[情報] Barry Bonds 判刑 終於...

看板MLB作者 (扎姆德)時間12年前 (2011/12/17 20:24), 編輯推噓44(47318)
留言68則, 50人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Barry Bonds gets 30 days house arrest,two years probation; sentence stayed pending appeal *** The Barry Bonds case is over. Bonds, as we speak, is being sentenced. The penalty: 30 days of house arrest, two years of probation and 250 hours of community service. This, by the way, is what the probation office recommended. Prosecutors were seeking a 15 month jail term. In handing out her sentence, the judge observed that she agreed with the jury that Bonds tried to obstruct justice. Just that he failed. She noted that he did not threaten witnesses, for example. When I first read his grand jury testimony three and a half years ago I observed the same thing. You can tell Barry wanted to perjure himself. He just was pretty damn bad at it. The judge also noted that the sentence took into account that Bonds has a strong record of philanthropy, much of which is unpublicized. Weighing against that, I presume, is that he is a lousy stinkin’ cheater who robbed some sportswriters of their childhood memories. Of course, there was some pathetic desperation on the part of the prosecution during the hearing. When trying to argue against the light sentence, the prosecutor said that Bonds planned to lie ahead of time and that he kept mistresses and lived a double life for years. The judge, not having it, noted that Bonds wasn’t convicted of any of that. It’s something the prosecution and most of the people sitting in moral judgment of Barry Bonds have never quite gotten their minds around, but there you go. I don’t know about you, but I would feel more secure walking the mean streets of Los Altos Hills tonight, knowing that Barry Bonds is secure behind the bars of the home security system that cost more than many public schools. UPDATE: Bonds won’t even have to serve any of that now. The judge has stayed (delayed) the sentence until after Bonds’ appeal of his conviction is heard. Which will take some time. And, in my opinion, may very well prevail. http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/12/16/barry-bonds-gets-30-days-house-arrest-two-years-probation/ -- Beautiful words: Former GM Jim Hendry -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Zamned 來自: (12/17 20:25)

