[閒聊] 太空人 Gurriel內心的小劇場

看板MLB作者 (mn)時間6年前 (2017/10/22 14:28), 6年前編輯推噓33(35220)
留言57則, 37人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
前言: 以下均以Yuli稱呼大家熟悉的那個古巴仔 因為在Gourriel家門大喊Gurriel Yulieski Gourriel, Yunieski Gourriel Lourdes Gourriel, Lourdes Gourriel Jr. 四個人都會跟你說 Hola~ 喔 >.^ 所以一般人都叫他Yuli, 而Yuni則是指他的哥哥 至於為什麼姓要從Gourriel改成 Gurriel,哇阿災... (本文是在 game 5結束後寫的) Astros' Gurriel Goes From Cuban Star to World Series Hopeful https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2017/10/20/sports/baseball/ap-bba-alcs-gurriels-journey.html 從古巴之星到美聯冠軍賽 Game 5- 太空人的 Yuli HOUSTON — Yuli Gurriel is savoring his place with the Houston Astros as they chase their second trip to the World Series. 在太空人還不知道,它們將會第二次打進世界大賽的同時 Yuli也正在這追逐的過程中,享受他在球隊的位置 Still, there's a part of him that yearns for the country he left behind for his shot in the majors as a 30-something rookie. Each time he buttons up his Astros jersey, he carries the weight of the four letters he wore across his chest for so many years. 除了當個33歲的老新人外, Yuli心中仍然嚮往著那個他叛逃過的國家。 每當穿上起空人的球衣準備出賽時, 他同時也背負著那 4個字的重量- 古巴, 他穿了好多年國家隊球衣的古巴 "I know that in one way or another I am representing them, representing Cuba," Gurriel told The Associated Press. Yuli向美聯社表示: 我知道在某個平行時空, 我仍然用某種方式在代表古巴喔 Gurriel signed a five-year, $47.5 million contract with the Astros in July 2016 following a 15-year career in Cuba, where he starred professionally and helped the national team win gold medals at the 2004 Olympics and the World Cup in 2003 and 2005. 曾幫助古巴贏得2004奧運金牌, 還有2003及2005世界盃金牌的Yuli, 結束了他在古巴15年的棒球生涯。 在2016年 7月,以32歲的年紀, 和太空人簽下 5年 4,750萬美元的合約。 For boys in many countries, playing in a World Series is a lifelong dream. That wasn't the case for Gurriel growing up. 在許多國家, 能參加世界大賽是許多小孩一輩子的夢想。 但抱歉,Yuli不是在這樣的氛圍中長大的。 "In Cuba, the focus was different: represent the nation," he said. "Every time we would travel abroad, go for the gold. Silver was not acceptable. It's that demanding. (Starting) at 9 years old, for me it was huge." Yuli表示: 在阮古巴,重點是能代表國家去比賽, 每一次我們殺去國外,就是要拿金牌, 沒人在講雖敗猶榮,銀牌也好棒棒這款代誌啦。 拿金牌是一種要求,不是期待。 你要是自 9歲就開始面對這種事, 那壓力是很大的。 Gurriel was under the spotlight in elementary school because his father was a national superstar — Lourdes Gurriel helped Cuba win a gold medal at the Barcelona Olympics and six more golds at the World Cup from 1980-1994. 此外,也因為有個國家隊巨星老爸, Yuli從小也是因此活在大家的注目下。 Yuli的爸爸: Lourdes Gourriel 巴塞隆納奧運金牌+ 6面世界盃金牌 "You see it as a shadow," Yuli Gurriel said. "People over there see you as him, and they expect that much more of you. They don't see you as the (player) that you are but how your dad was, and they demand a lot. It was very difficult in the beginning. When I would go play in Cuba, folks would say: 'This is Gurriel's son.' And that made me uncomfortable at first." 對此,Yuli表示: 嘿對囝仔來講,根本就是一種陰影。 你認為,我就是我, 但別人認為,你就是你爸, 而且認為你會比你爸更好,所以對你期望的更多。 剛開始打球時,都會有一堆鄉民在旁邊喊: 娘子快看,那是Gourriel的兒子耶~ 我覺得 hen不舒服啊啊啊!! The younger Gurriel became a star on his own merits soon enough, and that eased the burden of his father's accomplishments. Gurriel said his father played baseball with him as a youngster but never pushed him into the sport. Lourdes did, however, offer advice on how to approach the sport when he chose to pursue a career. 