[外電] Miguel Cabrera's Triple Crown chase

看板MLB作者 (乳乳)時間11年前 (2012/09/20 23:00), 編輯推噓37(37027)
留言64則, 43人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Not to suggest it's been a while since anybody won a Triple Crown, but the last time it happened (1967) a gallon of gas cost 33 cents … the average salary of a big league baseball player was $10,000 … and the Internet was so slow, it was almost like it didn't even exist. Heh-heh. Almost. 我也不是要說三冠王是多麼了不起的一件事啦,但上次有人達成這項成就是1967年 的時候,那時候一加侖的汽油可只要33分呢!而大聯盟球員的平均薪資是$10,000鎂 而且那時候的網路慢到跟幾乎沒有一樣! But now along comes Miguel Cabrera to threaten to force people to learn how to spell Yastrzemski again. And that's a beautiful thing. But as this edition of the September History Watch is about to report, there's all kinds of history out there for Cabrera to make, even if he doesn't win the Triple Crown: 但現在Cabrera出現啦,而他強迫我們大家試著去拼對Yastrzemski,真是棒透了。 September History Watch又來啦,我們來告訴你即使Cabrera沒有達到這項成就 他還是在紀錄上留下了些甚麼。 First off, let's give you a clear picture of how special this is, to find a man making this serious run at the Triple Crown with a mere two weeks left in the season. 好,先來個在球季剩下兩個禮拜依然追逐著三冠王的男人的照片。 http://tinyurl.com/ckjfhzx Cabrera leads the league in batting average. And leads the league in RBIs. And is second in his league in home runs (40), just two back of Josh Hamilton. Well, friends, that's more astonishing than you might think. Cabrera現在的打擊率跟打點都是美聯之冠,全壘打也以40支落後Hamilton兩支 (現在只差一支啦)。這可是非常驚人的呀朋友! This is Year 45 A.Y. (After Yastrzemski). And according to the Elias Sports Bureau, this is the first time in any of those seasons that any player has reached the final two weeks of the season, and was leading his league in batting and RBIs, and within two of the lead in homers. 今年是45 A.Y.。而根據官方的紀錄,這是第一次有球員在最後兩個禮拜還保有打擊率 和打點的領先,而全壘打跟第一名也只有兩支的落後。 Think of all the great hitters who have roamed the baseball earth in all those years: George Brett, Johnny Bench, Albert Pujols, Barry Bonds, Mike Schmidt,. Kenneth Griffey Jr. and many more. None of them ever made this kind of run at a Triple Crown. But now Miguel Cabrera has. So he's already on historic turf. 試著想一下史上那些強大的打者們:George Brett、Johnny Bench、Albert Pujols、 Barry Bonds、Mike Schmidt、Kenneth Griffey Jr.還有其他其他其他的強者們。 沒有一個人有在這個時間還保有三冠王的競爭力。所以Cabrera已經創造了歷史! And now another tidbit that astounded us September History Watchers. Suppose Cabrera wins two-thirds of the Triple Crown but winds up second in home runs. That would seem like a disappointment, but maybe not after you hear this: 好吧,那如果Cabrera最後是個兩冠王呢?聽起來很讓人失望對吧,但先來聽聽 這個,也許你的心情會好點。 Would you believe that we're closing in on nearly a half-century since anyone won a Triple Crown, and nobody has had a season since in which he won two legs of this trifecta and finished second in the third category? That word, again, was "nobody." In fact, we've only had two third-place finishes by players who led in the other two: 你相信已經有將近半個世紀的時間沒有人達成三冠王的成就,也沒有人贏了其中 兩項並且在第三項居於第二嗎?對你沒看錯,我是說"nobody"! 事實上,紀錄告訴我們只有兩個人在其中兩項第一,第三項是第三。 Jim Rice 1978 (led in HRs and RBIs, third in batting race) Matt Kemp 2011 (led in HRs and RBIs, third in batting race) And now another incredible feat on Cabrera's plate: He leads the league in batting and RBIs. Plus, he has already hit 40 homers. Would you believe that, in the history of baseball, only two men have ever done that without winning a Triple Crown? Here they are: 更不可思議的來瞜~Cabrera的打擊率和打點領先聯盟,另外他已經敲出了40支HR了。 你相信在整個大聯盟史上只有兩個人有留下這樣的成績嗎?就是下面這兩個。 