[外電] 國聯西區:哪隊夠銀兩,好追得上躲人?

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來源:ESPN 網址:http://tinyurl.com/ya3ojue3 NL West offseason preview: Who can afford to keep up with the Dodgers? 國聯西區:哪隊夠銀兩,好追得上躲人? With free agency about to get underway, the offseason is going to pick up steam. What are the big questions facing all 30 teams? 隨著FA開始後,休賽季也慢慢開始加溫,到底聯盟30隊各自面臨的最大的問題會是甚麼呢? Los Angeles Dodgers: How many Japanese stars will they have in 2018? We know that the Dodgers will have Kenta Maeda back, probably in the starting rotation. However, his ability to rev up his stuff as a short reliever in the postseason and throw multiple innings out of the bullpen certainly adds to his value. Beyond Maeda, the Dodgers' biggest offseason question mark is whether they will (or even should) bring back Maeda's countryman, Yu Darvish. 洛杉磯躲人: 到底2018年他們會有幾個日本球員呢? 我們知道躲人會把前田健太續留下,也許會放到先發輪值內。然而,他在今年季後以後援 上陣表現傑出,從牛棚出發卻可以投多局,讓他的價值上揚。除了前田外,躲人休賽季最 大的問題會是:他們會不會(或是該不該)把前田的同胞--達比修--簽回來呢? Darvish is one of the top 20 or so starting pitchers in baseball. Every time someone walks up to you and says he folds under pressure, just repeat those words. It doesn't change the fact that Darvish flopped in the exact same fashion in the World Series, but let's not lose sight of the fact that he's one of baseball's best pitchers. The question is now how much he's worth on the open market and whether that price tag is one the Dodgers can swallow. L.A. has internal options -- its rotation was one of baseball's best in 2017 even before the Dodgers added Darvish. And they have young pitchers who will gradually be added to that mix, especially hard-throwing righty Walker Buehler. Eventually, they'll get Julio Urias back as well. 若是有人跟你說達比修被壓力擊垮這類的話,請記得回他,「達比修是聯盟最佳20個先發 投手之一」。雖然這不能改變達比修今年在世界大賽被擊垮的事實,但是不要忽略他是聯 盟最佳投手之一的事實。現在的問題是達比修在市場的價值現在有多少,而躲人願不願意 付那個價碼。躲人有些內部的人選--躲人2017年的先發輪值是聯盟最佳,在還沒加入達比 修之前就已經是最佳的了。而且他們有年輕的投手逐漸成熟可以使用,尤其是強力右投 Walker Buehler。還有,Julio Urias也會回來。 But it's also possible that by splurging for Darvish, you might send some favorable signals to yet another Japanese player, super free agent Shohei Otani -- the Babe Ruth of the other side of the Pacific. Otani, because of baseball's tight new restrictions on international spending, is going be considering non-financial factors. L.A. has a huge Japanese population, which you would think is a good thing in how Otani perceives the city. And he's friendly with Darvish. 但是藉由花大把銀子在達比修身上,躲人可能也發出個訊息另外一個日本超級FA大谷翔 平--日本版的Babe Ruth。因為聯盟新的對國際簽約金的嚴格限制,大谷可能還會考慮錢以 外的因素。洛杉磯有廣大的日本人口,大谷可能會因此對洛杉磯有好印象。而且,大谷跟 達比修是好朋友。 Whatever happens, the Dodgers will be loaded again in 2018. That makes the possibility of a Darvish-Otani package deal that much more tantalizing. 