12/17 20:28, , 1F
12/17 20:28, 1F

12/17 20:29, , 2F
巨人主板有 現在好像也沒證據說他有打藥
12/17 20:29, 2F

12/17 20:30, , 3F
不過應該是進不了HOF了 現代最靠近3神獸的人
12/17 20:30, 3F

12/17 20:31, , 4F
12/17 20:31, 4F

12/17 20:31, , 5F
搞到最後大家都累了 XD
12/17 20:31, 5F

12/17 20:33, , 6F
本來還可以把紀錄搞得更神的 反正都要被抓 不如退休後
12/17 20:33, 6F

12/17 20:34, , 7F
沒有被封殺大概就破WAR的記錄了 42歲OPS還破1...
12/17 20:34, 7F

12/17 20:34, , 8F
再來抓 讓有星號的紀錄更變態
12/17 20:34, 8F

12/17 20:35, , 9F
12/17 20:35, 9F

12/17 21:08, , 10F
12/17 21:08, 10F

12/17 21:22, , 11F
他不吃藥 一樣是神級人物 但吃了藥 就是神中之神
12/17 21:22, 11F

12/17 21:29, , 12F
12/17 21:29, 12F

12/17 21:34, , 13F
12/17 21:34, 13F

12/17 21:34, , 14F
Chuck Norris
12/17 21:34, 14F

12/17 21:38, , 15F
Chuck Norris
12/17 21:38, 15F

12/17 21:40, , 16F
鐵馬跟貝比爺……超神= =
12/17 21:40, 16F

12/17 21:47, , 17F
推 Chuck Norris XDDDD
12/17 21:47, 17F

12/17 21:49, , 18F
12/17 21:49, 18F

12/17 21:49, , 19F
Chuck Norris
12/17 21:49, 19F

12/17 21:52, , 20F
12/17 21:52, 20F

12/17 21:56, , 21F
Chuck Norris
12/17 21:56, 21F

12/17 21:59, , 22F
這裡也有Chuck Norris XDDDDD
12/17 21:59, 22F

12/17 21:59, , 23F
12/17 21:59, 23F

12/17 21:59, , 24F
Chuck Norris Chuck Norris Chuck Norris
12/17 21:59, 24F

12/17 22:07, , 25F
可惜了 一代宗師
12/17 22:07, 25F

12/17 22:43, , 26F
12/17 22:43, 26F

12/17 22:49, , 27F
Chuck Norris是什麼梗 0.0
12/17 22:49, 27F

12/17 22:50, , 28F
Chuck Norris是誰@@?Y
12/17 22:50, 28F

12/17 22:50, , 29F
真的神獸...好歹也有400/400 一念之差
12/17 22:50, 29F

12/17 22:50, , 30F
不要google 你們會...
12/17 22:50, 30F

12/17 22:51, , 31F
Chuck Norris XDDDDDD
12/17 22:51, 31F

12/17 22:51, , 32F
上次去GOOGLE 好手氣這個名子的都...
12/17 22:51, 32F

12/17 22:51, , 33F
12/17 22:51, 33F

12/17 22:55, , 34F
12/17 22:55, 34F

12/17 22:57, , 35F
只要Chuck Norris站在本壘板,球就會自動飛到全壘打牆外
12/17 22:57, 35F

12/17 23:05, , 36F
http://goo.gl/9GUxb don't google Chuck Norris
12/17 23:05, 36F

12/17 23:07, , 37F
只要Chuck Norris站在本壘板,主審就會宣布比賽結束,羅禮士勝
12/17 23:07, 37F

12/17 23:14, , 38F

12/17 23:22, , 39F
羅禮士說要有光 這世界就有了光
12/17 23:22, 39F

12/17 23:33, , 40F
Chuck Norris 真是超有梗的...
12/17 23:33, 40F

12/17 23:40, , 41F
12/17 23:40, 41F

12/17 23:44, , 42F
不過這世上只有一個人打敗過 Norris 啊 .....
12/17 23:44, 42F

12/17 23:46, , 43F
樓上 願聞其詳
12/17 23:46, 43F

12/17 23:47, , 44F
12/17 23:47, 44F

12/17 23:54, , 45F
Chuck Norris不是把球打出去,是球自己逃離他
12/17 23:54, 45F

12/17 23:56, , 46F
Chuck Norris不會盜壘,只要他說一聲,對方就會自動讓他進壘
12/17 23:56, 46F

12/17 23:58, , 47F
禁藥偽證案判決 Bonds居家監禁30天
12/17 23:58, 47F

12/18 00:00, , 48F
12/18 00:00, 48F

12/18 00:06, , 49F
12/18 00:06, 49F

12/18 00:11, , 50F
推 TaiwanNeko:Chuck Norris是誰@@ <--他正在找你的路上
12/18 00:11, 50F

12/18 00:23, , 51F
美國三大死因 1.Heart Disease 2.Norris 3.Cancer
12/18 00:23, 51F

12/18 00:58, , 52F
三神獸是 Chuck Norris Chuck Norris Chuck Norris
12/18 00:58, 52F

12/18 01:24, , 53F
Chuck Norris XDDDDDDD
12/18 01:24, 53F

12/18 01:31, , 54F
12/18 01:31, 54F

12/18 01:35, , 55F
Chuck Norris到底是誰? 真有這麼厲害就來把我的頭壓到
12/18 01:35, 55F

12/18 01:36, , 56F
鍵盤上q.; hagiopth[gAH"HGaeg
12/18 01:36, 56F

12/18 01:36, , 57F
樓上 你得到他了
12/18 01:36, 57F

12/18 07:26, , 58F
不知道的問你老爸中文"羅禮士"是誰 他一定知道
12/18 07:26, 58F

12/18 07:32, , 59F
老爸: 其實羅禮士才是你老爸
12/18 07:32, 59F

12/18 08:37, , 60F
12/18 08:37, 60F

12/18 09:16, , 61F
Chuck Norris不會是三神獸之一 他是"唯一"
12/18 09:16, 61F

12/18 11:42, , 62F
12/18 11:42, 62F

12/18 21:08, , 63F
Chuck Norris...XDDDDD
12/18 21:08, 63F

12/19 02:08, , 64F
12/19 02:08, 64F

12/19 08:14, , 65F
好溫暖 一整群
12/19 08:14, 65F

12/19 12:47, , 66F
12/19 12:47, 66F

12/19 15:35, , 67F
12/19 15:35, 67F

12/21 23:57, , 68F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ex8eDtz (MLB)