[外電] Mavericks-Heat Preview

看板Mavericks作者 (黃金右腳)時間13年前 (2011/06/02 23:51), 編輯推噓3(306)
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Mavericks-Heat Preview Brian Cardinal took one look at Dirk Nowitzki's injured finger, turned to the Dallas Mavericks' trainer and recommended his treatment plan. Brian Cardinal瞧了瞧Dirk Nowitzki受傷的手指,向小牛的訓練員 說了他推薦的療法。 "Cut it at the knuckle," Cardinal said, making a scissors motion with his right hand. "Like Ronnie Lott." Cardinal說:"從關節的地方剪掉吧,像Ronnie Lott一樣。"並且用 右手做出剪刀的手勢。(註:Ronnie Lott為前NFL球員,因為受傷所 以左手小指截肢。) Good thing "Dr." Cardinal is a backup forward whose specialty is comic relief. 好消息是卡迪納"醫生"只是個很會搞笑的替補前鋒。 Nowitzki's injury was more source of fun than concern Wednesday, starting from the moment he woke up. He expected the torn tendon at the tip of his left middle finger to be sore and throbbing and it wasn't either. 從Dirk起床的時候開始,大家對他的傷勢就是玩笑多於關心。他預期 起床的時候左手中指頂端肌腱撕裂處會酸而且抽痛,但這沒有發生。 So only the devilish teasers were even considering a Lott-like amputation of his fingertip. 只是有一些北七的玩笑,甚至說讓他像Lott一樣截肢就好。 Nowitzki took the practice court wearing a splint to keep the finger straight and figures it'll be mostly a nuisance for the next month or two. He and shooting coach Holger Geschwindner were planning their own workout later Wednesday to see which moves Nowitzki can and can't make and to come up with ways to compensate, starting with Game 2 of the NBA finals against the Miami Heat on Thursday night. Dirk在廠上練習的時候手指上戴著夾板來固定,這會在接下來的一、 兩個月困擾著他。他與他的投籃教練Holger Geschwindner在今天練習 的時候商討他有哪些動作可以做,哪些動作不能做,然後該怎樣來彌 補。明天就是NBA總冠軍戰對上邁阿密熱火的第二戰了。 "Hey, (Rajon) Rondo played with one arm, so he might be able to play with nine fingers," Geschwindner said, smiling. Geschwindner笑著說:"嘿,Rajon Rondo只剩一隻手臂也能打球了, Dirk還有九隻手指應該也能打啦。" Nowitzki already is experimenting with different bandages. Trainer Casey Smith said, "We're going to make it as small as we can," and indeed Nowitzki's wrap at the start of practice was smaller than what he had at a news conference a few minutes before. He was down to a hard splint under the knuckle at the tip of his left middle finger, held on by strips of white tape. The bandage looped around the knuckle and tip, leaving the nail and top exposed. Dirk已經嘗試過各種不同的繃帶,訓練員Casey Smith說:"我們試著 讓它越小越好。"事實上Dirk在練球的時候他的包紮就已經比在幾分鐘 前的記者會時小了許多。他的左手中指關節處最後以硬的夾板固定,並 且用白色的膠帶固定住。不過繃帶在關節與頂端鬆開了,露出了他的指 甲與指尖。 Nowitzki was hurt trying to strip the ball from Chris Bosh with a little under 4 minutes left in the opener. He knew something serious was wrong because he couldn't straighten the tip. The injury is known as a "mallet finger" and generally takes six to eight weeks to heal. Dirk在第一戰倒數4分鐘時在想要把球從Chris Bosh手中撥掉時受傷, 他知道嚴重的事發生了,因為他沒辦法把手指頂端伸直。這種傷勢一般 稱做"吃蘿蔔乾",大概需要六至八週才能復原。 With only quick, courtside treatment, Nowitzki managed to his 1 of 2 shots and all four free throws after the incident. He was 6 of 16 while healthy. 在場邊短暫的治療之後,Dirk接下來投2中1,4罰全進,在健康的時候 他投16中6。 Because the problem is on Nowitzki's non-shooting hand, most of what he does will not be affected. 