[外絮] 字母:喜歡Griff 我沒參與聘用 只專心打球

看板NBA作者 (usmarine2008)時間3月前 (2024/01/26 23:23), 編輯推噓46(561039)
留言105則, 82人參與, 3月前最新討論串1/1
https://twitter.com/eric_nehm/status/1750387679701709188 公鹿記者 https://i.imgur.com/30O0ULo.png
昨天記者會的逐字稿 This is the thing that I don't like about the NBA. It's a crazy business. Yesterday, Coach Griff was our head coach. Today, he's not. And we walk in there and it's like he was never here. I don't like that about the NBA and I speak openly about it. But I understand it. It's business. People being traded, people being waived, people have to change their whole lives just like that (snaps fingers). And out there, people creating a narrative that's not accurate. But I'm a person that I really try to not fall into it. I refuse to fall into the bubble of "Oh, this is accurate" or "Oh, this is not accurate" because always there's going to be something out there about me, about the team. Like "Oh, he did not have a good relationship with Grif." 我不喜歡NBA這個瘋狂的產業。昨天,Griff教練還是我們的總教練,今天他就不是了 我們進去的時候,彷彿他從未存在。我公開地告訴你,不喜歡NBA這點,但我懂,這是生意 人們被交易、被裁,生活頓時變了。外面有不準確的傳言,但我不想陷入其中。 不想被「這是真的」或「這是假的」的消息困住,因為總是有我和球隊的話題, 比如「我和Grif沒好關係」。 False. I loved the guy. I invited him to my wedding, you know? 1 talked with him. I was coached by him and we did very, very, very well. In a position like that you have to understand that when somebody's being hired at times, the GM might come and ask, "What do you think about that?" "What do you think about this?" or whatever and not just me, players, people that he trusts their advice. But at times, they make it seem like it's the players that are making the decision and this guy got traded because he wanted him, but like no. I have a job. My job is to be the best version that I can be and try to lead this team to win games. Like that is why I get paid. I don't get paid to change people's lives and make people uncomfortable. I get paid to defend, block shots, and I try to stick to that as much as I can. Because I understand that I don't like that aspect of it. And there's people that get paid a lot of money to make those decisions and those decisions are hard. 錯了,我喜歡他,邀他來我婚禮,跟他談話,他指導過我,我們合作無間,有時候,當某 人被聘請時,GM可能來問「你怎麼看? 有何看法?」不僅是我,其他球員、他信任的人 也被問,但有時,外界覺得是球員在做決定,因某位球員想要,某人才被交易,這是錯的 我的工作盡力做最好的自己,帶領球隊贏球,這就是我的薪水來源。我不是來改變人生、 讓人不舒服的。我是來防守、蓋火鍋,堅持當一名球員。因為我不喜歡這方面的事情, 有其他人領很多錢來做這些決定,這些決定很難。 And I gotta respect also Jon. Because it's hard. It's not easy. But again, me personally, I don't want to be involved in that. I don't like that. Have I been in a position to be asked "What do you think about that?" or "What do you think about this?" Yeah, many times. But I was not involved in the hiring of Coach Griff.I talked with him, the same way I talked with Coach Bud. But nobody said I was involved, you know, in hiring Coach Bud because I was a kid. But of course they asked, "What do you think about this guy?" "I think he's a great guy. He looks like a good guy to me." "What do you think about Coach Griff?" Everybody, they're good people. But ultimately, I don't make that decision. Lori, don't get me wrong,I wish I did, you know? I wish I did. But I don't. I really, I really don't. I just try to stick with basketball 我也要尊重Jon,因為這些決定不容易,但我個人不想參與這些,不喜歡。有人問過我 「你怎麼看?你對此有何想法?」嗎? 有,很多次。但我沒參與Griff教練的聘用 我跟他聊過,就像我跟 Bud聊過一樣。但沒人說我參與聘請 Bud,因為那候我還是個孩子 當然他們問「你怎麼看這個人?」我說「我覺得他是個好人,看起來是個好教練。」 關於 Griff教練,大家都是好人。但最終,我不做決定。別誤會,我希望我能決定, 我真的希望。但我沒有,我真的沒有。我只專注於籃球。 reddit 留言 https://i.imgur.com/0R1BTdQ.png
My takeaway: it’s takes like 2 minutes to read 4 minutes of talking It took you 2 minutes to read “yeah I wanted him gone”? 我的結論:讀完4分鐘的談話大概需要2分鐘。 你用了兩分鐘去讀「是的,我想讓他走」這句話? Giannis deleting the "fire Griffin" poll in the group chat as we speak 現在正在群組中刪除「解雇Griffin」的投票。 Giannis 'I didn't fire him, but they asked me and I told them he ought to be changed. If you can change him without firing him, fine.' 「我沒有解雇他,但他們問了我的意見,我告訴他們應該換人。如果能換人 而不是解雇他,那也行。」 備註 https://i.imgur.com/TAg9dV9.png
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01/26 23:25, 3月前 , 1F
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01/26 23:25, 3月前 , 3F
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01/26 23:25, 3月前 , 4F
LeGM 接班人 AGM
01/26 23:25, 4F

