Re: [花邊] 馬刺願意提供2.19億的頂薪給可愛

看板NBA作者 (芥川 龍之介)時間6年前 (2018/06/29 22:47), 6年前編輯推噓21(21011)
留言32則, 26人參與, 6年前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
看來是雙方關係很難修復了 ESPN 報導:聯盟消息源稱,Kawhi Leonard不想再走進馬刺的更衣室了,態度十分堅定。 馬刺方面態度也很強硬:在明年2 月份的交易截止日前,沒有什麼事或者什麼人能強迫他 們進行交易。 [Martin] ESPN: league sources say @ KawhiLeonard is adamant he doesn't want to step into the ' locker room again. @Spurs adamant nothing/no one will force a trade upon them before next February's trade deadline. --------------------------------- 以下是美國鄉民的討論 Kawhi gets dressed in car before games confirmed 已經證實Kawhi賽前都在車裡著裝 After seeing that Anthony Davis video, I would too. 在看了AD的那影片後……我也會在車裡換。
This is going to be Episode 1 of the next Game of Zones, right? 下一季NBA權力遊戲的第一集就要拍KL與馬刺的這些事了,對不對? Im gonna be honest here, this is not the best look for Kawhi. 我老實話,可愛這樣搞有點敗自己名聲啊。 He and his group obviously don't care. 很明顯他和他的團隊並不在乎。 This is honestly the most surprising story in a while for me. Kawhi would be the LAST player I would expect to turn on a team, yet alone a team that seemed to fit him so well like the Spurs 說真的,這是這段時間來最讓我感到驚訝的故事了。換在以前,你讓我怎麼猜也猜不 到可愛會是那個跟球隊反目成仇的人,更何況還是馬刺這種如此適合他的球隊。 every time i see this gif i start to wonder exactly what he was thinking in that moment 每次看到這張圖的時,我都會思考 莫寧當時到底在想什麼。
Wonder how he'll like the LA spotlight on him everywhere he goes. People will REALLY recognize him everywhere he goes. 我很好奇,當洛杉磯的聚光燈無時無刻不跟隨著他的時候,KL會怎麼想。無論他走到哪 大家可都會認出他的啊。 See I don't get that part. One rumor says he's looking to get more publicity and better shoe deals, and the other says he doesn't want to be the star player. Just sounds like his camp throwing out one thing then the other 我就是不太懂這一點。有傳言稱,倫納德想得到更大的曝光度和更好的球鞋合約 還有傳言稱他不想成為球隊的明星球員。聽起來像他的團隊這是在亂放消息 If LeBron comes to LA with him, wouldn't that be exactly what he wants? 如果姆斯和他一起來LA,不就正是他希望的嗎?(又有曝光又不用做頭牌) If kawhi tries to stretch this into skipping games for the same injury next season ya'll think some major shit can go down? If the Spurs petition well that hes faking it he may lose FA rights iirc. 假如Kawhi下賽季還想接著以同樣的傷病作為理由缺席比賽,你們覺得會有大事出現嗎? 如果我沒記錯的話,要是馬刺申訴Kawhi詐傷成功的話,他可能會失去自由球員的權利 Let's fucking go. His camp has already released a statement saying he's healthy so I'm ready. 馬刺迷: 跟他對幹到底啊! 他的團隊已經宣稱他恢復健康了。我已經準備好了。 I guess he will just sit out until he's traded at the deadline. He's already killed his trade value by saying he will only play for the Lakers/Clippers. I'm thankful for what Kawhi did for SA but this whole thing has soured me on him. Let him sit out for almost 2 years. Good luck going to LA if the Lakers sign Lebron and PG to max deals. 馬刺球迷:我猜Kawhi會在交易截止日前一直休戰吧。自從他宣稱自己只願意為湖人/快艇 效力開始,他就已經扼殺了他的交易價值了。我很感謝Kawhi為聖安東尼奧所做的一切, 但是這整起事件讓我對他毫無好感了。就讓他這麼休息個兩年吧。如果湖人以頂薪簽下 姆斯和PG的話,我祝他加盟洛杉磯好運。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: Jigokuhen (, 06/29/2018 22:48:44

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06/29 23:04, 6年前 , 10F
可愛方的意思應該是薪水少一些我不在乎 從商業補吧
06/29 23:04, 10F

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06/29 23:06, 6年前 , 12F
如果可愛真的被冰 又到二月才交易 真的是互相傷害
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06/29 23:15, 6年前 , 15F
除非可愛的面攤+沉默是裝的 不然要在洛城接業外也沒
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06/29 23:23, 6年前 , 18F
AD lol!?
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06/29 23:26, 6年前 , 19F
居然還可以 詐傷 我覺得他有沒有詐傷 感覺找個第三
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06/30 02:42, 6年前 , 27F
以後美國隊還要pop帶隊,那可愛不就不入選 不上場
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