Re: 范尼神秘失蹤謎底揭曉 曼聯五年功臣走上窮途末路

看板ManUtd作者 (每天戒酒一小時)時間18年前 (2006/05/09 21:31), 編輯推噓12(1202)
留言14則, 8人參與, 最新討論串5/10 (看更多)
針對這次事件,我了解范尼迷一定很難過, 可是感覺有點太腦充血了。 看看這次事件的前後, 弗格森不讓范尼上場,有錯嗎? 沒有。 找出最適合曼聯的陣型是他的工作。 然後吵架的事件怎麼會變成弗格森欺負人我就搞不懂, 橫看豎看,要吵也是范尼找弗格森吵。 假如弗格森決定薩黑魯尼配的主軸, 那范尼就成了個棄將, 我就不知道棄將的好聚好散是怎樣, 你說Keano,讓他待到球季結束,那又有比較好嗎? 搞不好連他自己都不願意。 范尼又不能踢替補,每次看他坐在替補習都覺得很尷尬。 就沒人能接受他本來就可能被賣掉的事實嗎... 把他賣掉,喔~曼聯清洗功臣!沒有好聚好散,沒人性。 這個起因到底是什麼都不知道的吵架事件出現,更好, 全部推給萬惡的弗格森,自己心安理得。 范尼現在29歲,他的球技、他的年齡、他的市場價值,都正處於一個尷尬期, 看范尼用這種方式進了24球,弗格森在抉擇上應該相當頭大, 但是這個夏天還是必須做出決定。 跟大家分享一個淒美的故事。 Setanta Sports can EXCLUSIVELY reveal the story behind the bust-up that saw Ruud van Nistelrooy dropped from the Manchester United team to face Charlton, a bust-up that could well presage the end of the Dutchman's Old Trafford career. Speaking to Daire O'Brien on Setanta Sports' The Hub, European Soccer Correspondent Graham Hunter explained the incident that caused Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson to drop his star striker. "In January, Ruud van Nistelrooy and Cristiano Ronaldo, who literally cannot stand the sight of each other, traded punches in training, and van Nistelrooy left Ronaldo with a broken face," Hunter explained. 一月的時候水火不融的范尼和CR在訓練的時候大打出手, 范尼把CR的臉打壞了。 "On Sunday, van Nistelrooy was not named in the Manchester United team, and as we all now know, he walks out. 星期天范尼沒有進入名單,他就閃了。 "The roots are from a serious bust-up on the training pitch the day before, over a perennial row between the two. Ronaldo held onto the ball too long in training, and van Nistelrooy asked again: "Why do you keep onto the ball, why don't you pass to me? I am in position, I am the striker. Get the ball to me." 前一天在訓練場,兩人又吵了一架,CR照例耍球,范尼就叫他不要耍球, 叫他把球傳出來,說他才是前鋒。 Hunter went on: "Ronaldo gives van Nistelrooy some lip, it ends up in a fight , and van Nistelrooy as he always does, needles into Ronaldo, and says "Yeah, yeah, go running to your Dad." 兩人又幹了一架,范尼叫CR去找老爹。 "He means Carlos Quieroz, Ferguson's assistant. Ronaldo's own father had died during the season, and finally, in the face of this abuse, Ronaldo burst into tears on the pitch and shouts "I don't have a Dad, he's dead." 范尼指的是老奎。CR自己的老爸已經翹了,聽到這樣的話他開始飆淚, 大吼著,我沒有爸爸~他死了! This is the incident Sir Alex Ferguson spoke of after the game on Sunday when talked about a need to keep "team unity" at the club. 這就是弗格森所謂要維持的"團隊紀律"。 However, Hunter is not so keen to write off van Nistelrooy's Old Trafford career just yet. "It is not necessarily the end for van Nistelrooy, because he is the goalscorer, and Ferguson still wants four strikers at the club. 范尼不一定會走,他能進球,弗格森還是希望踢四前鋒。 "What Sir Alex may not know is that Cristiano Ronaldo is dead set on leaving Manchester United this summer, if Madrid will buy him. He personally has had enough of Manchester United, and English football. So, it may be that we are left with Ronaldo saying that he wants to go, and that van Nistelrooy and Ferguson may make their peace." 弗格森不知道的是CR一定會走,如果皇馬要他的話。他受夠了曼聯和英國足球。 By Nick Royle 基本上這篇報導爛透了, 只是要提醒那些習慣性喊著清洗清洗的人, 很多事情一個巴掌拍不響, 如果范尼被放到替補席之後還是一如往常,沒有鬧情緒, 那又怎麼會有這件事情?弗格森那麼閒? 都賽季末了硬是把自己打算賣掉的前鋒(或著不打算賣掉的前鋒)范尼抓來罵一頓? 說不通的東西。 可是換個角度,沒有這件事情,范尼就不會被賣掉嗎? 只能說當球隊表現出不需要一個球員的態度的時候, 事情就不可能盡善盡美了。 不過還是要提醒大家,他還沒被賣掉。 -- the first rule of the fight club is do not talk about the fight club -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/09 21:46, , 1F
05/09 21:46, 1F

05/09 22:04, , 2F
05/09 22:04, 2F

05/09 22:10, , 3F
如果真的是這樣 我倒覺得fergie沒有錯 之前是因為以為只是
05/09 22:10, 3F

05/09 22:11, , 4F
VANNI不高興沒先發說了幾句垃圾話 FERGIE就賣掉他
05/09 22:11, 4F

05/09 22:12, , 5F
若是這件事情屬實 那是應該立刻走!
05/09 22:12, 5F

05/09 22:38, , 6F
05/09 22:38, 6F

05/09 22:40, , 7F
恩 走人應該...但是我沒有怪罪 萬惡的費吉呀!!!
05/09 22:40, 7F

05/09 22:53, , 8F
05/09 22:53, 8F

05/09 22:55, , 9F
05/09 22:55, 9F

05/09 22:58, , 10F
05/09 22:58, 10F

05/09 23:00, , 11F
的陣容安排,那也沒什麼好說的。 其實除非有很好的人選,不
05/09 23:00, 11F

05/09 23:01, , 12F
05/09 23:01, 12F

05/09 23:02, , 13F
05/09 23:02, 13F

05/09 23:29, , 14F
好像看到閃光(不是重點) 總覺得吵架打架事情有點扯...
05/09 23:29, 14F
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