[外電] The truth about Buchholz, Spitball

看板MLB作者 (希望你在這裡)時間11年前 (2013/05/04 16:34), 編輯推噓59(62343)
留言108則, 59人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Tom Verducci在SI寫了文章, 就他的調查, Buchholz本季應該真的在丟口水球 因為他早在一週前就質疑過Buchholz本球季二縫線變強了不少, 經他比對去年 和今年的影帶後, 他提出一些質疑, 認為Buchholz應該在丟口水球 以下是的文章重點摘要: 針對Jack Morris和Dirk Hayburst對Buchholz的丟口水球的指控, Buchholz的回應辯 護表示他並沒有弄奇怪的東西到球上來"作弊"。 當然目前尚無確定Buchholz是否真的弄什麼東西到球上, 所以先把這指控撇開來談。 在MLB官方的提供的影片, 我可以很仔細的比對迄今兩年, Buchholz投球的影片, 包 括上一場先發對藍鳥的影片: 以下是我發現的事實: ‧Buchholz今年開始左前臂出現反光的東西, 不單純像止滑粉或流汗造成的。他自己 承認他會弄些水在衣服及頭髮上, 而賽前他會將整包止滑粉袋拍打在左前臂上--一 切顯然是合法的。但止滑粉是白色且不會反光的東西。但從他的左手腕到手肘的東 西是卻是一些潮溼會發亮的東西, 那些東西潮溼到讓他汗衫的邊緣都有點變黑了。 ‧他左前臂上的東西不是流汗造成的, 因為他的右前臂是乾的, 他右邊汗衫的邊緣 也沒有像左邊有變黑的狀況。 ‧他要去抹左前臂時是用右手的食指和中指去抹, 還特別注意要把另外三個指頭抬高 不要抹到。 ‧Buchholz的二縫線速球(用食指和中指的力量投出的球), 本球季和上季比起來尾勁 變強了很多。在對藍鳥隊比賽的一週前我就曾寫文章指出二縫線速球本球季變強了 Buchholz回應Morris和Hayburst的口水質疑, 表示: "他們是在說我衣服上的污漬嗎? 那是因為我穿同一件衣服穿了三年了。" 從Buchholz的回應, 我不知道他是要表示什麼, 是說紅襪隊都沒在洗衣服嗎? 但我比 對去年和今年的影片發現, 他去年左邊的袖子並沒有出現污漬, 去年他的左前臂也沒 有發亮的東西, Buchholz在左前臂的東西是今年才弄上去的, 那都是去年沒有的東西 看來案情真的是一點都不單純... http://tinyurl.com/ch5dt8b The truth about Clay Buchholz, spitballs and how pitchers get a grip Tom Verducci Posted: Fri May 3, 2013 11:41AM; Updated: Fri May 3, 2013 12:40PM Thanks to accusations from Toronto broadcasters and former pitchers Dirk Hayhurst and Jack Morris, Boston pitcher Clay Buchholz has reignited an ageless debate about what constitutes "cheating" in baseball. Buchholz's defense about whether he is putting an illegal substance on his fingers to improve his grip only inflamed the debate. It's unclear exactly what Buchholz is doing, so for now let's put aside accusations (and gullibility) and stick to the facts. At MLB Network I was able to review in close detail plenty of video of Buchholz from the past two years, including his start in question in Toronto on Wednesday [watch here]. This is what I found to be true: ‧ Buchholz's left forearm glistens this year with some kind of substance that is not rosin or perspiration. As the righthander admitted, he does keep water on his uniform and in his hair and does pat the rosin bag on his left forearm -- all apparently legal. But rosin is white and has a matte finish. Something wet and mostly clear glistens from Buchholz's left wrist to his elbow, the moisture of which darkens the edge of his left undershirt sleeve. ‧ This is not perspiration on his left forearm. His right forearm is dry. There is no darkening on the edge of his right undershirt sleeve. ‧ He regularly rakes his right index and middle fingers across his left forearm, being careful to keep his other fingers raised. ‧ Buchholz's two-seam fastball (thrown with the index and middle fingers on the seams) is much improved with more movement this year; I wrote about this key improvement in his game weeks ago. JAFFE: Long list of pitchers caught with foreign substance Buchholz's answers to questions from reporters about the accusations from Hayhurst and Morris only confuse the issue. "Are they talking about the stains on my shirt?" he said. "There probably are stains on my shirt, because I've been wearing the same shirt for the last three years." It was Buchholz who brought up the stains on his shirt. I'm not sure even what it means. (The Red Sox don't launder it?) But I looked at video from last year and found that there are no stains on his left sleeve. There is no glistening on his left forearm. Buchholz is doing something this year with his left forearm that he was not doing last year. -- In the memory of Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett January 6, 1946 - July 7, 2006 http://0rz.tw/X5eJe I know where Syd Barrett lives -- Television Personalities -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/04 16:35, , 1F
05/04 16:35, 1F

