[外絮] 爵士與尼克熱火就米丘交易的談判狀況

看板NBA作者 (@wojespn)時間1年前 (2022/07/15 10:41), 編輯推噓132(1375123)
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Donovan Mitchell’s future with the Utah Jazz: the latest trade rumors, report s and intel https://reurl.cc/KbZkby 爵士記者Andy Larsen撰文提到目前爵士與尼克熱火兩隊目前談米丘交易的進展 New York Knicks’ interest 尼克部分 In those conversations and prior ones, according to a source, the Jazz asked f or a huge, essentially unprecedented return for Mitchell. The Knicks can trade a maximum of eight first-round picks outright — the Jazz want a majority of those picks. They also asked for pick swaps down the road. Finally, they also asked for some combination of youngsters Quentin Grimes, Immanuel Quickley, Ob i Toppin, Miles McBride, and Cam Reddish. Grimes is perhaps the lead target am ong those players for Utah. 爵士要求在米丘交易中獲得巨大的、基本上是前所未有的回報。尼克手上目前最多可以直 接交易八個首輪——爵士想要其中的大部分,他們還要求要有一些選秀權互換。最後,他 們還要求要有一些年輕的球員,像是Quentin Grimes、Immanuel Quickley、Obi Toppin 、Miles McBride、Cam Reddish,Grimes可能是首要目標。 R.J. Barrett, the third pick of the 2019 NBA draft, was considered more valuab le to the Knicks than the Jazz, and so wasn’t included in the most recent con versation, multiple sources told The Tribune. RJB目前不在交易討論裡。 In order to complete a trade, the Jazz would need to acquire a larger salary b ack from the Knicks as well. Julius Randle, though, would likely not be that p iece — Evan Fournier or Derrick Rose are more likely, a source said. 薪資包部分,不太可能會是紅茶,Fournier或Rose比較有可能。 While no timeline has been set from either side on a deal, most expect a resol ution where the Jazz and Knicks simply agree to terms on an offer somewhere in between the current two asking prices in a matter of hours, days or weeks — whenever one side has reason to budge. 雖然雙方都沒有就交易設定時間表,但大多數人預計爵士和尼克將在幾小時、幾天或幾週 內就目前雙方報價之間的某個點達成協議——只要一方有理由讓步。 Miami Heat rumors 熱火部分 However, the Knicks are not the only team interested in Mitchell. The Miami He at have been interested in both Kevin Durant and Donovan Mitchell over recent weeks. 熱火在近幾周對KD和米丘交易都有興趣。 But their stable of young pieces and picks simply isn’t as attractive as New York’s. The Heat have traded their 2025 first-round pick away, meaning that t hey can only offer their 2023 pick, their 2027 pick, and their 2029 pick, alon g with pick swaps in the other years. The Heat also have a deficit of young pl ayers compared to New York. 22-year-old Tyler Herro is a good piece, but Max S trus, Gabe Vincent, and Omer Yurtseven are older and on shorter contracts than their key Knicks’ counterparts. 熱火的年輕球員和選秀權沒有尼克有吸引力,熱火已經交易了他們的2025首輪,這意味著 他們最多只能提供2023年首輪、2027年首輪和2029首輪,以及其他年份的選秀權互換,與 尼克相比,熱火也缺少年輕球員。22歲的英雄是一個不錯的球員,但其他Max Strus、Gab e Vincent、Omer Yurtseven比尼克能給的球員更老,合約也更短。 The Heat made an offer weeks ago for Mitchell that included nearly all of thos e pieces, but the Jazz found it insufficient. At that time, sources tell the T ribune, the Jazz and Heat agreed that a third team that might be necessary in the trade in order to bring more value to the Jazz — likely meaning that the Heat would have to send veteran pieces elsewhere to get younger player or pick value in return. 幾週前,熱火向爵士提出了關於米丘的交易報價,其中幾乎包括了能提出的所有東西,但 爵士認為這還不夠,爵士和熱火同意在交易中可能需要第三支球隊,以便為爵士帶來更多 價值——這可能意味著熱火將不得不將老將球員送到其他地方以拿到更年輕的球員或選擇 權作為回報。 短評或心得: 八個首輪裡大部分都要! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1657852878.A.FFF.html

07/15 10:43, 1年前 , 1F
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07/15 10:43, 1年前 , 2F
首輪強迫症患者Danny Ainge
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07/15 10:44, 1年前 , 5F
我們安吉以前不是這樣 一定是雷霆帶壞他的
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07/15 10:49, 1年前 , 25F
Mitchell是紐約人有加成 但爵士開價這麼高太難了
07/15 10:49, 25F

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07/15 10:52, 1年前 , 33F
最多4個首輪吧 不過尼克首輪這麼多 5個好像也能接受
07/15 10:52, 33F

07/15 10:52, 1年前 , 34F
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07/15 10:53, 1年前 , 35F
給到五首輪換到保住Obi, IQ跟Grimes是可以接受的
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07/15 10:54, 1年前 , 39F
爵士現在就是我不交易沒差 要換的就拿出誠意來
07/15 10:54, 39F
還有 186 則推文
07/15 12:23, 1年前 , 226F
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07/15 12:24, 1年前 , 227F
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07/15 12:24, 1年前 , 228F
呃 不值吧
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07/15 12:24, 1年前 , 229F
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07/15 12:25, 1年前 , 230F
安及就是讓他賺到資產後 讓其他人幫他轉化
07/15 12:25, 230F

07/15 12:25, 1年前 , 231F
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07/15 12:27, 1年前 , 232F
青賽選得不好養得不好? 目前核心陣容都是自選自養耶
07/15 12:27, 232F

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07/15 12:29, 1年前 , 235F
KD 33歲,狗貝 30歲;米丘 25歲。剛延長合約的32歲
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07/15 12:30, 1年前 , 242F
賽提主力是安吉選的沒錯 不過中後段簽air掉的機率也
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07/15 12:30, 1年前 , 243F
不低 前端簽倒是都選的還行
07/15 12:30, 243F

07/15 12:30, 1年前 , 244F
米丘又沒喊吹密 一直高喊只會搞到籃網賣不出去 舒服
07/15 12:30, 244F

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07/15 12:33, 1年前 , 248F
我是前爵迷 我只能說 前年的米丘有這個價 去年的沒
07/15 12:33, 248F

07/15 12:33, 1年前 , 249F
有 但是麻煩這包不要拿來嘴米丘爛 應該要拿來讚嘆安
07/15 12:33, 249F

07/15 12:34, 1年前 , 250F
吉很屌 交易沒在虧的
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07/15 12:46, 1年前 , 252F
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07/15 12:56, 1年前 , 253F
安吉還是老樣子XDDD 擺明就是要搶劫,沒在演的
07/15 12:56, 253F

07/15 13:13, 1年前 , 254F
米丘哪有那麼值錢 排得到現役TOP20嗎
07/15 13:13, 254F

07/15 13:32, 1年前 , 255F
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07/15 13:44, 1年前 , 256F
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07/15 13:46, 1年前 , 257F
26-4-5 .448的後衛排不到前20你要確定欸?
07/15 13:46, 257F

07/15 13:56, 1年前 , 258F
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07/15 18:08, 1年前 , 262F
說出這樣換米丘為何不換kd 說真的爵士只要一堆簽跟
07/15 18:08, 262F

07/15 18:08, 1年前 , 263F
青春肉體 kd要超級明星 還是有差啦
07/15 18:08, 263F

07/15 20:27, 1年前 , 264F
07/15 20:27, 264F

07/15 21:13, 1年前 , 265F
去要 KD 更好啊
07/15 21:13, 265F
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