[外電] about Defeating the Spurs

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※ [本文轉錄自 BLAZERS 看板 #1DZYVCiT ] 作者: dOodoOhOw () 看板: BLAZERS 標題: [外電] about Defeating the Spurs 時間: Sun Mar 27 01:52:09 2011 http://www.blazersedge.com/ The Portland Trail Blazers pulled off the Rip City Rip Off on Friday night, stealing a 98-96 buzzer-beating victory over the league-best San Antonio Spurs thanks to a series of absurd late-game plays that will run on loop for decades, guaranteed. Rubbing your eyes in disbelief doesn't do this fourth quarter justice; you're better off rapping on your forehead like it's a doorknocker to make sure you're still on this planet. 由於馬刺在週五晚間友情贊助了一連串能讓人嘲笑多年的離譜至極表現,拓荒者在驚濤駭 浪中的關鍵時刻用一記空中接力偷走了馬刺近在眼前的一勝。如果你有幸親眼見識這個第 四節,光是揉眼睛就太對不起它了。你可能要拿根破城槌敲自己的腦袋來確定自己不是在 做夢而且還在現實世界中。 The Blazers should have lost this game for so many reasons but, given the circumstances, I don't even have the heart to list them in full. In short: San Antonio moved the ball better than any team Portland has faced this season, San Antonio hit its shots from deep after moving the ball so well, the Blazers got next to nothing from their bench, settled for too many jumpers and didn't find as much success feeding LaMarcus Aldridge as they had hoped. 拓荒者要輸掉這場有千百個理由,我 (原作者) 實在也懶得一一詳述了,不過簡單來說呢 :馬刺的傳球比拓荒者本季遇過的任何一隊都好多了,加上傳導後的出手把握又高,拓荒 者的板凳陣容更是連邊都摸不到,投了一大堆中距離,而且餵球給 LaMarcus Aldridge 的成果也不如預期。 In the end, that potentially crippling set of factors mattered not because the final forty seconds of this game happened. 結果這一切卻在這場比賽的最後四十秒來了一個1080度大翻轉。 With the Spurs leading 96-92, the Blazers set up forward Nicolas Batum for a corner three, which rimmed off. The Spurs got the ball to point guard Tony Parker, who looked to milk the rest of the clock and ice the game away. Before Parker got to halfcourt though, Blazers guard Andre Miller, who finished with 21 points, six rebounds, eight assists and four steals, pounced on him like a cheetah, picking him clean of the ball and taking it to the house for a layup. 馬刺以 96-92 領先,拓荒者讓 Nicolas Batum 在戰術下丟了一個三分,不過沒進。馬刺 讓 Tony Parker 負責把時間耗完,結果拿下了 21 分 6 籃板 8 助攻 4 抄截的 Andre Miller 忽然來了個一騎討乾乾淨淨的抄掉了他的球直奔本陣,上籃拿下兩分。 "You've got to make plays," Blazers coach Nate McMillan said. "This is what I'm saying to our guys. We've been in this position the last few years. We're trying to get ourselves into the playoffs. Once we get into the playoffs getting to that next level -- you've got to make plays. It's as simple as that... Dre came up with a big steal." 「你們得做點事,」拓荒者教練 Nate McMillan 說,「我是這樣跟他們講的。我們幾年 來都在這個位置。我們想要進季後賽。當我們進了季後賽之後...還是得做點什麼才行。 就這麼簡單...然後 Dre (Andre Miller) 就來了個關鍵抄截。」 But that steal, against one of the league's elite point guards who has been at the top of his game in recent weeks, was only the first course. 不過呢,對於咱們聯盟頂尖、最近又正火燙燙的的王牌後衛來說,抄截只是不幸的開端。 Now leading 96-94, the Spurs put the game in the hands of guard Manu Ginobili, who finished with 21 points and had been red hot down the stretch, scoring nine fourth quarter points on 3-5 shooting (3-4 from deep). Blazers guard Wesley Matthews drew the defensive assignment as Ginobili dribbled down the clock near halfcourt. 依然以 96-94 超前的馬刺,這次決定讓拿下 21 分、第四節以 3-5 (包含 3-4 的長距離 出手) 拿下九分、手感燒滾滾的 Manu Ginobili 來耗時間。結果還沒到半場就換 Wesley Matthews 半途殺出。 "I thought it was going to be a pick and roll but it never came," Matthews told me. "He was dribbling and dribbling and dribbling. At that point I was peaking back behind me, it looks like he's going one on one." Matthews 表示:「我還以為會有個擋拆,結果啥也沒有。他就只是在那邊運球。我往後 瞄了一下,看來他是想一個人搞定我。」 Matthews said that once he knew that there would be no screen, Portland's scouting rebounds and situational tendency analysis let him know Ginobili was likely to crossover and look for a stepback jumper. 他說,既然沒有掩護,那按照馬刺的習慣應該會讓 Ginobili 在晃人之後來個後仰跳投吧 。 "I'm thinking, 'OK, this is what he likes to go to.' And I was able to get the stop. It's just scouting," Matthews explained. "We know what Ginobili likes to do. He's strong and dominant going left but when it's time for him -- game point -- he likes that step back going right. I just tried to play the play." 「我就想,『他應該會這樣打吧』,所以我就擋下了他。這只是預測而已。」Matthews表 示,「我們都知道 Ginobili 喜歡怎麼打。他很壯,而且切左很猛。但是在關鍵時刻的時 候他喜歡切右。他很喜歡往右墊之後跳投。我只是嘗試了一下。」 Play the play Matthews did indeed, ripping the ball as Ginobili brought it across his body, picking it cleanly and heading off to the races with just seven seconds remaining on the clock. 好一個嘗試。Matthews 把球從 Ginobili 手上搶了過來,在剩下七秒的時候又來了一個 直搗黃龍。 Watch the tape back and you'll see Matthews, who finished with 15 points and two steals, as locked in as an NBA player can be. 你再看一次重播的話就會看出拿下了 15 分 2 抄截的 Matthews 的專注程度。 "It's focus," he told me. "It's will, more than anything. Just wanting to get that stop and knowing you have to get the stop." 「就是專心啦。最重要的是『心』啊。你要全心全意想著怎麼防守,而且要知道你一定得 守下來。」 With the ball secured, Matthews headed downcourt as quickly as possible, only to find Ginobili and the rest of San Antonio's defenders hustling back. "[I was trying to] beat him down court, get a layup," Matthews said. "[Ginobili] cut me off, I saw Andre flying on my left. So I passed him the ball. He didn't really have anywhere to go after that so he kicked it back to me. I was buried amongst trees, trying to get the ball up and Nic came in and sealed the deal." 顧好了球的安全,Matthews 便把 Ginobili 跟馬刺整隊甩在背後。「(我只是要) 用速度 幹掉他,把球放進去。」Matthews 表示,「(Ginobili) 追上我了,然後我看到 Andre 從左邊冒出來。我就把球傳給他啦。可是他沒路可逃就又把球傳了回來,我整個像是被埋 在人群中動彈不得,所以就把球往上一拋,結果 Nic 就忽然出現把事情給解決了。」 Batum corralled an offensive rebound with less than a second left on the clock, doing his best to get up a shot attempt in traffic. In the scrum, a foul was called on Spurs big man Matt Bonner, sending Batum to the free throw line with a chance to tie the game at 96. Batum 搶下了進攻籃板,時間剩下一秒,Matt Bonner 卻在這個時候犯上了一規,讓 Batum 用罰球把比賽追平到 96。 Pressure busts pipes. But not tonight. Batum paced himself and stuck both perfectly. "I took my time," he said. "I didn't rush it ... Relax, you're by yourself, nobody's here. It's just you and the rim." 壓力太大可是會爆炸的...不過今晚例外。Batum 精準地命中了兩球。「我不趕時間,」 他說,「不用急...放輕鬆,你只是一個人在戰鬥 (誤),沒有其他人了。只有你自己跟籃 框。」 "I haven't seen him in that position too many times," Miller said. "Those two free throws were big. That's a lot of pressure and he knocked them down." 「我很久沒看到他進入這個領域了,」Miller 表示,「這兩球罰球太關鍵了。這種壓力 非常大,但他擊倒了壓力。」 "It was big time," Matthews said. "It's big time. You can't say much but that it's big time. He was huge stepping up. For him to trail the play the way he did and put us in that position, it was huge." 「這超重要的,」Matthews 表示,「超,重,要。你實在沒辦法說什麼,就是超,重, 要。他用他自己的方式頂住了,讓我們還有機會。超,重,要。」 "That's part of making plays," McMillan said. "That's getting to the next level. Pressure situation. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Step up there and knock it down. No doubt about it." 「這就是完成任務的過程啊,」McMillan 表示,「不過這是更高等級了。壓力、冷靜、 深呼吸、上場、投進去。就是這樣 (喵)。」 Even with both free throws going through, however, San Antonio still had the opportunity to set up a side out of bounds play for a last-second shot at a game-winner. That's when the unlikely turned into the unthinkable. The league's best executing team threw the possession away. Steve Novak, who played less than two minutes on the night, sailed the inbounds pass straight out of bounds, without it touching any Blazers. Turnover. Blazers ball. Timeout to advance the ball near halfcourt. 不過就算是兩球都進了,馬刺還有機會發邊線用最後一秒的時間搞定拓荒者。不過此時「 不可能」變成了「不可置信」。戰術執行力聯盟第一的球隊就這樣把球權給扔了。Steve Novak 在今晚只打了不到兩分鐘,不過他把要傳進場的球給傳了出場,半根毛都沒碰到。 失誤。拓荒者的球。暫停之後發半場球。 Then, history was written and repeated thanks to a play that recalled the historic last-second lob to Billy Ray Bates from decades ago. 然後歷史就按照慣例重現了,讓我們回憶起多年前 Billy Ray Bates 接到的那一球。 