Re: [討論] Michael Jordan有弱點嗎?

看板NBA作者 (婚帶)時間9年前 (2015/06/28 04:38), 9年前編輯推噓24(25117)
留言43則, 22人參與, 最新討論串6/8 (看更多)
翻譯了一個MJ時代的NBA教練對於MJ生涯的總結, 其中也提到了很多MJ的技術特點, 大家不妨參考看看. 這個文章是MJ第二次復出前寫的, 所以裡面列出來的數據並不包含巫師時期. From : Looking back at Michael Jordan's long and illustrious career, I think the quality that sets him apart from all other players is that he set the bar of excellence at such a high level that in our immediate future, his status is unlikely to ever be challenged. 在Michael Jordan漫長而輝煌的職業生涯中與其他NBA球員最大的差異, 就是他設立了一個非常高的標竿 -- 一個在短期之內都不可能被超越的標竿. When Michael came into the league, he came in with an explosion by averaging 28.2 points in his very first year, shooting 51.5 percent from the field, 84.5 percent from the line, and adding 6.5 rebounds and 5.9 assists a game. So for all of the people who say that he was wasn't a complete player and didn't do everything on the court, I say to them he did do everything! In his very first year! 在Michael進入聯盟的第一年, 就取得 28.2PTS 51.5FG% 84.5FT% 6.5TRB 5.9AST 的爆發性數據. 所以對於那些說MJ不是一個全能球員的指責, 我顯然不大認同, 我告訴那些批評者, MJ在新秀年就已經是個全能球員了. True, Michael wasn't what you would call an automatic three-point shooter, but he was never that throughout his career. In 13 seasons, Michael shot 33.2 percent for his career from beyond the three-point arc, but because of his greatness, once he got on a roll he could shoot you out of a game by hitting three-pointer after three-pointer. Once again though, that was developed over the 13 years. 說真的, 你可以直接說Michael並不是一個三分投籃機器, 但是你卻不能把這句話套用到他整個職業生涯. 在他的13個賽季, Michael只有33.2%(加入巫師的兩年則降為32.7%)的三分球命中率, 但是由於他的能力實在太過強大, 你只要讓他抓到手感, 他就會一直進三分球進到讓你找媽媽. 我再強調一次, 這些都是他13年來所發展出的技能. From the outset of his career, Michael possessed an unparalleled quickness off the dribble, and his ability to dribble with either hand and finish in the lane with an explosion separated him from the rest of the players in the league. Plus, he always backed up his drives with the high shooting percentages, so defending him was nearly impossible. You could never foul him, because he'd go to the line and make 85 percent. What they had in Chicago was this incredible diamond, but a diamond surrounded by less than a playoff-type athlete. Michael在他的職業生涯一開始就擁有無與倫比的快速運球推進能力, 並且, 他沒有習慣手問題的雙手運球能力, 以及充滿爆發性的得分能力, 輕易的把他與其他球員區隔開來. 更何況伴隨而來的是他極高的投籃命中率, 所以要防守他幾乎是一件不可能的任務. 你也不能對他犯規, 因為他的罰球命中率高達85%. 芝加哥所擁有的, 是一顆璀璨的鑽石, 然而, 這顆鑽石在早期並沒有季後賽型球員圍繞著他, 一個都沒有. As his career went on, the Bulls put in the missing pieces. They added Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant in 1987 to give them their "Big Three" and once that happened, common thought was that Michael's game had exploded when in reality he had a complete game when he first came in. Now, he had the supporting cast to help transform individual success into team success. 當他的生涯持續著, 公牛隊也開始補全這個缺失. 他們在1987年把三巨頭所欠缺的兩個位置 -- Pip與Grant陸續找來. 所有人的共識都是當這兩人入隊以後, Michael才算真正的爆發. 因為對於Michael來說, 有Pip和Grant才算可以打上一場真正意義的完整比賽. 