05/04 16:36, , 2F
05/04 16:36, 2F

05/04 16:38, , 3F
05/04 16:38, 3F

05/04 16:39, , 4F
05/04 16:39, 4F

05/04 16:43, , 5F
所以是什麼還是沒講阿 流汗反光不為過吧= =?
05/04 16:43, 5F

05/04 16:44, , 6F
他覺得不是流汗, 汗不會只流左邊, 不流右邊...
05/04 16:44, 6F

05/04 16:44, , 7F
05/04 16:44, 7F

05/04 16:44, , 8F
05/04 16:44, 8F

05/04 16:45, , 9F
05/04 16:45, 9F

05/04 16:48, , 10F
右手投 右手沒流左手流 ~
05/04 16:48, 10F

05/04 16:49, , 11F
案情越來越不單純了 哈哈
05/04 16:49, 11F

05/04 16:55, , 12F
一個嗆聲事件演變成羅生門 ﹀﹏﹀︴︴︴
05/04 16:55, 12F

05/04 16:55, , 13F
老實說沒一個指控站的住腳 完全沒有人拿的出證據
05/04 16:55, 13F

05/04 16:57, , 14F
下次會不會投出球 結果捕手接到的時候變成筆電
05/04 16:57, 14F

05/04 17:03, , 15F
拿不出證據是因為沒有人去檢驗吧XD 大家都在喊 就是沒去做
05/04 17:03, 15F

05/04 17:10, , 16F
05/04 17:10, 16F

05/04 17:15, , 17F
05/04 17:15, 17F

05/04 17:23, , 18F
05/04 17:23, 18F

05/04 17:24, , 19F
05/04 17:24, 19F

05/04 17:26, , 20F
05/04 17:26, 20F

05/04 17:39, , 21F
要怎麼拿出證據? 這已經算是最好的批判了........
05/04 17:39, 21F

05/04 17:42, , 22F
05/04 17:42, 22F

05/04 17:43, , 23F
05/04 17:43, 23F

05/04 17:46, , 24F
05/04 17:46, 24F

05/04 17:47, , 25F
拿不出證據的批判說實話就跟屁一樣阿 你連證據都拿不
05/04 17:47, 25F

05/04 17:47, , 26F
出來 要別人怎麼相信你的論點?
05/04 17:47, 26F

05/04 17:47, , 27F
05/04 17:47, 27F

05/04 17:48, , 28F
如果有人說他作弊(亂扯) 那他是不是要配合檢調XD
05/04 17:48, 28F

05/04 17:50, , 29F
05/04 17:50, 29F

05/04 18:01, , 30F
05/04 18:01, 30F

05/04 18:01, , 31F
05/04 18:01, 31F

05/04 18:03, , 32F
05/04 18:03, 32F

05/04 18:03, , 33F
05/04 18:03, 33F

05/04 18:14, , 34F
這不就問題的癥結點 沒證據喊一喊就要配合檢調自清的話
05/04 18:14, 34F

05/04 18:15, , 35F
那今天好多人 0ER 耶 要不要質疑一下XD
05/04 18:15, 35F

05/04 18:17, , 36F
05/04 18:17, 36F

05/04 18:19, , 37F
05/04 18:19, 37F

05/04 18:23, , 38F
05/04 18:23, 38F

05/04 18:24, , 39F
05/04 18:24, 39F
還有 29 則推文
還有 1 段內文
05/04 22:20, , 69F
坦白說這已經不能算是無的放矢了 都有具體的說明懷疑的點
05/04 22:20, 69F

