[外電] 五位應該入選明星賽的球員及五位不該入選的

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原文:http://tinyurl.com/zk59qcp by ESPN's Keith Law Five players who belong on All-Star roster ... and five who don't 五位應該入選明星賽的球員,還有,五位不應該入選的。 My philosophy on the All-Star Game is simple: It's a marketing event for baseball -- not a popularity contest and not a way to reward first-half flukes. 明星賽在我看來其實單純就是一場屬於棒球的行銷活動, 不是什麼人氣大賽或是獎勵那些也許只是曇花一現的半季好表現。 A lot of folks have grown up thinking selection is about who has the best stats on the day you vote, even if it's someone who has just had the best 50 games of his life, rather than getting the actual stars -- the word that is in the name of the game -- on one field at one time. 許多人認為應該是根據所有球員季初至票選開始那天的期間表現來投票,而非根據星度。 即便某些球員的生涯根本沒辦法再複製出如此的成績。 明星賽不就應該是根據球員的星度來當做票選依據嗎?不然為什麼要叫"全明星"賽? With that in mind, here are five players I think belong in this year's All-Star Game but might be omitted and five players who could be included but wouldn't make the cut for me. 以此為依據,以下是五位應該入選明星賽的球員;還有五位根本不應該入選的球員。 Five players who belong 五位應該入選的: Jose Quintana, LHP Chicago White Sox 2016 WAR: 2.9 This is some sort of sick joke at this point. Quintana is fourth in the AL in innings pitched, eighth in ERA and second in FIP (Fielding Independent Pitching). He's a top-five starter in the American League this year, a top-10 starter in the AL in both 2014 and 2015 and a top-20 starter in 2013. If he isn't an All-Star, just shut the whole thing down. 至目前為止,(Quintana不在明星賽名單中)這已經是一個很糟糕的事情。 Quintana的投球局數暫居美聯第四,防禦率第八,FIP第二。 他是美聯本季前五佳的先發投手,2014、15時是前十佳,2013時是前二十佳。 他如果沒有參加全明星賽,那乾脆取消這個活動算了。 Gregory Polanco, OF Pittsburgh Pirates 2016 WAR: 2.5 Polanco belongs in the game every which way from Sunday. He's an emerging superstar and a former top prospect having a clear breakout season. He is currently ranked third among NL outfielders in FanGraphs WAR and sixth in Baseball-Reference's version. He's sixth among NL outfielders in OBP, eighth in slugging and sixth in wRC+, not to mention that he's a very good to great defensive outfielder. He's 24 years old and about to become one of the best players in baseball; if the Pirates trade Andrew McCutchen anytime soon, it'll be in part because Polanco and Starling Marte have become so good. 無論從什麼角度來看,Polanco都應該入選明星賽。 他以往被視為一個頂級的淺力新秀,而本季也是他開始發光發熱的一年。 他的WAR在所有國聯外野手裡排名第三(FanGraphs) / 第六(Baseball-Reference), 上壘率第六,長打率第八,wRC+第六,更別提他是一位防守極佳的球員。 今年年僅24歲,未來很有可能成為史上最佳的外野手之一。 如果接下來海盜隊把海賊王交易出去,肯定是因為對Polanco及Marte有十足的信心。 Corey Kluber, RHP Cleveland Indians 2016 WAR: 2.1 I'd be more angry online about Kluber if I weren't busy being angry online about Quintana. Kluber's ERA is unsightly at 3.79, but he has the best FIP in the AL at 2.96, and the gap is really about Kluber's having a bizarre, probably flukish time with men on base, especially with men in scoring position: Hitters have slugged .529 off him in 82 such plate appearances. That's well above his career slugging percentage allowed with men on base (.430), which is why I say it's likely a fluke and not a good reason to leave off the roster someone who is clearly one of the top 10 pitchers in the league. Of course, AL manager Ned Yost picked five relievers for the AL roster, on top of the three the players chose, so we're left with way too few starters -- you know, the names, the stars, the players fans show up to watch. 我如果不是忙著為Quintana抱不平,我肯定會更加用力訐譙為什麼Kluber沒有入選。 儘管Kluber的ERA是不起眼的3.79,但他的FIP卻是美聯最佳。 會有這樣大的差距主要來自於在壘上有人時 (82PA),Kluber的被長打率高達0.529, 而在同樣情況下,他的生涯平均被長打率僅有0.430。所以我才說這個表現應屬個案, 不該為了這種理由而讓這一個明顯屬於聯盟前十的投手連明星賽都無法參與。 而且美聯總教練Ned Yost卻寧願選了五個後援投手, 而使得這些真正的明星先發投手沒有機會入選明星賽。 Brandon Crawford, SS San Francisco Giants 2016 WAR: 3.2 I wrote last year that Crawford belonged in the game, and I'll say it again this year. He's a grade-70 defender (on the 20-80 scouting scale) with pop at a position where any offense is a bonus, and even if you dismiss his 2015 power spike as a fluke, he still has been All-Star-caliber for a few years now. His problem, I assume, is that so much of his value is wrapped up in his glove, so he doesn't have the high batting average or home run total to get the fan or player vote. Look, Addison Russell is a longtime favorite of mine, but he shouldn't be starting the All-Star Game. Corey Seager should start, with Crawford as the backup at short. 