[外絮] 禪師:04年輸活塞因對方假摔已回收

看板NBA作者 (隨遇而安)時間11年前 (2013/06/01 22:13), 編輯推噓-78(199723)
留言139則, 123人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Phil Jackson was brought in by the Pistons to help consult during their coaching search, but apparently he can't let his Piston-inflicted wounds heal. Jackson has 11 championship rings as a coach but suffered arguably the most embarrassing loss of his coaching career at the hands of the 2004 Pistons, who defeated the star-studded Lakers in five games. Doing a radio interview with ESPN's Scott Van Pelt and Ryen Russillo on Thursday, Jackson was asked how Shaquille O'Neal would fare if he were placed in Wilt Chamberlain's era. Jackson proceeded to seemingly take a shot at the Pistons and former coach Larry Brown, insinuating the Pistons flopped against O'Neal during that series and that it led to the Lakers' demise. 2004年NBA總決賽,底特律活塞隊以4-1的總比分戰勝了擁有四大天王的洛杉磯湖人隊 ,在那個系列賽中,湖人隊唯一贏下的一場比賽是系列賽的第二戰 (Kobe在常規時間 終結前命中三分,拖入加時賽)。近日禪師Phil Jackson在接受ESPN的電台採訪時談 到了2004年湖人與活塞隊的NBA總決賽。 "Larry Brown taught guys to go down (flop) on Shaq and that's one of the reasons they won in '04," Jackson said. "He had the center, (Ben) Wallace as the David in that matchup and those (plays) were called as charges." 「Larry Brown(時任活塞主帥)教他們的球員在防守 Shaq時假摔,那是他們為什麼 能奪冠的原因之一,」禪師做客ESPN電台時說,「他有中鋒,(Ben) Wallace 與Shaq 進行對位,而那些進攻都被吹成了進攻犯規。」 The series wasn't even as close as the 4-1 ledger indicated, as the Lakers' only win came courtesy of Kobe Bryant saving them in Game 2 with a 3-pointer that sent the game into overtime. 2003-04賽季總決賽,湖人隊以1-4不敵活塞隊。4場比賽,他們只在第2戰主場因Kobe 的三分而打進加時賽最終以99-91取勝過。 The Pistons blew the Lakers out in two of their four wins, including the clincher, where they led by 27 in the fourth quarter, in big part due to flopping, according to Jackson. 禪師 Phil Jackson暗示,湖人隊之所以在2003-04賽季總決賽不敵活塞隊痛失總冠軍 和對方假摔有關。 "Shaq would put a shoulder into you and test how close he could get to the basket," said Jackson, who's on a tour promoting his book "Eleven Rings." 「Shaq會用肩膀壓著你以測試他能多靠近籃筐,(所以這給了活塞可趁之機),」禪 師說。 O'Neal was one of the few Lakers who had a good series against the Pistons, averaging 26.6 points and 10.8 rebounds on 63 percent shooting. 這輪系列賽,O'Neal是湖人隊為數不多發揮較好的球員之一。當時,他場均出戰42.6 分鐘,場均得到26.6分10.8個籃板(3個前場籃板)1.6次助攻,命中率高達63%。 首 戰,他16投13中,12罰8中得到34分11個籃板。第4戰,他出戰47分鐘,21投16中,11 罰4中得到36分20個籃板2次助攻和1次火鍋。但這都未能挽救湖人隊。 Bryant took nearly 30 more shots than O'Neal and shot just 38 percent as the Pistons steamrolled Jackson's Lakers, so his comments ring a bit hollow. Kobe在2004年決賽上的整體表現要差很多。他的總出手次數比O'Neal多將近30次, 5 場比賽,他在場均46.2分鐘的時間裡可以貢獻 22.6分4.4個籃板2.8個籃板和1.8次抄 截,但命中率僅為38.1%,三分命中率更是只有17.4%。 Jackson is friends with current Pistons owner Tom Gores, who purchased the team well after they beat the Lakers in 2004. Jackson is involved with the coaching search as an unpaid assistant. 值得一提的是,禪師目前的身份是活塞隊的球隊顧問(無薪),目前正幫助活塞隊進 行選帥。他和活塞隊現任老闆 Tom Gores是朋友,後者於2011年6月2日成為活塞隊的 老闆。 原文來源:http://tinyurl.com/lywupul 翻譯參考:http://voice.hupu.com/nba/1428483.html http://tinyurl.com/ll3qdjp -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/01 22:13, , 1F
06/01 22:13, 1F

