感謝好心人幫忙 XDD),Nadal支持皇家馬德里,因為他的爸 爸在他很小的時候給了他一件馬德里的襯衫。Nadal說"我叔叔那時還在踢足球,我想我 爸給我那件襯衫是想跟叔叔開玩笑。" Nadal says the things he dislikes the most are losing and pain — in that order. “My uncle keeps saying that losing is important in this game. If you play tennis, you lose, that’s how it is. Only one person can win every game in a tournament. No one man can win every tournament. The best players lose; everybody loses some time. I am learning that lesson, but I do feel much more nervous when I come out to play after having lost. Every week is a different place, a different tournament. You learn that losing is part of this game. But winning — ah, winning is so much nicer.” Nadal說"他最不喜歡的事情是輸球,受傷是第二不喜歡的。我叔叔總是說在比賽中輸球 是很重要的。網球比賽總是有輸有贏。只有一個人可以在賽事中贏下每一場比賽(指 比賽冠軍)。沒有人可以贏下每一場賽事。最好的球員也會輸,每一個球員有些情況下 也會輸球。我還在學習面對輸球這門課,但我的確會在輸求後的下一場比賽會感到較 緊張。每一週都在不同的場地,不同的賽事比賽。你會學到輸球也是比賽的一部份。 但是贏球,贏球會相對感覺心情好很多。" Nadal is a particularly powerful clay- court player, but says the grass of SW19 appeals to him most of all. “My tennis dream is to win Wimbledon. The Spanish do not do well at that tournament and it is a special event. I think every tennis player dreams of winning it one day, don’t they? It would be a beautiful moment to have success there. It’s so special.” Nadal是一個特別有力量的紅土球員,但是卻說溫布頓錦標賽對他來說最重要。(編按:SW1 9是溫布頓的郵政號碼,感謝Gonkjaer ^^) Nadal說"我的夢想是贏下溫布頓。 西班牙人在這個賽程總是打得不夠好,而且它又是一個特別的比賽。我認為每一個網球 球員都夢想著要贏下溫布頓,不是嗎?能夠在溫布頓贏球是一個美麗的時刻,溫布頓實 在太特別了。" ONCE the interview has finished, Nadal stands up politely to shake my hand, then reaches for his mobile phone, which has been flashing and jumping on the table throughout the interview. “Goodbye. Thank you for come,” he says. “ Sorry my English not so good. I only speak quarter of English. Maybe quarter of a quarter. Not good.” I tell him that his English is really not so bad, but he promises to work on it all the same. “Next time you come, I be better, ” he says. 當訪談結束之後,Nadal站起來很禮貌地跟我握手。