去年我就提說Crawford理應入選明星賽,今年我還是要舊事重談。 以20-80為標準,他是一位等級70的防守者,還能打長打。重點是他守的位置是游擊。 也許某些人可能會認為他2015年的表現當屬曇花一現,但他近年的表現早就是全明星級。 我認為大概沒把目光放太多在他身上是因為他的價值有很大部分來自於他的防守, 而相較起來,他的攻擊面並沒有辦法為他吸引到很多關愛。 儘管我個人很喜歡A.Russell,但他不應該在明星賽先發, C.Seager才應該先發,而Crawford則是明星賽游擊替補。 Jake Lamb, 3B Arizona Diamondbacks 2016 WAR: 2.8 I might seem like the president of Lamb's fan club, making him my lead breakout pick for 2016 and celebrating his every homer with inexcusable puns on Twitter, but the guy is leading the NL in slugging percentage and is third in wOBA and sixth in wRC+, and he is playing about average defense at third base (good range but too many errors). He's 25 and in his first full, healthy season in the majors, and he appears to be breaking out as a star. The only real argument against his inclusion is that he's behind Kris Bryant (voted in as a third baseman) and Nolan Arenado at his position, and though Lamb is having a better year than Arenado on offense, I wouldn't put Lamb in the game over an established superstar such as Arenado. 似乎就因為我認為Lamb會是2016年裡所有破繭而出的球員內表現最為亮眼的人, 這讓我感覺我好像就是Lamb粉絲俱樂部的會長, 每當他打出全壘打時,我理當就要上推特發廢文慶祝。 Lamb目前在國聯的長打率暫居第一,wOBA第三,wRC+第六, 在防守方面他表現屬中上,防守範圍廣,但失誤略多。 他今年才25歲,而且本季才是他第一個健康且完整的球季。 他沒有入選的理由可能就是來自於同屬三壘手的Kris Bryant以及Nolan Arenado。 Kris Bryant是球迷票選的國聯先發三壘手; 儘管本季截自目前為止,Lamb的攻擊面數據比Arenado還要好, 但Arenado畢竟是一位已有長年成績為後盾的選手,Lamb不應該就這樣取代掉Arenado。 Five who don't belong 五位不應該入選的球員: Brad Brach, RHP Baltimore Orioles 2016 WAR: 2.5 What the hell is Brad Brach doing on an All-Star roster? He was replacement-level until last year and barely better than that in 2015, and he has had a fluke performance of 1.01 ERA in 44 innings this year, so he gets to go to San Diego while many better, more valuable, more deserving pitchers, such as Quintana and Kluber, are left off the roster. Brach is emblematic of the worst tendencies of the All-Star decision-making process -- I don't mean fans here, as Brach was a manager selection -- with both the emphasis on current-year performance and the overrating of middle relievers, the most fungible class of players in baseball. Worst of all, Brach isn't a token player from a team without a better option; he isn't even the only Orioles reliever on the roster, to say nothing of the fact that one of the best players in baseball will represent Baltimore at third base. This spot should have gone to Quintana, to pick just one of a few dozen more deserving players. Brad Brach到底憑什麼入選明星賽? 一直到去年以前,他就只是個替補等級的球員,2015年的表現也只是稍稍好一點, 直接今年他才出現這很可能只是曇花一現的成績(44IP, 1.01ERA)。 就因為這樣他就可以把Quintana以及Kluber這樣的選手給擠明星賽嗎? 讓Brach入選明星賽很可能是明星賽史上最糟的選擇-這邊指的是教練選擇,非球迷。 他就是個後援投手。以棒球來講,後援投手的表現最有可能是僅僅驚鴻一撇且過譽的。 更糟的是,Brach甚至還不是金鶯隊的後援投手群中唯一入選的人; 更別提目前聯盟裡最好的三壘手之一早就代表金鶯隊入選明星賽了。 這個位置理當屬於Quintana,或是其他一些更值得的人。 Adam Duvall, OF Cincinnati Reds 2016 WAR: 2.2 Duvall is a 27-year-old journeyman with a .291 OBP this year -- an improvement over his .268 career OBP coming into 2016 -- who has fluked into 22 homers this year without doing anything else of value. He doesn't get on base (obviously), isn't a good fielder and has a hilarious 2-for-7 "success" rate on stolen bases. He's here because the Reds needed a representative -- it should be Zack Cozart, an elite defender for his entire big league career who happens to be having his own fluky first half -- and because, ooooh, home runs. Duvall is a good story, but his All-Star selection will look comically bad in hindsight, like the late Mike Sharperson's turn as the token Dodgers representative in 1992. Duvall就是個27歲的浪人,本季上壘率.291,比起他生涯平均.268,已屬進步。 這個球季他矇出22支全壘打,其他表現乏善可陳。上不了壘,防守差,盜壘7次成功2次。 他會入選就只是因為紅人隊沒有其他代表,而且他打了不少全壘打。 就算是因為這樣,Zack Cozart都更有資格, Cozart一直都是很好的防守者,而且他上半季表現也是不錯。 Duvall本季的表現是一個很好的故事題材,但入選明星賽只會讓整件事變成笑話, 如同1992年Mike Sharperson代表道奇隊入選明星賽一般。 