[外絮] Reggie Miller對KD轉隊的想法

看板NBA作者 (哇哈哈)時間7年前 (2016/07/06 17:32), 7年前編輯推噓843(89350394)
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Reggie Miller對於KD轉隊有感而寫了一篇專文 以下做簡單翻譯 http://0rz.tw/QCgUT Reggie Miller: Kevin Durant Traded a Sacred Legacy for Cheap Jewelry The gravity of Kevin Durant's decision to join the Golden State Warriors hit me on Tuesday when a friend texted me, saying: "Holy s--t! What an NBA weekend. KD is crazy. Will they lose a game?" KD決定到勇士的消息讓我感到震撼 一個朋友傳訊給我說到:我的老天 好個NBA周末 KD瘋了嗎 明年他們應該可以拿82勝了吧? I wrote back: "It's a bad look for the league once again. Between the huge signings of mediocre players and now KD defecting to the Warriors, there are really only five or six teams you are interested in watching—and only three of those have a real shot to win the championship. It's going to be a boring season unless the Warriors, Cavs, Spurs, Knicks, Celtics are on TNT or ESPN every week." 我回傳:這又一次傷害了聯盟 一堆普通球員拿了高薪 現在KD轉到了勇士 現在球迷只會對5-6支球隊感興趣了 其中又只有三支有機會拿冠軍 除非勇士 騎士 馬刺 尼克 青賽能夠每個禮拜出現在TNT或ESPN的轉播 否則下個球季無聊透了 He wrote back: "The rich get richer. If you're KD, would you go for the ring?" 他回傳:富者愈富很正常啊 如果你是KD 你不想追求冠軍戒嗎? And then I wrote back: "At the end of the day, what's more important, rings or legacy? The media only cares about rings, and rightfully so. We are judged on jewelry, so that's why I can't argue with it. From a personal standpoint, I'm upset that a small market will never recover from it. I like having stars/superstars in small markets. It evens the playing field and helps the overall product. It's why having Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay is great. In today's age of social media, you don't need to be in L.A., New York City or Chicago to get all the endorsements. Case in point: LeBron James and KD. Both have been the faces of the league in small markets." 我回傳:職業生涯終結時 冠軍戒和生涯評價 何者更為重要? 媒體現在只關心戒指 有沒有戒指成了唯一衡量的指標 我無法反駁 但從個人角度來看 我對於一個小市場球隊將因KD的轉隊而無法從傷害中回復感到難受 我喜歡小市場球隊有著自己的球星或超級巨星 這對於聯盟整體的發展有幫助 這也是為何Aaron Rodgers能在綠灣是一件好事 現在社群媒體如此發達 即使不在LA 紐約或芝加哥也能獲得球員和球迷的認同與支持 LBJ和KD現在不就是身處於小市場球隊的聯盟超級巨星嗎? That's the conversation that really got me thinking. 這段對話真的讓我開始思考 Look, I understand this isn't about money, because people like LeBron, Durant, Russell Westbrook and the retired Kobe Bryant make more money through their shoe contracts than they do on the court. So yes, we know this decision isn't about money. 我知道這無關金錢 像LBJ KD RW或老大 光賣鞋賺的就比他們在場上賺的多 我們都知道這個決定無關金錢 To me, it's about your legacy versus rings. 對我來說 這是生涯評價與冠軍戒指的問題 Durant would have been a god if he stayed in Oklahoma City. People always say to me, "I'm so glad you stayed with us"—that I stayed for 18 years with a small-market team in Indiana. KD如果繼續留在Oklahoma將擁有神一般的地位 人們常告訴我:我很高興你一直與我們同在-職業生涯18年始終留在印第安納 But the media, of which I am a part, always says, "Well, he never won a championship." And I get that; I understand that. Not winning a championship burns me to this day. 但是媒體只會如此評價包括我在內的球星:嗯 他從來沒獲得冠軍 我能了解這種觀點 沒得冠至今依舊讓我感到痛楚 After reaching six Eastern Conference Finals and an NBA Finals only to finish without a title, I sympathize with Durant's dilemma. A rebound, loose ball, free throw, missed assignment, missed box-out can change everything. Being so close and ultimately losing sucks. 六次東區冠軍賽以及一次總冠軍賽 但最後與冠軍無緣 我對於KD的困境感到同情 也許只差一個籃板 一個罰球 一次犯規 一個卡位沒卡好 事情就都不一樣了 如此接近冠軍卻得不到 這感覺爛透了 Nevertheless, it was the fight to put Indiana on the map that, in my mind, is my greatest accomplishment. 然而 也是這樣的拼鬥讓印第安那站上了舞台 在我心中這是我所完成的最棒成就 I lost to Michael Jordan. I battled Patrick Ewing and his Knicks. I lost to Larry Bird and his Celtics. I lost to Isiah Thomas and his "Bad Boys" Pistons. I lost to Shaquille O'Neal and Penny Hardaway's Magic. You want to go against those guys, against the absolute best, even if you don't win. 