Jimmie Foxx 1938 (hit 50 HRs, eight behind Hank Greenberg) Todd Helton 2000 (hit 42 HRs, eight behind Sammy Sosa) Speaking of Foxx, he's had his own unique Double Crown all to himself for more than 70 years, only to find himself in danger of having Cabrera crash his party. Amazingly, in the live ball era, Foxx is the only man ever to lead the American League in batting and RBIs but not win a Triple Crown. So even if Cabrera can't catch Hamilton in the home run race, if he leads the league in the other two categories, he'll still have done something cool and historic. 先來談談Foxx吧,"這種兩冠王"的紀錄已經保持超過70年了,但現在他大概 很怕Cabrera會毀掉他的派對吧。事實上在活球時代以後,Foxx是美聯唯一的 球員在打擊率和打點上領先但最後不是三冠王的。如果Cabrera的全壘打趕不上 Hamilton,但他保持他的另外兩項數據,他還是完成了一件很了不起的事。 Over in the NL, for some reason, that particular Double Crown (batting and RBI titles) hasn't been quite as rare. But it's still been done just six times in the past 85 years: 而國聯的"這種兩冠王"好像就沒有那麼稀少了,但85年來的歷史也只有六位。 Stan Musial 1948 Tommy Davis 1962 Joe Torre 1971 Al Oliver 1982 Helton 2000 Matt Holliday 2007 Of that group, only one man had a real shot at a Triple Crown in the last two weeks of the season. And that was the great Stan Musial, in 1948. 這六位也只有一位在最後兩個禮拜還保有三冠王競爭力的。1948年的Stan Musial。 Ralph Kiner and Johnny Mize tied for the league lead in homers that year, with 40. Musial was sitting on 38 home runs with nine games left in the season but hit only one more and finished one behind them. 那年Raplh Kiner和Johnny Mize以40支全壘打共享了全壘打王的寶座。 而Musial在剩下九場比賽的時候是38支全壘打,但最後只多敲了1支,以1支 的差距在他們後面。 Hold on. It gets better. Other than Musial, only one other player in the live ball era managed to lead his league in batting and RBIs and wind up as close to the league lead in home runs as Cabrera is now (two or closer). This man: 等等等等。從活球時代以後,只有一個人跟Cabrera現在的狀況很像。 The immortal Rogers Hornsby in 1921 -- hit 21 homers and finished second in the league, two behind the eloquently nicknamed George (High Pockets) Kelly. 1921年的Rogers Hornsby -- 以21支全壘打的成績居於聯盟第二,比George Kelly 少了兩支。 Triple Crowns aside, Cabrera has a shot at a few other feats that got the September History Watch's attention. For one thing, he's on the verge of becoming a back-to-back batting champ. 即使撇開三冠王,Cabrera還是會被我們注意到。因為他很有可能連續兩年蟬聯 打擊王。 The only other active player who can make that claim: Joe Mauer (2008-09). 現役球員中只有Joe Mauer (2008-09) The only other Tiger who has ever done that: Some dude named Ty Cobb, whoever he is (did it eight times). 而老虎隊史上也只有一個叫做Ty Cobb的老兄做到(這傢伙是八次打擊王)。 Back-to-back or not, just being a two-time batting champ is a rarity here in the post-Gwynn-and-Boggs era. The only two active players who have won a batting title more than once at any point: Mauer and Ichiro Suzuki (2001, 2004). 放寬條件不要看連續呢的話呢?只要有兩次打擊王就可以的話呢? 自從Gwynn和Boggs這兩個人之後,也只有剛剛提到的Mauer和朗神了(2001,2004) Finally, even if Cabrera doesn't win the Triple Crown, he's already one of only three active players who have led their league in all three Triple Crown categories at some point in their careers -- just not in the same year. The others: 即使Cabrera最後不是三冠王,他將會是現役球員第三個"三冠王"。 喔這種"三冠王"是指各項數據都取他們生涯最佳成績的話啦。 另外兩個在下面。 Albert Pujols (batting title '03, HR title '09-10, RBI title '10) Alex Rodriguez (batting title '96, HR title '01-03, '05, '07, RBI title '02, '07) By the way, if Josh Hamilton leads the league in homers, he'd also join this list. But enough about him. This is supposed to be a Miguel Cabrera edition of the September History Watch. And as you've noticed, there's more than enough historic stuff on his agenda to keep us History Watchers busy without dragging anyone else into this opus. 喔對了,如果Hamilton最後是全壘打王,他也會加入這份名單。 但今天的主角是Cabrera,而且相信各位已經注意到了,歷史紀錄可是有千百種的。 所以我們可忙的呢。 http://tinyurl.com/3nm8p66 真的一大堆奇怪的歷史紀錄... 但這也是我愛看September History Watch的原因~ 但翻得好饒舌,大家包含一下吧。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/20 23:01, , 1F
09/20 23:01, 1F

