[影片] 2011.04.24 MLB 賽事精華 大螢幕

看板MLB作者 (小鳥)時間13年前 (2011/04/25 12:48), 編輯推噓-16(223820)
留言80則, 67人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
科羅拉多落磯 (COL) VS 佛羅里達馬林魚 (FLA) (3 : 6) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/hAdVmz http://bit.ly/eTeV0C CarGo's sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/hmYeYr http://bit.ly/fcvSlJ Herrera's RBI double http://bit.ly/enxLE1 http://bit.ly/f4biQx Murphy's nice play http://bit.ly/fWttRx http://bit.ly/i7KSnU Stanton's three-run blast http://bit.ly/fQV65i http://bit.ly/eLmlns Infante's bases-clearing triple http://bit.ly/g0niCU http://bit.ly/gqUcR5 Tulo's game-tying double http://bit.ly/fOLA4E http://bit.ly/fFx7GY Recap: COL 3, FLA 6 http://bit.ly/gGAG9f http://bit.ly/fXl4Pr Jimenez's solid start http://bit.ly/gNZBRq http://bit.ly/h06ItG Fowler's double http://bit.ly/fRz80Y http://bit.ly/hiNzxp Johnson's strong start http://bit.ly/gY27Bh http://bit.ly/g2aRuZ 太準了 打到觀眾席離場走道 亞利桑那響尾蛇 (ARI) VS 紐約大都會 (NYM) (4 : 8) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/glsUAO http://bit.ly/flFpF2 Drew's RBI double http://bit.ly/g1bMys http://bit.ly/fzeHcU Roberts' RBI groundout http://bit.ly/eV2btk http://bit.ly/fVyQhM Wright's barehanded play http://bit.ly/fSehTA http://bit.ly/hKJp2x Young's RBI groundout http://bit.ly/e8OUBD http://bit.ly/dTnTaC Recap: ARI 4, NYM 8 http://bit.ly/gYBiHs http://bit.ly/f8vtH8 Davis' RBI single http://bit.ly/dPzUel http://bit.ly/dSqvX6 Thole's sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/hG9xIj http://bit.ly/eP8LKr Wright's two-run blast http://bit.ly/g5cFWP http://bit.ly/eWP7BR Murphy's great play http://bit.ly/gjfCio http://bit.ly/hBuCR3 Pridie's three-run shot http://bit.ly/g8MZf2 http://bit.ly/dHIhYf Collins on Wright, win http://bit.ly/efOFpI http://bit.ly/f4WzlE Drew's RBI single http://bit.ly/h8ysaF http://bit.ly/giSKQh Beltran's running catch http://bit.ly/el73n5 http://bit.ly/fh6Y4M Niese's strong start http://bit.ly/h4z97c http://bit.ly/gRmPYD Wright's solo homer 華盛頓國民 (WSH) VS 匹茲堡海盜 (PIT) (6 : 3) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/fc83AU http://bit.ly/eZXqA2 Werth's game-ending throw http://bit.ly/hZdxg2 http://bit.ly/gDYpho Morse's three-run homer http://bit.ly/fsoZXG http://bit.ly/gRQ0qv Walker's RBI single http://bit.ly/dYzmUb http://bit.ly/gzWzaY Snyder's sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/dUQXqh http://bit.ly/f1UhPz LaRoche's RBI groundout http://bit.ly/g7f9da http://bit.ly/fs7ure Nix's RBI double http://bit.ly/htqBhJ http://bit.ly/hFhRoZ Cedeno's RBI double http://bit.ly/dHssNZ http://bit.ly/gZBg6c LaRoche's solo shot http://bit.ly/hRfM4m http://bit.ly/gLJmFA McCutchen reaches on error http://bit.ly/icdfFK http://bit.ly/h79oC5 Recap: WSH 6, PIT 3 休士頓太空人 (HOU) VS 密爾瓦基釀酒人 (MIL) (1 : 4) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/flLlFk http://bit.ly/hSuB86 Weeks' nice snag http://bit.ly/eKWYUu http://bit.ly/guT15C Prince's RBI triple http://bit.ly/eTwdQ9 http://bit.ly/fTPegV Rodriguez's nine strikeouts http://bit.ly/gMH7Yi http://bit.ly/fuq0Xi Boggs' solo homer http://bit.ly/gOP1xV http://bit.ly/g670xm Gomez picked off, steals second http://bit.ly/g33Uyk http://bit.ly/h1FfUj McGehee's RBI single http://bit.ly/eVMu1r http://bit.ly/dH2EUn Weeks' solo home run http://bit.ly/gp7C93 