我輸給了MJ 我跟Ewing和尼克隊血戰 我輸給了大鳥和青賽 我輸給了Isiah Thomas和壞孩子們 我輸給了大鯊魚和一分錢的魔術 但我還是想要跟這些傢伙們對抗 跟這些最棒的傢伙 即使我輸了 That's what Durant gave up by leaving the Thunder. And that matters. Had he stayed in Oklahoma City, people would have said, "He spurned all the other offers and continued to fight the giant." 這種願意與之對抗的心態 正是KD離開雷霆所放棄的 而這很重要 如果他續留Oklahoma 人們會說:他拒絕了所有的合約 繼續留下奮戰! Even if Durant didn't win a championship like me, John Stockton or players who briefly spent time elsewhere like Ewing, Karl Malone and Hakeem Olajuwon, the rest of the world would have looked at him in a different light because he fought, rather than joined, the giants—LeBron, Stephen Curry, Draymond Green, Chris Paul, etc. And to me, that's a true legacy. 即使KD像我 老史或其他曾短暫待在別隊的球星如大猩猩 馬龍或大夢一樣沒有拿到冠軍 但人們一樣會因為他的奮戰而給予高評價 而不是加入LBJ 咖哩 追夢綠或CP3這些巨星們 對我而言這才是一個球星真正的價值 It would obviously be great to have both—your kingdom and an untarnished legacy. But there are only so many people who enjoy that luxury. 能同時擁有冠軍及好的生涯評價當然是最棒的 但只有少數人能享受這樣的奢華 Jordan had both, because he already won six rings before going to Washington. Magic Johnson. Larry Bird. Kobe Bryant. You can even put Olajuwon in there, since he won two championships before going to Toronto. MJ有 在他去巫師前已經有六座冠軍 魔術強生 大鳥 老大也都有 你也可以將大夢加入此名單 在他被交易去多倫多前已經拿了兩座冠軍 But I can't loop LeBron into that company. He left his kingdom in Cleveland for Miami, which was Dwyane Wade's kingdom. 但我無法將LBJ放入此名單 他離開了他在克里夫蘭的王國到了邁阿密 那是WADE的王國 Yes, LeBron did win two titles with the Heat. So I get why Durant, like James, decided to go elsewhere. And I'm not here to say he cannot redeem himself, or that everyone will look back on his decision to leave and focus on that alone. 當然 LBJ在熱火也拿了兩冠 我猜這也是KD要轉隊的原因 我並不是要說他以後無法由黑轉白了 或是所有人只會將焦點放在他轉隊這個點上面 Winning solves everything. Let's say the Warriors go out and win the next three NBA championships. Will people really look back and only think about Durant defecting from OKC? Probably not. 因為只要贏得冠軍就解決一切了 假設勇士隊未來拿下三連霸 人們還會一直討論KD轉隊嗎 恐怕不會了 And here's the other thing: Owners turn their backs on players all the time. So as a player, you have to do what's right in your heart. I get that 100 percent. 另外 老闆們也常對球員無情無義 所以身為一個球員 對自己真正想做的事 我百分百能理解 Still, there's a difference when you are "the man" and everything about a team is built around you. It's even more different for Durant. He had the best of both worlds: the reins of a franchise and another top-10, maybe top-five player in Westbrook. 然而 當你是球隊的老大 整個球隊繞著你運轉時 事情就有點不同了 對KD來說 他擁有對球隊的控制權 還有一個也許是聯盟前五的隊友-西河 When LeBron left Cleveland, the Cavaliers had Mo Williams, Anderson Varejao, Zydrunas Ilgauskas and Daniel Gibson, among others. His running mates were not of Westbrook's caliber—or even on the same level as Steven Adams. 當LBJ離開騎士時 騎士隊只有Mo Williams, Anderson Varejao, Zydrunas Ilgauskas and Daniel Gibson 這些人 他的隊友沒有一個有到西河的等級 甚至連Steven Adams的等級都不到 Comparatively, it isn't like Durant spurned a team that needed to be redone. The Thunder finished with the league's fifth-best record in the regular season and were up 3-1 on the Warriors in the Western Conference Finals. They would have been right there again next season. 另外 雷霆隊並不是一隻需要重建的隊伍 今年他們的戰績是聯盟第五佳 還差點淘汰了勇士隊 沒意外的話明年他們依然是聯盟的強隊 That's why I can't help but wonder if he had a conversation with Westbrook. I'm speculating, but maybe he found out Westbrook planned to leave in free agency next summer if the duo couldn't win a title after what would be nine years together. Though Durant could've still signed a one-plus-one deal that would've put him in free agency with Westbrook, their conversation would at least shed some more light on why he left. 因此我忍不住懷疑KD到底有沒有跟西河談論過此事 也許KD發現在經過九年的合作卻無法得冠後 西河明年夏天也許會離隊 雖然KD也可能簽一個1+1的合約 屆時他將與西河一起成為自由球員 但無論如何 如果他們有談話 至少事情可能不一樣 Maybe this has nothing to do with Westbrook potentially leaving—or even any existing rivalry or conflict between the two. Perhaps Durant's desire to win rings is just that strong, or maybe he took this past postseason as a sign. 