[外電] Andrew Cashner: Wrigley Field爛爆了

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Andrew Cashner on Wrigley Field: 'It's a dump' http://tinyurl.com/orr9qyg By Mark Gonzales, Chicago Tribune reporter 8:45 p.m. CDT, May 22, 2014 SAN DIEGO — When it comes to preparation, Andrew Cashner believes he has seen the best and worst in major leagues facilities. "We're spoiled here," Cashner, a former Cubs pitcher, said of Petco Park. "We have some of the best facilities in baseball. "And Wrigley (Field), it's a dump.'' 當說到比賽的準備工作,Andrew Cashner相信他已經見識過大聯盟中最好、以及最爛的 球場設備了。 這位前小熊隊的投手說起Petco Park:「我們在這裡被養大胃口了,這裡有最棒的棒球 設備。而Wrigley Field呢,就是個垃圾罷了。」 Cashner didn't mince words, one day after learning that the Cubs were seeking to start renovations to their ballpark despite the threat of legal action from rooftop owners. Cashner has a reasonable sampling of the Padres' facility as well as Wrigley, where he played during the 2010-11 seasons. Cashner在得知了小熊即使受到外圍住戶尋求法律途徑的威脅,仍試圖要開始進行球場的 改建計畫的消息後,他直言地說出了他的感想。他在2010~2011年的球季間都待在小熊隊。 (註:Wrigley Field球場外的屋頂座位區想必大家都不陌生,由於這次改建將會影響到 場外屋頂座位區的視野,所以這些屋頂座位區的主人們威脅要訴諸法律途徑來解決。這 些人和小熊簽有至2023年為止的合作協議,他們每年的收入有17%歸小熊球團所有。) "It's bad," Cashner said of Wrigley. "Here (at Petco), we have one of the nicest weight rooms in all of baseball, a big locker room and things are spaced out. You go about your business and make the most out of what you need to get out of your day.'' Cashner談起Wrigley:「很爛。在這裡(Petco)我們有最棒的重訓室、有超大的置物間、 東西間隔分明。你就去做自己的工作,需要什麼幾乎都有。」 Cubs outfielder Ryan Kalish has seen how much upgraded facilities can do for a team based on his 2010 and 2012 seasons at Fenway Park while playing for the Red Sox. "Fenway is historical and old, but it's more upgraded," Kalish said of the park built in 1912. "They obviously have taken steps to make improvements like the one the new plan is showing. I know there's controversy that goes with it, but it's awesome for us as players and will be good for the fans. "Wrigley is awesome, but it's outdated for the players." 小熊隊外野手Ryan Kalish於2010年到2012年球季間待在紅襪隊時已經看過更新球場設備 所帶來的功效。 Kalish談起建於1912年的Fenway球場:「芬威很有歷史性也很老,但它做了較多的更新。 就像小熊這次的更新計畫一樣,他們很顯然已經做過如此的改善,我知道這會產生一些 爭議,但這對球員和球迷來說都是很棒的。」 「Wrigley很棒,但對球員們來說它已經跟不上時代了。」 Kalish said he was "a little shocked" when he saw that players prepare to pinch-hit by hitting off a tee with a net dropped from the ceiling in a corner of their home clubhouse at Wrigley. '"We do the best with what we have," he said. "At some point, they'll have a cage down there. It's all good stuff for us. They're all positive improvements to improve the chances of us getting better, and that's what we want.'" Kalish表示他感到「有些驚訝」,因為在Wrigley,球員在比賽中為了準備代打而在場下 熱身時,他們只能使用休息室一角的擊球座和一張掛在天花板上垂下來的網子來練打。 「我們就用現有的東西來做到最好,也許以後會有個打擊練習籠,這對我們來說是個 好東西,那些良好的改善讓我們有機會表現得更好,這也是我們想要的。」 === Lance Berkman說這讚。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1400917537.A.7F4.html

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