[情報] Yu Darvish Scouting Report

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http://projectprospect.com/article/2011/11/08/yu-darvish-scouting-report Life is filled with difficult, vague, and unknowable questions. Yet occasionally you get an easy one like 'who's the best pitching prospect in Japan?' Answering anyone other than Yu Darvish is like saying another flavor of Tic-Tac is better than orange. It's technically just an opinion, but any other opinion is wrong. It's possible someone like Hisashi Iwakuma outperforms Darvish stateside, just like it's possible the reason Zooey Deschanel split with the dude from Death Cab is she stumbled upon my writing and fell in love with me via my word magic. There's a parallel universe where it'll happen, but it probably won't be this one. Yu Darvish is good, on that we can all agree. The question of just how good, requires a little more insight and is, presumably, the reason you came here. Darvish's last start came versus the Saiama Seibu Lions, a perennial powerhouse in Nippon Professional Baseball. Through the magic of the interwebs you can watch it here (http://www.justin.tv/asdfg585/b/298631204). This start provided my first extended look at one of the planet's most hyped prospects. My previous exposure to Darvish, came via short stints in the World Baseball Classic and YouTube videos, had left me kind of lukewarm on his prospect status. But the more I see him, the more I bullish I become. Basic Info The half-Iranian Darvish towers over most of his Japanese rivals. His lanky 6-foot-5 frame could easily add 15 pounds of muscle without sacrificing any of his excellent athleticism. Darvish has been a truly dominant force in Japan for several season now. A four-time All Star, Darvish is in the midst of a five year run posting sub-2.00 ERA's (a NPB record) and thrice has had a WHIP of 0.90 or lower while twice being named the league's MVP. Over his four full seasons as a starter he has maintained a K:BB ratio of nearly 4.4:1 while whiffing over a batter per inning. There's no way to meaningfully splice the numbers in which Darvish doesn't come out as one of the handful of greatest pitchers in Japanese history. If he isn't the best of all time at his age (24), he's at least on the Mount Rushmore. Stuff The righthander works with a deep array of pitches, common for top Japanese hurlers. He throws four-seam, two-seam and cut fastballs and compliments them with at least three different breaking balls. I've also seen reports of Darvish mixing in a change-up and the ever elusive shuuto, often referred to as a 'gyroball' in the US, where the batter sees a dot and thus reads breaking ball but the pitch actually stays straight -- think of it like a backup slider. Darvish has well-above-average arm strength. His fastball sat 151-155 km/h or 93-95 MPH for you non-metric types out there. Able to hit his spots around the knees while occasionally going upstairs for effect, Darvish has advanced control of his fastball coupled with the ability to sink, cut, or run the ball inside. His fastball doesn't move a ton, but it does move and move late. Everything Darvish throws off his fastball is heavy. Guys like him keep bat makers in business; Darvish will leave many big leaguers with toothpicks in their hands. A couple different forms of slider are evident in Darvish's arsenal; one with more horizontal break, one vertical. He showed very good control, able to throw sliders for strikes, utilizing them most often early in the count. Occasionally he would sharpen the break and throw the pitch out of zone with two-strikes. When he did, the results were nasty. He'll work in a very slow curve ball in the low 60 MPH range, just to keep batters off-balance. If you're squaring off against Darvish, you have to be ready for the ball to come in at pretty much any speed. I didn't see a below-average pitch from Darvish. He doesn't have super, elite stuff like a Verlander but everything is good. I'd grade his fastball a 65, he seemed to have the most confidence in it. He probably has four or five other pitches that are 50-55 grades on the scouting scale to go along with 60+ command. Assorted Thoughts His pitch sequencing impressed me. Darvish seems to have a real plan off attack. It's an aggressive plan. He mixes speeds very well, especially early in the count then goes for the kill by running a fastball at your knuckles. He didn't pitch around guys, but wasn't reckless. There were a few fastballs in the Seibu game that hung over the middle that he might not be able to get away with at the MLB level but he seems like the kind of pitcher who'll figure out what works quickly and adapt. Darvish is a really excellent fielder. A two-time Gold Glove winner in the NPB he'd immediately be on of the best fielding pitchers in the bigs upon his arrival. There's a good amount of functional deception in his delivery. By that I mean, he seems to hide the ball well without killing all efficiency in his mechanics. He utilizes his lower half very well, excellent hip rotation. If we've taught you nothing else about baseball mechanics it should be that hip rotation IS power. I could nitpick a few small things in his delivery, but I don't see the point. He grew up in a different culture, with a different way of teaching mechanics. It's all about what works for you, this is what works for his body. He's young, healthy, durable. He repeats well. He's athletic. Darvish's statistical profile is awfully similar to Daisuke Matsuzaka. While Dice-K's struggles in recent years may taint that comparison in the minds of some, don't forget that Matsuzaka was worth 7.2 WAR over his first two seasons in Boston. The terrific Eno Sarris over at FanGraphs points out an important difference between the two Japanese hurlers: "Darvish has avoided the notorious overwork that plagued Matsuzaka’s amateur and early pro careers. Like Matsuzaka’s teenage years, young Darvish pitched at Koshien, Japan’s national high school baseball tournament. Unlike Matsuzaka, he doesn’t quite have a 250-pitch, 17-inning complete game on his resume. Darvish’s longest outing was a 166-pitch game that he lost on a walk-off home run in the 10th inning. Also, unlike Matsuzaka, Darvish was eased into his pro career: he threw 94.1 innings and 149.2 innings in his first two pro years. Matsuzaka, by contrast, threw 180 innings as an 18 year-old rookie — 347.2 in his first two seasons — and set a career high with 240.1 innings in his third. In essence, Darvish has fired fewer bullets." Conclusion I don't see Yu Darvish as an ace. I think the upgrade in competition will knock him off that vaunted perch. That said, I think he's going to be a really good MLB pitcher. I'd peg him as a 4.0 WAR starter for next season, and there's certainly potential for him to exceed those numbers. I see a well-above-average all around starter, a No. 2 guy on a first-division club. I'd be displeased if my favorite club committed nine-figures to procure his services but he has age, production, stuff, command, and poise on his side to score a major deal. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/10 21:56, , 1F
恩恩 果然跟我想的一樣
11/10 21:56, 1F