A.J. Ramos, RHP Miami Marlins 2016 WAR: 0.8 THE SAVEZ!!! Ramos has thrown 33 innings and walked 19 guys. Even if you want to consider just his ERA and ignore the fact that he's kind of bad at the most fundamental thing pitchers are asked to do (throw it over the white thing on the ground), he's 15th in the NL in ERA among pitchers with at least 30 innings. Why not put Seung Hwan Oh in the game, as he has been much more effective this year, with a lower ERA and FIP, half the walk rate, a higher strikeout rate and nine more innings pitched? Oh would also likely make the game a bigger TV draw in South Korea -- and let's not forget that this game serves one basic purpose: to market Major League Baseball. Ramos' selection makes it seem like NL manager Terry Collins just looked at the saves column and picked the top two guys who weren't already on the team. Ramos在33局投球裡保送的19名打者。 即便只看他的ERA並且去忽略他那些更具有價值的進階數據上乏善可陳的表現, 在所有投球局數滿30局以上的投手裡,他的ERA僅排在第十五。 與其這樣,不如乾脆選吳昇桓。 效率更佳,ERA跟FIP更低,保送率僅有一半,三振率更高,還多投9局。 而且還可以讓韓國人HIGH一下。講到這邊不免再提,明星賽就是個行銷活動。 而Ramos的入選讓人不免認為國聯總教練Terry Collins只是看救援成功排行榜, 從中挑出兩個排名最高但卻還沒入選明星賽的球員讓他們加入。 Carlos Gonzalez, OF Colorado Rockies 2016 WAR: 2.5 He's here because people still don't quite know what to do with Coors Field numbers. Arenado is on the roster, and he should be, as he's the best third baseman in the National League and one of the best all-around players in baseball. We didn't need another Rockie on the roster, and Gonzalez hasn't been very good in recent years … or even this year. FanGraphs ranks him ninth among NL outfielders in WAR this season, which gives you some sense of how much we need to discount his offensive production based on the environment in which he plays half his games. But even without that, do you need to know park effects to see that Gonzalez's .317/.366/.561 in Coors isn't going to be worth as much as, say, Christian Yelich's .317/.366/.561 in Miami? Or that Gonzalez, a once-plus defender who is now just average, hasn't been as valuable as Starling Marte's very similar .321/.366/.474 line, considering Marte is also a plus baserunner and plays better defense? This was a lazy choice by the players, and I don't even have to go into how Gonzalez wasn't close to All-Star-caliber in 2015 or 2014. There are better players having better years right in front of our faces. 他會入選明星賽就代表人們到現在仍搞不清楚當主場是Coors Field時數據多好刷。 的確,Arenado一樣是明星賽的一員,但理當如此,因為他是國聯最棒的三壘手, 也是整個聯盟裡最佳球員之一。我們也不需要再有另一個落磯隊球員來湊數。 CarGo近年表現不甚佳。本季他在FanGraphs的國聯外野手WAR裡排名第九, 這也可以給你個概念就是他的真正價值應該因為Coors Field的關係而打多少折。 他在Coors Field所打出來的三圍是,跟C.Yelich在邁阿密打出來的可說是相差無幾。 或是跟S.Marte相比也是沒什麼差距,更別提Marte的跑壘跟防守還更勝一籌。 他會入選只是因為其他球員們懶得認真去評估誰更值得這個位置, 我甚至也不用再去提說CarGo在2014、15年時就已經不是全明星等級球員了。 明明在我們面前有一大把表現比CarGo更好的球員等著我們去選擇。 Eduardo Nunez, SS Minnesota Twins 2016 WAR: 1.2 Brian Dozier belonged in the game last year -- he was No. 1 on my list of snubs -- and he belonged in the game this year, if only as the token Twins representative. Nunez is a utility infielder and a bad defender at shortstop who has had a high-BABIP-induced fluky first half. He walks once per solstice and steals a few bases. Dozier is having a better season this year than he did in 2015 as a whole, and he averaged more than 4 WAR in 2014-15 total, so I don't get his omission at all. If I showed you the Twins' active roster without any stats and asked you who was the closest thing they had to a legit All-Star, you'd say Dozier. It wouldn't be close. Snubbing him for Nunez for that token Twins spot must be due to some excessive fealty toward batting average. Dozier去年入選明星賽實至名歸,而今年雙城代表本也理應非他莫屬。 Nunez就是個工具人,而且游擊還守得很爛, 而且從他那特高的BABIP來看,就能推測他上半季表現就祇是好運而已。 他每半年才會被保送一次 (*註1),然後也盜不了幾個壘。 Dozier今年表現還比去年好,所以我完全無法理解為什麼不是他入選, 即便我們不要看雙城隊所有人的數據,你還是會說Dozier最應該入選明星賽。 選擇Nunez而非Dozier應該就是某些人對於打擊率有種莫名不可解的相信吧。 *註1:這邊原文用的是per solstice。 solstice意指至日,也就是每年太陽離地球最遠的一天,一年中有兩天(南北半球各一), 直譯就是說Nunez一年只會被保送兩次,但當然不是真的,只是Law在酸他而已。 **註2:翻譯中提到曇花一現、驚鴻一撇、矇到…等等類似語意的用詞其實在原文都只有 一個單字,也就是fluke,只是因為自己在寫任何東西或翻譯時都會盡量避免重複使用同 一個字,所以會想盡辦法去用同意字詞來取代。 -- 戰!? Keith Law發文這篇文後就已經在twitter上跟網友們交鋒了。XD ※修錯字。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1467785044.A.899.html