http://bit.ly/fAiIh6 Towles' solo blast http://bit.ly/etTACZ http://bit.ly/f63z1g Wolf's stellar start http://bit.ly/hCj7yu http://bit.ly/h0lo9N Recap: HOU 1, MIL 4 http://bit.ly/gdHPTl http://bit.ly/fgvUig Falcon inside Miller Park 洛杉磯道奇 (LAD) VS 芝加哥小熊 (CHC) (7 : 3) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/gDHTiH http://bit.ly/e3C0Xu Ethier's RBI single http://bit.ly/f6zUrd http://bit.ly/g8zpqr Castro's RBI http://bit.ly/gi4UNg http://bit.ly/fAO6ZO Cubs turn two http://bit.ly/hUUS3u http://bit.ly/gdWVIK Sands' RBI double http://bit.ly/egsmIy http://bit.ly/g0R55a Loney's RBI single http://bit.ly/gdSWEq http://bit.ly/gUEXGI Miles' RBI single http://bit.ly/dR74CJ http://bit.ly/f8imIc Barney's RBI single http://bit.ly/fkebN3 http://bit.ly/hko7aJ Dodgers' five-run first http://bit.ly/hghDI7 http://bit.ly/h4A1CR Recap: LAD 7, CHC 3 http://bit.ly/g8WoOn http://bit.ly/h1dl2X Kuroda's good start http://bit.ly/hjDqJm http://bit.ly/fPS6ii Pena's RBI single 費城費城人 (PHI) VS 聖地牙哥教士 (SD) (3 : 1) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/fb4wtT http://bit.ly/elSWli Mayberry's RBI double http://bit.ly/g1z1o3 http://bit.ly/hQQ5yW Halladay 今日 14K 表現 http://bit.ly/hJSdoZ http://bit.ly/g9dNdC Francisco's RBI single http://bit.ly/fHAmkK http://bit.ly/ijCwP1 Victorino's inside-the-parker http://bit.ly/gOe2rf http://bit.ly/hK6izN Venable's RBI single http://bit.ly/ho8yv0 http://bit.ly/ebbE8P LeBlanc saves the scoreless tie http://bit.ly/hIudfy http://bit.ly/eKZyvD Bartlett's charging play http://bit.ly/f5W32p http://bit.ly/fEx9fo 場內全壘打是一定要看的啦 http://bit.ly/fnbXb1 http://bit.ly/euFuWo Black on loss to Phils http://bit.ly/h3lGXH http://bit.ly/glCJOM Recap: PHI 3, SD 1 亞特蘭大勇士 (ATL) VS 舊金山巨人 (SF) (9 : 6) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/g6uVuB http://bit.ly/h945g8 Schierholtz's RBI groundout http://bit.ly/g4qCEV http://bit.ly/gMJ9nB Posey's two-run blast http://bit.ly/e1H1gw http://bit.ly/gLH3Re McLouth's go-ahead two-run hit http://bit.ly/hrdXPg http://bit.ly/i6AU8u Uggla 追平全壘打 http://bit.ly/hgU6AT http://bit.ly/fAK2VD Chipper's two-run double http://bit.ly/hD8BiQ http://bit.ly/i8j504 Heyward's three-run blast http://bit.ly/eVb7s2 http://bit.ly/eEg67c Rowand's two-run double http://bit.ly/dPlpEk http://bit.ly/eHQiWQ McCann's RBI single http://bit.ly/etXcrt http://bit.ly/dGCSMA Tejada walks a run in http://bit.ly/flS9H7 http://bit.ly/gm8hlc Venters gets the save http://bit.ly/en1wyV http://bit.ly/eApupF Bochy on tough loss http://bit.ly/dLKRNj http://bit.ly/ejVCyt Fan with baby catches foul http://bit.ly/h3SQFN http://bit.ly/f17NdE Beachy's seven strikeouts http://bit.ly/g8vSMT http://bit.ly/idFRRt Recap: ATL 9, SF 6 F/10 http://bit.ly/hXttHK http://bit.ly/dPWEWv Braves on win in extras 芝加哥白襪 (CWS) VS 底特律老虎 (DET) (0 : 3) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/dMpvAY http://bit.ly/gQ9ePv Tigers turn two (Teahen) http://bit.ly/ew471J http://bit.ly/h6ZOAO Teahen's nice play http://bit.ly/h7pycJ http://bit.ly/fwBT2n 這球太驚險了吧 差點掉出來 http://bit.ly/hSstjT http://bit.ly/gYCeRa Avila's RBI groundout http://bit.ly/fmBUQ3 http://bit.ly/dGIGwu Danks' eight strikeouts http://bit.ly/dUmGvt http://bit.ly/hxyypS Scherzer's stellar start http://bit.ly/harE7T http://bit.ly/g8nX2c Inge's RBI double http://bit.ly/htWXpZ http://bit.ly/e9IVHh