Re: [情報] 如沒有達成協議 MLB將處A-Rod終身禁賽

看板MLB作者 (On Green Dolphin Street)時間11年前 (2013/08/02 04:33), 編輯推噓36(36080)
留言116則, 25人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
另一篇USA TODAY Commissioner Bud Selig is prepared to levy a lifetime suspension on New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez, while suspending about eight others before the weekend, two people with knowledge of the negotiations told USA TODAY Sports. The people were unauthorized to speak publicly because no announcement is expected until Thursday or Friday. 大聯盟執行長Bud Selig準備在這個週末前,對A-Rod祭出終身禁賽, 以及對其他八名球員的禁賽處分。兩位參與協商的人告訴USA TODAY Sports這故事。 這兩位不代表官方正式發言,正式的公布會在本週四或周五發出。 "I hope he does it,'' former Commissioner Fay Vincent told USA TODAY Sports. "It's right for baseball. The harder he comes down, the better it is for baseball.'' 前執行長Fay Vincent,"希望他真的幹" "A-Rod死得越難看對棒球越好" (這老頭好狠的落井下石..) Rodriguez, according to his attorney, David Cornwell, will appeal any suspension, regardless of the severity. The other players are expected to receive 50-game bans, and most are considering accepting the discipline without appealing, according to one of the people. A-Rod方面,根據他的律師,將拒絕一切的處罰且會上訴,不管罰多重。 其他被罰的球員大部分則傾向接受處罰。 As many as 20 players were originally linked to Biogenesis, a Miami clinic that allegedly provided performance-enhancing drugs, but some players could not be disciplined for lack of evidence. 有20位球員被牽連到這個Miami診所的禁藥事件, 但一些球員缺乏使用的證據而不會被處罰。 Besides Rodriguez, All-Stars Nelson Cruz of the Texas Rangers and Jhonny Peralta of the Detroit Tigers are facing possible suspensions, along with shortstop Everth Cabrera of the San Diego Padres. 除了A-Rod外,還有Nelson Cruz、Jhonny Peralta跟Everth Cabrera會被處罰。 Rob Manfred, MLB executive vice president of labor relations, informed the Major League Players Association officials on Tuesday of their findings and suspensions. The players and their representatives will decide whether they will file an appeal or accept the penalties, which would all but end their regular season with barely 50 games remaining. MLB副主席Rob Manfred在周二告知球員工會官方聯盟所發現的證據跟罰則。 球員跟其代表必須決定是否接受這個會讓他們結束本季的罰則。 Rodriguez, who used performance-enhancing drugs from 2010-2012, according to Biogenesis documents originally released by the Miami New Times, has never been punished for doping. Players who violate the drug policy are subject to a 50-game suspension. Miami時報報導,診所的文件證明A-Rod從2010-2012一直都有用禁藥,雖然他從未被罰。 違反禁藥規定的球員照規定會被罰50場禁賽。 Milwaukee Brewers outfield Ryan Braun was suspended last week for 65 games for what MLB called violations of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and Joint Drug Agreement. Ryan Braun已經根據CBA跟禁藥協議被罰了65場。 In banning Rodriguez for life Selig could invoke Article XII (B) of the CBA, which states: "Players may be disciplined for just cause for conduct that is materially detrimental or materially prejudicial to the best interests of baseball, including, but not limited to, engaging in conduct in violation of federal, state or local law.'' Selig可能使用CBA第12條B項來對付A-Rod。 "球員有實質上妨害棒球利益的行為時會被處分,此行為包含但不限制於違反各級法律。" (這個就是讓執行長有絕大權力的天王條款..) MLB will contend that, in addition to lying about performance-enhancing drug use, Rodriguez lied to MLB officials while attempting to sabotage their investigation, according to one of the people. MLB會用上這條,因為根據其中一個與會者說,A-Rod有對官方說謊企圖妨礙調查。 When asked if MLB is planning to impose a lifetime ban on Rodriguez, union executive director Michael Weiner said in an email: "I can neither confirm nor deny.'' 當工會主席Michael Weiner被問到終生禁賽的事時,他說"我既不能確認也不否認" An appeal would be heard by arbitrator Fredric Horowitz and would likely not occur until September. Should MLB suspend Rodriguez under the CBA, he would be ineligible to play until Horowitz's decision. 由仲裁員Fredric Horowitz主持的上訴聽證會要到9月才會進行,在聽證會之前, A-Rod也可能依CBA的規定被MLB禁止出賽 The most recent example of Article XII (B) being used came when Selig suspended Atlanta Braves closer John Rocker in 2000 for 28 days and fined him $20,000 for inflammatory comments made to Sports Illustrated. The sentence was reduced to 14 days by arbitrator Shyam Das. 最近一個被天王條款處分的選手就是大嘴John Rocker, 他因為在SI上的大嘴評論被罰28天跟2萬鎂。後來被前仲裁員Shyam Das減為14天。 (所以不是老大說了算,仲裁員有能力駁回。 但,這位老兄,也就是因為以程序不完備駁回了對Bruan的處罰,就失去仲裁員工作了..) "I think that given the Collective Bargaining Agreement," Vincent said, "he has room to use the best-interest clause in the CBA if there are criminal acts. And I think the courts are very protective of commissioners using the best-interest clause." 前執行長Vincent繼續補刀,"根據CBA,我覺得Selig有使用天王條款的空間, 因為這是對抗犯罪(!!),法院會保障想要維護職業棒球利益的Selig" (老頭你是鍵盤法官嗎...?) Rodriguez, 38, has been sidelined all season as he recovers from hip surgery in January. He is scheduled to play in a rehab game Friday in Trenton, N.J. If he stays healthy, he hopes to join his teammates perhaps Tuesday in Chicago. 自從他一月屁屁手術後,A-Rod本季都在一邊涼快沒得比賽。他被排周五要打復健賽, 如果他表現很健康,他希望能在參加下周二在Chicago的比賽。 He remains adamant that he is innocent of the drug charges, insisting that he has not used performance-enhancing drugs since 2003 when he was with the Texas Rangers. 他堅持他是無辜的,從2003他在條子用禁藥以後他就沒用了。 (那條子還真對不起你阿...) "I have never failed a test, paid people, or done the things they're accusing me of," Rodriguez told USA TODAY Sports in a July interview. "Nobody is hiding anything. It's weird." "我從來沒被查出禁藥,付錢買藥或是有其他他們指控我的事。" "我沒隱瞞真相,你們很奇怪吶.." A-Rod7月時對USA TODAY Sports的訪問中這樣表示.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hcju 來自: (08/02 04:42)

