[外絮] 林書豪Game5爆發後 國外鄉民的反應

看板NBA作者 (thanos)時間10年前 (2014/05/01 16:13), 10年前編輯推噓175(1805151)
留言336則, 150人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Lin going from that TO game and carrying Rockets off the bench reminds me of Ginobili so much (finals Ginobili stepped up from a shitty Spurs TO next game). Big man move there Lin.(馬刺球迷) 林在延長賽站出來拯救火箭的那次讓我想起了吉諾比利,(然後下一場比賽吉諾比利就站 出來拯救了糟糕的馬刺),歡迎林來馬刺。 Lin to Spurs confirmed(火箭球迷) 林去馬刺是妥妥的了。 Pop would mold him into a confident player. Doubt rockets wouldn't trade him to Spurs.(火箭球迷) 波波維奇會將他培養成一位有自信的球員,只是懷疑火箭不會把他放到馬刺去。 He would fit in very well there, but I don't see him ending up there. Maybe it's just because I don't want to play against him in that system.(火箭球迷) 他會很適應馬刺的體系,但是我不想他在那裡,可能僅僅是因為我不想與在馬刺體系的他 為敵。 I wish.(籃網球迷) 我希望如此。 Could never happen, he's been ruined. Too much time playing with the Knicks and Rockets. Too much crappy iso play. He has the raw talent to be a great Spur, but he's learned the wrong things and costs too much because of Linsanity. 永遠也不可能發生,他已經被毀掉了,因為他為尼克和火箭打了太長時間,太多噁心的 ISO,他本來有著未開發的天賦,很有可能成為一位偉大的馬刺球員,但是他因為林來瘋 學習了太多的錯誤的東西這使他付出了了重大的代價。 I've noticed that a lot of Spurs fans love Lin.(火箭球迷) 我已經注意到有很多馬刺球迷成了林迷。 Because he's got the raw ingredients and needs polish(勇士球迷) 因為他是一塊需要(波波維奇)打磨的璞玉。 he needs to tidy up those ball handling skills tbh.. i worry watching him be the primary ball handler..(火箭球迷) 他需要加強運球的技巧,每次看見他在球場上控球我就揪心。 Neat, He'll fit right in with Ginobli. Ginobli when he's good is an amazing player. But when his head is not in the game, holy shit, turn overs, bad passes and shots everywhere.(馬刺球迷) 客觀來說,他將會與吉諾比利非常搭,吉諾比利是那種當他打得好的時候超神,但是當他 澇賽時就會他媽的失誤、亂傳和亂投。 GinobiLin(勇士球迷) 吉諾比林。 Linobili(尼克球迷) 林諾比利 That is so true. Lin also has those stretches where you are asking why are we putting this guy in. 千真萬確,林也是有很強適應性的,這也就為什麼我們會讓這個小夥子上場的原因。 Jeremy Lin made me crack a smile in the second half. I've wanted to like him and he's made a lot of questionable decisions but damn that mofo does have game when his head's on straight。(火箭球迷) 林下半場的表現讓我不禁微笑起來,我已經想要開始想要成為他的球迷了。雖然他做了很 多有疑問的選擇但是當他向前的時候真他媽神擋殺神佛擋殺佛。 Happy that Lin helped win this game. He felt really bad after Game 4 because he thought he lost them the game. Hoping this one goes to 7. 很高興在林的幫助下贏了比賽,在第四場比賽後他真的很傷心因為他認為是他的原因導致 球隊輸球,希望這個系列賽能夠打到第七場。 Lin finally found out Mo Williams cant guard him, he's need to go at him again in game 6(火箭球迷) 林發現Mo根本防不住他,他需要在第六場中繼續攻他這點。 Dude yes. Why doesn't Harden attack immediately? Lin was doing damage against Portland because he was quick in decision making. Harden takes too much time to actually begin his attack so its predictable as fuck.(火箭球迷) 完全同意,為什麼哈登突然不進攻了呢?因為林在對拓荒者的進攻選擇中特別乾脆,而 哈登則會在他進攻前耗費大量時間,跟預料的一樣爛。 Harden seems to have lost so much confidence this series.(火箭球迷) 哈登好像在這次系列賽中失去信心了...... I don't even expect him to drop 30. I just want a solid contribution. He has been a huge negative this series and won't make adjustments. Can't blame McHale for his shortcomings either.(火箭球迷) 我甚至都沒期待哈登能砍下30分,我只想要他能夠有一個穩定的貢獻,他在這次系列賽中 無所適從還產生了巨大的消極影響,還有,也不要再怪冰箱了。 No no, he has to jab step at least 5 times first before doing anything。(火箭 球迷) 不不,哈登在幹任何事情之前都要試探步試5次以上。 jab, jab, jab, stepback, pump fake, oh shit out of time, dump to Lin(勇士球迷 ) 試探步、試探步、試探步,後撤步,假動作,搞到沒時間了再丟炸彈給林。 Perfect example. I mean it works on a weak defenders... but wes matthews ain't no chump.(火箭球迷) 說的真好,我覺得這可能對防守不強的球員可能有效,但是對馬修斯一點作用也沒有。 Harden plays hero ball when they are up 10 with 30 seconds left. It's tough to watch.(尼克球迷) 火箭領先10分只剩下30秒哈登還在打英雄球,真的看不下去了。 Unless Beverly is healthy for game 6. Then McHale is gonna bench Lin the whole game.(76人球迷) 如果Beverly第六場健康,冰箱絕對整場都會冰林。 Nah, he'll let him get hot, then bench him.(火箭球迷) 呵,冰箱會先讓他打出手感,然後再冰他。 God dammit(騎士隊球迷) 他媽的。 It feels good to see him attacking again. Mo Williams can't stay in front him. 看到他持續進攻我很開心,Mo完全擋不住他。 his mistakes always seem to be more magnified than his teammates. lin really isn't that bad. he really could be like a ginobili or jamal crawford 6th man and contribute a lot more to the team if they let him get in his rhythm, especially when Harden is in a slump. Mchale's gotta have more confidence in him.(火箭球迷) 他的錯誤相對於他隊友來說總是被放大,林真的没有那麼差,如果球隊讓他在他的節奏打 球,他真的可以成為像吉諾比利或者是克勞福德那樣對球隊幫助很大的第六人。尤其是 哈登萎掉的时候,冰箱真的應該對林抱有更強的信心。 He's just so inconsistent. Huge performance tonight, but if he doesn't turn that ball over last game, it would have been a 2-2 series. I think the "Mchale and the team shit on Lin" storyline is way overblown by over sensitive Lin fans. Did he deserve to be booed tonight going into the game? Probably not, but he is a professional and responded with a good game. All is well. Bring on game 6 (火箭球迷) 他就是不穩定啊,今晚儘管打得很好,但是如果他上場比賽没有失誤,現在將會是2-2, 我認為林被冰箱和整隊批評是那些敏感的林迷在捕瘋捉影。他今晚被噓了嗎?可能没有, 因為他是位職業球員並用好表現回應了那些質疑,總之,第六場比賽見。 If harden played better that game it would be 2-2. You didn't lose the game from one turnover. You lost the game from scoring less points than the opponent. Stop blaming lin for the team's failure(馬刺球迷) 如果哈登那場打得好一點也會是2-2,你不會因為一個失誤而輸掉比賽,你輸掉比賽是因為 你比對手得分少。不要再因為那場失利責怪林了。 I'm still convinced Mo was out when he hit the ball away.(火箭球迷) 我仍然認為Mo那場比賽的那個抄截出界了。 Where are all the J Lin haters at now?!?!?!(湖人球迷) 那些林酸跑到哪裡去了?! http://ppt.cc/8ws- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1398931999.A.94C.html