然後他此時才拿起在訪談過成中已經 在桌上亂跳亂閃很久的手機。Nadal說"再見,感些你來,很抱歉,喔的英文不好。我只會 講一些,也許是一些中的一點點,不好"我告訴他,他的英文沒有他想的那麼差。但Nadal 保證他會繼續的練習。Nadal說"下次你來,會更好" He pumps a series of numbers into his phone as I turn to leave. “I call Moya now,” he explains. “He very good friend.” He says he has a half- arrangement to meet the fellow Spaniard in a couple of hours for dinner at a Japanese restaurant. “I must eat soon,” he explains, pointing at the crisp bowl. “See. I’m very hungry.” He says he always calls Moya before booking his flights, because he loves to travel with lots of people. “ 當我要離開時,Nadal在手機按鍵上打了一串數字。Nadal解釋說"我現在打給Moya,他是 很好的朋友。"Nadal說"我要跟幾個西班牙朋友花幾個小時在日本餐廳吃晚餐,我必須要 吃些東西了。你看我真的很餓。(手指著薯片碗)(編按:吃光光囉XDD)"他說他總是在訂 飛機票之前打電話給Moya,因為他喜歡跟一堆人一起旅行。 (編按:日本餐廳耶,Nadal吃生魚片嗎??) It’s more fun always to have friends and family around, isn’t it? I like to have lots of people around — for eating, for flying. Always.” Nadal說"能夠有一群朋友跟家人在身邊總是很有趣的,不是嗎?我喜歡有一群人們陪在我 身邊,一起吃飯一起飛行。一直都是這樣。" I leave him to his dinner plans and head for the reception area, to take the lift back up to my room, six flights up in this hotel full to the rafters with tennis players. As the lift doors close, a hand pushes through the gap to stop it, and in steps Uncle Toni. 記者離開Nadal讓Nadal去吃晚餐,並且先走向接待處,打算搭電梯回到自己的房間。在 此同時有六台載滿網球選手的飛機飛過屋簷。就在電梯門要關上時,有一隻手從門縫中 伸進電梯裡來停住門,走進來的是Nadal的叔叔Toni。 (編按心得:Toni叔叔沒有等電梯的耐性喔,叔叔有練過,小朋友不要模仿喔!) “Ah,” he says, spotting me, as I stand in the corner, fiddling with my tape recorder. “Journaliste. Halo.” Over the next few seconds we attempt to chat. He does not speak English. The only other language I speak is French. We both shrug and smile stupidly at one another. "喔"他注意到記者站在角落調整他的錄音機。"計者,擬好。"在幾秒後,記者跟Toni叔 叔打算交談。Toni並不會講英文,偏偏記者除了英文外只會講法文。他們兩個都聳肩及 向對方傻笑。(編按心得:Toni叔叔好可憐 XDD) “I have just interviewed Rafael,” I try again, speaking loudly for some reason and indicating the tape recorder and the notebook, bulging with notes about his famous nephew. Toni just nods and says a few things in Catalan which I think mean “How did it go?”, but may have meant, “I really don’t understand what you’re talking about.” 