01/26 23:25, 3月前 , 5F
說這種很幹的話就不必了 除非你不是公鹿一哥
01/26 23:25, 5F

01/26 23:26, 3月前 , 6F
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01/26 23:26, 3月前 , 7F
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01/26 23:26, 3月前 , 8F
the gm
01/26 23:26, 8F

01/26 23:27, 3月前 , 9F
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01/26 23:28, 3月前 , 10F
換人又不解雇 這是雙主菜的概念?
01/26 23:28, 10F

01/26 23:29, 3月前 , 11F
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01/26 23:31, 3月前 , 12F
我只是建議 沒有要他們一定要這樣子做
01/26 23:31, 12F

01/26 23:31, 3月前 , 13F
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01/26 23:31, 3月前 , 14F
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01/26 23:34, 3月前 , 20F
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01/26 23:34, 3月前 , 21F
除非你不是球隊頭牌或者未來藍圖沒有你了 不然重大
01/26 23:34, 21F

01/26 23:34, 3月前 , 22F
人事異動或交易 一定會跟隊上老大探口風啦
01/26 23:34, 22F

01/26 23:35, 3月前 , 23F
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01/26 23:36, 3月前 , 24F
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01/26 23:38, 3月前 , 25F
至少應該沒告訴你下個是老河 這我相信
01/26 23:38, 25F

01/26 23:38, 3月前 , 26F
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01/26 23:39, 3月前 , 27F
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01/26 23:39, 3月前 , 28F
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01/26 23:41, 3月前 , 29F
換人不解雇 是不是你要養他的概念
01/26 23:41, 29F

01/26 23:42, 3月前 , 30F
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01/26 23:44, 3月前 , 31F
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01/26 23:52, 3月前 , 36F
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01/26 23:52, 3月前 , 37F
喜歡教練跟教練是朋友 但高層要換不反對
01/26 23:52, 37F

01/26 23:52, 3月前 , 38F
01/26 23:52, 38F

01/26 23:53, 3月前 , 39F
01/26 23:53, 39F
還有 26 則推文
01/27 01:25, 3月前 , 66F
01/27 01:25, 66F

01/27 01:38, 3月前 , 67F
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01/27 01:38, 3月前 , 68F
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01/27 01:49, 3月前 , 69F
太虛偽了吧 你挺的教練誰敢換?
01/27 01:49, 69F

01/27 01:49, 3月前 , 70F
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01/27 01:49, 3月前 , 71F
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01/27 02:07, 3月前 , 72F
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01/27 02:31, 3月前 , 73F
我沒有討厭Griff 但喜歡Doc Rivers
01/27 02:31, 73F

01/27 02:45, 3月前 , 74F
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01/27 04:45, 3月前 , 79F
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01/27 04:57, 3月前 , 80F
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01/27 05:16, 3月前 , 81F
這咖真他媽虛偽 有夠噁心
01/27 05:16, 81F

01/27 05:28, 3月前 , 82F
01/27 05:28, 82F

01/27 05:31, 3月前 , 83F
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01/27 05:53, 3月前 , 84F
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01/27 06:47, 3月前 , 85F
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01/27 07:19, 3月前 , 86F
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01/27 07:19, 3月前 , 87F
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01/27 07:22, 3月前 , 88F
笑死 越解釋越黑
01/27 07:22, 88F

01/27 07:34, 3月前 , 89F
這麼巧 有個人也這樣講
01/27 07:34, 89F

01/27 07:36, 3月前 , 90F
好多X殘黑 嚇死
01/27 07:36, 90F

01/27 08:08, 3月前 , 91F
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01/27 08:43, 3月前 , 92F
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01/27 08:49, 3月前 , 93F
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01/27 08:56, 3月前 , 94F
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01/27 09:06, 3月前 , 95F
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01/27 09:07, 3月前 , 96F
我覺得字母已經盡力解釋 大家還是相信妓者
01/27 09:07, 96F

01/27 09:16, 3月前 , 97F
很有LE GM的風範酷喔呵
01/27 09:16, 97F

01/27 09:20, 3月前 , 98F
01/27 09:20, 98F

01/27 09:21, 3月前 , 99F
去nba 打球被污染了
01/27 09:21, 99F

01/27 09:53, 3月前 , 100F
01/27 09:53, 100F

01/27 11:10, 3月前 , 101F
一個是好人+好教練; 一個是好人……這很明顯了啊
01/27 11:10, 101F

01/27 11:22, 3月前 , 102F
為求勝利會傷害對手人品低劣的球員 少在那邊黃鼠狼
01/27 11:22, 102F

01/27 11:23, 3月前 , 103F
01/27 11:23, 103F

01/27 12:44, 3月前 , 104F
01/27 12:44, 104F

01/28 02:01, 3月前 , 105F
我沒釣魚 我只是在那邊把餌放下去
01/28 02:01, 105F
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