[討論] Kobe有朋友嗎?

看板NBA作者 (agony)時間10年前 (2014/07/04 17:20), 10年前編輯推噓190(199945)
留言253則, 207人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
以下是我在reddit的NBA板看到的討論,個人覺得挺有趣的。 我從裡面挑了幾篇比較多人按讚的回應,跟鄉民們分享一下。 原文: http://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/29qq7k/does_kobe_bryant_have_friends/ Teenageboy69: He seems super hyper-critical of everyone and everything, and appears to have no personality outside of being a sociopathic competitor. I know that he has a wife, but does he have people that genuinely like him as a person? 他似乎對所有人事物都非常吹毛求疵,而且在身為一個變態般的競爭者以外似乎沒什麼個 性。我知道他有老婆,但他身邊有真心喜歡他為人的人嗎? canada_dryer: Excerpt from Shaq Uncut (take with a grain of salt): Kobe stands up and goes face-to-face with me and says, "You always said you're my big brother, you'd do anything for me, and then this Colorado thing happens and you never even called me." I did call him. ... So here we are now, and we find out he really was hurt that we didn't stand behind him. That was something new. I didn't think he gave a rat's ass about us either way. "Well, I thought you'd publicly support me, at least," Kobe said. "You're supposed to be my friend." Brian Shaw chimed in with "Kobe, why would you think that? Shaq had all these parties and you never showed up for any of them. We invited you to dinner on the road and you didn't come. Shaq invited you to his wedding and you weren't there. Then you got married and didn't invite any of us. And now you are in the middle of this problem, this sensitive situation, and now you want all of us to step up for you. We don't even know you." ... 從Shaq自傳中截錄(看看就好): Kobe站起來,面對面的對我說:「你總是說你是我的老大哥,你願意為我做任何事,但 是科羅拉多這件事發生後你連通電話都沒打給我。」我沒打電話給他。我們現在才發現, 他對我們沒挺他這件事很受傷。我沒預料到他會這樣想。我以為他根本不在乎我們這些人 。「我以為你起碼會公開挺我。」Kobe說。「你應當是我的朋友才對。」 Brian Shaw插話說:「Kobe,你怎麼會這麼想? Shaq開了好多次派對,你從沒出席過。我們 打客場的時候找你吃晚飯,你也不來。Shaq邀請你去參加他的婚禮,你也沒去。然後你結 婚了也沒找我們其中任何人。你現在碰到問題,這個棘手的問題,事到如今你要我們挺你 。我們根本不認識你這個人。」 errabidbot: I think kobe was to young when he hit the big stage, never got to learn how to develop relationships with people. Probably always looked at it as something getting in between him and his goals. I'm not saying most of the nba's stars don't go through similar situations, it just seems like kobe was so focused on basketball and success that he was willing to sacrifice something very human like strong interpersonal relationships. I'd bet kobe now would act much differently than kobe a decade ago, but maybe not. /ramble 我想Kobe登上大舞台的時候還太年輕,他從沒學會如何處理人際關係。他大概一直都把這 些看成是擋在他和目標間的障礙物。我不是說大多的NBA球星沒有類似的經歷,只是Kobe 似乎將他心力都集中在籃球和成功上,他願意犧牲像是人際關係這種非常人性的東西。我 打賭現在的Kobe的處事和10年前的Kobe不一樣,不過也說不定。 heyjesu: You're right, he tried to fit in with the other guys, but it was hard for him. Another excerpt from Shaq's book: 你說的沒錯,他試過要與其他人打成一片,不過那對他來說很難。這是另一段Shaq書中的 節錄: "We used to rap on the bus all the time. We’d freestyle. We’d see something and go off. It could be anything—a guy with a big nose walking his dog, a guy on our team with a zit on his cheek. Kobe wouldn’t usually say anything, but he was sitting there observing. You could tell he wanted to join in, but he hung back. Maybe he was afraid he wasn’t a good enough rapper. Who knows? We spent a lot of time wondering what was going on under that retro afro he had. 「我們以前常常在巴士上rap。我們都是freestyle,會看到什麼就rap什麼。什麼東西都行 - 正在遛狗的大鼻男,或是臉頰上長青春痘的隊友。通常Kobe什麼都不會說,就坐在那邊 看。你能看得出來他想加入我們,不過踏不出那一步。或許他怕他rap的不好,誰知道呢? 我們花很多時間猜他那個復古爆炸頭下面在想什麼。 Kobe was a very intelligent guy. One day we’re on the bus rapping, and he starts in with his own rap. He’s using all these big words, and the damn rap sounds like a movie script or something. That was when we realized he was going home and writing stuff up, then memorizing it and coming back with it on the bus." Kobe是個非常聰明的人。有天我們在巴士上rap,然後他開始唱著他自創的歌詞。他歌詞 裡有些長又繞口(或艱深)的字,那首rap聽起來像是電影的劇本還是什麼的一樣。那時候我 們才發現他在上巴士之前就先把在家寫好的詞全部背了起來。」 rabidbot: That's so pure kobe. Friendly free style, probably a little competitive. Goes home, works, writes, comes back with the intention to dominate. Never seeing it as a bonding experience with his team, never seeing that failing in that moment could even make him closer with them. Singular focus on being better, striving for excellence even when that isn't the point for everyone else. 