[閒聊] ESPN: LOL WCS 小組預測

看板LoL作者 (Mr. 男子漢)時間6年前 (2017/09/30 20:57), 6年前編輯推噓91(1101947)
留言176則, 126人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
League of Legends World Championship group predictions https://goo.gl/Y8x7Zi ─────────────────────────────────────── ESPN 的文章,撰稿人 Tyler Erzberger,剛剛 / 了一下好像還沒有人搬 吃飽順手搬一下,只翻有提到LMS的 A、D 組內容,其他部分跳過 A組 EDward Gaming (China) SK Telecom T1 (South Korea) AHQ Esports (Taiwan) Cloud9 (North America) First reaction: Cloud9 is not as dead as it might appear. If it had been slotted into Group C, the only other group it could have gone to, things wouldn't have looked pretty. Instead, C9 got a group with tough opponents but avenues for advancing. After HKA's disappointing performance in the play-in stage, AHQ, a team at the same level or possibly even weaker than the already-eliminated LMS team, could be the easiest opponent of all teams remaining in the final 16. If we expect SKT to be SKT and advance with flying colors like it usually does, it would mean it will most likely come down to a duel with China's champion EDward Gaming and C9 to see who makes it to the bracket stage. 初步觀察: C9 的情況並沒有看起來這麼糟。 如果 C9 出現在 C 組,另一個 C9 唯一能去的小組;情況就看起來不大妙了。 相反地,C9 來到一個強敵環伺,但仍有一線生機的組別。 就在 HKA 在 Play-in 中令人失望的表現之後, 另一支跟其同水準,或者可能甚至比這支已經遭淘汰的隊伍更爛的 LMS 隊伍─ AHQ 可能是所有 16 強隊伍中最簡單的對手。 如果我們能夠期望 SKT 保持其舊有的水準 代表接下來就是中國隊 EDG 跟美國隊 C9,一別苗頭,看誰能勝出的情況了。 While EDG should be favored coming in, don't count out the NA third seed. Both C9 and EDG rely on their mid lane aces to lead them to victory, and although Lee "Scout" Ye-chan is a star in his own right, Nicolaj "Jensen" Jensen shouldn't be outmuscled. Another factor will be in the top lane, where supposed top lane starter Chen "Mouse" Yu-Hao is a fine utility/tank player, but could be easily abused by veteran and former world champion Jung "Impact" Eon-yeong in lane and tilt the scales over to C9. Not to mention, EDG's starting AD carry, Hu "iBoy" Xianzhao, will be the greenest player at the event, only becoming a starter in the middle of the summer season, and the pressure will be on him to perform. Qualifying through the play-ins might be a blessing in disguise for C9, as its rookie, Juan "Contractz" Garcia, gained valuable experience through the qualifying round and got himself settled on stage before the main event begins. [跳過] Group A's most interesting storyline: The Clappening Part II (?) Last year at Worlds, Jensen announced he would clap the game's greatest player Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok in the group stages. Faker proceeded to destroy Jensen instead, and while C9 would eventually get out of the group and lose in the quarterfinals, SKT T1 went on to its second straight world title and third overall. Jensen is improved from last year, and all eyes will be on him if he can change anything with a year's worth of experience and practice under his belt. Also, Scout, the former protégé of Faker, will have his first chance to test himself against the man he trained under when his pro career first began. [再次跳過] My initial predictions for Group A A組首次預測 AHQ is done. Sorry, Taiwanese fans. AHQ 已經完蛋了,抱歉,台灣的粉絲。 Jensen won't get "clapped" like he did last year by Faker, but SKT will still move out of the group without giving up a defeat to anyone. Jensen 不會再像去年一樣,被 Faker 輾過去,但 SKT 應該仍能全勝出線。 EDG and C9 will play in a tiebreaker to move onto the quarterfinals. I'll get back to you in a few days on who I think will advance. EDG 跟 C9,進八強前,應該會打得難分難解 幾天後,我會再發文告訴大家,我認為誰會勝出。 