現在, 他終於有幫手把他個人的成功, 進化成整個球隊的成功了. As his career moved on, there was a slight step back because of age, but he always had the medium game, those eight to 15 foot shots that are missing in basketball today. Not only did he have that tough medium game, but he could always finish his drives when he went to the hole because of his incredible leaping ability. And at the end of his career, Michael transformed himself into one of the best post-up players in the NBA. He was nearly unstoppable because he perfected his bump and fadeaway jump shot. That one move, never mind all of the other things that he could do with his back to the basket, made him one of the most dominating post players in the game. 隨著越打越久, MJ也會被老化所約束而開始對於做一些事情感到吃力, 但是這些事情並不包括他的中距離跳投(一些8呎到15呎的投籃), 一個在現代籃球已經看不到的能力. 但是MJ也不是只止於中距離投籃, 除了中距離, 他還可以時常依靠恐怖的跳躍力來完成灌籃. 隨著生涯後半段, Michael開始轉型為NBA其中一位最佳的背框球員. 當他完善了他的跳投跟後仰技巧, 他的背框已經變得幾乎不可阻擋. 只要他背向籃框, 他幾乎可以做到任何事情, 這使得他變成比賽裡其中一位最有統治力的低位球員. Before he retired in 1993 to pursue a baseball career, you would always double team him and he still couldn't be stopped because of his ability to elevate. Once he elevated, it just came down to whether he made the shot or not. As a coach you could: a.) try to take the ball out of his hands; or b.) force him into a bad percentage shot. Neither choice is really correct because regardless of whether he would either make the shot or not make the shot, he understood how to beat the double team, and that alone was dangerous. 在他1993年退休去打棒球之前, 你會時常雙人包夾他. 但是他依然不可阻擋, 因為他具有可怕的跳投能力. 一旦他選擇跳投, 就只剩下他進或不進的問題. 作為敵隊教練, 你可以選擇 a.) 儘量不讓他接球; 或者b) 逼他在非舒適區投籃. 然而, 無論a或b都不是一個正確的選擇, 因為不管進不進球, 他都知道應該怎麼應付包夾, 這就是他最危險的地方. How would I coach against him? That's not an easy question and I don't know if I'm qualified because he scored 50 points on us twice during my last year in New York! In fact, there is that famous picture of him falling out of bounds right into our Knicks bench as he hit for two of those 50. The trouble was, we didn't have two guys on him, we had three and he still made the shot! We've all seen that type of play at least a thousand times, the play where Jordan could make the spectacular seem so normal. 如果有機會, 我會怎麼coach他? 這不是一個簡單的問題, 我甚至不知道我是否有這個資格, 因為他就在我當Knicks教練的最後一年, 硬生生的在我面前豪取了50分兩次! 事實上, 我這裡有一張當時(得50分的其中一場)很著名的照片. 這張照片捕捉到他投兩分球的時候撞進尼克隊板凳席的畫面. 麻煩的是, 我們當時並沒有雙夾他, 而是三夾他, 但依然沒有用! 對於這些投籃, 我們至少看過一千次了, 這些對於其他球員來說算超級經典的投籃, 在Michael看來卻再也正常不過. When you look at everything that Michael Jordan has accomplished from his game attendance to the six NBA championships, six Finals MVPs and five league MVPs, it's easy to see why he is considered the greatest of all time. When people debate over the greatest players of all time, and what players can transcend every era from the 1940s to present day, these people will pick a certain player because of a position that they like. Some guys like small forwards, some guys like centers, some guys like guards, some guys like power forwards and they'll pick one of their guys at those positions. But in Michael Jordan you had a guy who could give you everything. 當你回顧Michael Jordan的所有成就, 包括6次NBA冠軍, 6次FMVP, 5次MVP, 你很容易就說服自己他是有史以來最偉大的籃球員. 當人們在爭辯誰是最偉大球員, 或是誰無論擺到哪個時代(從1940到現在)都是超群的球員的時候, 他們會依自己喜歡的位置去劃分. 有些人喜歡SF, 有些人會選中鋒, 有些人則選後衛, 更有些人特別愛PF, 他們總會選擇某個位置上他們最喜愛的球員. 