這就是Kobe。對其他人來說是有善的,或許有點較量意味的freestyle rap。Kobe回家後 研究、寫詞,然後帶著要稱霸的心態回來。Kobe從沒把那視為和隊友們打關係的機會, 從沒想過在那時出點糗能拉近他與隊友們距離。就算對其他人而言成功與否不是重點, 但Kobe的那種獨一無二,對卓越的成就的渴望,使他為了更上一層樓而努力。 Kobe is the kid in the arcade that was so good at street fighter that it ruined it for everyone else. He is also that same kid that keep going to other arcades and betting their best player, and if he did find someone better he would play them until he was better. Kobe就像是那個在電動遊樂場裡玩快打旋風,將其他人打得落花流水,然後去其他遊樂場 挑戰那邊最強的玩家的小孩。如果他碰上比他更強的對手,他會持續挑戰他們,直到自己 變的比他們更強。 Its like he is a poster child for what a singularly focused will and drive can do. You can succeed beyond your wildest dreams (5 rings and all that) but it will still come at a price. 他就像是個證明人能靠著專注的意志力和幹勁,達成些什麼的典範。你能完成你最狂野的 夢想(5枚冠軍戒指等等),但這也是需要付出代價的。 I'm sure that a price he would pay again though, if only because he is the kind of person that paid it in the first place. 我相信若是重來,他仍會選擇付出這些代價去達成自己的夢想。 fatasslarry7: I've met Kobe a few times after games. Yes, his first priority is basketball. I've only met him after Laker wins, as he is seemingly not in the mood for fan interaction after losses. 我在球賽後見過Kobe幾次。沒錯,他是個籃球優先的人。我只在湖人隊贏球後見過他,因 為在輸球後他似乎沒有心情跟球迷們互動。 After a Laker win in Portland last year, he was hanging out with some friends from Nike for a while before finally leaving for the team bus. I had access to the back area and was waiting for him to come out. He stopped by and said what's up. Even though we had met before, I figured he wouldn't remember me since he probably meets thousands of fans every year, so I introduced myself. Halfway through my introduction, he cut me off, saying he remembered me and even continued a conversation we had about baseball the last time we met. Interestingly enough, we had the conversation about baseball in Oakland after a Lakers-Warriors game almost two years prior. Tl;dr:Kobe is a nice guy. 去年湖人在Portland贏球之後,他在上巴士之前和他在Nike的幾個朋友們聊了一下。我在 後面等他出來。他出來後過來跟我打了招呼。雖然我們以前見過面,但是我猜他大概不會 記得我,畢竟他每年大概都要見上千名球迷,所以我開始自我介紹。自我介紹作到一半, 他就打斷了我,說他記得我,還跟我繼續聊上次我們見面時聊到的棒球話題。有趣的是, 上次聊這個話題的時候是在那之前的兩年,一場在Oakeland的湖人-勇士的比賽之後。 長話短說: Kobe是個好人。 vitaminz1990: Similar story. I was in Barcelona studying abroad summer of 2012. Team USA was in Barcelona too, playing some exhibition games there before the Olympics started. My friends and I were on the beach, drinking and just enjoying ourselves. Next thing we know, Kobe Bryant is walking right by us. He had his shoes off, feet in the water, just enjoying himself as well. We all run up to him since many of us are massive Kobe fans, and while this is happening I'm thinking to myself that we are going to overwhelm him and piss him off. Actually it was the complete opposite. We spoke to him for a good 10 minutes. He was telling us how awesome it was that we get to live in Barcelona for the summer and telling us that he hopes we come watch the team take on Argentina in a couple days. Before he left, I went up to him individually, shook his hand and told him that I hope he wins gold and gets his 6th ring. He gave me a firm handshake, looked me in the eye and said, "Thank you, that really means a lot to me." He was a really nice guy and I respected him even more after that. 我有個類似的故事。2012年夏天我在Barcelona留學。美國國家隊那時候也在Barcelona, 趁著奧運開始之前在打表演賽。有天我和我朋友們在海灘上,邊喝飲料邊享受當下。突然 間Kobe從我們旁邊走過去。他沒穿鞋,雙腳浸在水裡,也正在享受當下。我們當中有很多 忠實的Kobe球迷,所以我們全都圍了上去,在那同時我心想我們這樣會讓他受不了,會讓 他不爽。不過實際上完全不是我想的那樣。我們跟他聊了整整10分鐘。他說我們在夏天能 住在Barcelona是很棒的事,還說他希望過幾天我們能去看美國跟阿根廷的比賽。在他離開 前,我一個人上前跟他握手,然後祝他能贏金牌和第6枚的冠軍戒指。他有力的握了我的手 ,看著我的眼睛說:「謝謝,這對我來說真的意義非凡。」 他人非常好,在那之後我更加尊敬他了。 stevebeyten: him and Pau co-own a racehorse. but that's probably a horse to symbolize their mutual hate for each other. 他和Pau一起買了一匹賽馬,不過那大概是他們互相厭惡對方的象徵。 brandio: No, he just sits in darkness waiting to rise out of the ashes every game. 他沒有朋友,他只坐在黑暗中等著在每場球賽中浴火重生。 36DD: http://i.imgur.com/os0ZQ.gif
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1404465645.A.3B6.html