05/04 22:31, , 70F
05/04 22:31, 70F

05/04 22:31, , 71F
05/04 22:31, 71F

05/04 22:32, , 72F
05/04 22:32, 72F

05/04 22:37, , 73F
問題是以後他不用這招 檢舉也查無實證
05/04 22:37, 73F

05/04 22:38, , 74F
除非又用這招 留下證據被抓
05/04 22:38, 74F

05/04 22:39, , 75F
05/04 22:39, 75F

05/04 23:07, , 76F
05/04 23:07, 76F

05/04 23:08, , 77F
05/04 23:08, 77F

05/04 23:08, , 78F
→ gloglo:樓上某s,口水球就是口水,請清楚再來 XDDDD
05/04 23:08, 78F

05/04 23:23, , 79F
呵呵 難怪今年這麼猛 筆電神倫
05/04 23:23, 79F

05/04 23:30, , 80F
看之後表現不就知道了 現在吵有什麼意義?
05/04 23:30, 80F

05/04 23:32, , 81F
沒任何一個打者抗議 就因為球評嘴砲 八扣子如果沒維持水
05/04 23:32, 81F

05/04 23:32, , 82F
準就要被扣上之前都是作弊的成績 我覺得一點都不公平
05/04 23:32, 82F

05/04 23:32, , 83F
沒有直接證據證明他作弊 但他說球衣穿三年真的很瞎
05/04 23:32, 83F

05/04 23:33, , 84F
真的是作弊投球會沒任何一個對手抗議? 打者都吃素的嗎?
05/04 23:33, 84F

05/04 23:35, , 85F
想讓人閉嘴就繼續拿出實力 拿不出來就被酸 世間就是這
05/04 23:35, 85F

05/04 23:35, , 86F
麼殘酷 更何況是職業運動 沒證據你也阻止不了別人酸
05/04 23:35, 86F

05/04 23:36, , 87F
是指控的該拿出證據吧 怎麼會是被冤枉的人自己要提出證據
05/04 23:36, 87F

05/04 23:36, , 88F
05/04 23:36, 88F

05/04 23:39, , 89F
不了他們的 現在就希望巴扣子自己不要被影響 持續好表
05/04 23:39, 89F

05/04 23:39, , 90F
現 酸的人自然會閉嘴
05/04 23:39, 90F

05/04 23:40, , 91F
反之要酸的人就算沒證據還是照酸 你說破嘴還是阻止不了
05/04 23:40, 91F

05/04 23:41, , 92F
05/04 23:41, 92F

05/04 23:52, , 93F
單就質疑而言這篇是真的很具體 污漬+特別動作很難不去聯想
05/04 23:52, 93F

05/04 23:53, , 94F
樓上是又來怎樣?口水球本來一開始就是從口水來的 有問題嗎
05/04 23:53, 94F

05/04 23:53, , 95F
當然一切都還稱不上證據 沒確切證明之前都只能當作疑問
05/04 23:53, 95F

05/04 23:53, , 96F
我還沒講完= =
05/04 23:53, 96F

05/04 23:54, , 97F
05/04 23:54, 97F

05/04 23:54, , 98F
我是覺得這件事情有越滾越大的問題 會變成這樣有點奇妙
05/04 23:54, 98F

05/04 23:56, , 99F
05/04 23:56, 99F

05/05 00:43, , 100F
不意外啊 有偷東西前科的 會作弊很正常
05/05 00:43, 100F

05/05 13:16, , 101F
05/05 13:16, 101F

05/05 13:30, , 102F
殘酷個頭 怎麼看都是指控方該拿證據
05/05 13:30, 102F

05/05 13:34, , 103F
05/05 13:34, 103F

05/05 14:28, , 104F
05/05 14:28, 104F

05/05 18:48, , 105F
誰不知道一開始是真的口水 還有人說自己口水怎不會反
05/05 18:48, 105F

05/05 18:48, , 106F
05/05 18:48, 106F

05/05 20:02, , 107F
05/05 20:02, 107F

05/05 21:28, , 108F
05/05 21:28, 108F
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