但是你無須把這些準則放諸於Michael Jordan身上, 因為他擁有任何人對於任一位置所喜歡的所有特質. From a defensive standpoint, when the Bulls won their first three championships, Jordan was not only a scorer, rebounder and assist man, but as a defender, he was the best double team post-up guy in the league. Not only did he play the two guard position defensively against one of the top scorers on your team and shut him down, but he also was the designated double team guy. And no matter which side the ball went in on, he would come and double team, and that's a facet of his game which people forget because he was always in the top three in steals because of the size, wing span, incredible quickness, and anticipation. 以防守的觀點來看, 當公牛贏得它的第一次三連霸的時候, Jordan不只會得分, 會抓籃板, 會助攻, 他還是一位擅長低位包夾的最佳防守者. 他除了進攻上是一個雙能衛, 防守方面他能夠單防敵隊的最佳得分手並讓他熄火, 也可以對其他人進行包夾. 而無論球轉到哪裡, 他都會出現在那裡並進行包夾. 通常這都是一般人對於MJ的比賽容易忽略的一面, 他總是在抄截榜上排名前3, 這些都得益於他體型上的優勢, 超長的臂展, 恐怖的速度以及判斷能力. Bill Russell won five MVP awards, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar won six, but the element of Jordan's game which separates him from all the rest is his attendance. Michael played 13 years, playing all 82 games eight times. Ten times Jordan played 80 or more games, one year he only played 18 games due to a broken foot, one year he played only 17 games after coming back from baseball, and there's only one other year he played 78 games. That competitive fire and desire to play and desire to win is second to none. Michael showed up to give you 30 or more points on a nightly basis, with the great shooting percentages, with the rebounding, with the assists and never sacrificed anything on the other end of the floor, where he gave you nine years of First Team All-Defense. There's nobody that's done that. When they compare him for competitiveness, the only guy in the same breath with Jordan is Bill Russell. Russell backed up his game with 11 championships as the heart and soul of the Boston Celtics. Russell's rebounding, shot-blocking and total defensive dominance from the foul line down is unmatched. But nobody in the history of the game has dominated at both ends of the floor like Michael Jordan. Therein lies the difference. 相對於MJ, Bill Russell曾經贏得5次MVP, Jabbar獲得6次, 但是Jordan和其他人不同的地方在於他非常高的出席率. Michael打了13個球季, 8次全勤, 10次打超過80場, 只有1年是因為骨折只打18場, 而另一年他只打17場因為剛打棒球回來, 剩下的1季也打了78場. 對他來說, 沒有任何事情重要得過對於比賽的渴望和對於勝利的渴望. Michael通常每個晚上基本盤會有30分以上以及很高的命中率, 除了籃板和助攻, 他還有優異的防守, 而9次All-Defense 1st team可以證明這一點. 這方面(同時在防守端和進攻端都到達頂尖)是沒有人做到過的. 當人們提起最有競爭力的球員, 只有Bill Russell足以跟Jordan相提並論. Russel在整個職崖為Boston Celtics贏得11個冠軍. Russell的籃板, 火鍋和整個禁區防守的統治力是沒有人可以比擬的. 但是歷史上從來沒有人能夠像MJ一樣同時統治了進攻端和防守端. 這就是Russell和MJ的差異所在. Michael Jordan simply leaves the game as the best player ever to play, and I don't think there is any argument over that. At the 1997 NBA All-Star Game in Cleveland when they celebrated the the top 50 players in NBA history, it was interesting because it was nearly unanimous among the players was that this guy is the greatest player to ever play. To me that thought is interesting because of its absolute nature. Michael Jordan就是有史以來最好的籃球員, 我不認為這一點有任何爭議. 1997年在Cleveland舉辦的All-star Game選出了NBA 50大球星, 這看起來很有趣, 因為MJ被一致認為是這些球員中的第一名. 對於我來說這個想法也很有趣, 只因為這是再也自然不過的事情. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