08/02 04:49, , 1F
08/02 04:49, 1F

08/02 04:49, , 2F
最好注意一下後果 雖然AROD近年也確實是鳥到炸就是了
08/02 04:49, 2F

08/02 05:33, , 3F
08/02 05:33, 3F

08/02 07:39, , 4F
天王條款? 這玩意兒聽起來怎麼像刑法一百條==
08/02 07:39, 4F

08/02 08:15, , 5F
08/02 08:15, 5F

08/02 08:31, , 6F
帝王條款 明明就是民法72條 XDD
08/02 08:31, 6F

08/02 08:36, , 7F
08/02 08:36, 7F

08/02 08:40, , 8F
08/02 08:40, 8F

08/02 08:42, , 9F
08/02 08:42, 9F

08/02 09:24, , 10F
有吃就快禁一禁吧 洋基表示:欣慰
08/02 09:24, 10F

08/02 09:50, , 11F
球員工會為什麼不挺A-ROD 工會扯球員後腿是很嚴重的事耶!
08/02 09:50, 11F

08/02 09:51, , 12F
08/02 09:51, 12F

08/02 10:09, , 13F
08/02 10:09, 13F

08/02 10:55, , 14F
08/02 10:55, 14F

08/02 10:56, , 15F
台灣又愛學美國 好的有一點啦壞的學更多
08/02 10:56, 15F

08/02 11:13, , 16F
08/02 11:13, 16F

08/02 11:35, , 17F
08/02 11:35, 17F

08/02 11:36, , 18F
08/02 11:36, 18F

08/02 11:56, , 19F
這些老學究一個比一個假道學 自己幹的骯髒事一件比一件多 都
08/02 11:56, 19F

08/02 11:57, , 20F
把別人當遮羞布用 反正還是老話一句 美國時間禮拜五要來了
08/02 11:57, 20F

08/02 11:57, , 21F
別浪費時間廢話 快點公布吧...
08/02 11:57, 21F

08/02 12:12, , 22F
08/02 12:12, 22F

08/02 12:15, , 23F
在MLB來說,Ryan Braun是指標啊,因為他認罪不上訴
08/02 12:15, 23F

08/02 12:16, , 24F
08/02 12:16, 24F

08/02 12:16, , 25F
08/02 12:16, 25F

08/02 12:16, , 26F
看到20個我都覺得笑了 一個那麼大的禁藥clinic只有20個MLB
08/02 12:16, 26F

08/02 12:16, , 27F
08/02 12:16, 27F

08/02 12:17, , 28F
08/02 12:17, 28F

08/02 12:18, , 29F
08/02 12:18, 29F

08/02 12:18, , 30F
08/02 12:18, 30F

08/02 12:19, , 31F
08/02 12:19, 31F

08/02 12:19, , 32F
Selig的意思明確:150場+你自盡, 我幫你自盡 選一個...
08/02 12:19, 32F

08/02 12:20, , 33F
A-ROD雖就雖在 too old
08/02 12:20, 33F

08/02 12:21, , 34F
08/02 12:21, 34F

08/02 12:22, , 35F
08/02 12:22, 35F

08/02 12:23, , 36F
08/02 12:23, 36F

08/02 12:23, , 37F
08/02 12:23, 37F

08/02 12:24, , 38F
當時米歇爾報告第一波出來時.他名字就被聯盟蓋掉了阿= =
08/02 12:24, 38F

08/02 12:25, , 39F
08/02 12:25, 39F
還有 37 則推文
08/02 16:52, , 77F
08/02 16:52, 77F

