[新聞] AT力場震倒雙城

看板NY-Yankees作者 (GoYankees)時間14年前 (2009/10/11 01:52), 編輯推噓58(58012)
留言70則, 58人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
Two much: A-Rod, Teixeira topple Twins AT力場震倒雙城 Walk-off homer rescues bullpen and secures two-game lead BY BRYAN HOCH / MLB.COM NEW YORK -- The Yankees had more fun than anyone this year, wildly celebrating 15 "walk-off" victories in Yankee Stadium's inaugural season. Alex Rodriguez and Mark Teixeira helped them find out just how much more special one is in October. 洋基今年比任何一隊都爽歪歪,瘋狂地慶祝新球場開幕以來的第十五次再見勝利。AT連線 幫助他們找回那個十月份的特殊時刻。 A-Rod crushed a game-tying home run and Teixeira lined the winning blast as the Yankees came from behind to defeat the Twins on Friday, 4-3, taking a commanding 2-0 lead in the best-of-five American League Division Series. 阿肉擊出了追平轟,而鐵爺轟出了再見砲,同時洋基在星期五再度上演大逆轉,以4-3擊 敗雙城,在分區系列賽中取得2-0聽牌。 "Hopefully, we finish the goal that we've put out for ourselves all year," Teixeira said. "Right now, you can enjoy it for a couple of hours, but if you don't take care of business, it kind of loses its magic, I think." 希望我們能完成整年所設定的目標,鐵爺說。現在你可以稍微享受一下,但絕不能大意, 否則幸運女神將離你而去。 With the Yankees trailing by two runs with three outs of life remaining in Game 2, Rodriguez took another step into what could be his new role -- postseason hero -- by launching a laser off closer Joe Nathan that drew a deafening curtain call from the largest crowd to date at baseball's new Cathedral. 第二戰當洋基還落後2分,只剩三個出局數就結束比賽時,阿肉為了成為季後賽的神而採 取行動了。他從奶粉手中射了一發,此舉讓棒球聖殿爆滿的群眾在震耳欲聾的歡呼聲中, 再次對神做出膜拜。 "Obviously, we needed it," Rodriguez said. "It's the way we've been playing baseball all year. Nothing has changed for us. There's been a lot of magic in there, and everybody has contributed. For me, personally, that was a lot of fun." 顯然我們需要這一砲,神說。我們以這種方式打了一整年,任何事都不會影響我們。這裡 是非常有魔力的,而隊上每個人都有所貢獻。對神來說,這種比賽也滿有趣的。 Two innings later, Teixeira picked the perfect time to launch his first career postseason home run -- and his first walk-off shot in pinstripes. The first baseman connected on a 2-1 cutter from Jose Mijares that just cleared the left-field wall, meeting concrete and bouncing high into the air to set off an electric celebration in the Bronx. 兩局後,鐵砲炸裂。鐵爺轟出了個人第一發季後賽全壘打,同時也是穿上洋基制服的第一 發再見砲。他在一好兩壞後鎖定了Jose Mijares的卡特球,將球射向左外野,球撞上牆頭 反彈進入觀眾席,整個布朗克斯歡聲雷動。 "It's a pretty unbelievable feeling as a manager when you get to put those two guys in your lineup every day," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. "They've been huge for us all year. The emotions in this game were unbelievable." 身為一個總教練,能每天將鐵肉排進打線裡,真是有一種夢幻的爽度,吉拉弟說。他們兩 個整年都表現出色,而這場激情的比賽真是令人難以置信。 Teixeira sprinted around the bases and flipped his helmet skyward, landing on home plate with a half-hop to celebrate the first walk-off homer by a Yankee since Aaron Boone's blow against the Red Sox in the 2003 AL Championship Series. 