[外電] MLB could change HR Derby rules

看板MLB作者時間12年前 (2012/07/11 07:06), 編輯推噓31(31018)
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全文 : http://tinyurl.com/7puwhuk 作者 : Jayson Stark The booing of beleaguered Home Run Derby captain Robinson Cano finally had faded by Tuesday afternoon. But the aftermath could cause Major League Baseball to consider a new rule to include at least one hometown slugger in future Home Run Derbies, commissioner Bud Selig said Tuesday. 禮拜二下午, 噓聲們群起圍攻在全壘打大賽擔任隊長的 Robinson Cano. 但這樣的後果可能會讓美國職棒大聯盟考慮制訂一項新的規則 - 至少地主會一個強打者參加全壘打大賽 , 執行長 Bud " Sucks " Selig 周二表示 The booing of Cano was inspired by his failure to pick Kansas City All-Star Billy Butler for the Derby after pledging earlier this month to include a Royal. Last year's National League captain, Prince Fielder, received similar treatment in Phoenix for not picking Arizona Diamondbacks outfielder Justin Upton. 卡諾被噓是因為他沒有挑選 堪薩斯皇家隊 的明星球員 Billy Butler 參與全壘打大賽。 去年國家聯盟的隊長, Prince Fielder , 也因為同樣的原因 - 沒有挑選來自 鳳凰城 亞利桑那響尾蛇 的外野手 Justin Upton被噓爆了。 So Selig conceded those displays of "hometown loyalty" could spark changes to head off similar outbursts in future Derbies. 因此,賽理格承認 "家鄉的忠誠度 "能夠在未來的全壘打大賽中改變這樣子的行為, 避免事情再度發生。 "We'll talk about this (potential rule change)," Selig said during his annual session with the Baseball Writers Association of America. "While I understand (the feelings of fans in) Kansas City ... I felt very badly last night. I felt badly last year for Prince. This was tough." " 我們都在談論有關這個 ( 潛在規則的更改 ) " 賽理格在和 棒球美國 的作家協會的年 度會議中這樣說。 " 雖然我了解堪撒斯 ( 球迷的感受 ) ...... 但我昨晚感覺非常差勁。 去年 Prince 的處境我也同樣覺得很糟糕。這真的很艱難。 When another questioner observed the heat -- and boos -- could even intensify next year with the game scheduled for Citi Field in New York, Selig again lamented Monday's episode. "It won't be any worse than last night," he said. "You can only boo so loud. ... But let me just say, we'll think about that." Players Association executive director Michael Weiner, who addressed the writers after Selig, said the issue is more complicated than that and said a rule requiring hometown approval might not necessarily be in the event's best interests. 當有人提到另一個觀察到的問題 : 熱情和噓聲可能會在 明年在紐約花旗球場舉行的比賽 表現得更嚴重, 賽理格聽到後又再一次地感嘆昨晚的情節。 " 再也不會比昨晚更糟了 " 他說 。你只能噓這麼大聲啦 . 但讓我這樣說好了 , 我們會 考慮的。 球員工會的執行主席 Michael Weiner 排在 Selig 之後被訪問 , 他說有比這個議題是更 複雜的會發生, 若是批准並規定讓一個家鄉球員參賽這不一定符合這件事情的最佳利益。 "If we move to something where there's a spot reserved for one of the home-team participants, that would probably generate a lot of excitement in the ballpark," Weiner told ESPN.com following his formal remarks. "But I don't know how the ESPN producers would have felt if Mark Trumbo or Jose Bautista or Prince Fielder were left out of the event instead of Billy Butler. " 若是我們改變了這樣的一個位子, 保障他會是由地主球隊來出席, 這大概會產生更多 讓觀眾看比賽時的驚喜, " Winer 正式發言告訴ESPN.com。 "但我不知道 ESPN的等轉播者若是看到 Mark Trumbo 或 Jose Bautista 或 Prince Fielder 失去參加比賽的資格並讓 Billy Butler 加入時他會有什麼反應。 "So on the one hand, if the union and the commissioner's office want to continue the captains format, the last thing we want to do is say to a player who volunteers to participate in an event and volunteers to be a face of the event (that) he is setting himself up to be booed. We don't want that. ... It sort of defeats the purpose of having players select their peers to be on their team if you have these kinds of restrictions. So I don't know which way it goes. But there will be continued discussions. And I don't know what kind of after-effect it will have." "因此另一方面, 若是我們要繼續這樣的隊長選拔方式, 最後一件我們要做的事情就是告 訴那位自願參加這個場合併會成為這個場合的代言人的球員, 你會被噓。