記者再試著跟Toni叔叔用英文溝通,出於某種原因記者很大聲的說著"我剛剛採訪了 Nadal",並且一邊指著錄音機跟寫滿有關Toni有名侄子事物的筆記本。Toni叔叔只是 點點頭,並用加泰隆尼亞語(Catalan)(編按:一種西班牙的方言)說了一些話。記者 猜Toni叔叔可能是說"採訪進行得如何?"但也有可能是說"我真的不知道你在說什麼。" (編按心得:這兩人是怎麼回事?雞同鴨講比較好玩? XDD) I battle on. “He was very good,” I say, speaking in the sort of slow, clear English that one might use when talking to a toddler or a helpless drunk. Still more smiles and nods, then we arrive at his floor. Toni stands in the lift door and takes a deep breath. “He good boy,” he says. “He work hard and he look after people. He nice boy. Goodbye.” 記者持續的努力要跟Toni叔叔溝通。(編按心得:不要再說了啦,Toni叔叔臉上已經冒 汗了,你還繼續努力戰鬥咧 XD) 記者用著會對還在學說話或者喝醉的人才會用的某種 緩慢而清楚的英文說著"他非常的好。"Toni叔叔仍然是微笑著點頭,然後電梯到了Toni 叔叔的目標樓層。Toni叔叔站在電梯門口深呼吸後說著"他好孩子,他工作很努力,而 且他照顧別人。他好孩子,再見。"(編按心得:哈哈哈 Toni叔你真的好可愛 XDD) Then, with that succinct summary of his nephew in a language he can neither speak nor understand, he is gone. 然後,Toni 叔叔用了他不會說也無法理解的語言說出他對自己侄子的短評後就離開了。 (編按心得:Toni叔叔你也太可愛了吧 XDDD 你背講稿背多久啦? XD) The time may arrive when Nadal’s desire and enthusiasm fade, when his eagerness to throw himself after every shot and head straight home with his uncle after every match becomes subsumed by the effects of money, fame or injuries, but for now Nadal is a treasure. 也許這樣的時刻可能來臨。當Nadal的野心跟熱情都枯萎了,當Nadal因為金錢、名氣及 傷痛種種的影響而使得他不再渴望在每場比賽中專注的打每一球,而是跟著他的叔叔 Toni回家。但在現在這時刻,Nadal仍然是難得的珍寶。 (編按心得:我討厭落落長的句子,可惡的記者,你以為這樣就比較有文采嗎?) His self-effacement, lack of self-indulgence and sheer joy at the life he is leading make him a refreshing antidote. Here’s hoping that success doesn’t change things. Nadal的謙遜、缺少任性及對生活全然純粹的喜悅讓他成為網壇中令人耳目一新且開心的 特效藥。希望成功不會改變Nadal。 (編按心得:有叔叔Toni在,記者請放心,Nadal不會被成功、金錢跟名氣改變的。 ps:antidote:Something is antidote to a difficult or unpleasant situation helps you to overcome the situation. 