因為他的傷是在非慣用手,所以大部分的投籃是不會有影響的。 But some of his game will be. 但是比賽內容就不一樣了。 He likes to drive to his left, dribbling hard to get to his favorite shooting spots or taking it all the way to the rim. It also could affect him on defense; don't expect him to swipe down on the ball with the ferocity he did on the play when he was injured. 他喜歡從左邊切入,硬是運球切入找到喜歡的投射點,或是直接殺到 籃下。他在防守的時候也會被影響,不要期待他還會像讓他受傷的那個 play一樣凶狠用力的去巴球。 "I think once the game starts, the adrenaline starts flowing, I don't think it will really slow me down much," Nowitzki said. "I'm not really worried about it." Dirk說:"我認為比賽開始的時候,我的腎上腺素就會開始分泌, 我不覺得這會減緩我,我不是很擔心。" Maybe he should be. 或許他需要擔心。 Because Miami knows where he's hurting, and everyone knows how much Nowitzki means to Dallas, it only makes sense that guys are going to swipe at his hands more than ever, knowing that even if they don't snatch the ball, they might rattle the splint. 因為熱火球員知道他哪裡受傷了,大家也知道Dirk對小牛有多重要。 很合理的,大家會更常往他的手附近下手。他們知道儘管沒辦法搶到 球,也有可能會使夾板鬆脫。 "Somebody's going to swat down on it, whether they want to or not," Bosh said. "It's painful. As ballplayers, we all go through it." Bosh說:"有人必須要去拍打他,不管他們想不想。這很痛,我們身 為球員都經歷過。" Teammate Jason Terry said some shooters actually benefit from hand injuries because "it helps you lock in even more." He echoed the words of all his teammates when he emphasized how certain he was Nowitzki would still carry Dallas' offense. Dirk的隊友Jason Terry說有些射手甚至會從這樣的傷勢中得利,因為 這可以讓你更專注。他附和了所有小牛的隊友的發言,因為他要強調 Dirk是小牛進攻的支柱。 "I think Dirk can shoot the ball with his eyes closed, with no hands, if he had to, especially in a game of this magnitude," Terry said. Terry說:"我認為Dirk就算眼睛閉著也能投球,如果他想的話沒有手 也能,尤其是在這樣的比賽張力下。" With the Mavs joking about an injury to their best player, it's clear they aren't too uptight about losing the opener of the NBA finals, ending a five-game road winning streak or being down in a series for the first time this postseason. 小牛不斷開隊上最佳球員的玩笑,很明顯他們對於輸掉第一戰不是太 不安。他們同時也中斷了客場的五連勝,也是在今年季後賽第一次處 於落後。 Besides, the Mavs made so many mistakes in Game 1 they figured they deserved to lose. 除此之外,小牛在第一戰實在犯下太多錯誤了,輸球並不意外。 Their biggest concern was getting outrebounded by 10. Coach Rick Carlisle called it losing at the line of scrimmage, saying, "The guys that hit first and hit most aggressively and with the most force are going to have the most success. And they did it better than we did last night." 他們最關心的就是被多搶了10個籃板。小牛主帥Rick Carlisle認為 小牛輸在爭搶球的環節,他說:"做出有侵略性且最有力攻擊的球員 才能得到成功,他們昨天做的比我們好。" The Heat were especially good at chasing their own missed shots. They got 16 of them, leading to 13 more shots than Dallas. 熱火在追逐自己沒進的球這點表現的特別好,抓下了16個進攻籃板, 讓他們比小牛多了13次出手次數。 Miami got comfortable behind the arc, hitting 11 3-pointers, three more than any Mavs foe this postseason. Some of their attempts were so uncontested "they had time to set their feet, check the temperature in the gym and then let it fly," center Brendan Haywood said. 熱火也在外線投的很舒服,他們砍進了11顆三分,比小牛這個季後賽 的單場被投進最多的次數還多3顆,有些出手還幾乎沒有人守。