11/10 22:01, , 2F
11/10 22:01, 2F

11/10 22:04, , 3F
11/10 22:04, 3F

11/10 22:04, , 4F
看來沒有到很好 少了美式的STUFF跟頂尖球種~~~
11/10 22:04, 4F

11/10 22:20, , 5F
作者預測 WAR會有4.0 人家只是說他不是ACE
11/10 22:20, 5F

11/10 22:20, , 6F
11/10 22:20, 6F

11/10 22:24, , 7F
球種那裏滿分是100嗎? 65會不會太低阿?
11/10 22:24, 7F

11/10 22:26, , 8F
11/10 22:26, 8F

11/10 22:26, , 9F
這有點矛盾 WAR4.0在聯盟足以排到前10了 又不是ACE
11/10 22:26, 9F

11/10 22:27, , 10F
65已經是大聯盟中上球種了 我記得滿分是80~~
11/10 22:27, 10F

11/10 22:28, , 11F
11/10 22:28, 11F

11/10 22:28, , 12F
看樣子 達爾要靠控球跟LATE MOVEMENT來玩了~~~
11/10 22:28, 12F

11/10 22:28, , 13F
投了才知道 野茂當初去MLB 也沒人預測到他會那麼殺
11/10 22:28, 13F

11/10 22:30, , 14F
WAR 4 很高了好嗎....在10幾隊都能當1號了
11/10 22:30, 14F

11/10 22:32, , 15F
作者說他很不錯阿 只是怕價格炒太高
11/10 22:32, 15F

11/10 22:32, , 16F
C.C Sabathia 09-11 WAR 4.3 / 5.0 / 6.9 (BR
11/10 22:32, 16F

11/10 22:32, , 17F
他是用FG的 FG的會比較高
11/10 22:32, 17F

11/10 22:33, , 18F
fWAR 4.0都比今年的Grienke高了
11/10 22:33, 18F

11/10 22:56, , 19F
11/10 22:56, 19F

11/10 22:57, , 20F
11/10 22:57, 20F

11/10 23:01, , 21F
11/10 23:01, 21F

11/10 23:07, , 22F
BR上sp war 4.0是23名(Dan Haren) Ace一般泛指各隊No.1吧
11/10 23:07, 22F

11/10 23:08, , 23F
換言之 前32名都能叫Ace 作者邏輯上怪怪的@@(有錯請指正)
11/10 23:08, 23F

11/10 23:10, , 24F
11/10 23:10, 24F

11/10 23:11, , 25F
11/10 23:11, 25F

11/10 23:12, , 26F
11/10 23:12, 26F

11/10 23:12, , 27F
他的ace可能是指true ace的定義 那種CY stuff等級的
11/10 23:12, 27F

11/10 23:12, , 28F
11/10 23:12, 28F

11/10 23:13, , 29F
11/10 23:13, 29F

11/10 23:13, , 30F
一個ACE 兩個ACE 三個ACE 第四個有傷 第五個初生之犢
11/10 23:13, 30F

11/10 23:25, , 31F
看你的定義囉 有些人是以"可以進季後賽的球隊"
11/10 23:25, 31F

11/10 23:25, , 32F
投球機1 投球機2 投球機3 投球機4.....
11/10 23:25, 32F

11/10 23:26, , 33F
的NO.1 當做true ace 的標準 這就嚴格多了
11/10 23:26, 33F

11/10 23:28, , 34F
11/10 23:28, 34F

11/10 23:29, , 35F
如果你的NO.1 是聯盟第23好的SP 不能說你就一定進不了
11/10 23:29, 35F

11/10 23:30, , 36F
但確實進季後賽的球隊大概九成以上NO.1 都會比你好...
11/10 23:30, 36F

11/10 23:32, , 37F
我覺得ace的定義比較像不確定的概念 wiki上pitcher的定義
11/10 23:32, 37F

11/10 23:32, , 38F
11/10 23:32, 38F

11/10 23:33, , 39F
就是一隊最好的投手(相當於No.1吧) 一些棒球專欄作家主張