很抱歉,這個字的中文超出了小編的程度了 = =) * * * ~ * *\( ̄︶ ̄)/** * * ~* Yes! Yes! 要寫團員的要記得喔! 不然就團員跟一鞭自己選啦 XDD 經過這一次的經驗後,小編決定放假休息一陣子。 XD 下次可能選 Nadal 的blog 或者 Q&A 來翻吧 XDD 我一定會翻的是wiki上的Nadal敘述,剛好可以放在賽事紀錄的第一篇 當中文匯整 (不行喔,別想催稿 XDD) 所以下一步是:整理精華區 (XDD 偷懶也不容易被抓到的地方) 之後是小編發瘋的惡搞文,慎入。 XDD (那個,不悅的話話請推文 我會刪掉的) -- 還有,我已經開始整理版友名單了,有意見想指定區域的請站內信給我 XD 還有,賽事部份的標題我想不出來要用什麼了,請大家幫忙想想06-07的標題 XD (腦袋打結中) -- 今天這篇文章的主人翁就是可愛的荳荳公主。荳荳公主從小就受到大家的寵愛,現在 更是因為太過可愛有很多很多的擁護者。想要見到荳荳公主得要排除萬難,以下依危 險程度分別介紹小嘍囉跟大魔王。 首先是跟荳荳一樣努力工作的 路人甲 Andy Murray:疑?我也有戲份?我只是要回去放背包就去按摩洗澡睡覺啊!為什麼 停下來簽名?就被擋下來了嘛,人家不敢拒絕啊。 Q_Q 路人乙 Juan Carlos Ferrero:小球迷很可愛啊,逗逗他們幫忙簽名可能會讓他們高興好幾天。 (∩_∩) 瘋狂球迷們:Rafa!Rafa!Rafa!喔喔喔 撥頭發!喔喔喔 好殺的正手拍!! (擠旁邊的球 迷,你走開,我先到的。你不要太過份喔。)喔喔 荳荳再暖身! 粗曠長相高大的男子:嗚嗚嗚,太高興了,我看到Rafael Nadal耶!(興奮狀)天啊!是 Rafael Nadal耶,真的是Nadal耶!(哭倒百老匯) 叔叔Miguel:什麼,你說我是三兄弟中最慘的?拜託,Nadal寶貝超迷足球的耶!啥?他 現在是網球選手?還不是我那可惡的兄弟Toni竟然教Nadal網球來跟我搶, 哼,臭兄弟。什麼?你說豆子喜歡的是皇家馬德里不是巴塞隆納?還不是我 另外一個臭兄弟Sebastian,他一定是看豆子小時候一直迷足球,才會心有 不甘覺得豆子被搶走,故意送他馬德里的衣服,可惡,我的渾蛋兄弟們! 把可愛黏人的豆子還我!! 爸爸Sebastian:什麼,我老謀深算?哎呀,還好啦,你是說那件馬德里的衣服齁。哈哈 哈,Miguel那時就太得意豆子喜歡跟他一樣的運動,所以整他一下而已 。我那知道小豆子就這樣愛上馬德里,哈哈哈。喔你不是說衣服喔?你 說我讓他選足球還是網球啊?哎呀,我看豆子這樣又是足球又是網球還 要去學校上課,怕他太累啦!而且魚與熊掌不能兼得啊,豆子還是得選 一樣才能專注好好練習啊!哎呀,你還不是想知道這一件喔?我知道了 你想問的是把豆豆留在家裡不去網球中心齁?豆豆是我的小孩啊,他想 作什麼我一定支持啊,而且他還那麼小,我跟他媽都捨不得啦。還有 如果我真的讓他去,Toni一定會每天都來煩我,太恐怖了。 叔叔Toni:你說我是大魔王?拜託,我可是和藹可親的叔叔耶。介紹他網球?怕他足球 踢久了會無聊嘛,我才沒像Miguel那麼無聊愛爭豆子呢,哈哈。發現他網球 的天份?沒辦法啊,我家豆子拿著球拍時太耀眼了,怎麼可能沒發現他的網 球天份呢,呵呵。怎麼會想到讓右撇子的豆子練左手正拍?哎呀,你這小編 不用功喔,上面那個講不通的記者有說嘛,豆子右手正拍是拿雙手的,而且 我這個時時刻刻都在關心豆子的叔叔早就發現豆子是用左腳踢球的好小子, 所以就讓他試看看啊!不愧是我家的好豆子,你瞧瞧,效果多好啊。(得意) 而且我為了照顧可愛的豆子,怕他被成功跟名氣影響了,都陪在他身邊四處 參賽耶,我老婆都快想跟我鬧離婚了呢。你瞧瞧,豆子還是需要我陪在他身 旁的,你看那個講不通的記者還是有好好的翻出我的話呢! 豆豆:我嗎?我喜歡簡單的東西,喜歡薯片、釣魚、足球跟打網球。家人是我最重要在 乎的部份,生活快樂就好,所以我希望大家都健康快樂(羞)。我也喜歡跟大家在 一起,一起吃飯、一起旅行。我討厭輸球跟受傷,雖然Toni叔叔都跟我說輸球也 是網球比賽的一部份,可是我還在學這一堂課(ˋ(′o‵")ˊ)。贏球的話會感覺 心情愉快些,而且我有獨特的感覺可以事先知道我會不會贏球喔>///<。小編不 好意思,我好餓,不能讓Moya叔叔等,先去吃飯囉,掰掰。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/10 13:02, , 1F
07/10 13:02, 1F