雖然是以爸氣系路線出道, 但Yuli靠著他自己的優點和天分, 逐漸成為一個明星,也紓解了兒子不如爸爸的壓力。 Yuli表示: 爸爸從小就陪我打球,但他從來沒有強迫我打球。 好啦,他其實有暗示明示推波助瀾, 但他的方法是, 當我開始,想把棒球成為我一輩子的工作時, 他會在旁邊引導和給我建議。 "That if I was going to play baseball, to play it with my all, with all my love. Leave it all on the field," Gurriel said. "I have carried that with me since. That's what I have always tried to do." Yuli表示: 如果我要打球,那我就用生命和愛去打球, 把所有的全部都留在球場上。 那就是我一直以來在做的事。 Gurriel's sense of pride and responsibility to Cuba kept him from considering a move elsewhere, even though he was widely regarded as Cuba's best player. A move to the major leagues would have required him to defect first, and he was approached about absconding during various international trips as early as 17 years old. As he traveled more, it became increasingly difficult to deal with those trying to lure him away. 就算所有人都認為他是古巴最棒的球員, 但Yuli的榮譽和責任感, 讓他從來沒有去考慮過叛逃這件事。 (很強所以就該叛逃??什麼鬼記者邏輯??) 要去大聯盟,就要面臨叛逃的問題。 Yuli17歲就開始面對這些問題了, 當他代表國家次數越多,出國的機會也越多, 被誘惑的機會也就越來越來多。 There was even a false news report in 2006 that he defected to Colombia. There was a passage in the Bogota Times in July of that year that read: "One of the members of the Cuban team who deserted is star second baseman Yulieski Gurriel, considered as one of the best in the world at his position. It appears that his next destination would the New York Yankees." 最濠洨的是因為記者無國界, 所以2006年 7月時,連假新聞都出來了, 波哥大時報是這樣寫的: 世界二壘大王叛逃!! 下一站: 洋基 "Dealing with those was tough in Cuba at the time," he said. "I always had to deal with these things, people who would approach you in indirect ways about deserting, and that's a very delicate issue for Cuba." Yuli表示: 哇每天馬滴處理這些事, 人們會透過各種間接的方式來誘拐你, 金架就麻煩耶, 尤其厚,那些議題現在很敏感,當時更敏感。 Handling those rumors and those who tried to get him to leave was difficult. And simply ignoring the issue didn't make things any better. 處理那些謠言,和真的來找你的人很煩, 更慘的是,你不理它,事情也不會變得更好... "The team was always well guarded, but people would find a way to get the message to you," he said. "And if you refrained from answering or stayed quiet, they might take it as a sign that you were considering deserting. It would distract you, mentally, and affect your play." Yuli表示: 拎呆丸球迷也攏有看到啊, 每次出國,飯店樓下攏有阮的人坐在那控管。 但蝦的有心人,就是有辦法把小秘密紙條送給你。 最扯的就是,如果你拒絕回答,或保持沉默 它們會認為這是一種你在考慮的暗示啊~ =///= 乾,這會搞到你很煩,甚至影響打球耶 請支持: 說不就是不!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s3rwsLHlfE
He insists that for years, he never thought about leaving, but eventually a handful of factors began to shift his thinking. The first came when he left Cuba to play in the Japan league in 2014, where he hit .305 with 11 homers and 30 RBIs in 62 games. It was around that time that relations between Cuba and the United States began to improve. Also on his mind was the future of his younger brother Lourdes Jr., who was starting to show talent that could earn him a shot in the majors. Yuli堅持了很多年,也從不去想叛逃的事, 直到生命中的某些事影響了他。 首先,在2014年,Yuli被古巴送去日本打球, 賺賺外匯,也撫平球員們想出國打球的心。 沒想到Yuli在日本62場的出賽,留下了 .305/.349/.536 11HR 30RBI 的成績, 讓他發現自己好像真的有點強。 