Jackson's RBI double http://bit.ly/dU3d09 http://bit.ly/eC9vfc Recap: CWS 0, DET 3 坦帕灣光芒 (TB) VS 多倫多藍鳥 (TOR) (2 : 0) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/i4UGoW http://bit.ly/e9IM13 Shields picks off Bautista http://bit.ly/hVI0Pl http://bit.ly/i1pkQZ Patterson's double http://bit.ly/eAi8Uu http://bit.ly/fEzcBf Rodriguez's nice catch http://bit.ly/gk1oZC http://bit.ly/gpkSVh Romero's strong start http://bit.ly/ehrCjV http://bit.ly/euLAM3 Farrell on Romero, loss to Rays http://bit.ly/gNcVXV http://bit.ly/fq80dg Zobrist's two-run shot http://bit.ly/hZwne5 http://bit.ly/i6CMPX Shields' shutout start http://bit.ly/eduEK2 http://bit.ly/gOHHvs Shields on win over Jays http://bit.ly/hwDzXv http://bit.ly/e8TBGe Recap: TB 2, TOR 0 紐約洋基 (NYY) VS 巴爾的摩金鶯 (BAL) (6 : 3) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/e1BnWS http://bit.ly/f6LkY7 洋基全壘打王 Granderson 第七號 http://bit.ly/gDMjMB http://bit.ly/hSRWTf 腿弟 Gardner 驚險關鍵接殺 http://bit.ly/gU4rjd http://bit.ly/dXj0u0 Reynolds' two-run shot http://bit.ly/fyCjzX http://bit.ly/h2JP4u Teixeira 精彩慢動作守備 http://bit.ly/fgw954 http://bit.ly/e3NR9E Garcia works out of trouble http://bit.ly/fLgtFi http://bit.ly/fZ6QC9 Jeter's 2,943rd hit http://bit.ly/eW8DzM http://bit.ly/dPPYZW Jeter's 2,942nd hit http://bit.ly/hrkWr5 http://bit.ly/dVisEO Carlyle secures the save http://bit.ly/fniRLd http://bit.ly/i22PUB Jeter's RBI single http://bit.ly/fEfEbq http://bit.ly/hlGaVd Cano 中轉的不錯 不然就再見安打了 http://bit.ly/flci0I http://bit.ly/eOR9vs Granderson's RBI single http://bit.ly/fPUV1o http://bit.ly/e3oq6W Jeter's 2,944th hit http://bit.ly/dUaFKe http://bit.ly/gxRxr7 Mo 神單月第二次 BS http://bit.ly/eVHYBG http://bit.ly/eIoeTb Reynolds' flashy defense http://bit.ly/fYgEUa http://bit.ly/huy0g9 Cano 延長賽安打 A-Rod 很激動 http://bit.ly/hi7Oxe http://bit.ly/dKUUtG Arrieta's solid start http://bit.ly/fJgZzv http://bit.ly/hEffZn Jeter 單場四安打 http://bit.ly/hMGsB2 http://bit.ly/ffvF2P Garcia's scoreless start http://bit.ly/hvXTWL http://bit.ly/fUOQQZ 中外野手雷射肩阻殺 Jeter http://bit.ly/f3m8la http://bit.ly/fWc2vg Recap: NYY 6, BAL 3 F/11 克里夫蘭印地安人 (CLE) VS 明尼蘇達雙城 (MIN) (3 : 4) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/hksfR2 http://bit.ly/eaytMN Brantley's two-run double http://bit.ly/eN7BU6 http://bit.ly/e2tMMy Morneau's two-run double http://bit.ly/gxvgSL http://bit.ly/hbg6IF Choo throws out Kubel http://bit.ly/eQG09O http://bit.ly/e2j8jE Cabrera's RBI double http://bit.ly/dIIOQp http://bit.ly/emKmvG Span's great catch http://bit.ly/eN5HoI http://bit.ly/g1CzDB Choo throws out Morneau http://bit.ly/dT0A4y http://bit.ly/hZFNi1 Capps induces final out http://bit.ly/fbPsue http://bit.ly/f4SGcc Kubel's go-ahead double http://bit.ly/fM13hq http://bit.ly/h8bhDJ Carrasco's short start http://bit.ly/eudSmr http://bit.ly/ewa4zD Recap: CLE 3, MIN 4 http://bit.ly/hItyzv http://bit.ly/gqH5Xt Pavano's strong start 堪薩斯城皇家 (KC) VS 德州遊騎兵 (TEX) (7 : 8) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/ga6BLY http://bit.ly/gw9FQY Aviles' solo shot http://bit.ly/g2s7l0 http://bit.ly/hpZnY2 Chen's pick off http://bit.ly/dQ5VTE http://bit.ly/icrysc Getz's RBI single http://bit.ly/eZzBOb http://bit.ly/i1vPQx Napoli's RBI walk http://bit.ly/eR2fUa http://bit.ly/ed1t1K Francoeur's solo blast http://bit.ly/gG0YSl http://bit.ly/i7pl9b Gordon extends hitting