07/10 13:06, , 2F
還有搶頭推的啊?? 囧
07/10 13:06, 2F

07/10 19:22, , 3F
07/10 19:22, 3F

07/10 19:23, , 4F
"成功人士"(celebrity? XDDD)廝混,就是做自己 Rafa真可愛
07/10 19:23, 4F

07/10 22:47, , 5F
07/10 22:47, 5F

07/10 22:48, , 6F
07/10 22:48, 6F

07/11 00:27, , 7F
我確定我的眼睛真的怪怪的 一直打錯 搞什麼 氣
07/11 00:27, 7F

07/11 01:46, , 8F
當時Nadal1 才19歲 多打了一個1 ?
07/11 01:46, 8F

07/11 10:17, , 9F
感謝大家的指證 (不然一直打錯賺推文好了 誤 XDD)
07/11 10:17, 9F

07/11 22:40, , 10F
07/11 22:40, 10F

07/12 00:09, , 11F
感謝翻譯 我想國際級那句是對的 世界盃是國家對國家的
07/12 00:09, 11F

07/12 00:11, , 12F
比賽 因為下文提到的RM是球會:P
07/12 00:11, 12F

07/12 00:16, , 13F
上一行把"因為"改成"而"語意才對 我中文好差XDDD
07/12 00:16, 13F

07/12 10:37, , 14F
不會啦 XDD 所以Real Madrid怎麼翻比較好??
07/12 10:37, 14F

07/12 11:19, , 15F
07/12 11:19, 15F

07/12 12:20, , 16F
XDD 好像是齁 哈哈哈 這個詞我有聽過 XDD
07/12 12:20, 16F

07/12 16:28, , 17F
"Real Madrid怎麼翻比較好??"-->是故意搞笑問的嗎 @.@
07/12 16:28, 17F

07/12 21:47, , 18F
07/12 21:47, 18F

07/12 21:50, , 19F
可愛齁 就是覺得他真的很純真的一個大男孩啊
07/12 21:50, 19F

07/15 00:39, , 20F
雪克你要不要幫忙啊?看你翻得很辛苦的樣子= =
07/15 00:39, 20F

07/15 00:40, , 21F
07/15 00:40, 21F

07/15 00:40, , 22F
剩一些了 是還好啦 XDD 剛好最近也一直被老闆趕 XDD
07/15 00:40, 22F

07/15 00:41, , 23F
我挺好奇我翻完後會是幾頁 還有多少人看得下去 XDD
07/15 00:41, 23F

07/15 21:58, , 24F
喜歡納豆的人就會耐心看完阿! 你別再拖了 XD
07/15 21:58, 24F

07/15 22:10, , 25F
禾斗禾斗 我越翻越想在最後一頁來惡搞我最近腦袋是怎麼回事?
07/15 22:10, 25F

07/15 22:10, , 26F
我都會來看阿 而且順便給妳精神鼓勵一下 XD
07/15 22:10, 26F

07/15 22:11, , 27F
07/15 22:11, 27F

07/15 22:11, , 28F
喔 yittahung是好人 T_T (樓上別這樣嘛 嗚嗚)
07/15 22:11, 28F

07/15 22:14, , 29F
我一直在翻啊 只是這記者對英文不好的人很狠 Doris Day是
07/15 22:14, 29F

07/15 22:14, , 30F
什麼鬼 ┴┴︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┴┴
07/15 22:14, 30F

07/15 22:14, , 31F
不是才說我催稿催的很兇 今天我就變好人了 哈 XD
07/15 22:14, 31F

07/15 22:15, , 32F
出現一個Hollywood巨星 驚 = =
07/15 22:15, 32F

07/15 22:16, , 33F
因為我最近精神耗弱 誤把您當好人 不好意思 XDD
07/15 22:16, 33F

07/15 22:51, , 34F
來推一下 感謝翻譯 編按跟推文都很好笑XDD
07/15 22:51, 34F

07/15 23:35, , 35F
我想看豆豆帶蝴蝶結頭帶 >////<
07/15 23:35, 35F

07/15 23:48, , 36F
樓上也有著奇異的癖好 XDD 要不要填團員可以進特別癖好區喔
07/15 23:48, 36F

07/15 23:52, , 37F
等你這篇翻譯完成我就填團員名單,如何? XD
07/15 23:52, 37F

07/15 23:53, , 38F
你這麼說的話 我這兩天就解決它 (小小聲 XDD)
07/15 23:53, 38F

07/15 23:54, , 39F
君子一言 快馬一鞭 XD
07/15 23:54, 39F

07/15 23:55, , 40F
好吧 我不當君子 也不用一鞭了 XDD
07/15 23:55, 40F

07/16 15:01, , 41F
07/16 15:01, 41F

07/16 19:20, , 42F
噗疵 請大家忽略樓上 樓上我group同學來玩 = =
07/16 19:20, 42F

07/16 20:52, , 43F
07/16 20:52, 43F

07/16 20:54, , 44F
我可以當富堅嗎?? 我可以理解他去玩ps的心情了 XDD
07/16 20:54, 44F

07/16 20:57, , 45F
不行 雪克就是雪克 Ally大都祭出團員名單當獎品了
07/16 20:57, 45F

07/16 20:59, , 46F
就是因為他拿出獎品了 所以我昨天很衝的把前面都翻完了 = =
07/16 20:59, 46F
※ 編輯: shak 來自: (07/16 23:37)