同時,古巴和美國的關係也逐漸改善。 最後,Yuli看到了自己的小弟 Jr., 正逐漸嶄露了或許能在大聯盟打球的天分, 想著自己,想也著小弟的未來。 Gurriel's performance in Japan made him wonder if he could make the jump to the majors, and since he was already over 30, he knew his window was quickly closing. Yuli在日本的表現, 也讓他更想知道,自己是否有能力到大聯盟打球。 人貴自知, Yuli知道,30歲的他,機會大門已慢慢關上了 @皿@ "I said: 'Well, this doubt will stay with me for the rest of my life, whether I could play in the U.S., whether I had the ... (talent) to achieve a (good) result,'" he said. "So I said: 'That's it. I'm 31 years old, and I still have a chance.' So it was a tough decision, but we came here." Yuli表示: 講實在的,哇這世人一定會去想的啦 哇甘可以在米國打球, 哇甘有才條站穩大聯盟。 那就是我內心小劇場的答案啊~~~~~~~~~~ Yuli啊,你已經31歲了,但是機會又來敲門了喔。 那真的是很困難的決定, But.......,我們衝了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gurriel and his brother left in February of 2016 after playing in the Caribbean Series in the Dominican Republic. After Gurriel signed with the Astros in July, Lourdes Jr. inked a seven-year, $22 million deal with Toronto in November. 在2016年 2月打完在多明尼加的加勒比海大賽後, Yuli和 Jr.展開了震驚古巴球員和球迷的叛逃。 然後你們知道的, Yuli在同年 7月和太空人簽了約, 而 Jr.則是因為年齡限制,一直等到了11月, 才和藍鳥簽下了 7年2200萬美元的合約。 Gurriel spent some time in the minors before debuting with the Astros on Aug. 21, 2016, and he hit .262 in 32 games last season. Since he played so few games last year, Gurriel maintained his rookie status this season despite being 33 years old. 由於Yuli先在小聯盟打了些比賽,以適應環境, 所以到了2017年,還是保有33歲新人的資格。 而在2016年 8月21日,Yuli登上了大聯盟舞台!! 也在這年36場的比賽中,留下了, 137PA .262./.292/.385 3HR 15RBI 鈴木一朗般的成績....馬林魚時期的鈴木一朗 He was one of many reasons for Houston's success in the regular season, when he hit .299 with 18 homers and 75 RBIs. Gurriel was also important in providing consistency at first base after the Astros had struggled to find production there. 嘿嘿,但你不知道,在2017年, Yuli也成了太空人能升天的眾多成功因素之一。 139場 564PA .299/.332/.486 18HR 75RBI 雖然阿土伯讓這位古巴國手上不了二壘, 但Yuli卻在幫太空人找不到人時, 成功的彌補了一壘的洞。 Though this is his first trip to the postseason, Gurriel has played like the seasoned veteran that he is. He's tied with teammate Jose Altuve for first in the majors with 13 hits this postseason and his .382 average is second on the team to Altuve. 到了10月,雖然這只是Yuli的第一次季後賽之旅, 但他卻表現的像個老將一樣成熟。 嗯....他的確本來就是, 是你們大聯盟說他是新人的 XD 13支安打,與阿土伯並列季後賽第一, .382的打擊率在隊上,也只落後給阿土伯。 "His ability to handle the stress and anxiety that comes with the situations is not surprising," manager A.J. Hinch said. "He's been on the international stage. He's been the central sports figure of a country where baseball is beloved, so I think his personality that has come out this year, his exuberance (and) his overall consistent play has been something we've expected. It's nice to see it play out." 總教練Hinch表示: 很奇怪嗎?? 他在國際賽就已經展現了這種抗壓性啊, 他可是古巴國球裡的明星。 他的人格特質,他穩定的高產出, 都是我們原本期待看到的。 我很高興Yuli實現了我們對他的期待。 And the Astros hope it continues on Friday when they host the New York Yankees in Game 6 of the AL Championship Series, looking to avoid elimination and move within one win of reaching the World Series. 然後在星期六的夜晚, Yuli又打了一支安打, 然後就和隊友去慶祝太空人打進世界大賽了~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1508653683.A.4F2.html