不管如何,躲人的2018陣容也是滿滿,那讓這筆「達比修-大谷套餐」交易更顯誘人。 Arizona Diamondbacks: Can they afford to stay relevant? Paul Goldschmidt is 29 years old. Zack Greinke is nearly 34. A.J. Pollock and David Peralta are nearing 30. Jake Lamb will hit his age-27 season in 2018. 亞利桑那響尾蛇:他們夠銀兩維持戰力嗎? Goldschmidt已經29歲,Z魔神快34惹,Pollock跟Peralta快30歲,Lamb明年會27歲。 All this is to say that the collective age of the Diamondbacks' core dictates that they be in win-now mode. A big problem with that is the big outfielder, J.D. Martinez, who is about to become a very rich man on the free-agent market. Martinez put up a 1.107 OPS after Arizona traded for him this season, and his presence in the lineup alongside Goldschmidt made the Diamondbacks a special team down the stretch. 這些都說,響尾蛇的主要戰力年紀已經到了"要贏就是現在"的年紀。最大的問題會是在他 們的外野手JD Martinez,他會在今年的市場狠狠撈一大票。Martinez今年被響尾蛇交易 來,OPS有1.107,跟隊上Goldschmidt合體讓響尾蛇非常特別。 Can Arizona afford to keep him? Probably not. Not on a team with little payroll flexibility and a high-earner in Greinke who eats up more than a third of what the Diamondbacks can likely spend. So the question then becomes, what's left, especially when it seems likely that as great as Goldschmidt is, he's not likely to give us more than we've seen? 響尾蛇有銀兩把他留下來嗎? 大概沒有。在一個隊伍薪資總額已經沒什麼空間,而且隊上 有個Z魔神吃掉超過三分之一可以花的錢,是不可能留的下他的。所以下一個問題會是, Goldschmidt表現已經到極限,他還有可能表現更傑出嗎? Well, the standout category for the Diamondbacks was the starting pitching in 2017. That group was one of the worst in the majors in 2016. It's a group in which regression seems all but a certainty. If that happens, and the lineup loses Martinez, Arizona GM Mike Hazen is going to have to get creative to keep Arizona in the playoff mix in 2018. 響尾蛇表現突出的部分在2017年是在先發,他們的先發在2016是爛到爆。他們再來的表現 應該是會退化;如果真的發生了,而且打擊又沒Martinez,響尾蛇若是2018年還想打季後 賽的話,總管可能就要有點創意了。 Colorado Rockies: How big will they dream? The Rockies led the National League in runs scored, but their main priority in the offseason should be adding another bat to a lineup that lacked depth. The only three hitters with a park-adjusted OPS above league average were Charlie Blackmon, Nolan Arenado and Mark Reynolds, and Reynolds is a free agent. Carlos Gonzalez is also a free agent and while he finished strong in September, it's probably time to part ways with him. Now that they have their most pitching depth in years, they can't be lulled into thinking the offense is good enough. 科羅拉多落磯:夢要做的多大? 落磯在國聯得分排名領先,但是他們在休賽季最要優先處理的會是在他們的打擊深度再加 上一支。在根據球場調整OPS後,只有三個打者高於聯盟平均值--Charlie Blackmon, Nolan Arenado跟Reynolds--而Reynolds是FA。Carlos Gonzalez在九月表現傑出,他也會 是FA,所以是時候跟他說掰掰惹。現在他們的投手在經過幾年後深度終於夠了,但是他們 不能就這樣安心,認為他們的打擊方面是夠好的。 