06/28 04:47, , 1F
06/28 04:47, 1F

06/28 04:59, , 2F
新秀年數據比巔峰時期少一點,進步沒多少。 XD
06/28 04:59, 2F

06/28 05:48, , 3F
反正那時候也不是大三分時代 這點短處不太需要檢視
06/28 05:48, 3F

06/28 06:05, , 4F
06/28 06:05, 4F

06/28 06:07, , 5F
06/28 06:07, 5F

06/28 06:19, , 6F
籃球之神 沒有之一
06/28 06:19, 6F

06/28 06:45, , 7F
抓到手感跟本廢話= = 手感是你看後來數據才知手感
06/28 06:45, 7F
所以你是想表達些甚麼? 當過NBA教練, 當過NBA評論員的Hubie Brown在跟你講廢話嗎?

06/28 06:46, , 8F
老說人家沒去了解MJ是想表示只有自己懂= =
06/28 06:46, 8F

06/28 07:09, , 9F
這篇是Hubie Brown寫的
06/28 07:09, 9F

06/28 07:22, , 10F
優質好文啊~~~ >M<
06/28 07:22, 10F

06/28 07:44, , 11F
06/28 07:44, 11F

06/28 07:57, , 12F
06/28 07:57, 12F

06/28 08:02, , 13F
06/28 08:02, 13F

06/28 08:26, , 14F
06/28 08:26, 14F

06/28 08:32, , 15F
06/28 08:32, 15F

06/28 08:32, , 16F
06/28 08:32, 16F

06/28 08:32, , 17F
06/28 08:32, 17F
※ 編輯: huntai (, 06/28/2015 08:36:46

06/28 08:34, , 18F
06/28 08:34, 18F

06/28 08:35, , 19F
06/28 08:35, 19F

06/28 08:37, , 20F
06/28 08:37, 20F

06/28 08:51, , 21F
GP也有9次防守一 他們是惟二
06/28 08:51, 21F
沒有做到過那段之前翻得不大好, 大意不是單指防守, 還包括攻守兩端. 沒人做到過 = 能夠多年同時是得分王也是防守第一隊

06/28 09:47, , 22F
06/28 09:47, 22F

06/28 09:48, , 23F
06/28 09:48, 23F

06/28 09:50, , 24F
06/28 09:50, 24F

06/28 09:53, , 25F
06/28 09:53, 25F

06/28 09:55, , 26F
06/28 09:55, 26F

06/28 09:55, , 27F
06/28 09:55, 27F

06/28 09:55, , 28F
06/28 09:55, 28F

06/28 09:56, , 29F
06/28 09:56, 29F
除了h大提到的, 再補充一些, 就是敵隊很難逼MJ失誤, 讓他接不到球, 或逼他去非舒適區投籃, 因為MJ的臨場應變能力實在太過驚人, 再加上與生俱來的全場洞察力, 他可以隨時依敵隊戰術的變化作不同調整.

06/28 10:32, , 30F
骨折那年是不是被Ron Artest弄得??
06/28 10:32, 30F
不是, 是生涯第二年左腿骨折, Ron Artest弄傷的是肋骨

06/28 10:51, , 31F
06/28 10:51, 31F

06/28 10:51, , 32F
都and 1投三分幹嘛
06/28 10:51, 32F

06/28 10:54, , 33F
06/28 10:54, 33F

06/28 10:54, , 34F
06/28 10:54, 34F
※ 編輯: huntai (, 06/28/2015 12:08:18

06/28 12:08, , 35F
06/28 12:08, 35F

06/28 12:09, , 36F
06/28 12:09, 36F

06/28 12:41, , 37F
06/28 12:41, 37F

06/28 14:06, , 38F
太認真了XD 不過事實本來就是如此~
06/28 14:06, 38F

06/28 14:18, , 39F
06/28 14:18, 39F

06/29 12:39, , 40F
這篇中肯 有看過MJ打球的基本上不會去質疑MJ的強
06/29 12:39, 40F

06/29 14:44, , 41F
06/29 14:44, 41F

06/29 14:44, , 42F
06/29 14:44, 42F

06/29 14:44, , 43F
06/29 14:44, 43F
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