鐵爺賣力跑壘,然後將頭盔拋向空中,一群人擠在本壘慶祝勝利。這是繼03年Aaron Boone擊倒紅襪後,洋基季後賽的第一支再見全壘打。 "I really thought it was going to be a double, because I hit it with so much topspin," Teixeira said. "I hit it hard, but there was so much topspin, I thought there was no chance it was going to get out. I was running hard, making sure I got two. Then the crowd started going nuts -- I figured it was a home run." 我真的覺得那球會變成二壘安打,因為打中球時旋轉太多了,我甚至認為會出到界外,鐵 爺說。我跑得很賣力,確保我至少能跑到二壘,然後看到群眾開始瘋狂慶祝,才知道那球 出去了。 Having lost all nine meetings with the Yankees this year and facing elimination on Sunday, the Twins traveled home having to lament their missed chances. 輸掉了今年面對洋基全部的九場比賽,雙城將在星期天面臨淘汰邊緣的一戰,他們帶著錯 失贏球機會的悔恨返回主場。 Minnesota left 17 men on base in the loss, but no situation was more glaring than that of the 11th inning, when rookie Dave Robertson -- now known as "Houdini" in Yankees circles -- got out of a bases-loaded, none-out jam that included a bit of controversy. 這場球雙城留下了17個殘壘,但最讓人印象深刻的莫過於11局上半,當無人出局滿壘時, 面對洋基菜鳥胡蘿蔔(現在被稱做Houdini),這其中還包含了一個爭議球。 Leading off the inning, Joe Mauer sliced a Damaso Marte pitch that should have been called a ground-rule double but was ruled foul by left-field umpire Phil Cuzzi. Instead, Mauer settled for a single, which helped the Yankees -- two hits followed, but Mauer was pinned at third base instead of scoring. 開局本應從馬鐵手中擊出二安的貓兒,因為左線審Phil Cuzzi的誤判,最終少推進了一個 壘包,因此兩支一壘打之後,貓兒還是沒法回來得分。 "There's always that element of human error in the game, and we got a little break," Girardi said. 比賽之中,總是會參雜一些人為的判決失誤,而這球剛好對我們有利科科,吉拉弟說。 Taking advantage, Robertson induced two balls to Teixeira -- a groundout and a fielder's choice -- before escaping the inning with a flyout to center. That set up New York's first winning comeback from a multiple-run ninth inning deficit since Game 5 of the 2001 World Series. 蘿蔔接著讓雙城打了兩球給鐵爺,一球給腿弟,鎖死,安全下莊。這是洋基自從01年世界 大賽第五戰在第九局掉超過一分還能反敗為勝之後,在季後賽再次出現奇蹟。 "Everybody wants to get out of that situation, but nobody really wants to get stuck in that situation," Robertson said. "I was just lucky enough to get out of it." 沒有人想被困在那種危機裡,大家都想安全下莊,蘿蔔說。我只是啟動強運模式,然後全 身而退。 New York trailed late after a rare breakdown for a bullpen that has been one of the club's greatest strengths, as Phil Hughes and Mariano Rivera gave up run-scoring hits in the eighth inning, with Nick Punto and Denard Span cashing blows. 洋基稍早的落後局面,來自於牛棚主力大弟及MO的失手,在第八局被Punto及Span連續擊 出帶有打點的安打, But even that wasn't enough to topple the Yankees, who continue to believe that they might be haunted by the same friendly ghosts who always kept the late innings interesting across the street. 但那不足以擊倒洋基,他們相信球場裡友善的鬼魂將會在球賽後段翻轉戰局。 "They've been showing up all year," Derek Jeter said. "We've had a lot of fun games here, comebacks. You don't like to fall behind, but if and when we do, we feel that we have a lot of confidence that we can come back. 再見戲碼整年一再上演,隊長說。我們在家裡打了很多場逆轉球。你當然不想落後,但當 我們落後時,我們總是有信心能逆轉獲勝。 "It seems like it's been a magical year so far here, and hopefully, we have a few more great moments." A-Rod certainly hopes so. Playing in front of 50,006 witnesses -- including his good friend, hip surgeon Dr. Marc Philippon -- Rodriguez prefaced his clutch homer with another big hit, a single in the sixth inning for his third straight RBI hit with a runner in scoring position. "I'm going out there and having fun doing the best that I can," Rodriguez said. "It's kind of what I've done here for 4 1/2 months since I've been back. Hopefully, it continues." 我只是盡我的全力去打,阿肉說。今天就像四個半月前我剛復出的第一場球一樣,希望能 持續下去。 Twins starter Nick Blackburn held New York hitless until the fifth before faltering. Rodriguez's hit ensured that Blackburn would finish with nothing better than a no-decision, matched up with a wild but effective A.J. Burnett. 雙城的先發黑燒壓制洋基直到第五局才被擊出安打。阿肉打破鴨蛋的安打同時也把黑燒打 退場,與A.J.同樣是無關勝負。 "Our two horses have gone out and pitched gems," Rodriguez said. "It buys you an opportunity to do some special things late in games. A.J. probably had the best stuff he had all year today. He was phenomenal." 我們的兩大先發都很穩,阿肉說。那給我們在球賽後段能一舉擊垮對手的機會。A.J.很棒 ,他今天的stuff跟他整年狀況最好的時候差不多。 Making his first career postseason start, Burnett worked out of trouble, allowing eight Twins to reach base through his first five innings -- including Carlos Gomez, who committed a key baserunning gaffe in the fourth inning -- before his luck ran out in the sixth on Brendan Harris' pinch-hit triple. 第一次的季後先發,Burnett遭遇麻煩,頭五局就製造了八個上壘者,包括快腿狗梅子, 他老大第四局搞了個跑壘失誤,不過第六局靠著Harris的三壘安打回來得分。 No matter: Burnett's most important delivery was still yet to come. Having retreated to the clubhouse to ice his arm, Burnett was watching the television feed of the game when he felt the building begin to shake. 不過那不打緊,因為Burnett有一個重要的任務還沒完成。在休息室裡一邊冰敷手臂一邊 看著電視轉播,突然感覺到一陣天搖地動。 Instantly, Burnett knew to reach for the whipped cream, and by the time the lagging image showed the decisive pitch leaving Mijares' hand, the pie was already on its way to the dugout for a date with Teixeira's grinning face. Burnett立即反應過來,並開始準備奶油派。當電視轉播的延遲畫面播放著Mijares投出的 最後一球時,準備降落在鐵爺笑臉上的派,早已在半路上囉。 "A.J. told me, 'I finally got you,'" Teixeira said. "So if I'm going to get one this season, I'm glad I waited to the postseason. It was fun." A.J.告訴我,終於逮到你了,鐵爺說。如果我注定逃不了奶油派的攻擊,我會很慶興那是 在季後賽,因為被砸的感覺,真的爽呆了。 這場比賽太經典了,紐約各大媒體的報導多到不行,就先翻一篇官網的囉,希望還有點 內容。XDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/11 01:56, , 1F
10/11 01:56, 1F

