Re: [NFL!] Tom Brady遭禁賽四場!

看板NFL作者 (XXX)時間9年前 (2015/05/24 16:56), 編輯推噓4(405)
留言9則, 3人參與, 最新討論串4/4 (看更多)
有報導指出 Belichick 從來都不相信 Brady 的洩氣門說法, Belichick 到底是如何想 他可能永遠不會公開講, 但這種報導出來後, Belichick 也要被打成是 Hater 了嗎? XD ----------------------------------------------------------------- Report: Bill Belichick never believed Tom Brady's Deflategate story 其中幾段: According to Ron Borges of the Boston Herald, Belichick has stayed silent because Belichick never believed Tom Brady's Deflategate story, meaning it would be almost impossible for the Patriots coach to defend his star quarterback. "Belichick never believed [Brady's] story, from what I was told," Borges said during an interview this week on CSN New England's Sports Tonight. "Because they all know." ... It's not a stretch to think Belichick doesn't believe Brady. At Belichick's press conference in January, a lot of people came away feeling that Belichick threw Brady under the bus. "Tom's personal preferences on his footballs are something that he can talk about in much better detail and information than I could possibly provide," Belichick said in January. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

05/24 18:20, , 1F
聽說這兩天,波士頓當地的Brady Fans要發動遊行聲援TB
05/24 18:20, 1F

05/24 18:21, , 2F
That's Funny
05/24 18:21, 2F

05/24 18:24, , 3F
05/24 18:24, 3F

05/24 18:25, , 4F
05/24 18:25, 4F

05/24 18:27, , 5F
05/24 18:27, 5F

05/24 18:27, , 6F
05/24 18:27, 6F

05/24 21:22, , 7F
05/24 21:22, 7F

05/24 21:22, , 8F
BTW, 四星上將被禁賽四場也夠諷刺的
05/24 21:22, 8F

05/24 23:59, , 9F
四星上將 我真的笑了XDDD
05/24 23:59, 9F
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