也許這跟西河要離隊 或是外傳的兩人有心結一點關係也沒有 也許KD對冠軍的渴望就是如此強烈 或是他認為這次的季後賽對他而言有某種意義 I am only here talking about Durant joining the Warriors thanks to a perfect storm of circumstances: a salary-cap spike, Oklahoma City's collapse in the Western Conference Finals against Golden State and the Warriors' NBA Finals collapse versus the Cavaliers. Durant isn't a Warrior without all of those things happening. 溢價簽約 雷霆在西冠中輸給勇士 勇士又在總冠軍戰中輸給騎士 如果這些事情沒有發生 也許KD根本不會加入勇士 And while I get all of this, stars in small markets have a greater obligation to their fans. 當我了解這些事後 我覺得小市場球隊的球星應該對他們的球迷有更多的責任 People always ask, "What made you stay in Indiana for all those years?" This is the best way I can answer that question: Your checkout teller at the grocery store, the attendant at the gas station, the ushers, the waiters, the waitresses—all these fans laughed and cheered with me, and they cried with me after the losses to Shaq, MJ and the Knicks. We were in it together. 人們常問我 什麼原因讓你在印第安納待這麼多年? 我的回答是 商店中的櫃台結帳人員 加油站員工 接待員 服務生 所有的球迷們總是給我鼓勵與微笑 當我們輸給湖人 MJ和尼克時 他們與我們一起哭泣 我們是一體的 I could not look at those fans had I gone somewhere else. I could not win a championship in Miami like LeBron, popping bubbly and all that, knowing there's a group in Indiana that stayed with me when I wasn't able to win a title. I couldn't turn my back on that fanbase and say, "Yay, I got a ring!" 如果我去了別的球隊 我甚至無法再與這些球迷們互動 只要想到在印第安納有一群球迷一直支持著我 我就無法跟LBJ一樣到邁阿密拿了冠軍 我無法無視這些球迷們然後說 嘿 我得冠了 That's why I believe Durant took an unnecessary shortcut by joining the Warriors. Fans in smaller markets, like Oklahoma City, live and die with their teams. Going to playoff games and driving through the neighborhood, almost every house has signs and banners from kids. 正因此我才相信KD加入勇士是走了一條非必要的捷徑 小市場球隊的球迷 如Oklahoma 是與球隊一體的 當季後賽開打時 如果到附近晃晃 幾乎家家戶戶都懸掛著來自孩子們的加油標語 It gives me chills thinking about those experiences in Indiana. And that's not to say Durant won't encounter this with Golden State. He might. But he's in someone else's kingdom now. 每當想到在印第安納的美好經驗就讓我感到開心 這並不是說KD到了勇士不會得到如此熱烈的支持 他會的 只是這裡是別人的王國 Don't get me wrong, Durant will be the alpha dog. On the court, the pecking order will be Durant, Curry, Green, then Klay Thompson. But Durant will forever play in Curry's kingdom. He was with them first. He won a title for them first. 無疑KD在勇士會是領袖 球場上的主角會是KD 咖哩 追夢綠和K湯 只是KD永遠是在咖哩的王國打球 他會先為他們贏得冠軍 If Durant would have won in Oklahoma City, it would just be better. It would have been better if he joined any team that wasn't a ready-made contender. But in Oklahoma City, winning one title would be like getting three or more in Golden State. Failing to win one with the Thunder would arguably be more admirable than collecting any number of titles with the Warriors. 如果KD已為雷霆贏得冠軍 是不是好多了 如果他加入的不是一隻已經建構好的強隊就更好了 在雷霆奪得一冠的意義還是高於在勇士拿三冠甚至更多 即使在雷霆無法奪冠 還是比起在勇士收集冠軍來得令人敬佩多了 This is just my opinion. Others will feel differently. People will read this and say, "This is coming from a guy who never won a championship." That's fine with me. And again, I get Durant's decision. I understand that temptation. 這只是我的個人想法 想法不同的人看完這篇文章會說 這只是一個沒有冠軍球員的廢話 沒關係 重申一次 我了解KD的決定 我了解那種有機會奪冠的誘惑 The Celtics wanted me to come out of retirement in 2007-08, when they won a title with Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett. I couldn't do it. There was an opportunity to join the Lakers at one point. I couldn't do that, either. And maybe I should have. 青賽曾經在07-08球季邀請我復出 那個球季他們有Ray和狼王並奪得冠軍 但我拒絕了 也曾有機會加入湖人 但我也拒絕了 也許我應該這麼做才是 But to me, a king should never leave his kingdom. 但對我來說 身為王者就該留在自己的王國裡 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1467797570.A.3FF.html