10/11 01:56, , 2F
10/11 01:56, 2F

10/11 01:58, , 3F
10/11 01:58, 3F

10/11 01:59, , 4F
10/11 01:59, 4F

10/11 02:00, , 5F
辛苦翻譯給推 但翻的怪怪的 自己看英文才懂在講啥= =
10/11 02:00, 5F

10/11 02:01, , 6F
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10/11 02:06, , 11F
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10/11 02:06, , 12F
能了解為啥這樣翻啦 推推
10/11 02:06, 12F

10/11 02:06, , 13F
推啊XD 有趣的翻譯
10/11 02:06, 13F

10/11 02:09, , 14F
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10/11 02:12, , 15F
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10/11 02:18, , 20F
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10/11 02:19, , 21F
淚推 逆轉勝 只要比賽還沒結束就有希望 有神真爽
10/11 02:19, 21F

10/11 02:19, , 22F
10/11 02:19, 22F

10/11 02:22, , 23F
找到了...@@" 不好意思~
10/11 02:22, 23F

10/11 02:31, , 24F
10/11 02:31, 24F
※ 編輯: yenyu73 來自: (10/11 02:32)

10/11 02:37, , 25F
跪求版上神人大大製作季賽再見安打的完整影音合集<__ __>
10/11 02:37, 25F

10/11 02:40, , 26F
10/11 02:40, 26F

10/11 02:48, , 27F
10/11 02:48, 27F

10/11 03:12, , 28F
友善的鬼魂XDD 天使如果對上洋基的話......
10/11 03:12, 28F

10/11 03:13, , 29F
AJ: 終於逮到你了 >///< 只剩隊長還沒被砸了
10/11 03:13, 29F

10/11 03:45, , 30F
請問一下昨天的比賽還會有重播嗎? 我現在才回來...
10/11 03:45, 30F

10/11 03:52, , 31F
10/11 03:52, 31F

10/11 06:10, , 32F
雙城:e04 就說洋基球場有鬼了吧!
10/11 06:10, 32F

10/11 07:08, , 33F
10/11 07:08, 33F

10/11 07:20, , 34F
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10/11 07:21, , 35F
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10/11 07:35, , 36F
10/11 07:35, 36F

10/11 08:04, , 37F
10/11 08:04, 37F

10/11 08:07, , 38F
回樓上應該是 http://tinyurl.com/yjh2azd
10/11 08:07, 38F

10/11 08:07, , 39F
10/11 08:07, 39F

10/11 08:53, , 40F
10/11 08:53, 40F

10/11 08:54, , 41F
10/11 08:54, 41F

10/11 09:07, , 42F
靠腰 真有趣的翻譯XD
10/11 09:07, 42F

10/11 09:17, , 43F
10/11 09:17, 43F

10/11 09:36, , 44F
第九段"I thought there was no chance it was going
10/11 09:36, 44F

10/11 09:36, , 45F
to get out." 是鐵爺想說應該不可能揮成全壘打,不是
10/11 09:36, 45F

10/11 09:37, , 46F
10/11 09:37, 46F

10/11 10:08, , 47F
推 有趣的翻譯 XDD
10/11 10:08, 47F

10/11 10:38, , 48F
推 有趣的翻譯 XDD
10/11 10:38, 48F

10/11 10:44, , 49F
too much topspin應該是說 擊中球的上半太多而旋轉
10/11 10:44, 49F

10/11 10:46, , 50F
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10/11 10:47, , 51F
10/11 10:47, 51F

10/11 11:46, , 52F
10/11 11:46, 52F

10/11 11:54, , 53F
10/11 11:54, 53F

10/11 12:08, , 54F
有趣的翻譯 XDD
10/11 12:08, 54F

10/11 13:06, , 55F
10/11 13:06, 55F

10/11 13:44, , 56F
10/11 13:44, 56F

10/11 14:07, , 57F
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10/11 19:55, , 61F
10/11 19:55, 61F

10/11 19:58, , 62F
10/11 19:58, 62F

10/11 20:24, , 63F
友善的鬼魂XD 雙城表示:喵的~看到鬼了!
10/11 20:24, 63F

10/11 20:33, , 64F
超搞笑的啦 哈哈
10/11 20:33, 64F

10/11 21:44, , 65F
I finally got you....XD
10/11 21:44, 65F

10/11 22:30, , 66F
10/11 22:30, 66F

10/11 23:22, , 67F
雙城:洋基紀念公園的雕像果然不是供假的 跨丟鬼啊~~
10/11 23:22, 67F

10/12 09:34, , 68F
10/12 09:34, 68F

10/18 12:54, , 69F
10/18 12:54, 69F

12/28 13:37, 5年前 , 70F
以為球會出界 https://muxiv.com
12/28 13:37, 70F
文章代碼(AID): #1AqCdJhD (NY-Yankees)