11/10 23:33, 39F
還有 81 則推文
11/11 12:49, , 121F
第42 如果比生涯的總war BR上的數字還比黑田高(FG相反)
11/11 12:49, 121F

11/11 12:49, , 122F
11/11 12:49, 122F

11/11 12:50, , 123F
11/11 12:50, 123F

11/11 12:50, , 124F
11/11 12:50, 124F

11/11 12:52, , 125F
11/11 12:52, 125F

11/11 12:52, , 126F
某人的論點和某z一樣 合理懷疑你就是某z
11/11 12:52, 126F

11/11 12:53, , 127F
11/11 12:53, 127F

11/11 12:53, , 128F
我也覺得你論點跟z一樣 合理懷疑你就是z分身
11/11 12:53, 128F

11/11 12:54, , 129F
11/11 12:54, 129F

11/11 12:57, , 130F
11/11 12:57, 130F

11/11 13:01, , 131F
噗 結果是開兩個分身吵架 (誤
11/11 13:01, 131F

11/11 13:09, , 132F
QWE的國文... PS3那句意思就是查了但發現不是。
11/11 13:09, 132F

11/11 13:10, , 133F
11/11 13:10, 133F

11/11 13:26, , 134F
不是幹麻打出來? 我看了PS3打的,我會馬上懷疑Q版友是不是
11/11 13:26, 134F

11/11 13:27, , 135F
而且達爾目前的確是國內王啊 而且國際賽也是參考之ㄧ
11/11 13:27, 135F

11/11 13:28, , 136F
11/11 13:28, 136F

11/11 13:41, , 137F
11/11 13:41, 137F

11/11 13:42, , 138F
11/11 13:42, 138F

11/11 14:33, , 139F
11/11 14:33, 139F

11/11 15:01, , 140F
11/11 15:01, 140F

11/11 15:04, , 141F
11/11 15:04, 141F

11/11 15:05, , 142F
11/11 15:05, 142F

11/11 15:06, , 143F
11/11 15:06, 143F

11/11 15:07, , 144F
11/11 15:07, 144F

11/11 15:08, , 145F
11/11 15:08, 145F

11/11 18:44, , 146F
原文滿客觀的 不懂老美球探分數的人該自己去google一下
11/11 18:44, 146F

11/11 18:46, , 147F
Darvish只有速球是plus以上 除此之外沒有另一球種是plus
11/11 18:46, 147F

11/11 18:48, , 148F
但他有很多球種而且控球還不錯 所以評判他到2號還滿客觀的
11/11 18:48, 148F

11/11 19:08, , 149F
11/11 19:08, 149F

11/11 19:09, , 150F
11/11 19:09, 150F

11/11 19:10, , 151F
11/11 19:10, 151F

11/11 19:11, , 152F
11/11 19:11, 152F

11/11 23:02, , 153F
上屆wbc Darvish era2.08 這樣叫國內王喔?
11/11 23:02, 153F

11/11 23:03, , 154F
那 chapman 5.68, Oswalt 5.56, Ted Lilly 5.68是什麼王?
11/11 23:03, 154F

11/11 23:06, , 155F
上屆wbc Matsuzaka 的 ERA, WHIP,SO也全部輸Darvish
11/11 23:06, 155F

11/11 23:36, , 156F
就酸民阿 沒得酸只能酸這個
11/11 23:36, 156F

11/11 23:43, , 157F
11/11 23:43, 157F

11/12 00:43, , 158F
11/12 00:43, 158F

11/12 00:44, , 159F
11/12 00:44, 159F

06/16 13:28, , 160F
06/16 13:28, 160F
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