06/01 22:14, , 2F
06/01 22:14, 2F

06/01 22:14, , 3F
06/01 22:14, 3F

06/01 22:14, , 4F
假摔? Kobe? 很明顯吧
06/01 22:14, 4F

06/01 22:15, , 5F
賣書就賣書 還一直嘴砲 只會抱腿拿冠軍戒
06/01 22:15, 5F

06/01 22:15, , 6F
06/01 22:15, 6F

06/01 22:15, , 7F
06/01 22:15, 7F

06/01 22:15, , 8F
從MJ到大歐 要不要去熱火抱火腿拿一枚
06/01 22:15, 8F

06/01 22:16, , 9F
06/01 22:16, 9F

06/01 22:16, , 10F
4:1這種懸殊差距有啥好抱怨的 @@
06/01 22:16, 10F

06/01 22:16, , 11F
對對, 你拿冠軍是公平正義, 別人拿就是卑鄙無恥
06/01 22:16, 11F

06/01 22:17, , 12F
06/01 22:17, 12F

06/01 22:17, , 13F
怎不說湖人2002 怎麼黑國王的
06/01 22:17, 13F

06/01 22:17, , 14F
06/01 22:17, 14F

06/01 22:17, , 15F
假摔到可以贏四場 是湖人太爛還是裁判太爛?
06/01 22:17, 15F

06/01 22:18, , 16F
前有賣鞋哥 今有賣鞋爺
06/01 22:18, 16F

06/01 22:18, , 17F
06/01 22:18, 17F

06/01 22:19, , 18F
06/01 22:19, 18F

06/01 22:20, , 19F
06/01 22:20, 19F

06/01 22:20, , 20F
06/01 22:20, 20F

06/01 22:20, , 21F
04年是輸在某小屁孩 為什麼不敢直說呢
06/01 22:20, 21F

06/01 22:21, , 22F
06/01 22:21, 22F

06/01 22:22, , 23F
06/01 22:22, 23F

06/01 22:22, , 24F
06/01 22:22, 24F

06/01 22:24, , 25F
06/01 22:24, 25F

06/01 22:25, , 26F
06/01 22:25, 26F

06/01 22:25, , 27F
禪師真的很誇張 04,08跟11真的是被看破手腳 .....
06/01 22:25, 27F

06/01 22:26, , 28F
06/01 22:26, 28F

06/01 22:26, , 29F
06/01 22:26, 29F

06/01 22:28, , 30F
阿前幾天不是很多人挺他 馬上變臉XDD
06/01 22:28, 30F

06/01 22:29, , 31F
06/01 22:29, 31F

06/01 22:30, , 32F
推老大勇於出手 勇於承擔責任 不像歐肥會進才敢投
06/01 22:30, 32F

06/01 22:30, , 33F
06/01 22:30, 33F

06/01 22:30, , 34F
06/01 22:30, 34F

06/01 22:31, , 35F
06/01 22:31, 35F

06/01 22:31, , 36F
06/01 22:31, 36F

06/01 22:32, , 37F
不是大家都很挺禪師 怎麼現在....
06/01 22:32, 37F

06/01 22:33, , 38F
不是啊 誰挺他啊 笑話:D
06/01 22:33, 38F

06/01 22:33, , 39F
06/01 22:33, 39F
還有 60 則推文
06/02 00:34, , 100F
也不想想 國王隊當初是怎麼被婊 腦包森
06/02 00:34, 100F

06/02 00:42, , 101F
06/02 00:42, 101F

06/02 00:43, , 102F
布朗爺帶領山貓進入季後賽 禪獅能嗎?
06/02 00:43, 102F

06/02 00:43, , 103F
06/02 00:43, 103F

06/02 00:43, , 104F
06/02 00:43, 104F

06/02 00:56, , 105F
純噓胡人 明顯輸在科比
06/02 00:56, 105F

06/02 00:57, , 106F
LUB 怎不怪你們的得分後衛 大毒瘤
06/02 00:57, 106F

06/02 01:00, , 107F
11年輸給小牛呢? 難道是跳投也假摔
06/02 01:00, 107F

06/02 01:16, , 108F
06/02 01:16, 108F

06/02 01:17, , 109F
輸在kobe 懂!?
06/02 01:17, 109F

06/02 01:21, , 110F
講這種屁話炒作賣書嗎 04活塞假摔? 戰犯是誰很明顯吧
06/02 01:21, 110F

06/02 01:36, , 111F
06/02 01:36, 111F

06/02 01:40, , 112F
06/02 01:40, 112F

06/02 01:41, , 113F
06/02 01:41, 113F

06/02 01:46, , 114F
06/02 01:46, 114F

06/02 01:54, , 115F
06/02 01:54, 115F

06/02 01:55, , 116F
06/02 01:55, 116F

06/02 02:40, , 117F
06/02 02:40, 117F

06/02 02:40, , 118F
06/02 02:40, 118F

06/02 02:48, , 119F
06/02 02:48, 119F

06/02 03:02, , 120F
很怕自的書賣不好吧 一直找話題
06/02 03:02, 120F

06/02 03:03, , 121F
06/02 03:03, 121F

06/02 03:16, , 122F
06/02 03:16, 122F

06/02 03:22, , 123F
怒噓 禪師輸不起嗎 明顯輸在科比
06/02 03:22, 123F

06/02 04:58, , 124F
06/02 04:58, 124F

06/02 06:42, , 125F
06/02 06:42, 125F

06/02 06:51, , 126F
明明兩個班防守超好 大歐多次背對籃框進攻都跌倒坐收
06/02 06:51, 126F

06/02 07:06, , 127F
禪師這廢物 f4這頂級食材給你也做不出滿漢全席
06/02 07:06, 127F

06/02 07:37, , 128F
06/02 07:37, 128F

06/02 07:46, , 129F
哈哈 they的錯 怎不承認自己沒料
06/02 07:46, 129F

06/02 08:04, , 130F
06/02 08:04, 130F

06/02 08:08, , 131F
那年肯德基完全沒應變 被壓著打
06/02 08:08, 131F

06/02 08:14, , 132F
酸迷都喜歡酸KOBE的 不管對或錯都很爽 這篇就不爽了
06/02 08:14, 132F

06/02 09:15, , 133F
馬龍掛彩差很多 湖人當年最大隱憂就是第二PF
06/02 09:15, 133F

06/02 09:16, , 134F
06/02 09:16, 134F

06/02 10:49, , 135F
根本瞎扯一通 當年活塞是真的很強啊 擺明輸不起
06/02 10:49, 135F

06/02 11:19, , 136F
06/02 11:19, 136F

06/02 13:36, , 137F
06/02 13:36, 137F

06/02 23:53, , 138F
厲害來帶一下現在的活塞隊 不要只會帶巨星球隊
06/02 23:53, 138F

06/03 16:44, , 139F
06/03 16:44, 139F
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