(<--- .....) 我們不想這樣做。 如果有這種顧慮, 這會影響到他們去選擇他們參加比賽的隊員。 所以我不知道哪種方式會被使用。但這會被持續地討論的。我也不知道這件事(被噓)事後 會導致什麼改變。 Weiner expressed concerns that the treatment Cano and Fielder have received might deter players from volunteering to serve as captain for future Derbies. And that, he said, would be unfortunate because "the captains format, I think, has really energized the event." Weiner表示 卡諾 和小王子被這樣的對待一定會影響到往後球員對於自願擔任隊長的看 法。而這樣呢, 他這麼說, 擔任隊長這樣的計畫會很失敗。 我想這次的事件真的導致全壘 打大賽整個被改變了。 Weiner also voiced concerns about scuttlebutt that ESPN might have "egged on" the booing by showing repeated shots, during the telecast, of Butler and his mother while Cano was hitting. Several of those shots were then shown on the stadium video board, prompting loud cheers followed by more vociferous booing of Cano. Weiner 還表示了對於相關傳言的看法 , ESPN 藉由重播特定鏡頭或多或少 " 激勵 "了 觀眾的噓聲 , 像當卡諾在揮擊時播出巴特勒和他的母親的畫面。有些鏡頭會被顯示在體育 場後方的的大視頻板 , 導致更多對卡諾的噓聲。 So Weiner, who admitted he didn't see the telecast because he was in the stadium, said that discussion of any changes down the road need to include ESPN. "I think that everybody -- both Major League Baseball and the Players Association, but also ESPN, which broadcasts the event -- have to ... take a look at this dynamic and ask, 'Is this what we want?' " he said. Werner 承認他並沒有看到那些畫面因為他在球場裡面, 他說, 在這個討論是否要做出 任何改變的過程中, 必須把 ESPN 的因素也考慮進去。 " 我相信所有人, 無論是美國職棒大聯盟、球員工會和負責轉播比賽的ESPN必須重新審視 今天發生的一切, 然後問問自己, " 這(樣的行為)真的是我們要的嗎? " 他說。 Weiner said he was confident that Cano, because he's a tough-minded guy who plays for the Yankees, "can take it." But that didn't alleviate his dismay over how Cano's Derby storyline had done a full 180-degree turn since last year. "Robby can take it, but you guys saw the Derby last year," Weiner said. "What made it a really compelling story is that Robby was really excited, and he had his dad pitching to him, and he jumped into his arms afterward, and it was a big deal. It was a nice moment and a nice story, that a lot of people connected with. So the guy wanted to do it again this year. And he did, and he had his dad there again, and that should have been the focus. "It's one thing to boo him when he first comes on the field and they first announce the team. It's another thing for the loudest cheers in the place to be when he fouls one back, and that prompts all the cheers. It was like the Royals just won the pennant." Weiner說他對 Cano 有信心 , 因為他是個為意志堅強的孩子,那個為洋基隊打球的球員 。 " 他可以接受的 "。 但對卡諾來說, 這卻不能改變他去年在全壘大大賽精彩的故事 在今年已經完全截然不同的事實。 " Robby ( Cano )可以接受這件事的, 但是你們這些人都知道去年發生了什麼事," Weiger說。 " 之所以去年會有如此精彩的故事是因為 Robby 他真的很興奮, 他的父親親自替他餵球, 後來他跳進他父親的懷抱中, 這才是重點所在。所以那個想要在今年在參加一次的小子 , 他的確做到了, 他的父親也一樣是他的餵球投手, 這一切應該是這場比賽的焦點。 " 他第一次來場上宣布他的隊伍時被噓, 這是一回事。但他在比賽中繳出很爛的成績 , 缺被整場高興歡呼了, 這又是另一回事。( 他們的開心程度 )好像皇家隊再次奪得世界 冠軍一樣。" (難怪 Cano 的推特會這樣反擊 我終於懂了(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ) Weiner acknowledged that fans should be allowed to express their frustration. "They're entitled to do it," he said. "But we have to adjust. Fans pay their ticket. They're entitled to do what they want to do. But whether they got a little bit of a push (from broadcasters and talk shows), I just don't know." Weiner 承認, 球迷們應該被允許表達他們挫折。 " 觀眾有權力這樣做 " 他說。 " 但我們必須去調整。球迷們付了門票來看比賽。他們想做什麼事是他們的權力。 但是他們是不是某些舉動推了一把了呢? ( 電視廣播 和 評論 ) 我真的不知道。 (激動、激勵、鼓動、whatever) ------------------------------------------------------- Poor Cano , Poor Fielder ╮(╯_╰)╭ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iwillloveyou 來自: (07/11 07:08) ※ 編輯: iwillloveyou 來自: (07/11 07:13)