05/01 16:15, , 1F
05/01 16:15, 1F

05/01 16:15, , 2F
05/01 16:15, 2F
※ 編輯: thanos (, 05/01/2014 16:16:33

05/01 16:16, , 3F
05/01 16:16, 3F

05/01 16:16, , 4F
05/01 16:16, 4F

05/01 16:16, , 5F
05/01 16:16, 5F

05/01 16:16, , 6F
很多人覺的林適合戰術執行高的球隊 馬刺是一個阿
05/01 16:16, 6F

05/01 16:17, , 7F
05/01 16:17, 7F

05/01 16:17, , 8F
LIN不會假摔 頂多是半個MANU
05/01 16:17, 8F

05/01 16:17, , 9F
Linobili XD
05/01 16:17, 9F

05/01 16:17, , 10F
05/01 16:17, 10F

05/01 16:18, , 11F
05/01 16:18, 11F

05/01 16:18, , 12F
05/01 16:18, 12F

05/01 16:18, , 13F
林來馬刺可以 拜託林迷林酸別跟來 謝謝
05/01 16:18, 13F

05/01 16:18, , 14F
05/01 16:18, 14F

05/01 16:19, , 15F
LIN 去馬刺不知道會被誰一直撥頭髮
05/01 16:19, 15F

05/01 16:19, , 16F
那群老火迷很鳥 還在扯失誤 30:1還是要怪替補就對了
05/01 16:19, 16F

05/01 16:19, , 17F
05/01 16:19, 17F

05/01 16:19, , 18F
不過馬刺現在後場是滿的 除非澳洲王留不住
05/01 16:19, 18F

05/01 16:19, , 19F
05/01 16:19, 19F

05/01 16:20, , 20F
05/01 16:20, 20F

05/01 16:20, , 21F
LIN來馬刺 馬妞叮噹都退休囉~~~POP也會退 掰掰
05/01 16:20, 21F

05/01 16:20, , 22F
冰箱會先讓他打出手感,然後再冰他 XD
05/01 16:20, 22F

05/01 16:20, , 23F
05/01 16:20, 23F

05/01 16:20, , 24F
05/01 16:20, 24F

05/01 16:21, , 25F
05/01 16:21, 25F
keroromoa:轉錄至看板 Spurs 05/01 16:21

05/01 16:21, , 26F
05/01 16:21, 26F

05/01 16:21, , 27F
Lin去馬刺的話波波要趕快逃 免得被迷迷詛咒
05/01 16:21, 27F

05/01 16:21, , 28F
Nah, he'll let him get hot, then bench him.....
05/01 16:21, 28F