The Blazers set up a gorgeous inbounds play with guard Brandon Roy coming to the ball as if to receive a catch-and-shoot jumper, only to have the inbounds pass come in as a lob over the top to Batum. Miller threw the pass and, I promise this to you, the instant it left his hands the Rose Garden crowd -- with a clear view of the off ball action, with the understanding that Batum was very open and with a good idea that the pass looked to be on the money -- knew what was about to happen. 拓荒者讓 Brandon Roy 趨前假裝要接球,卻讓 Miller 在 Batum 大開後門的情況下傳出 了這一球,全場的觀眾...我跟你保證,他們都看得清清楚楚,知道 Batum 空檔大得跟海 一樣,白癡都會進...都知道接下來要發生什麼事了。 Batum, who lost Ginobili and then skied over Parker, caught the lob and tucked home the layup for his 20th and 21st points on the night. Buzzer. Ballgame. Pandemonium. Batum 甩掉了 Ginobili,又飄過了 Parker,在空中接到了這顆未爆彈,然後炸出了他今 晚的第 20 跟 21 分。逼~時間到。煙霧迷漫。 "I don't know how it got there but it did," Miller said. "Good catch by Nic." 「老實說我不知道球怎麼跑到那邊的,不過它就是跑過去了,」Miller 表示,「Nic 接 得好啊。」 "Dre just threw the ball and I had to put it inside," Batum said. 「Dre 把球往上一扔,所以我就把它往籃框一扔囉。」Batum 表示。 "Just a play that we work on," McMillan explained. "Special situations, [we work on those] as much as we can. I wouldn't say every day but we walk through them. That's just a last second shot play that we've had. One of my scouts gave it to me -- Larry -- perfect timing for it. It was executed perfect. I thought Miller threw the right pass and put it right in front of the rim and all Nic had to do was catch it and put it in the hole. Well executed play." 「只是我們練過的東西,」McMillan 解釋,「特殊狀況嘛,總是要練一下的。也不會說 每天都在練這個啦,不過的確是有練過的東西。這只是個最後一秒的進攻招。我的助手 Larry 跳出來提議的。不過這執行實在太完美了,Miller 傳得漂亮,讓球就在籃框前面 ,Nic 只要抓住球塞進框裡就行了。做得漂亮。」 "It was designed perfectly," Matthews said. "Everybody cut hard, Nic was able to get his slip. Dre threw a perfect pass and Nic put it in." 「設計的太完美了啊,」Matthews 表示,「每個人都動了起來,讓 Nic 有機會溜進去, Dre 傳出了一記完美的高吊,Nic 就得分囉。」 Asked if he had ever scored a game-winner before, Batum was adamant that it was the first of his life. "Never. First time ever. Never. Ever. First time ever." 記者問 Batum 是否有進過致勝球,他說這是他生平第一次。「沒有。第一次。從來沒有 。從,來,沒有。生平第一次。」 Miller, usually so shy, was beaming from ear to ear, clearly proud at the execution of the play and the quality of the win over a top team. "That's number one," Miller said when asked by Jason Quick of The Oregonian to compare the final play to his career's worth of assists. "That's number one right there to me. That team is the best team in the league, that type of situation, losing by six points, being able to make plays against a championship team, championship guards that play high-level basketball all the time." 通常很害羞的 Miller 笑到嘴巴都快裂到耳朵了,很明顯看得出來這次戰術的執行成功加 上贏了聯盟第一名讓他嗨上了天。「這是第一名,」The Oregonian 記者 Jason Quick 問 Miller 他對生涯所有助攻的想法時他如此表示。「這就是我的第一名。他們是聯盟第 一耶,從輸六分的狀況下贏了一個冠軍級球隊,加上一群冠軍級後衛。」 I don't have much in common with LeBron James, but I do share his faith in karma. If you sit through enough pointless blowouts over tanking teams, if you survive enough mid-season brickfests, if you write about enough injuries and break down enough tape, if you memorize enough stats and come up with enough "clever" talking points and sound bytes, sometimes you get to sit on the edge of your seat and watch professional athletes delight themselves by doing something they've never done before, by doing something better than they've ever done it before, by doing something they had no business doing, and loving every last minute of it. 我跟 LeBron James 沒什麼共通點,不過我跟他都很相信 Karma。如果你在場邊看過對抗 超級強權的得分乾旱、撐過無數次交易傳聞、寫過數不完的傷兵名單、用完堆積如山的底 片、背下連記憶麵包都不夠用的數據、放過驚天動地的嘴砲...(譯註:我快辭窮了...) 那你就有機會在你的椅子上看到職業運動員做出一些連他們自己都沒想過的事情,也許是 比以往做得更完美,或是他們平常根本沒機會做的事情,並且享受其中的每一分鐘。 "It was just a hell of a win," McMillan concluded. "A hell of a win tonight." 「這真的是他媽的贏球,」McMillan 做出了總結,「實在是他媽的贏球。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/27 01:55, , 1F
Matthews都知道Manu要幹嘛 就老波自我感覺良好
03/27 01:55, 1F