09/20 23:02, , 2F
忘了補充Yastrzemski 他就是上一個三冠王打者
09/20 23:02, 2F

09/20 23:02, , 3F
David Pinto估計三冠王的機率大約是32%
09/20 23:02, 3F

09/20 23:02, , 4F
09/20 23:02, 4F

09/20 23:03, , 5F
avg .326 121RBI 44HR
09/20 23:03, 5F

09/20 23:07, , 6F
09/20 23:07, 6F

09/20 23:07, , 7F
09/20 23:07, 7F

09/20 23:08, , 8F
09/20 23:08, 8F

09/20 23:08, , 9F
上古神獸Ty Cobb XD
09/20 23:08, 9F

09/20 23:08, , 10F
09/20 23:08, 10F

09/20 23:09, , 11F
09/20 23:09, 11F

09/20 23:20, , 12F
09/20 23:20, 12F

09/20 23:23, , 13F
Joe Mauer (2009-09)
09/20 23:23, 13F
已更正 ※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (09/20 23:24)

09/20 23:27, , 14F
"三冠王" 好像都會進名人堂耶
09/20 23:27, 14F

09/20 23:35, , 15F
有Joe Torre耶
09/20 23:35, 15F

09/20 23:38, , 16F
09/20 23:38, 16F

09/20 23:42, , 17F
09/20 23:42, 17F

09/20 23:42, , 18F
Hamilton 快阻止他!! RBI快追回來
09/20 23:42, 18F

09/20 23:49, , 19F
09/20 23:49, 19F

09/20 23:50, , 20F
Hamilton現在打點有一段不小的差距了 打HR比較實在
09/20 23:50, 20F

09/20 23:56, , 21F
09/20 23:56, 21F

09/20 23:57, , 22F
09/20 23:57, 22F

09/21 00:04, , 23F
如果Miggy真的三冠 MVP就是傳統三高跟WAR的對決了!
09/21 00:04, 23F

09/21 00:21, , 24F
移防沒影響 很威很強大
09/21 00:21, 24F

09/21 00:28, , 25F
09/21 00:28, 25F

09/21 00:32, , 26F
漢米季中低潮太久 不然季初HR和RBI疊的速度有夠快....
09/21 00:32, 26F

09/21 00:39, , 27F
09/21 00:39, 27F

09/21 00:39, , 28F
就是兩聯盟的打擊王都叫M.Cabrera XD
09/21 00:39, 28F

09/21 00:40, , 29F
今年打得真不是時候 牛奶弟的AVG確定掛在那邊了
09/21 00:40, 29F

09/21 00:41, , 30F
09/21 00:41, 30F

09/21 00:53, , 31F
09/21 00:53, 31F

09/21 00:53, , 32F
推Ayukawayen,是說這梗我昨天也有想到!! :P
09/21 00:53, 32F

09/21 02:17, , 33F
09/21 02:17, 33F

09/21 16:45, , 34F
今天TROUT落賽 被達比修理的很慘 兩次得分良機都被K
09/21 16:45, 34F

09/21 16:48, , 35F
天使今天數輸掉這場離季後賽瞬間變好遠了 不過老虎也輸了
