Re: [問題]爭議???

看板NED-BEL-LUX作者 (κimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)時間20年前 (2004/02/01 16:03), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《LleyHewitt (想養一隻可愛的澳洲袋鼠~)》之銘言: : 據說昨天女單決賽出現了爭議性的判決 : 有看球的板友能否說明一下?? : 我無意引起筆戰 : 只想了解事實 : 謝謝! 這球應該是在講Kim第三盤以3:4落後時自己的發球局 這真的是很漫長的一局 多次duece之後 面臨破發點時 當Kim擊出一個很深的底線迫使Henin回了一個很短的網前高球 她到網前扣殺的時候卻殺了一個有點過深的球 然後就被破成3:5 其實那球會有爭議的地方 我倒不覺得是因為有沒有壓線 或是球的幾分之幾壓到線......之類的 雖然事後分析好像只有很小一部分壓線 但其實這種球本來就是線審的自由心證 要判in要判out應該都可以 因為球速真的很快 而且有角度的問題 線審的眼睛又不是老鷹的眼睛 而且這種球每一場都會出現幾個 不能太苛責 所以真正有爭議的應該是因為 那球是主審改判 而且是在關鍵的破發點上 因為本來那球線審是判in沒有喊out 也許觀眾也覺得in吧 但是後來主審改判 其實昨天真的很緊張 而且其實澳網觀眾和看球現場也都有點鼓譟 我也沒聽清楚線審和主審之間到底是怎麼喊的 (不過好像就是這樣吧 李琢也是這樣寫主審改判的) 所以Kim有上去和主審確定 不過既然是主審改判的好像就沒有轉圜的餘地 她當然不會再改回來 這時候鏡頭就有照到球落地後的Henin 她把右手的食指舉起來 表示出界 所以才會如同下面那篇英文報導所說法籍主審是否有被影響到? 雖然我是Kim的球迷 但是我覺得這件事應該沒有誰對誰錯可言啦 我覺得這種判決結果我可以接受 因為畢竟 假如我是Henin的話 我覺得球在我眼前落地出界我當然有權比說它出界 假如我是主審的話 我有無改判應該是出自內心而不是說真的故意被誰影響之類的 假如我是線審的話 這種太快的扣殺球其實要判in要判out真的只是種瞬間的念頭 或許Kim本人覺得很無辜 但其實假如之前兩個局點機會沒有發出兩次都雙發失誤的話 局面早就打成4:4平手了 當澳網拿下第四個大滿貫亞軍之後 說我不失望是騙人的 但是又有點高興(自我安慰 -.-???) Kim那糟糕到底的心理素質好像有進步了 比起去年兩個大滿貫決賽前兩盤就手軟 今年感覺有堅強一點(還是說其實Henin自己也太過緊張而手軟 送了不少分數給Kim) 要是還是去年的Kim來打今年這場比賽 應該前兩盤就豎白旗了 Henin在大賽的心理素質堅強 這是Kim要好好學習進步的地方 不過難得也看到Henin的手軟 像第三盤Kim開始倒追的時候 Henin在自己發球局竟然發了兩個雙誤 進而讓Kim破了發球局 正當我在偷笑的時候 沒想到Kim在自己發球局同樣也發了兩次雙務 而且都在追平的局點 -___________- 也讓我了解到 其實即使堅強如Henin 同樣在關鍵時候會很緊張 但是在慶幸對手緊張的時候 自己也不要跟著緊張下去才是王道啊 XD 結果Henin在破了Kim發球局5:3之後 面臨自己發球局可以拿下比賽的時候 終於回神不手軟 連續發進了多個一發 也讓Kim沒有機會再扳平 這也讓我想到Kim在第三盤前段許多自己攻擊的球都亂打 連高壓扣殺殺出界的球也有兩三個 要是能不手軟 拿下那些分該有多好啊 :~ 總之Henin還是拿下她的第三個花色的大滿貫 只差一個綠色的 而Kim還在蒐集她的第一個 請加油吧!!!!! 我對妳還是很有信心 妳在大滿貫決賽還是大有可為 只是結婚之後不要急著退休啦 妳才21歲勒 >< --- MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan 31 (AFP) - Kim Clijsters refused to complain after an umpiring blunder helped hand arch-rival Justine Henin-Hardenne victory at the Australian Open here Saturday. World number two Clijsters said she was disappointed that French umpire Sandra de Jenken had over-ruled a line-judge to hand Henin-Hardenne a crucial break in the final set for a 5-3 lead. Television replays later showed Clijsters' forehand smash to save game point had clipped the line. But Clijsters, who had earlier double-faulted twice on game point as she served for 4-4, was unwilling to point the finger at de Jenken following a soul-destroying fourth defeat in a Grand Slam final. "I'm not the type of player that's gonna start complaining after matches," said the 20-year-old Belgian after her 6-3, 4-6, 6-3 defeat. "At the moment it's very disappointing. And a few people have told me that it was in. So that's even more disappointing then. "But, you know, I'm not going to blame the umpire or anything because everyone makes mistakes. But of course it's disappointing." Henin-Hardenne may have influenced the critical decision by pointing that the ball was out -- but again Clijsters refused to be drawn. "I'm not going to go into things like that. I don't want to start any trouble or anything. Things happen," said Clijsters, adding that she had known as soon as she struck the ball that it was in. "I've been playing for 12 years. As soon as I hit the ball, I probably know if it's going in or out. I definitely had the feeling it was good, but there's nothing I can do about it now." Clijsters, meanwhile, gave guarded support to the suggestion of advanced technology being brought in to help adjudicate on tight line-calls. "Maybe in the future. I don't know how they would do it, though. It's going to be tough with linesmen and everything overruling and not, and when will you know when are you going to ask for it?" "So it's a tough call, a tough decision." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

推 02/02, , 1F
插話一下,主審Sandra de Jenken本人很漂亮
推 02/02, 1F

推 02/02, , 2F
講的很好 我跟你有同感^^
推 02/02, 2F
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