07/06 17:34, , 1F
07/06 17:34, 1F

07/06 17:34, , 2F
現在的球星為了戒指 王者都去當人小弟了
07/06 17:34, 2F

07/06 17:34, , 3F
腿迷快來黑 他在嘴你們主子
07/06 17:34, 3F

07/06 17:35, , 4F
推Miller QQ
07/06 17:35, 4F

07/06 17:35, , 5F
他最有資格說 連超賽邀請都婉拒掉了
07/06 17:35, 5F

07/06 17:35, , 6F
07/06 17:35, 6F

07/06 17:35, , 7F
07/06 17:35, 7F

07/06 17:35, , 8F
他說的很中肯 冠軍比較重要
07/06 17:35, 8F

07/06 17:36, , 9F
米勒知道冠軍代表一切 拿了三個冠軍就變贏家了
07/06 17:36, 9F

07/06 17:36, , 10F
再偉大的球星 都會被嗆1>>>>>>0
07/06 17:36, 10F

07/06 17:36, , 11F
07/06 17:36, 11F

07/06 17:37, , 12F
07/06 17:37, 12F

07/06 17:37, , 13F
07/06 17:37, 13F

07/06 17:37, , 14F
07/06 17:37, 14F

07/06 17:37, , 15F
07/06 17:37, 15F

07/06 17:37, , 16F
07/06 17:37, 16F

07/06 17:37, , 17F
就說大組團時代 你我都推了一把啊 每個人都看冠軍
07/06 17:37, 17F

07/06 17:37, , 18F
不知道為啥 看完想哭Q__Q
07/06 17:37, 18F

07/06 17:37, , 19F
推 老人的風骨
07/06 17:37, 19F

07/06 17:37, , 20F
他明明就在幫詹說話 有人看不懂耶
07/06 17:37, 20F

07/06 17:37, , 21F
KG拿到冠軍 歷史定位就瞬間超越尤因老巴米勒
07/06 17:37, 21F

07/06 17:37, , 22F
07/06 17:37, 22F

07/06 17:37, , 23F
推 米樂真男人
07/06 17:37, 23F

07/06 17:38, , 24F
07/06 17:38, 24F

07/06 17:38, , 25F
一堆普通球員拿了高薪 中懇推
07/06 17:38, 25F

07/06 17:38, , 26F
這看人的吧 那不就被小市場球隊選到 球團又沒有好的
07/06 17:38, 26F

07/06 17:38, , 27F
球星壓力有多大 特別是0冠的那種 大到甘願投降
07/06 17:38, 27F

07/06 17:38, , 28F
推 十幾年來最失望的一季
07/06 17:38, 28F

07/06 17:38, , 29F
07/06 17:38, 29F

07/06 17:38, , 30F
07/06 17:38, 30F

07/06 17:38, , 31F
07/06 17:38, 31F

07/06 17:38, , 32F
07/06 17:38, 32F

07/06 17:38, , 33F
操作方式 不就很衰XD
07/06 17:38, 33F

07/06 17:38, , 34F
07/06 17:38, 34F

07/06 17:38, , 35F
神米都認為跟LBJ 雷帝得到的奧援算S級了!
07/06 17:38, 35F

07/06 17:39, , 36F
07/06 17:39, 36F

07/06 17:39, , 37F
大推 KD再強也比不上神米
07/06 17:39, 37F

07/06 17:39, , 38F
07/06 17:39, 38F

07/06 17:39, , 39F
07/06 17:39, 39F
還有 1258 則推文
還有 9 段內文
07/07 11:04, , 1298F
推 真情流露
07/07 11:04, 1298F

07/07 11:04, , 1299F
