[外電] Shaqdaddy a big kid

看板MiamiHeat作者 (sad)時間18年前 (2006/06/18 19:14), 編輯推噓13(1304)
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反正不管再怎麼吵, Stackhouse禁賽都已成定局 還是看個溫馨一點的外電吧 http://0rz.net/861wz Shaqdaddy a big kid 俠客把拔是個大孩子 Today is Father's Day and, for my gift, I'm begging my kids not to read this column. I don't want them to know Shaquille O'Neal rides roller coasters with his children for hours straight. I don't want them to hear he has taken them to the zoo a dozen times this basketball season. 今天是父親節,對我(Dave Hyde)來說最好的禮物就是,請我的小孩不要讀這篇文章, 因為我不想被他們知道俠客會陪他的小孩連續玩一個小時的雲霄飛車。我不想被他們知 道光是這個球季俠客就帶他的孩子到動物園玩了十幾次。 I certainly don't want them to read how during these NBA Finals, with all the work and stress they bring, the Heat center still walks through his front door and shouts: "Let's play Dog-man!" 我真的不想讓他們知道即是在總冠軍賽期間,揹負一大堆工作與壓力的俠客仍然在走進 家門時叫道:”我們來玩狗人。” Dog-man? “狗人?” "It's the newest game he made up," says his wife, Shaunie. “那是他最新發明的遊戲。”俠客的老婆Shaunie解釋 The rules of engagement are simple: Dad runs around the house like a crazed dog. He barks. He growls. Sometimes he drops to all fours and charges. Meanwhile, his children run from him. Well, wouldn't you? 遊戲規則很簡單:做老爸的負責像隻瘋狗一樣在屋裡亂跑,一邊又吠又吼一邊撲向孩 子們,小孩子就趕快逃跑。嗯,換作是你也會想逃吧? "Then there's what they call, `Scary Dogman,'" Shaunie said. "That's played at night. He puts on this black, leather coat and goes running through the house chasing the kids in the dark. After 10 minutes, he's one big ball of sweat." “他們都叫他恐怖狗人” Shaunie說:”晚上在玩的時候,他就會穿上黑色的皮外套, 在黑暗中追著孩子滿屋跑。才十分鐘,他就玩得滿身大汗了。” I want to be a good father. But how do you compare to that? Or O'Neal chaperoning his 9-year-old's school class on a Parrott Jungle field trip and ending up leading the students around like the Pied Piper? 雖然我也想成為一個好父親,但是又怎麼有辦法做到像俠客那樣? 像他一樣陪9歲大的 孩子一起參加學校的校外教學,最後還像吹笛手一樣帶領隊伍前進。 Do you know he plays hide-and-seek at home and regularly confounds everyone by remaining hidden until Olly olly oxen free? I mean, where does 7 feet 1 and 325 pounds go to hide? Miramar? 你知道他不但在家玩躲貓貓,而且還讓所有人直到遊戲結束還找不到人嗎?我是說,一 個七呎一吋,325磅的人要躲在哪裡才能讓人找不到?美麗華摩天輪上面嗎? Even on Friday's off-day from the Finals, O'Neal took five of his six children to the new Garfield movie. Laughed harder than any of them, too. 即使是星期五總冠軍賽的空檔,俠客還是帶他六個小孩其中五個去看新的加菲貓電影, 而且笑得比誰都大聲。 The sixth child, daughter Me'arah Sanaa, was born six weeks ago. O'Neal returned from the Chicago series to be with Shaunie during the birth. Me'arah gets the same treatment as all the O'Neal babies, too. 第六個小孩,Me'arah Sanaa小妹妹六個星期前才剛誕生。俠客從對公牛的系列賽中趕 回去陪伴Shaunie生產。Me'arah得到了跟其他所有小孩一樣的待遇。 Dad talks baby talk to her. He also turns into the world's largest nursery-rhyme singer -- well, sort of. He only knows the main words, according to Shaunie, so he'll repeat: "Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... twinkle, twinkle, little star. Twinkle, twinkle ... " 俠克把拔用寶寶的聲音跟她說話。並且化身成世界上最大隻的童謠歌手。他只從Shaunie 那裡學到幾句歌詞,但仍不斷的哼著:”一閃一閃亮晶晶…一閃一閃亮晶晶…一閃一 閃…”。 He doesn't change diapers. “不過他倒沒有幫小孩換尿布” "His hands are so big he's really horrified that he's going to hurt her somehow," he said. “他的手太大了,怕一個不小心會傷到小寶寶”,他說。 Why didn't I think of that one? 我當初怎麼沒想到這個藉口? O'Neal was raised the right way by a tough-love disciplinarian in stepfather Phil "Sarge" Harrison. Sarge gave away the young O'Neal's trophies to teach humility. He made O'Neal copy pages from the dictionary as punishment. On occasion, he had his son crouch against a wall, knees bent, thighs parallel to the floor, holding an encyclopedia in outstretched arms. 大歐是在繼父”中士” Phil Harrison嚴格的管教下長大的。中士教導大歐謙卑作為 禮物。他曾處罰大歐抄寫字典,還罰過他手上捧著百科全書半蹲,。 "He teaches his children a different way, more to his personality," Harrison says. “他採用了不同的方法來教導孩子,這更接近他的個性。” Harrison說。 Translation: He's a softie. Ask Shaunie, who's the family disciplinarian. If she tells the kids no, they can't have candy before bed, she knows her husband secretly will slip them some chocolate when she's not looking. "He doesn't know I know, but I do," she says. 他是個軟心腸的人。問問Shaunie誰才是家裡的老大。如果他告訴孩子們睡覺前不准吃 糖果,她老公就會趁她不注意的時候偷塞巧克力給他們。”他還以為我都不知道。” 她說。 There are three parental commandments in the O'Neal household. 大歐家裡有三條父母當遵守的誡命: 1. Thou shalt eat dinner as a family whenever possible. 1. 汝應儘可能回家吃晚餐。 2. Thou shalt tuck each child into bed every night. 2. 汝應每晚抱孩子上床睡覺。 3. Thou shalt not bring work home. 3. 汝不可把工作的事情帶回家。 The third one was broken after Game 2 of these NBA Finals. O'Neal scored five points. He came home angry. And quiet. "Everyone knew to leave him alone," Shaunie says. "But he'd call the children over and talk to them about how they were and what they were up to." 第三條戒命在總冠軍賽第二戰的時候被違反了。大歐那天只得到5分。他回到家的時候 非常生氣。並且異常安靜。”大家都知道要離他遠一點,” Shaunie說:”但他還是 把孩子們叫來,問他們最近如何以及最近在做什麼。” Father's Day can be a day tough in a sports world where some athletes meet their children only at court dates. That's why it's so refreshing to hear a star like O'Neal say: "When my kids grow up, I want them to always know I tried to be the best father I could." 父親節在體育界可能會是個不好過的一天。在個圈子裡有的運動員只會在球場上見到 他們的孩子。這就是為什麼像俠客這樣的籃球巨星說出”我希望孩子們長大以後,能夠 了解我只想成為一個最棒的父親。”的話,是多麼難得的事情。 Speaking of which, there is a sliver of fatherhood in which O'Neal could improve: Helping with homework. 然而如果俠客想進一步成為模範父親界的巨星,他還是有些地方可以改善,像是在幫助 孩子們的課業上。 "I think English is his worst subject," Shaunie said. "As much as he likes to give you guys quotes, he's not really much at trying to put the punctuation in the right spot." “我想英文應該是他最爛的科目吧,” Shaunie說:“雖然他常常告訴記者一些他的 名言,但其實他真的不太擅長把標點符號放在正確的位置上。” Ha. I mean: Ha! Or is it: Ha? “哈。”我是說”哈!” 或是:”蛤?” Maybe the Big Grammarian can do better on that, too. 也許這位大文豪可以再表現得更好一點。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/18 19:39, , 1F
推 :D
06/18 19:39, 1F