The best solution: Giancarlo Stanton. Come on, Rockies, dream big. Imagine what Stanton will do playing half his games at Coors Field. Yes, he's owed $290 million over the next 10 seasons and he has an opt-out after 2020, but the Rockies can afford him if they're willing to take on the money (and Stanton agrees to the trade). Their only big-money contracts right now belong to Ian Desmond and Arenado, and Arenado is a free agent after 2019. You need to upgrade for that two-year window. Because of Stanton's contract, acquiring him won't break the prospect bank. The Marlins won't get a prospect haul and somebody to take on Stanton's entire deal. So, trade for Stanton and then sign Carlos Santana to play first base for this lineup: Blackmon CF, DJ LeMahieu 2B, Arenado 3B, Stanton RF, Santana 1B, Trevor Story SS, Gerardo Parra LF, Tom Murphy C. 最好的方案: Stanton。拜託,落磯隊,夢可以做大一點。想想看Stanton在一整年的比賽 有一半在落磯主場打!是的,他未來十年有2億鎂的薪水,他在2020年有選擇跳出合約的權 利,但是若是洛磯願意付錢,他們是付得起的(然後Stanton也願意交易)。目前大筆合約是 Ian Desmond跟Arenado,而Arenado在2019年後會是FA。所以,落磯應該要為那兩年的空窗 做因應。所以,跟馬林魚交易換來Stanton,然後簽Carlos Santana守一壘,防守位置會 是:Blackmon中外,LeMahieu二壘,Arenado三壘,Stanton右外,Santana一壘,Trevor Story游擊,Gerardo Parra左外, Tom Murphy捕手。 San Diego Padres: Will they make any kind of major move? The Padres cut their payroll to the bone last year, lopping off 40 percent of their 2016 payroll to bring expenses down to 29th in MLB on Opening Day in 2017. And despite doing that they didn't exactly tank, winning far more games than expected. And even with expectations set low, they drew more than 2 million fans, so they didn't even suffer a penalty at the turnstiles for "tanking." 聖地牙哥教士: 他們會有大動作嗎? 教士去年把薪資砍到見骨,砍了40趴,成為聯盟薪資排名第29名。即使是這樣,他們也沒 有真的"坦",他們贏的比他們預期的多。即使對球隊戰績不期不待,還是有兩百萬的球迷 入場看球,所以他們也沒因為如此被罰錢。 One thing you shouldn't get worked up about is the difference between their Pythagorean-projected record (which was 59-103) and their actual win-loss total. Andy Green is a smart manager and is likely to still be in San Diego for the next good Padres team, but he didn't work a 12-game dugout miracle. That's just the math reflecting that when the Padres lost, they really lost, suffering 36 losses by five or more runs. You can't lose an individual blowout more than once; if the Padres improve their pitching depth just a little bit, they might cut down on those blowout losses and provide those 2 million fans a few reasons to stick around for the end of a few more games. 有一件事不要太去深究,就是去了解為甚麼本來預期的戰績(59-103)跟最後教士的戰績 (71-91)有差距。教練Andy Green很聰明,明年也應該還會是教士的教練,他並沒有搞出多 贏12場的奇蹟。那只是個數學,反映出當教士真的輸的話,他們是真的輸,有36場輸超過5 分以上,救援失敗不可能超過一次。所以,若是教士稍微改善一下投手深度的話,他們或 許就可以把救援失敗的場次減少,讓那些進場支持的兩百萬球迷有更多的理由繼續留下來 看到最後。 擷取樓下一篇幫忙的翻譯的這段,我就不改我自己的,我翻譯的太爛,請多包涵 "有件事情可能不該太在意:他們的畢氏期望戰績(59-103)與實際情況差距甚大。 