streak http://bit.ly/ghX6CS http://bit.ly/dMr1JF Escobar's RBI double http://bit.ly/fWEwf9 http://bit.ly/f5IcvR Beltre's solo homer http://bit.ly/hQ48XX http://bit.ly/eXJEuB Murphy's three-run double http://bit.ly/h51XUs http://bit.ly/ii00kl Blanco's solo blast http://bit.ly/fnuB2S http://bit.ly/gNl1IY Napoli's solo shot http://bit.ly/eIDRIn http://bit.ly/f6LpUj Royals nail Cruz in run-down http://bit.ly/hqy6oa http://bit.ly/ftzZOW Young's RBI single http://bit.ly/gHzYsB http://bit.ly/ijeI4b Wilson's 10 strikeouts http://bit.ly/gkZP9m http://bit.ly/gakTo5 Aviles' three-run blast http://bit.ly/gpVY1z http://bit.ly/h7SyFd Recap: KC 7, TEX 8 波士頓紅襪 (BOS) VS 洛杉磯天使 (LAA) (7 : 0) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/eQoAwP http://bit.ly/eDLE5y Gonzalez's RBI double http://bit.ly/i8fqdw http://bit.ly/f6UwMx The Angels turn two http://bit.ly/f0U8qu http://bit.ly/fguMxM Crawford's two-run shot http://bit.ly/g3QIMS http://bit.ly/gyh6Jc Cameron's RBI groundout http://bit.ly/ihwVwN http://bit.ly/hLh9X2 Trumbo's diving stop http://bit.ly/fYzcym http://bit.ly/gwdaOm Pedroia's sac fly http://bit.ly/hdIjew http://bit.ly/ewhcJ4 Ellsbury's double http://bit.ly/eFV3ev http://bit.ly/fhWnnS Gonzalez's RBI single http://bit.ly/fTT007 http://bit.ly/fKf9MJ Ortiz's RBI single http://bit.ly/dE5fog http://bit.ly/dX1wJx Lackey's scoreless start http://bit.ly/ifgZY3 http://bit.ly/eY04n5 Recap: BOS 7, LAA 0 奧克蘭運動家 (OAK) VS 西雅圖水手 (SEA) (5 : 2) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/eLKd3z http://bit.ly/gAE60p Ichiro's stolen base http://bit.ly/eZtInB http://bit.ly/h2Ttom Willingham's RBI single http://bit.ly/gDffxT http://bit.ly/eNqDIG Crisp scores on an error http://bit.ly/h7fX54 http://bit.ly/hsJnVM Fuentes notches the save http://bit.ly/eI5aQr http://bit.ly/f8HDp7 Bradley's RBI groundout http://bit.ly/eE43nB http://bit.ly/hHQKZQ Matsui's RBI single http://bit.ly/fRt1rV http://bit.ly/fsudC8 Langerhans' RBI groundout http://bit.ly/gYKf6c http://bit.ly/hMGFk0 Crisp's tough catch http://bit.ly/ekuDzS http://bit.ly/hyGSN0 Willingham's two-run double http://bit.ly/euEq6J http://bit.ly/hVqpT8 Fister's five strikeouts http://bit.ly/fEjlu1 http://bit.ly/e1RFUa Anderson's strong start http://bit.ly/hwY6S7 http://bit.ly/fclu7n Recap: OAK 5, SEA 2 辛辛那提紅人 (CIN) VS 聖路易紅雀 (STL) (0 : 3) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/f3BNq2 http://bit.ly/f14I1j Volquez fans seven Cards http://bit.ly/efwMUH http://bit.ly/gwR7pj Boggs wraps it up http://bit.ly/fbUEOk http://bit.ly/g4BTVk Janish's tough play http://bit.ly/fxPEjJ http://bit.ly/dI0Ldf Chapman's scoreless inning http://bit.ly/eS3kIS http://bit.ly/gAYLkD Molina's three-run shot http://bit.ly/gJxZx2 http://bit.ly/e7tf8N Pujols comes up lame http://bit.ly/h4lnXi http://bit.ly/hyCxw7 Westbrook's sterling start http://bit.ly/ecip29 http://bit.ly/feQYzk The Cards turn two http://bit.ly/erX5gC http://bit.ly/dP4XhG The Reds turn two http://bit.ly/gm6bGN http://bit.ly/fG78WB Air Votto http://bit.ly/hID2EF http://bit.ly/hYjqi6 Recap: CIN 0, STL 3 特殊影音 >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/hEXHYA http://bit.ly/f8mc7L 2011-04-25 Top 5 Plays of the Day http://bit.ly/fmuqD2 http://bit.ly/faAfO1 2011-04-25 快速掃瞄 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/25 12:49, , 1F
04/25 12:49, 1F