10/22 14:35, 6年前 , 1F
10/22 14:35, 1F

10/22 14:37, 6年前 , 2F
好歡樂 哈哈
10/22 14:37, 2F

10/22 14:38, 6年前 , 3F
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10/22 14:44, 6年前 , 4F
推 要圓夢了
10/22 14:44, 4F

10/22 14:51, 6年前 , 5F
他在日本說他害怕坐飛機 所以不回日本了 可是美國的飛機可
10/22 14:51, 5F

10/22 14:51, 6年前 , 6F
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10/22 15:00, 6年前 , 7F
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10/22 16:02, 6年前 , 10F
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10/22 16:04, 6年前 , 11F
我記得多明尼加 直接去佛羅里達能坐船
10/22 16:04, 11F

10/22 16:09, 6年前 , 12F
推 打古巴隊時候就覺得他的打擊姿勢超帥 超強 揮棒很
10/22 16:09, 12F

10/22 16:10, 6年前 , 13F
10/22 16:10, 13F
簡單附上2013古巴& 2014日本& 2015古巴的三圍 2013古巴361PA .313/.425/.566 2014日本258PA .305/.349/.536 2015古巴224PA .500/.589/.874 別問我發生什麼事

10/22 16:14, 6年前 , 14F
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10/22 16:22, 6年前 , 15F
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10/22 16:49, 6年前 , 16F
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10/22 16:52, 6年前 , 17F
看著他打國家隊 從06洲際盃打到15年12強
10/22 16:52, 17F

10/22 17:03, 6年前 , 18F
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10/22 17:19, 6年前 , 21F
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10/22 17:26, 6年前 , 22F
Button up是扣扣子的意思。
10/22 17:26, 22F

10/22 17:33, 6年前 , 23F
10/22 17:33, 23F

10/22 17:33, 6年前 , 24F
(很強所以該叛逃??什麼鬼記者邏輯??) -> ???
10/22 17:33, 24F

10/22 17:34, 6年前 , 25F
10/22 17:34, 25F
還好你還沒看到 "世界二壘大王叛逃" 這句XD

10/22 17:37, 6年前 , 26F
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10/22 17:44, 6年前 , 30F
World Series Hopeful是有機會打世界大賽,不是世界大賽
10/22 17:44, 30F

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10/22 18:18, 6年前 , 37F
總之,為什麼Jr.2年內又加盟藍鳥了啊~~~ @.@
10/22 18:18, 37F

10/22 18:27, 6年前 , 38F
總之那次事件 身為DeNA迷得我對他很反感
10/22 18:27, 38F

10/22 18:27, 6年前 , 39F
10/22 18:27, 39F
只能說國情不同 有的國家打勾勾就算數,有的國家簽約也不算數 古巴人常說,昨天是昨天,今天是今天 \(^o^)/ 很多歐洲人也覺得跟亞洲人做生意很難啊 能去日本賺錢,卻還想落跑的古巴人 基本上留的了今天,也留不了明天,心不在此 沒研究那次DeNA的錢付了沒,付的話有退嗎 跟中南美洲做生意嘛~

10/22 19:14, 6年前 , 40F
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10/22 20:00, 6年前 , 44F
這翻譯 蠻喜歡的 推
10/22 20:00, 44F

10/22 21:03, 6年前 , 45F
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10/22 22:16, 6年前 , 46F
沒掛啊 GOOGLE一下文就有
10/22 22:16, 46F
※ 編輯: minnesota (, 10/22/2017 22:34:29

10/22 22:40, 6年前 , 47F
10/22 22:40, 47F

10/22 22:40, 6年前 , 48F
沒有什麼掛阿XD 他那時就一心要去大聯盟 把DeNA當白痴而已
10/22 22:40, 48F

10/23 00:07, 6年前 , 49F
Yuli Gurriel表示:靠杯喔....
10/23 00:07, 49F

10/23 01:31, 6年前 , 50F
https://goo.gl/jUZdxz 當年發展大概就這樣
10/23 01:31, 50F

10/23 01:33, 6年前 , 51F
2015/2/2 DeNA正式宣布簽他跟他老弟 4/2因違約而解約
10/23 01:33, 51F

10/23 01:35, 6年前 , 52F
他老弟Jr.雖有留在名單上 人當然是沒去日本
10/23 01:35, 52F

10/23 02:44, 6年前 , 53F
他家有Yuni Yuli 不知道有沒有Yuri
10/23 02:44, 53F

10/23 11:41, 6年前 , 54F
https://goo.gl/Z1UbWT 剛好今天他發推感謝DeNA球迷
10/23 11:41, 54F

10/23 13:04, 6年前 , 55F
10/23 13:04, 55F

10/23 14:03, 6年前 , 56F
10/23 14:03, 56F

10/23 18:13, 6年前 , 57F
10/23 18:13, 57F
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