[試題] 102上 朱偉誠 大一英文 期中考

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課程名稱︰英文一 課程性質︰共同必修 課程教師︰朱偉誠 開課學院:文學院 開課系所︰外文系 考試日期(年月日)︰102/11/21 考試時限(分鐘):180分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 32. That was long in coming... (translate, 1%; introduction middle) 33. One reason Mounro has not achieved the wide fame many believe she merits is her focus on short fiction... (translate, 2%; introduction bottom) 34. ... the conversation ended with me failing to remember and her getting "cross". (definition, 1%; p.1 bottom) 35. ... but out of "contrariness" or fear of getting things wrong I pretended not do. (definition, 1%; p.1 bottom) 36. She "took to" barking at every car that went past... (definition, 1%; p.2 top) 37. ... and our mother stepped in to deflect him. (Why does she want to do that? 1%; p.2 top) 38. He had been thinking of wintering in our town anyway, before my mother "sprang" (1) "her surprise" (2). (1. definition, 1%; 2. reference, 1%; p.3 middle) 39. ... she liked to stir up the air in a room with thw "promise" of something you could even call merriment. (definition, 1%; p.4 bottom) 40. ""I did it for a "trick"." (definition, 1%; p.4 bottom) 41. One day when we were going down the lane for the mail, and were in fact not far from the box, my mother stopped and stood quite still. (why and what is the other unusual thing that has happended? 2%; p.5 top) 42. ... though I hadn't said a word a word or even played "the shuffling game with my boots in the snow". (explain in Chinese what the game is, 1%; p.5 top) 43. ... then what would I be saying? "That Vietnam was O.K."? That I might as well have gone to Vietnam? (explain in Chinese, 1%; p.6 top) 44. "You know "he"'d have those kids out of here like a shot," our mother said. (identify the reference and explain why would he want to do that? 2%; p.6 bottom) 45. The fact was, though we may not have put the two things together, the deeper she got into pregnancy the more she slipped back into behaving like an ordinary mother, at least when it was a matter of scarves we didn't need or regular meals. (translate, 3%; p.7 top) 46. After while, I realized thar I was being given instructions. (explain in Chinese what these instructions are and what actually happended, 4%; p.7 middle) 47. ... the little incline toward the trailer. (translate, 1%; p.8 top) 48. So many "games", with Caro. (definition, 1%; p.8 middle) 49. She didn't got into "labor" from the shock. (definition, 1%; p.9 top) 50. He has also said that he must have been sort of a "stick-in-the-mud" when my mother... (explain, 1%; p.9 bottom) 51. I have a "partner", Ruthann... (definition, 1%; p.10 top) 52. ... what she calls "routing" (1) ont "my demons" (2). (1. definition, 1%; 2. reference, 1%; p.10 top) 53. ... after seeing my picture in the "Alumni Gazette". (explain why the phrase is italicized, 1%; p.10 top) 54. He looked for clothes at the "Sally Ann". (explain, 1%; p.10 bottom) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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