07/06 14:08, , 1F
07/06 14:08, 1F

07/06 14:09, , 2F
07/06 14:09, 2F

07/06 14:11, , 3F
07/06 14:11, 3F

07/06 14:12, , 4F
幹嘛不是依年薪來決定?星度不是跟年薪成正比嗎?(戰) (逃)
07/06 14:12, 4F

07/06 14:13, , 5F
07/06 14:13, 5F

07/06 14:14, , 6F
但Law這篇就是全部都在戰教練選的 和球迷沒有關係
07/06 14:14, 6F

07/06 14:20, , 7F
07/06 14:20, 7F

07/06 14:20, , 8F
Nunez盜不了幾個壘??? 原來半季19盜算少了??!!
07/06 14:20, 8F

07/06 14:21, , 9F
07/06 14:21, 9F

07/06 14:22, , 10F
成績先不說 美聯投手那幾位 今年美聯SP只選五個
07/06 14:22, 10F

07/06 14:22, , 11F
07/06 14:22, 11F

07/06 14:23, , 12F
國聯這邊是九個 美聯去年7個 前年9個 再前一年加上
07/06 14:23, 12F

07/06 14:23, , 13F
不能登場後遞補的甚至有12個 今年就選五個
07/06 14:23, 13F

07/06 14:24, , 14F
然後final vote名單也沒有投手 這比例確實有討論空間
07/06 14:24, 14F

07/06 14:25, , 15F
07/06 14:25, 15F

07/06 14:25, , 16F
07/06 14:25, 16F

07/06 14:26, , 17F
07/06 14:26, 17F

07/06 14:27, , 18F
推 有些錯字麻煩原po修一下。 “綠地”跟“marter
07/06 14:27, 18F

07/06 14:27, , 19F
07/06 14:27, 19F

07/06 14:29, , 20F
07/06 14:29, 20F

07/06 14:32, , 21F
07/06 14:32, 21F

07/06 14:33, , 22F
07/06 14:33, 22F

07/06 14:41, , 23F
07/06 14:41, 23F
※ 編輯: ted10 (, 07/06/2016 14:47:29

07/06 14:52, , 24F
07/06 14:52, 24F

07/06 14:57, , 25F
戰!!! Brac可以進來真的很扯....
07/06 14:57, 25F

07/06 15:09, , 26F
07/06 15:09, 26F

07/06 15:12, , 27F
07/06 15:12, 27F

07/06 15:18, , 28F
幫C.Yelich QQ 很喜歡他
07/06 15:18, 28F

07/06 15:22, , 29F
07/06 15:22, 29F

07/06 15:24, , 30F
明星賽本來就是投票+前半段的表現為主 不然要加計前一年
07/06 15:24, 30F

07/06 15:25, , 31F
明星賽後的表現嗎? 原文自己都說白了...
07/06 15:25, 31F

07/06 15:31, , 32F
07/06 15:31, 32F

07/06 15:33, , 33F
07/06 15:33, 33F

07/06 15:34, , 34F
他每半年才會被保送一次 XDDDDDDD
07/06 15:34, 34F

07/06 15:46, , 35F
07/06 15:46, 35F

07/06 16:09, , 36F
07/06 16:09, 36F

07/06 16:11, , 37F
07/06 16:11, 37F

07/06 16:11, , 38F
07/06 16:11, 38F
還有 22 則推文
還有 1 段內文
07/06 20:54, , 61F
這樣 Coffee有機會頂Folwer位置?
07/06 20:54, 61F

07/06 20:55, , 62F
07/06 20:55, 62F