我就是神米王國台灣分部的信眾之一 20年了
07/07 11:04, 1299F

07/07 11:06, , 1300F
07/07 11:06, 1300F

07/07 11:14, , 1301F
07/07 11:14, 1301F

07/07 11:46, , 1302F
07/07 11:46, 1302F

07/07 11:48, , 1303F
07/07 11:48, 1303F

07/07 12:07, , 1304F
07/07 12:07, 1304F

07/07 12:14, , 1305F
07/07 12:14, 1305F

07/07 12:22, , 1306F
07/07 12:22, 1306F

07/07 12:25, , 1307F
神米完全說出了KD這次為人所不恥的原因阿!!! 淚推
07/07 12:25, 1307F

07/07 12:36, , 1308F
07/07 12:36, 1308F

07/07 12:38, , 1309F
身為王者就該留在自己的王國裡 (淚推)
07/07 12:38, 1309F

07/07 12:57, , 1310F
07/07 12:57, 1310F

07/07 13:05, , 1311F
07/07 13:05, 1311F

07/07 13:13, , 1312F
神米中肯 懦夫kd
07/07 13:13, 1312F

07/07 13:16, , 1313F
推 不過 歐天王有拿到冠軍啊 XD
07/07 13:16, 1313F

07/07 13:57, , 1314F
推!! 一顆冠軍戒的意義不同
07/07 13:57, 1314F

07/07 14:31, , 1315F
07/07 14:31, 1315F

07/07 14:45, , 1316F
07/07 14:45, 1316F

07/07 15:08, , 1317F
07/07 15:08, 1317F

07/07 15:28, , 1318F
07/07 15:28, 1318F

07/07 16:13, , 1319F
真的是有感而發不是幾個字twit 他也沒苛責只是感嘆
07/07 16:13, 1319F

07/07 16:20, , 1320F
推,不過我記得KD不是"Seatle SuperSonic"的新秀嗎X
07/07 16:20, 1320F

07/07 16:20, , 1321F
07/07 16:20, 1321F

07/07 18:57, , 1322F
07/07 18:57, 1322F

07/07 19:44, , 1323F
07/07 19:44, 1323F

07/07 20:44, , 1324F
推 好文
07/07 20:44, 1324F

07/07 21:32, , 1325F
07/07 21:32, 1325F

07/07 23:23, , 1326F
07/07 23:23, 1326F

07/08 01:08, , 1327F
推 都抱腿拿冠真的少很多彼此對抗的樂趣
07/08 01:08, 1327F

07/08 10:14, , 1328F
07/08 10:14, 1328F

07/08 12:34, , 1329F
真的很感動 眼眶泛淚了
07/08 12:34, 1329F

07/08 15:11, , 1330F
07/08 15:11, 1330F

07/08 16:48, , 1331F
07/08 16:48, 1331F

07/08 20:41, , 1332F
07/08 20:41, 1332F

07/08 20:42, , 1333F
07/08 20:42, 1333F

07/08 22:06, , 1334F
推 真男人
07/08 22:06, 1334F

07/09 01:52, , 1335F
07/09 01:52, 1335F

07/27 23:33, , 1336F
07/27 23:33, 1336F

06/15 19:04, , 1337F
06/15 19:04, 1337F
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文章代碼(AID): #1NVD12F_ (NBA)