04/25 12:49, , 2F
04/25 12:49, 2F

04/25 12:56, , 3F
04/25 12:56, 3F

04/25 12:57, , 4F
04/25 12:57, 4F

04/25 12:57, , 5F
04/25 12:57, 5F

04/25 13:03, , 6F
04/25 13:03, 6F

04/25 13:06, , 7F
這ID 見一次噓一下
04/25 13:06, 7F

04/25 13:16, , 8F
04/25 13:16, 8F

04/25 13:17, , 9F
04/25 13:17, 9F

04/25 13:21, , 10F
04/25 13:21, 10F

04/25 13:24, , 11F
04/25 13:24, 11F

04/25 13:27, , 12F
有興趣去看這ID在棒球版唯二被噓到X2 見一次噓一次
04/25 13:27, 12F

04/25 13:33, , 13F
去官網看就好了 這連結好像能賺錢?
04/25 13:33, 13F

04/25 13:40, , 14F
04/25 13:40, 14F

04/25 13:44, , 15F
04/25 13:44, 15F

04/25 13:46, , 16F
04/25 13:46, 16F

04/25 13:47, , 17F
04/25 13:47, 17F

04/25 13:48, , 18F
04/25 13:48, 18F
※ 編輯: user043 來自: (04/25 13:50)