07/11 07:13, , 1F
有錯請大家幫忙留言一下, 我要去睡覺了,睡醒再改
07/11 07:13, 1F
iwillloveyou:轉錄至看板 NY-Yankees 07/11 07:14

07/11 07:27, , 2F
07/11 07:27, 2F

07/11 07:32, , 3F
原文裡沒有bud "Sucks" Selig 自己加的標註一下會好點
07/11 07:32, 3F

07/11 07:45, , 4F
07/11 07:45, 4F

07/11 07:46, , 5F
07/11 07:46, 5F

07/11 08:39, , 6F
地主球隊沒有砲可以選怎麼辦 例如___
07/11 08:39, 6F

07/11 08:45, , 7F
07/11 08:45, 7F

07/11 09:03, , 8F
07/11 09:03, 8F

07/11 09:04, , 9F
Weiner講的話也很好笑 很多砲手都沒參加(Konerko,Dunn..
07/11 09:04, 9F

07/11 09:04, , 10F
哪有什麼最佳利益 ASG就是一場慶典 大家高興就好了
07/11 09:04, 10F

07/11 09:07, , 11F
確實Cano說話不算話 他有錯在先 然而 這又沒有硬性規定
07/11 09:07, 11F

07/11 09:07, , 12F
又沒說地主一定是保障名額 搞不懂他們在兇什麼
07/11 09:07, 12F

07/11 09:08, , 13F
比Butler有資格進去的還有一堆 此外 去打對球員本身也不
07/11 09:08, 13F

07/11 09:08, , 14F
一定是好事 嘖嘖
07/11 09:08, 14F

07/11 09:11, , 15F
先講了沒遵守被噓是應該的(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
07/11 09:11, 15F

07/11 09:15, , 16F
07/11 09:15, 16F

07/11 09:16, , 17F
沒法阿-.- 這潛規則都被一般人視為理所當然了......
07/11 09:16, 17F

07/11 09:33, , 18F
我覺得沒選是一回事 但是不要說話不算話
07/11 09:33, 18F

07/11 10:10, , 19F
07/11 10:10, 19F

07/11 10:17, , 20F
07/11 10:17, 20F

07/11 10:45, , 21F
07/11 10:45, 21F

07/11 11:51, , 22F
我覺得地主名額要用外加的 不應該排擠到AL或NL原本的
07/11 11:51, 22F

07/11 11:52, , 23F
名額 反正變成9個人上去打也只是多花10幾分鐘而已
07/11 11:52, 23F

07/11 12:14, , 24F
07/11 12:14, 24F

07/11 13:02, , 25F
07/11 13:02, 25F

07/11 13:05, , 26F
07/11 13:05, 26F

07/11 13:05, , 27F
07/11 13:05, 27F

07/11 13:35, , 28F
喔 是這樣 那08NY辦ASG 怎沒有洋基球員打HR derby?
07/11 13:35, 28F

07/11 13:41, , 29F
其實9個參加也沒什麼不好 多一個人就多一點驚喜的機會
07/11 13:41, 29F

07/11 13:41, , 30F
07/11 13:41, 30F

07/11 13:48, , 31F
__ __制度
07/11 13:48, 31F

07/11 14:59, , 32F
07/11 14:59, 32F

07/11 15:02, , 33F
07/11 15:02, 33F

07/11 15:03, , 34F
07/11 15:03, 34F

07/11 15:20, , 35F
07/11 15:20, 35F

07/11 16:11, , 36F
怎樣才算砲? 今年冠軍Fielder HR總數是參與者次少的
07/11 16:11, 36F

07/11 16:12, , 37F
07/11 16:12, 37F

07/11 16:13, , 38F
地主球員一個比冠軍多一隻 一個打平
07/11 16:13, 38F

07/11 17:48, , 39F
Fielder的確是較少 Kemp是因為受傷 從HR/9下去看就很猛了
07/11 17:48, 39F

07/11 17:50, , 40F
07/11 17:50, 40F

07/11 18:49, , 41F
/9? /AB吧XD
07/11 18:49, 41F

07/11 19:09, , 42F
HR/AB 對不起我搞混了orz
07/11 19:09, 42F

07/11 19:18, , 43F
地主球員本來就該選 畢竟大部分的票還是賣他們阿 不然幹嘛
07/11 19:18, 43F

07/11 19:18, , 44F
由隊長來挑 直接全壘打排行榜照排 辭退往後遞補不就好了
07/11 19:18, 44F

07/11 19:19, , 45F
那麼多堪薩斯球迷買票沒有給他們回饋 也不能怪Cano會被打落
07/11 19:19, 45F

07/11 19:20, , 46F
狗 因為這是必然的阿 如果MLB可以每年都忍受噓聲 那不要管地
07/11 19:20, 46F

07/11 19:21, , 47F
07/11 19:21, 47F

07/11 21:52, , 48F
隊長制是根源 要玩 一定要有配套 腦殘Selig
07/11 21:52, 48F

07/11 23:00, , 49F
07/11 23:00, 49F
文章代碼(AID): #1F_BLmrn (MLB)