[洋基] Rx For Wang: Minors

看板NY-Yankees作者 (耿秋)時間15年前 (2009/04/20 11:47), 編輯推噓13(1307)
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是不是考慮技術性的讓小王進DL...去3A作調整呢... 以下這篇的觀點似乎可以參考看看 王建民的藥方 作者: Mike Silva 今晚在洋基週日每週整理(Sunday Weekly Digest)和Howard作討論時,我們討論到王 建民這個奇怪的案例。Howard相信洋基應該讓小王長一點的時間去度過低潮期。三場不 好的先發內容要擔心是否還嫌太早? 就我的意見,從小王一場先發他的狀況便衰退了, 而且還沒有投到好到找回昔日的身手。這便是為什麼送他到小聯盟短期作調整會比較好。 我瞭解這需要徵求他的同意(就像2001年Trachsel被大都會送到小聯盟同樣的例子),但 應該值得這麼做。     對於小王出了什麼問題有很多不同的看法。我聽到的一些意見是猜測他,進到傷兵名 單後身手生鏽了,不好的投球機制,腳傷的陰影,甚至Ron Darling建議他該練好變速球。 現在是王建民生涯首次經歷了挫敗。這時的他應該是去3A Scranton投球找回身手,而不是 在芬威球場或洋基球場。在芬威或洋基球場投得爛沒有球迷會饒了他,而且你不會希望小 王目前身上已經有一大堆問題時在他心理上再多增加煩惱。   值得注意的是,小王的會不會是出在心理上的問題? Joe Sorgen問了我們小王會不會 是腦中已經滿是成功的經驗(而經不起挫敗)。我倒不這麼認為,我看過他的投球,他一直 是謙虛且害羞的人,應該不致有這種狀況。我比較擔心的是球迷的譏諷對他造成的影響而 不是他太過自負。當然沒有人可以百分百瞭解其他的人。 目前洋基不需要小王留在陣中,把Phil Hughes或Ian Kennedy叫上來投幾場先發,讓 小王到3A去,在身體和心理上都找回昔日的樣子。Brett Myers去年便被送回小聯盟回來 後便幫助費城人隊拿到分區冠軍。我認為王建民也可以循相同的方式。 Joe Sorgen的回應: 我要釐清我對今年小王低潮心理層面的評論。我的意思不是成功養成了他自負的心態 ,而事實上可能是,只是可能是,以局外人的觀點仔細酙酌這件事。以局外人的觀點他去 年傷勢對他家鄉的球迷有多重大的影響(很多人為跑壘受傷如喪考妣)。這可以讓人瞭解在 台灣(他搞錯了認為是中國)全國球迷對他有多大的期望。是紐約洋基隊的王牌先發投手... 哇! 他已經不像剛上大聯盟時那麼懵懵懂懂,現在他知道全國人期望的重擔都放在他的肩 上。而且是一整個國家過度狂熱的球迷。直到去年六月,他都可以容易的達成他先發的任 務...花點時間想想,我真的相信一個像小王這樣害羞,內斂及可愛的人現在已經知道有多 少人對他有多大的期望。這也是讓他讓他投得不好後開始害怕無法回神。只是一點小小個 人的觀點。 http://nybaseballdigest.com/?p=9924 Rx For Wang: Minors By Mike Silva ~ April 19th, 2009. Filed under: Mike Silva. On tonight’s Sunday Weekly Digest with Howard, we discussed the curious case of Chien Ming Wang. Howard believes that the Yankees should allow Wang to work through his struggles a bit longer. Are three starts too soon to worry? In my opinion, Wang has regressed since his first start and has not pitched well for the better part of a calendar year. This is why a short time in the minors would do him well. I realize this would require his permission (like Trachsel in 2001 with the Mets), but might be worth it. There are many theories as to why Wang has his troubles. I have heard some that speculate he is rusty from his DL stint, poor mechanics, shadow pain in his foot, and even Ron Darling suggested he may need a changeup. Right now Wang, for the first time in his career, is experiencing failure. It would be better to work through this on the mound in Scranton instead of Fenway Park or Yankee Stadium. Fans are never forgiving, and you don’t want Wang to add psychological woes to his long list of current ailments. On that note, could this be psychological? Jay Sorgen asked us if his success has gone to his head. I don’t think so because Wang, when I have been in his presence, comes across humble and shy. I would worry that fan scorn is going to impact him before his ego. Of course, no one really knows someone 100%. At the end of the day the Yankees need Chien Ming Wang. Call up Phil Hughes or Ian Kennedy for a couple of starts. Let Wang take a step back and find himself both physically and mentally in AAA. Brett Myers was sent down last year and came back strong to help the Phillies win the division. I can see a scenario where Wang follows the same path. Jay Sorgen April 19th, 2009 at 9:54 pm Mike, I want to clarify my comment on the psychological aspect of Wang’s struggles this year. It’s not about his ego, it’s about the fact that maybe, just maybe, sitting on the sidelines and having time to think. Sitting on the sidelines and seeing what his injury meant to the people back in his homeland (many were very saddened by that occurrence). That he might have been forced to realize just how much he is looked up to in China. The Ace Starting Pitcher of the New York Yankees…….. WOW! He may now realize that he has the weight of an entire nation on his shoulders. A nation of very avid baseball fans. Up until last June, he was able to simply go about his business……… with time to think, I truly believe a shy, introspective, likable guy like Wang may now realize how many people revere him. And it just might scare the living daylights out of him. Just a Random Thought. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/20 11:48, , 1F
04/20 11:48, 1F
※ 編輯: leddy 來自: (04/20 11:49)

04/20 11:49, , 2F
像D-train一樣 來個"焦慮症"?
04/20 11:49, 2F

04/20 11:53, , 3F
自殘弄點小傷?? 話說Painvano當時都是真傷嗎??
04/20 11:53, 3F

04/20 11:54, , 4F
心理有問題 請精神科醫師開證明進DL
04/20 11:54, 4F

04/20 11:55, , 5F
Painvano: 被噓了心好痛 15-DL
04/20 11:55, 5F

04/20 11:55, , 6F
心理問題 本來判定就有點主觀..所以心理醫生開應該沒問題
04/20 11:55, 6F

04/20 12:05, , 7F
04/20 12:05, 7F

04/20 12:10, , 8F
囧,還有這種方法啊 = =
04/20 12:10, 8F

04/20 12:18, , 9F
新好爸爸症候群 初為人父的恐慌感
04/20 12:18, 9F

04/20 12:35, , 10F
熊熊以為作者是 12M...XDD
04/20 12:35, 10F

04/20 12:48, , 11F
PAVANO:進DL的花招?這就要跟專業的請教了 ..科科
04/20 12:48, 11F

04/20 13:14, , 12F
技術性的手法很簡單的 這種事情根本不用鄉民操心...
04/20 13:14, 12F

04/20 13:16, , 13F
04/20 13:16, 13F

04/20 13:26, , 14F
但是進DL 不是也是只有固定的幾場復健場次?
04/20 13:26, 14F

04/20 13:32, , 15F
04/20 13:32, 15F

04/20 14:15, , 16F
04/20 14:15, 16F

04/20 14:54, , 17F
04/20 14:54, 17F

04/20 15:06, , 18F
04/20 15:06, 18F

04/20 18:59, , 19F
04/20 18:59, 19F

04/20 22:10, , 20F
04/20 22:10, 20F
※ 編輯: leddy 來自: (04/20 23:40)
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