04/25 13:55, , 19F
04/25 13:55, 19F

04/25 14:09, , 20F
04/25 14:09, 20F

04/25 14:16, , 21F
04/25 14:16, 21F

04/25 14:33, , 22F
04/25 14:33, 22F

04/25 14:34, , 23F
04/25 14:34, 23F

04/25 14:39, , 24F
04/25 14:39, 24F

04/25 14:41, , 25F
04/25 14:41, 25F

04/25 14:50, , 26F
04/25 14:50, 26F

04/25 15:07, , 27F
人家貼錯你也貼錯 寫考卷作弊連隔壁姓名號碼都抄就對了
04/25 15:07, 27F

04/25 15:43, , 28F
04/25 15:43, 28F

04/25 15:43, , 29F
04/25 15:43, 29F

04/25 15:44, , 30F
04/25 15:44, 30F

04/25 15:52, , 31F
04/25 15:52, 31F

04/25 16:03, , 32F
04/25 16:03, 32F

04/25 16:03, , 33F
04/25 16:03, 33F

04/25 16:04, , 34F
04/25 16:04, 34F

04/25 16:06, , 35F
04/25 16:06, 35F

04/25 16:09, , 36F
04/25 16:09, 36F

04/25 16:25, , 37F
04/25 16:25, 37F

04/25 16:25, , 38F
04/25 16:25, 38F

04/25 16:54, , 39F
04/25 16:54, 39F

04/25 17:03, , 40F
04/25 17:03, 40F

04/25 17:19, , 41F
04/25 17:19, 41F

04/25 18:00, , 42F
04/25 18:00, 42F

04/25 18:04, , 43F
我都不懂為什麼被嫌棄成這樣,還硬要每天搶PO文? PTT的文
04/25 18:04, 43F

04/25 18:04, , 44F
04/25 18:04, 44F

04/25 18:08, , 45F
04/25 18:08, 45F

04/25 18:28, , 46F
04/25 18:28, 46F

04/25 18:30, , 47F
04/25 18:30, 47F

04/25 18:31, , 48F
04/25 18:31, 48F

04/25 18:40, , 49F
04/25 18:40, 49F

04/25 18:52, , 50F
04/25 18:52, 50F

04/25 19:18, , 51F
04/25 19:18, 51F

04/25 19:18, , 52F
04/25 19:18, 52F

04/25 19:23, , 53F
04/25 19:23, 53F

04/25 19:31, , 54F
04/25 19:31, 54F

04/25 19:32, , 55F
04/25 19:32, 55F

04/25 20:30, , 56F
04/25 20:30, 56F

04/25 20:48, , 57F
剛去棒球板看了 真的是盜連 以後只支持藍波.....
04/25 20:48, 57F

04/25 20:51, , 58F
04/25 20:51, 58F

04/25 20:53, , 59F
04/25 20:53, 59F

04/25 21:10, , 60F
04/25 21:10, 60F

04/25 21:44, , 61F
04/25 21:44, 61F

04/25 21:49, , 62F
04/25 21:49, 62F

04/25 21:54, , 63F
04/25 21:54, 63F

04/25 22:27, , 64F
04/25 22:27, 64F

04/25 22:30, , 65F
04/25 22:30, 65F

04/25 22:33, , 66F
04/25 22:33, 66F

04/25 22:35, , 67F
04/25 22:35, 67F

04/25 22:41, , 68F
04/25 22:41, 68F

04/25 23:30, , 69F
04/25 23:30, 69F

04/26 00:10, , 70F
我來尾刀 +150
04/26 00:10, 70F

04/26 01:35, , 71F
04/26 01:35, 71F

04/26 02:04, , 72F
安安 感謝幫連
04/26 02:04, 72F

04/26 02:59, , 73F
04/26 02:59, 73F

04/26 03:01, , 74F
棒球版18174 被抓包囉XD
04/26 03:01, 74F

04/26 05:26, , 75F
04/26 05:26, 75F

04/26 08:08, , 76F
做人要誠實 這是最基本的 要盜連就不要被抓包
04/26 08:08, 76F

04/26 17:30, , 77F
XDDDDD 加油好嗎廣告商
04/26 17:30, 77F

04/26 18:15, , 78F
04/26 18:15, 78F

04/26 19:04, , 79F
04/26 19:04, 79F

04/26 20:02, , 80F
04/26 20:02, 80F
文章代碼(AID): #1DjFq1NW (MLB)
文章代碼(AID): #1DjFq1NW (MLB)