Andy Green 是很聰明的教頭,也很可能一直待到戰績有起色,但這 12 場勝差可 不是靠他引發的奇蹟,只是簡單的數學,代表當教士輸球時常常輸個一屁股,有 36 場輸了超過五分。不管輸得再多,都只算一場敗仗;即使教士只對投手陣容做 出一丁點改善,就可能降低慘敗的次數,讓入場的百萬球迷有更多理由留到比賽 結束。" So, having restocked their farm system while chucking concern for their MLB team, will they spend on anyone more expensive than simply re-signing Clayton Richard for $6 million across two seasons? Or is that as crazy-spendy as they're willing to get this winter while they wait for their prospects to reach the majors? 所以,在把農場補充好後,他們會願意比只是簽Clayton Richard兩年6百萬鎂外,再多花 點錢嗎? 還是那就已經是他們最"瘋狂"的交易,然後就等冬天過去,等他們的新秀打進大 聯盟? San Francisco Giants: How will they fix their outfield? Flirting with 100 losses was a disaster, but it's worse when you consider the Giants are supposed to be built to win now, to exploit the opportunity created by keeping their core players -- Madison Bumgarner, Buster Posey, Brandon Belt and Brandon Crawford -- together. But if the Giants want to get that group back to the postseason, they have to actively fix their most glaring problem. Their outfield is the one unit where the team has overlapping problems. The Giants were last in the majors in home runs with 128 -- finishing more than 100 homers behind the Yankees' MLB-leading total of 241 -- and their outfielders combined for the worst OPS total on the year (.685, against the MLB average of .772). And their outfielders combined for an MLB-worst minus-43 defensive runs saved, so as a unit they were costing the Giants runs in both halves of every inning, all season long. 舊金山巨人:他們要怎麼補救他們的外野? 有100場輸球是場災難,但是當考慮到巨人本來想藉由把他們的核心球員--Bumgarner, Posey,Brandon Belt跟Brandon Crawford--留下來是要贏球的,那就更是糟糕的噩夢。所 以若是巨人想要重返季後,他們得要積極處理他們最迫切的問題,他們的外野。巨人在全 壘打排名倒數,只有128支,輸洋基241支,超過100+;他們外野手合計OPS也是最差 (.685,聯盟平均是.772)。他們的defensive runs saved也是聯盟最差,-43。所以,他們 在攻守兩端都嚴重傷到巨人。 Contractually, they're locked in for one more year with both Hunter Pence and Denard Span and they punted on shopping for a left fielder last winter. Span can't play center (not after giving up minus-31 DRS by himself) or hit well enough to be an asset in a corner, and Pence can't stay healthy, so they really need to approach the winter thinking they have no answers at any one position. Any kind of defensive upgrade in center could make a huge difference for Johnny Cueto and Jeff Samardzija after their disappointing seasons on the mound, and finding a strong bat for a corner would make a huge difference on the scoreboard every day. 合約上,他們跟Hunter Pence及Denard Span還有一年合約,去年冬天也想買左外野手。 Span不能守中間(DRS -31),打擊表現也不盡理想;Pence的健康也不是很穩,所以巨人今 年冬天應該要好好想想如何解決。任何可以中外野手可以升級巨人的打擊能力,就可以對 隊上的投手如Cueto跟Samardzia有明顯的幫助,尤其在他們令人沮喪的一季之後。另外再 找一支大棒子也會對得分有幫助。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1510287129.A.D4B.html