中鋒 Brendan Haywood說:"他們有時間調整好腳步,甚至量一下球場的溫 度才出手。" Dallas, meanwhile, made a playoff-low 37.3 percent of its shots and got a measly 17 points from the bench. Terry scored 12, but all in the first half as he was smothered by LeBron James; it was a surprise move by Miami because the Mavs were expecting him to be the secret weapon against Nowitzki. 同時,小牛37.3%的命中率是今年季後賽的新低,板凳貢獻的17分少 的可憐。Terry得到12分,卻都是在上半場得的,他被LeBron James 給守死。這是熱火的驚人之舉,因為他被預期是來對付Dirk的秘密武 器。 Despite it all, the Mavs led after the first and second quarters and were up by eight points in the third quarter. They weren't really out of it until the final five minutes, when Dwyane Wade, James and Bosh put on the kind of show their fans wanted to see. 儘管如此,小牛在第一節和第二節結束時都保持領先,第三節一開始 還領先八分。他們直到最後五分鐘才無力回天,Dwyane Wade、James 和Bosh用各種方式讓全場球員氣氛超嗨。 Each superstar made plays that sent the white-clad fans to their feet, hollering and celebrating as if it was 2006 all over again - only better, because if Miami can win it all in the first season of their trio of collaborators, imagine how much better the Heat could be once the guys get more experience playing together. 這幾位超級球星都做出了讓全場穿著白色衣服的觀眾興奮不已的 play,群眾叫喊著並且慶祝著,彷彿又回到了2006年。不過這次 更棒了,因為如果熱火能在三巨頭聚首的第一年就拿到冠軍,想 像一下接下來這些球員在彼此磨合的更有經驗之後,能位熱火帶 來幾座冠軍。 People around the country are certainly interested, too. 全國的人民顯然也很在意。 Game 1 drew the highest overnight figures for an NBA finals opener since the 2004 series between the Pistons and Lakers. It was up 15 percent from the start of the 2006 series between these same teams. 第一戰平了自從2004年之後NBA總決賽活塞對上湖人之後,晚場開幕戰 的最高收視率。這比2006年同樣這兩隊交手時還多了15%。 While everyone saw James win a finals game for the first time in his career, and Wade dominate the second half much like he did during his MVP romp in '06, the Heat came away seeing plenty of room for improvement. 當大家都在見證James贏得生涯在總決賽的第一勝,以及Wade在下半場 如同2006年總決賽MVP的宰制力時,熱火還看到了很多進步的空間。 They made only 38.8 percent of their shots and didn't get rolling until the middle of the third quarter. They were slowed by Dallas' defense switching from man-to-man to zones. 他們的命中率只有38.8%,進攻在第三節中段以前也不順,他們受限於 小牛從人盯人轉換成區域防守的陣勢。 "I think once we understood they were going to do that, we just said, let's just run our offense," Wade said. Wade說:"我想當我們知道他們要這樣做時,就像我們說的一樣,我們 只要做好自己的進攻。" The Heat felt better Wednesday about their injury concern, too. Mike Miller practiced after leaving the arena the night before with his left arm in a sling. 熱火今天對於隊上的傷勢也比較鬆了口氣,Mike Miller回到練習場上, 前一場他因為左手手臂受傷所以吊著吊帶離開。 大家雖然嘻皮笑臉的 但是場上看起來明明就很緊張... 板凳拜託一定要加油了 還有大家都知道的籃板 請一定要拼了命去卡位啊 明天要扳平!!!! Let's Go Mavs!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/03 00:00, , 1F
Let's Go Mavs! Get It Done! Beat Miami!
06/03 00:00, 1F

06/03 00:06, , 2F
卡迪那想上場想瘋了嗎= =
06/03 00:06, 2F

06/03 01:02, , 3F
06/03 01:02, 3F

06/03 01:25, , 4F
推 go mavs
06/03 01:25, 4F

06/03 03:05, , 5F
06/03 03:05, 5F

06/03 03:52, , 6F
06/03 03:52, 6F

06/03 03:53, , 7F
06/03 03:53, 7F

06/03 03:59, , 8F
espn有小牛專區 yahoo也有一些
06/03 03:59, 8F

06/03 03:59, , 9F
06/03 03:59, 9F
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