07/16 23:44, , 47F
07/16 23:44, 47F

07/17 00:08, , 48F
後面惡搞文跟文章內容有呼應 推一個用心
07/17 00:08, 48F

07/17 00:09, , 49F
但為什麼Murray跟蚊子是跑龍套的 不行!!!
07/17 00:09, 49F

07/17 00:09, , 50F
07/17 00:09, 50F

07/17 00:10, , 51F
哈哈哈 因為我估計錯誤 以為很少 結果搞死自己
07/17 00:10, 51F

07/17 00:11, , 52F
因為他們兩個出現只有一段啊 這樣是跑龍套沒錯吧 XDD
07/17 00:11, 52F

07/17 00:11, , 53F
去跟記者抗議啊 我可以找mail給你 XDD
07/17 00:11, 53F

07/17 00:14, , 54F
訪問內容都一瞇瞇了 惡搞文又跑龍套 心酸酸 T.T
07/17 00:14, 54F

07/17 00:15, , 55F
大爺 你要我編惡搞文是嗎? 我想一下 有點困難耶
07/17 00:15, 55F

07/17 10:48, , 56F
07/17 10:48, 56F

07/17 10:51, , 57F
07/17 10:51, 57F

07/17 10:52, , 58F
遺失的純真. 個人意見僅供參考 6^
07/17 10:52, 58F

07/17 10:58, , 59F
這位記者的文筆真好 ^^
07/17 10:58, 59F

07/17 11:03, , 60F
07/17 11:03, 60F

07/17 11:03, , 61F
07/17 11:03, 61F

07/17 11:24, , 62F
那好長喔 XDD 我想一下怎麼 縮短
07/17 11:24, 62F

07/17 11:25, , 63F
= = 怎麼可能由納豆執行 你別想帶壞豆子 (/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧
07/17 11:25, 63F

07/17 11:28, , 64F
你偷懶的話就由我來<(  ̄ㄧ ̄)q▄︻═╤═─ \( ̄□ ̄")/
07/17 11:28, 64F

07/17 11:29, , 65F
我可是因為你的獎勵才拼死拼活昨天硬翻完的耶 你瞧瞧這記者
07/17 11:29, 65F

07/17 11:29, , 66F
07/17 11:29, 66F

07/17 11:39, , 67F
驚 版標是什麼鬼 是今天才改的嗎?? = =
07/17 11:39, 67F

07/17 12:36, , 68F
我才不要你來執行咧 (鬼臉~~~)
07/17 12:36, 68F

07/17 12:37, , 69F
07/17 12:37, 69F

07/17 12:39, , 70F
切 其實我不太想翻成特效藥 XDD 因為網壇也沒多慘啊
07/17 12:39, 70F

07/17 12:39, , 71F
倒不如說我比較想翻成新的典型 典範之類的
07/17 12:39, 71F

07/17 12:39, , 72F
<( ‵▽′)╯_ˍ▁▂▃▄▅▆◣ (/  ̄#)3 ̄)/ 快給我去填XD
07/17 12:39, 72F

07/17 12:40, , 73F
07/17 12:40, 73F

07/17 12:41, , 74F
但是你翻成新的典型就根原意不同了呀= =" 解藥好了
07/17 12:41, 74F

07/17 12:41, , 75F
XDD 也行啦 可是我不想看到豆子被當藥吃掉 XDD 快填團員!!
07/17 12:41, 75F

07/17 12:41, , 76F
就是"納豆是我們的救贖" m(_ _)m
07/17 12:41, 76F

07/17 12:42, , 77F
我答應的事情就會辦到啦! 總要給我時間蘊釀一下吧? = =
07/17 12:42, 77F

07/17 12:42, , 78F
是啊 這就是我難取捨的地方 有很多地方都想自己惡搞 XDD
07/17 12:42, 78F

07/17 12:42, , 79F
怎麼那麼著急呢? (羞)
07/17 12:42, 79F

07/17 12:42, , 80F
那好 要有創意一點喔 XDD (得寸進尺又超囂張 XDD)
07/17 12:42, 80F

07/17 12:43, , 81F
<( ‵▽′)╯_ˍ▁▂▃▄▅▆◣ (/  ̄#)3 ̄)/
07/17 12:43, 81F

07/17 12:44, , 82F
07/17 12:44, 82F

07/17 12:46, , 83F
<( ‵皿′)q▄︻═╤═─ ︽□●▂▁ˍ_ je je je
07/17 12:46, 83F

07/17 22:02, , 84F
07/17 22:02, 84F
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