09/21 16:48, 35F

09/21 16:56, , 36F
09/21 16:56, 36F

09/21 16:59, , 37F
09/21 16:59, 37F

09/21 17:00, , 38F
Miguel Cabrera要是真的拿三冠王 Trout就只能在旁邊
09/21 17:00, 38F

09/21 17:01, , 39F
玩沙了 還角逐MVP勒 笑死人 看看MLB歷史拿三冠王
09/21 17:01, 39F

09/21 17:02, , 40F
的10根手指都數得出來 這樣還拿不到MVP?
09/21 17:02, 40F

09/21 17:09, , 41F
他又還沒拿到三冠王= =
09/21 17:09, 41F

09/21 17:15, , 42F
三冠王拿不到MVP Ted Williams 表示:
09/21 17:15, 42F

09/21 17:15, , 43F
1925年後有十次三冠王 其中六次拿到MVP
09/21 17:15, 43F

09/21 17:18, , 44F
沒拿MVP的除了Ted Williams兩次之外 Chuck Klein
09/21 17:18, 44F

09/21 17:19, , 45F
Lou Gehrig各一次
09/21 17:19, 45F

09/21 17:20, , 46F
沒有人躲起來啊 只是Cabrera突然猛起來而已
09/21 17:20, 46F

09/21 17:32, , 47F
09/21 17:32, 47F

09/21 17:47, , 48F
Miggy for MVP!!!!!!
09/21 17:47, 48F

09/21 17:59, , 49F
沒有人躲起來 不過有人臉有點腫
09/21 17:59, 49F

09/21 18:02, , 50F
三冠王拿不到MVP 這是蠻正常的事XD
09/21 18:02, 50F

09/21 18:07, , 51F
也不能說很正常啦 Williams 的MVP 票選爭議很有名
09/21 18:07, 51F

09/21 18:07, , 52F
but 三冠王拿不到MVP 有沒有發生過 當然有就是了
09/21 18:07, 52F

09/21 18:14, , 53F
Ted人緣太差 連帶影響到票選
09/21 18:14, 53F

09/21 18:39, , 54F
和媒體打好關係真的蠻重要的 例如Albert Belle生涯成績是
09/21 18:39, 54F

09/21 18:40, , 55F
borderline HOF 但投票資格只到第2年就沒了 3.5% 真慘
09/21 18:40, 55F

09/21 18:56, , 56F
09/21 18:56, 56F

09/21 19:04, , 57F
真拿了 進不了季後賽也蠻糟的 連兩年同隊拿MVP上次是幾時?
09/21 19:04, 57F

09/21 19:05, , 58F
有CY V壯 胖虎打線還進不了
09/21 19:05, 58F

09/21 19:19, , 59F
連兩年同隊拿MVP上次是2008-2009 不過都是普神~
09/21 19:19, 59F

09/21 19:53, , 60F
09/21 19:53, 60F

09/22 02:42, , 61F
Lou Gehrig 1934 拿不到 MVP 其實也算正常, 那年Cochrane算
09/22 02:42, 61F

09/22 02:43, , 62F
實至名歸 而當年Lou Gehrig 在票選也只排第五而已...
09/22 02:43, 62F

09/22 02:43, , 63F
Gomez 票都還比他多呢...
09/22 02:43, 63F

09/22 23:03, , 64F
09/22 23:03, 64F
文章代碼(AID): #1GMo-KQQ (MLB)