07/06 21:01, , 63F
明星賽要看數據的話 中職表示:
07/06 21:01, 63F

07/06 21:02, , 64F
07/06 21:02, 64F

07/06 21:26, , 65F
Brach今天還一局3連K耶 ERA不到1,這樣說沒資格?
07/06 21:26, 65F

07/06 21:27, , 66F
whip 0.79這樣還不夠格?
07/06 21:27, 66F

07/06 21:51, , 67F
純粹RP星度比較不夠吧 就算是金鳥迷應該也很意外有他
07/06 21:51, 67F

07/06 22:07, , 68F
07/06 22:07, 68F

07/06 23:13, , 69F
完全不知道他在抱怨什麼, Collins 本來就只會看勝敗救援
07/06 23:13, 69F

07/06 23:13, , 70F
07/06 23:13, 70F

07/06 23:15, , 71F
為什麼球員是投票, 教練卻是用戰績決定?
07/06 23:15, 71F

07/07 00:17, , 72F
我以為會有Bryce Harper
07/07 00:17, 72F

07/07 00:17, , 73F
我是說 不該入選的部分
07/07 00:17, 73F

07/07 00:24, , 74F
Brach跟E哥不該進? 表現好還要被當水貨哪招...
07/07 00:24, 74F

07/07 00:26, , 75F
看成績已經是最客觀的指標了 打得好還要被當屁...
07/07 00:26, 75F

07/07 01:01, , 76F
07/07 01:01, 76F

07/07 01:16, , 77F
防禦率1入選很不應該 防禦率應該沒寫錯吧
07/07 01:16, 77F

07/07 01:16, , 78F
07/07 01:16, 78F

07/07 01:18, , 79F
07/07 01:18, 79F

07/07 07:09, , 80F
07/07 07:09, 80F

07/07 08:03, , 81F
07/07 08:03, 81F

07/07 08:34, , 82F
07/07 08:34, 82F

07/07 08:50, , 83F
07/07 08:50, 83F

07/07 09:12, , 84F
07/07 09:12, 84F

07/07 10:25, , 85F
07/07 10:25, 85F

07/07 11:09, , 86F
07/07 11:09, 86F

07/07 13:20, , 87F
半季矇出22支 但是fb被人撿走 我懂
07/07 13:20, 87F

07/07 16:10, , 88F
07/07 16:10, 88F

07/07 17:37, , 89F
07/07 17:37, 89F

07/07 17:41, , 90F
07/07 17:41, 90F

07/07 19:59, , 91F
07/07 19:59, 91F

07/07 20:02, , 92F
This was a lazy choice by the players.
07/07 20:02, 92F

07/07 20:08, , 93F
文一開始也提了''選''的 ... ,看來他是希望 自己那行的人
07/07 20:08, 93F

07/07 20:10, , 94F
07/07 20:10, 94F

07/07 20:10, , 95F
07/07 20:10, 95F

07/07 20:15, , 96F
07/07 20:15, 96F

07/07 20:17, , 97F
簡單說給他選的話,會比球迷理性, 比教練專業, 比球員勤勞
07/07 20:17, 97F

07/07 20:21, , 98F
就是在說 Russell啦!! 雖然最近有猛起來,不過西格更猛
07/07 20:21, 98F

07/07 20:22, , 99F
07/07 20:22, 99F

07/09 12:12, , 100F
雖然有幾個真的蠻鳥的 可是感覺這篇就是在憤世嫉俗
07/09 12:12, 100F
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