06/18 19:47, , 2F
06/18 19:47, 2F

06/18 19:48, , 3F
06/18 19:48, 3F

06/18 19:50, , 4F
06/18 19:50, 4F

06/18 19:52, , 5F
06/18 19:52, 5F

06/18 19:52, , 6F
回家都會陪女兒在床上玩炸彈摔...= =|||
06/18 19:52, 6F

06/18 19:53, , 7F
翻譯的真好,好羨慕你的翻譯能力呀 XDD
06/18 19:53, 7F

06/18 20:00, , 8F
06/18 20:00, 8F

06/18 20:00, , 9F
法庭??? 翻成球場會好一點吧 不過是一篇很有趣的報導
06/18 20:00, 9F

06/18 20:03, , 10F
06/18 20:03, 10F

06/18 20:05, , 11F
我總是想到被控棄養的畫面 謎之聲:又不是人人都是Kemp
06/18 20:05, 11F
※ 編輯: eowa 來自: (06/18 20:10)

06/18 21:06, , 12F
06/18 21:06, 12F

06/18 21:14, , 13F
06/18 21:14, 13F

06/18 21:30, , 14F
06/18 21:30, 14F

06/18 21:53, , 15F
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06/18 23:41, , 16F
“哈。”我是說”哈!” 或是:”蛤?”
06/18 23:41, 16F

06/19 05:05, , 17F
嗯 好棒的老爸
06/19 05:05, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #14bJLuEy (MiamiHeat)