03/27 01:55, , 2F
全世界都知道馬刺只剩一招了 賭神看太多了嗎?
03/27 01:55, 2F

03/27 01:56, , 3F
03/27 01:56, 3F

03/27 01:57, , 4F
03/27 01:57, 4F

03/27 01:57, , 5F
反正馬刺輸了還是全聯盟第一 沒差這一場
03/27 01:57, 5F

03/27 01:58, , 6F
啊 看完整篇正要問跟三樓一樣的問題XDDD
03/27 01:58, 6F

03/27 02:00, , 7F
03/27 02:00, 7F

03/27 02:01, , 8F
03/27 02:01, 8F

03/27 02:04, , 9F
03/27 02:04, 9F

03/27 02:06, , 10F
Matthews那一瞬間感觸也太多 在演浪人劍客嗎
03/27 02:06, 10F

03/27 02:06, , 11F
怕別人演失誤太假吧 pop有沒有簽呢?
03/27 02:06, 11F

03/27 02:06, , 12F
03/27 02:06, 12F

03/27 02:06, , 13F
我很久沒看到他進入這個領域了... 風見嗎?
03/27 02:06, 13F

03/27 02:07, , 14F
老波:永遠不要讓對手知道你在想什麼... Novak你上去
03/27 02:07, 14F

03/27 02:07, , 15F
03/27 02:07, 15F

03/27 02:07, , 16F
03/27 02:07, 16F
Fernandez05:轉錄至看板 BLAZERS 03/27 02:08

03/27 02:08, , 17F
XD 原來是從拓版轉來~我耍笨了
03/27 02:08, 17F

03/27 02:15, , 18F
馬刺:So? ╮(╯-╰)╭
03/27 02:15, 18F

03/27 02:18, , 19F
03/27 02:18, 19F

03/27 02:36, , 20F
03/27 02:36, 20F

03/27 02:42, , 21F
...manu那球運到matthews腳上 是不是本來該判腳踢球?
03/27 02:42, 21F

03/27 02:55, , 22F
03/27 02:55, 22F

03/27 02:56, , 23F
令我驚訝的是…連這種戰術也有練喔 <囧
03/27 02:56, 23F

03/27 03:10, , 24F

03/27 03:16, , 25F
根據阿拓迷前陣子的告白,不要太相信Rank A的話 XD
03/27 03:16, 25F

03/27 03:26, , 26F
03/27 03:26, 26F

03/27 04:21, , 27F
Batum的空檔有很大嗎= = Parker差點就碰到球的說
03/27 04:21, 27F

03/27 07:09, , 28F
03/27 07:09, 28F

03/27 07:24, , 29F
好翻譯 推 真精彩~
03/27 07:24, 29F

03/27 08:05, , 30F
兩大王牌被抄球反攻,對手界外發球直接得分 = =
03/27 08:05, 30F

03/27 09:01, , 31F
03/27 09:01, 31F

03/27 10:18, , 32F
03/27 10:18, 32F
ponkd:轉錄至看板 Spurs 03/27 10:18

03/27 11:50, , 33F
03/27 11:50, 33F

03/27 14:07, , 34F
LBJ: 干我屁事又被酸
03/27 14:07, 34F
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