11/10 12:15, 6年前 , 1F
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11/10 12:19, 6年前 , 5F
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11/10 12:24, 6年前 , 6F
今年都殺到WS第七戰了 還打不出來==反串加油好嗎
11/10 12:24, 6F

11/10 12:27, 6年前 , 7F
沒辦法 現在拿亞軍會被酸
11/10 12:27, 7F

11/10 12:27, 6年前 , 8F
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11/10 12:30, 6年前 , 9F
國西冠軍沒90勝最近一次也08年了 沒多歡樂吧XD
11/10 12:30, 9F

11/10 12:30, 6年前 , 10F
洛磯盤來power99 這想法真誘人
11/10 12:30, 10F

11/10 12:40, 6年前 , 11F
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11/10 12:42, 6年前 , 12F
不開玩笑 其實長期保持可以進季後賽 甚至可以爭冠的強度
11/10 12:42, 12F

11/10 12:42, 6年前 , 13F
不開玩笑 其實長期保持可以進季後賽 甚至可以爭冠的強度
11/10 12:42, 13F

11/10 12:42, 6年前 , 14F
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11/10 12:42, 6年前 , 15F
應該可以算是傲人成績了 不知道這到底哪裡好嘲諷
11/10 12:42, 15F

11/10 12:42, 6年前 , 16F
不要說國西 全聯盟也沒幾隊砸的贏躲人
11/10 12:42, 16F

11/10 12:47, 6年前 , 17F
不懂亞軍有啥好酸的 這是30隊耶
11/10 12:47, 17F

11/10 12:48, 6年前 , 18F
11/10 12:48, 18F

11/10 12:49, 6年前 , 19F
2.Darvish-Otani package deal翻成交易怪怪的,他
11/10 12:49, 19F

11/10 12:50, 6年前 , 20F
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11/10 12:50, 6年前 , 21F
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11/10 12:51, 6年前 , 22F
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11/10 12:52, 6年前 , 23F
11/10 12:52, 23F
謝f大 已修 ※ 編輯: pneumo (, 11/10/2017 12:56:00

11/10 12:55, 6年前 , 24F
躲人新人養的好 薪資上限又高 令人羨慕阿
11/10 12:55, 24F

11/10 12:56, 6年前 , 25F
躲人這陣容 毒瘤約清掉之後 五年內 肯定可以再打WS
11/10 12:56, 25F

11/10 13:00, 6年前 , 26F
11/10 13:00, 26F
被發現惹 因為實在看不懂,不知道怎麼翻才好,就忽略它了... (淚奔~~)

11/10 13:04, 6年前 , 27F
Stanton乾脆來巨人吧 市場大缺外野 國西也變成火藥庫惹
11/10 13:04, 27F

11/10 13:41, 6年前 , 28F
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11/10 13:42, 6年前 , 29F
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11/10 13:52, 6年前 , 30F
應該不是說救援失敗 應該是說慘敗吧?
11/10 13:52, 30F

11/10 13:56, 6年前 , 31F
11/10 13:56, 31F

11/10 14:08, 6年前 , 32F
11/10 14:08, 32F

11/10 14:18, 6年前 , 33F
魚王上山 這畫面太美我不敢看
11/10 14:18, 33F

11/10 14:27, 6年前 , 34F
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11/10 14:29, 6年前 , 35F
上山打可以超越Barry Bonds73轟紀錄嗎?
11/10 14:29, 35F

11/10 14:32, 6年前 , 36F
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11/10 14:35, 6年前 , 37F
11/10 14:35, 37F
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 11/10/2017 14:45:35

11/10 14:52, 6年前 , 38F
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11/10 14:54, 6年前 , 39F
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11/10 14:54, 6年前 , 40F
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11/10 14:55, 6年前 , 41F
11/10 14:55, 41F
謝謝f大鼓勵 大概會休息了 ※ 編輯: pneumo (, 11/10/2017 15:06:46

11/10 15:06, 6年前 , 42F
推 stanton上山喔喔喔喔
11/10 15:06, 42F

11/10 15:10, 6年前 , 43F
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11/10 15:47, 6年前 , 44F
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11/10 16:01, 6年前 , 46F
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11/10 16:22, 6年前 , 47F
286 .375 .714 1.089 怪力上山成績
11/10 16:22, 47F

11/10 16:22, 6年前 , 48F
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11/10 16:23, 6年前 , 49F
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11/10 16:24, 6年前 , 50F
但有鑒於是面對落磯投手 可能需要打折扣
11/10 16:24, 50F

11/10 16:38, 6年前 , 51F
洛磯今年ERA+聯盟第8喔 數字不好看真的只是因為球場
11/10 16:38, 51F

11/10 16:47, 6年前 , 52F
鼓勵 給推
11/10 16:47, 52F

11/10 16:58, 6年前 , 53F
怪力的成績不是只有今年的 是生涯
11/10 16:58, 53F

11/10 17:32, 6年前 , 54F
季後短期賽什麼都很難講 道奇沒到國聯無敵的境界
11/10 17:32, 54F

11/10 19:00, 6年前 , 55F
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11/11 04:18, 6年前 , 60F
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11/11 08:29, 6年前 , 61F
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11/11 08:45, 6年前 , 62F
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11/11 12:56, 6年前 , 63F
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11/12 16:36, 6年前 , 64F
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11/13 14:26, 6年前 , 65F
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11/14 11:07, 6年前 , 66F
11/14 11:07, 66F
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