05/01 16:22, , 29F
就說啦 林到馬刺 POP會被罵成廢物 只會亂吼球員
05/01 16:22, 29F

05/01 16:22, , 30F
05/01 16:22, 30F

05/01 16:22, , 31F
磷酸今天酸不到 只好酸未來教練
05/01 16:22, 31F

05/01 16:22, , 32F
TD 只會賣萌 老人快退休 鬼禿 快去植髮啦
05/01 16:22, 32F
※ 編輯: thanos (, 05/01/2014 16:24:43

05/01 16:22, , 33F
吉諾比林 林諾比吉
05/01 16:22, 33F

05/01 16:22, , 34F
05/01 16:22, 34F

05/01 16:22, , 35F
05/01 16:22, 35F

05/01 16:22, , 36F
可憐的TP 會被說成老爺車 剔牙哥 不要再放槍了 好嘛
05/01 16:22, 36F
還有 260 則推文
05/01 18:42, , 297F
他承不承認都沒還不怎麼樣 重點是林酸興奮終於抓到
05/01 18:42, 297F

05/01 18:48, , 298F
05/01 18:48, 298F

05/01 18:50, , 299F
jab,jab,jab,step back,shit! no time,dump to Lin X
05/01 18:50, 299F

05/01 18:52, , 300F
05/01 18:52, 300F

05/01 18:59, , 301F
試探步那段太中肯了XDDDDD 每次都是
05/01 18:59, 301F

05/01 19:13, , 302F
05/01 19:13, 302F

05/01 19:22, , 303F
05/01 19:22, 303F

05/01 19:36, , 304F
05/01 19:36, 304F

05/01 19:52, , 305F
Ginoblin XD
05/01 19:52, 305F

05/01 20:01, , 306F
05/01 20:01, 306F

05/01 20:03, , 307F
05/01 20:03, 307F

05/01 20:06, , 308F
05/01 20:06, 308F

05/01 20:14, , 309F
05/01 20:14, 309F

05/01 20:15, , 310F
05/01 20:15, 310F

05/01 20:24, , 311F
蠻多蠻中懇的...戰敗責任要林扛 火箭是林的球隊?
05/01 20:24, 311F

05/01 21:11, , 312F
05/01 21:11, 312F

05/01 21:15, , 313F
Ginoblin Linobili XDDDDDD
05/01 21:15, 313F

05/01 21:24, , 314F
05/01 21:24, 314F

05/01 21:41, , 315F
05/01 21:41, 315F

05/01 21:48, , 316F
冰箱會先讓他打出手感,然後再冰他 XD
05/01 21:48, 316F

05/01 22:24, , 317F
05/01 22:24, 317F

05/01 22:25, , 318F
05/01 22:25, 318F

05/01 22:26, , 319F
05/01 22:26, 319F

05/01 22:38, , 320F
05/01 22:38, 320F

05/01 23:51, , 321F
jab jab jab step back pump fake out oftime!!!!
05/01 23:51, 321F

05/02 02:45, , 322F
05/02 02:45, 322F

05/02 06:42, , 323F
試探步那段太中肯了XDDDDD 每次都是
05/02 06:42, 323F

05/02 07:04, , 324F
05/02 07:04, 324F

05/02 08:28, , 325F
馬刺戰術執行力高 人人樂於分球
05/02 08:28, 325F

05/02 08:31, , 326F
05/02 08:31, 326F

05/02 08:31, , 327F
05/02 08:31, 327F

05/02 09:38, , 328F
05/02 09:38, 328F

05/02 09:39, , 329F
05/02 09:39, 329F

05/02 10:27, , 330F
05/02 10:27, 330F

05/02 10:30, , 331F
其實去馬刺不錯 如果遇到伯樂 就是正面
05/02 10:30, 331F

05/02 10:31, , 332F
最怕是找不到自己成長的土壤 如火箭
05/02 10:31, 332F

05/02 10:32, , 333F
會報銷 寧願去當替補 但是有所成長
05/02 10:32, 333F

05/02 11:10, , 334F
predictable as fuck 宜翻成 "好猜得像屎一樣"
05/02 11:10, 334F

05/02 11:15, , 335F
05/02 11:15, 335F

05/02 13:52, , 336F
05/02 13:52, 336F
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