08/02 16:53, , 78F
所以訴訟打下去就好了 贏了就裡子面子都有不是..
08/02 16:53, 78F

08/02 16:54, , 79F
08/02 16:54, 79F

08/02 16:55, , 80F
08/02 16:55, 80F

08/02 16:57, , 81F
沒 他可以學Pete Rose 連仲裁聽證都不去 直接就工作權受損打
08/02 16:57, 81F

08/02 16:57, , 82F
08/02 16:57, 82F

08/02 16:58, , 83F
仲裁員的態度都傾向他可以罰150場了 他為何要配合仲裁聽證
08/02 16:58, 83F

08/02 17:01, , 84F
08/02 17:01, 84F

08/02 17:01, , 85F
現在態勢就很明顯 除非MLB有的證據能讓他一刀斃命 不然他會抵
08/02 17:01, 85F

08/02 17:01, , 86F
抗到底 不會輕易認罪..
08/02 17:01, 86F

08/02 17:01, , 87F
那訴訟必輸.= =
08/02 17:01, 87F

08/02 17:02, , 88F
08/02 17:02, 88F

08/02 17:03, , 89F
他有律師了 還是最高等的那種 應該很清楚勝算有多少...
08/02 17:03, 89F

08/02 17:03, , 90F
08/02 17:03, 90F

08/02 17:03, , 91F
以他的年紀 不能打棒球對他也沒差了不是
08/02 17:03, 91F

08/02 17:05, , 92F
我想這是他跟其他球員最大的差別 他就是有本錢耗的那一個
08/02 17:05, 92F

08/02 17:06, , 93F
08/02 17:06, 93F

08/02 17:07, , 94F
硬扛到底 然後王牌一出 直接88~@@
08/02 17:07, 94F

08/02 17:08, , 95F
08/02 17:08, 95F

08/02 17:10, , 96F
美國鄉民的猜測 如果真是一刀斃命的那種 早拿出來了 不會從上
08/02 17:10, 96F

08/02 17:10, , 97F
08/02 17:10, 97F

08/02 17:11, , 98F
08/02 17:11, 98F

08/02 17:20, , 99F
整件事情一整個就是撲朔迷離啊 不管開頭還是現在
08/02 17:20, 99F

08/02 17:20, , 100F
美國鄉民又一起底 他的律師來頭很大 是NFL裁判公會主席
08/02 17:20, 100F

08/02 17:21, , 101F
所有一切延伸出來的報導或是猜測 全部都是從這個最
08/02 17:21, 101F

08/02 17:21, , 102F
08/02 17:21, 102F

08/02 17:21, , 103F
源頭 "聯盟:A-ROD 這次抓到你了 我不講白 但你自己
08/02 17:21, 103F

08/02 17:22, , 104F
心裡最清楚"這個看似唬人 但偏偏又是這個你實在不覺
08/02 17:22, 104F

08/02 17:24, , 105F
的它在玩唬人遊戲的聯盟口中放出來 所以大家只能猜測
08/02 17:24, 105F

08/02 17:25, , 106F
聯盟到底手上握有甚麼王牌證據 就算有證據又到幾分
08/02 17:25, 106F

08/02 17:35, , 107F
他這種等級沒在怕的 火箭被控6項對國會作偽證都挺下了 還有啥
08/02 17:35, 107F

08/02 17:35, , 108F
能嚇倒他 這點MLB應該也很清楚多棘手...
08/02 17:35, 108F

08/02 17:38, , 109F
08/02 17:38, 109F

08/02 17:41, , 110F
但火箭人這CASE有一點跟現在很大不同 火箭人真的官司
08/02 17:41, 110F

08/02 17:42, , 111F
主戰場沒記錯幾乎是在他退休之後的事 但A-ROD這個卻
08/02 17:42, 111F

08/02 17:44, , 112F
是選手ing的時期 所以才能動到他甚麼終生禁賽 更牽涉
08/02 17:44, 112F

08/02 17:45, , 113F
洋基等等一大串肉粽 關注度與複雜度比火箭人高太多了
08/02 17:45, 113F

08/02 18:33, , 114F
陰謀論: 如果當年A-ROD的約是3M/年, NYY死都要擋下禁賽
08/02 18:33, 114F

08/02 18:49, , 115F
08/02 18:49, 115F

08/02 19:30, , 116F
希望他真的幹 好害羞喔
08/02 19:30, 116F
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