07/04 17:23, , 1F
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07/04 17:24, , 3F
07/04 17:24, 3F

07/04 17:24, , 4F
他找甜瓜來當隊友 瓜瓜竟然敢不鳥他 不把老大放眼裡?
07/04 17:24, 4F

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07/04 17:24, , 6F
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07/04 17:25, , 8F
這就是老大 萬中選一 唯我獨尊
07/04 17:25, 8F

07/04 17:25, , 9F
07/04 17:25, 9F

07/04 17:26, , 10F
Kobe就偏執狂 又會讀書 不是一般只會打球的球員
07/04 17:26, 10F

07/04 17:26, , 11F
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07/04 17:27, , 15F
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07/04 17:27, , 16F
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※ 編輯: croww (, 07/04/2014 17:28:31

07/04 17:28, , 17F
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07/04 17:28, , 18F
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07/04 17:28, , 19F
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07/04 17:29, , 20F
像Bosh不也老是被歐肥嘲笑 歐肥單純厭恨這種黑人
07/04 17:29, 20F

07/04 17:29, , 21F
老大就我的朋友很少 但是後宮很多 就美國羽瀨川小鷹
07/04 17:29, 21F

07/04 17:29, , 22F
07/04 17:29, 22F

07/04 17:30, , 23F
出道到三連霸大概真的沒啥朋友 黑暗期之後好多了
07/04 17:30, 23F

07/04 17:30, , 24F
07/04 17:30, 24F

07/04 17:30, , 25F
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07/04 17:30, , 26F
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07/04 17:30, , 27F
07/04 17:30, 27F

07/04 17:30, , 28F
07/04 17:30, 28F
稍微改了幾個錯字。 ※ 編輯: croww (, 07/04/2014 17:32:19

07/04 17:31, , 29F
07/04 17:31, 29F

07/04 17:32, , 30F
老大退休 NBA版該怎麼辦啊
07/04 17:32, 30F

07/04 17:32, , 31F
07/04 17:32, 31F

07/04 17:32, , 32F
07/04 17:32, 32F

07/04 17:33, , 33F
07/04 17:33, 33F

07/04 17:34, , 34F
只會學流川 還是LBJ比較強
07/04 17:34, 34F

07/04 17:34, , 35F
07/04 17:34, 35F

07/04 17:34, , 36F
翻譯推 老大退休的話 這版可以廢了
07/04 17:34, 36F

07/04 17:34, , 37F
有啊 周杰倫
07/04 17:34, 37F
還有 176 則推文
07/04 22:37, , 214F
07/04 22:37, 214F

07/04 22:47, , 215F
老大是好人 感人
07/04 22:47, 215F

07/04 22:51, , 216F
07/04 22:51, 216F

07/04 22:53, , 217F
比起某沾 KOBE真的是真性情
07/04 22:53, 217F

07/04 22:54, , 218F
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07/04 23:00, , 219F
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07/04 23:11, , 222F
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07/04 23:18, , 223F
令我欽佩的強者 個性是為了更強
07/04 23:18, 223F

07/04 23:19, , 224F
Kobe真的很想贏 那影片太搧淚了
07/04 23:19, 224F

07/04 23:20, , 225F
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07/04 23:25, , 226F
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07/04 23:43, , 227F
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07/04 23:45, , 228F
在公車rap YEAP-Kobe
07/04 23:45, 228F

07/04 23:48, , 229F
07/04 23:48, 229F

07/04 23:50, , 230F
老大! XDDD
07/04 23:50, 230F

07/04 23:51, , 231F
07/04 23:51, 231F

07/05 00:07, , 232F
KOBE這種人就是求學時期 你問他有沒有讀書 他笑而不
07/05 00:07, 232F

07/05 00:07, , 233F
答 事實上回家回家猛K書的人
07/05 00:07, 233F

07/05 00:27, , 234F
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07/05 01:15, , 235F
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07/05 01:48, , 239F
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07/05 02:11, , 240F
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07/05 02:13, , 241F
會說laoda改變的 其實就是x佛事件電的他金蝦蝦才改變
07/05 02:13, 241F

07/05 02:47, , 242F
07/05 02:47, 242F

07/05 02:48, , 243F
至少有改 反觀
07/05 02:48, 243F

07/05 02:54, , 244F
07/05 02:54, 244F

07/05 06:13, , 245F
07/05 06:13, 245F

07/05 07:51, , 246F
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07/05 09:47, , 247F
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07/05 10:17, , 248F
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07/05 10:29, , 249F
07/05 10:29, 249F

07/05 11:27, , 250F
07/05 11:27, 250F

07/05 14:10, , 251F
A man who got everything and nothing
07/05 14:10, 251F

07/06 14:30, , 252F
梅西阿 還一起拍廣告
07/06 14:30, 252F

02/03 14:24, , 253F
朝聖 老大rip
02/03 14:24, 253F
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