Where lots of people will be looking at this group as one of the most exciting, by the end of the two-week group stage it'll be looked upon as the most boring, with everyone wondering why anyone doubted SKT like every time it makes it to Worlds. 很多人認為這組是最刺激的一組 但到了小組賽的最後兩周尾聲,這一組只會是看起來最無聊的一組 到時候,人們又會開始納悶..... 怎麼會有人去懷疑每一屆都打進世界大賽的 SKT 實力有任何可議之處。 D組 Flash Wolves (Taiwan) Team SoloMid (North America) Misfits (Europe) Team WE (China) First reaction: This group got much more interesting with the inclusion of Team WE. The Chinese powerhouse comes in as a favorite to make it to the quarterfinals, even though it had some hiccups in its qualifying run through the play-ins. Flash Wolves, the four-straight champion of Taiwan, will need to perform for the good of its region, HKA already eliminated and AHQ in a group where it's hard to see how it advances. Taiwan was given a lot of respect last year at Worlds and that all fell away when FW failed to make it into the quarterfinals, and a mediocre MSI from the king of Taiwan didn't make the perception of the LMS any better. TSM, like FW, will also be searching for redemption, as it bombed out of Worlds last year in the "Group of Death" with a soft second-week performance. 初步觀察: 當 WE 加入這組之後,D 組看起來更加的有趣。 中國強力隊伍(The Chinese powerhouse) 儘管從 Play-in 出線,有些小踉蹌 但仍是這組最有優勢進八強的隊伍。 FW 四連霸台灣冠軍,需要表現出 LMS 區域的實力。 HKA 已經淘汰,AHQ 身在一個不可能出現的小組。 去年WCS,台灣人把很多期待放在 FW 身上, FW 卻無法從小組賽出線 接著,又是 MSI 平凡乏味(mediocre)的表現 台灣之王,FW,並沒有展現出 LMS 有任何優異之處 TSM,跟 FW 一樣 回首去年,身處"死亡之組",又在第二週的軟手表現 TSM 也是得在小組賽中,尋求救贖。 Group D's most interesting storyline: Who actually is the best in Team D? D組的故事:誰是 D 組最強? A week ago before the play-ins, the simple answer would have been Team WE. And though the team didn't drop a game in the opening round, WE did have issues in the early game and needed some heroics from its jungler Xiang "Condi" Ren-Jiev to keep its spotless record. At MSI, WE, TSM, and FW all played against each other, with TSM and WE splitting its two games, FW edging TSM 2-1, and WE sweeping FW 2-0. Those games for TSM were without starting AD carry Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng, though, so even those results can't be looked at too much. Misfits, the only non-MSI team in the group, wants to garner some respect in this group, and I think it has a chance to not only take a game or two, but possibly get out of Group D with some elevated performances from its key players. Play-in 開始前一週,WE 是顯而易見的答案。 儘管 WE 在 Play-in 沒有輸掉任何一場比賽,但 WE 在遊戲早期存在一些問題; 而且仰賴 Condi 的表現,來維持隊伍的的成績。 MSI時,WE、TSM、FW,都有互相對陣過 WE 和 TSM 打了 1:1 的成績 FW 對上 TSM 總戰績是 2:1,而對上 WE 則是 0:2 這些比賽,都是 TSM 下路選手 Doublelift 不在的時候 如今, DL 回來了,這些紀錄看起來參考價值就沒那麼重要。 MSF,D組中唯一非MSI的參加隊伍,需要一些表現來贏得尊重 我相信 MSF 不只有機會拿下一兩場勝利,如果主要選手能夠有驚人的表現 從小組賽出線,也並非不可能 My initial predictions for Group D D組首次預測 Barney "Alphari" Morris will establish himself as a world-class top laner. Alphari 將會證明自己是世界級上路選手 One of these teams will try a 50/50 Baron against Condi, get it stolen, and then promptly lose two minutes later. 小組中的其中一支隊伍,會跟 Condi 拚 50/50 巴龍重擊 然後被偷走,接著兩分鐘後,輸掉比賽。 Misfits will at least win two games in this group. MSF 至少會贏兩場比賽 Team SoloMid will get out of Group D as the top team. TSM 會以第一名之姿,從D組出線。 ─────────────────────────────────────── 就醬.....其它自己看 本文標籤是[閒聊],所有內容僅提供閒聊、參考;不負責所有言論立場 中文內容是測試鍵盤隨機輸入之中文繁體字隨機組合 有誤譯、超譯、變色、顏文字、錯字,造成閱讀困難,純屬令人難過且無法預測之意外 請多包涵 ヽ( ゚ ∀ 。)ノ 擺出《前進高棉》的姿勢! -- https://i.imgur.com/gFuNk5V.jpg
@rabbitball19 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1506776266.A.3CE.html

09/30 20:59, 6年前 , 1F
09/30 20:59, 1F

09/30 20:59, 6年前 , 2F
09/30 20:59, 2F

09/30 21:00, 6年前 , 3F
09/30 21:00, 3F

09/30 21:00, 6年前 , 4F
09/30 21:00, 4F

09/30 21:00, 6年前 , 5F
09/30 21:00, 5F

09/30 21:00, 6年前 , 6F
d 組 fw第一名出線 5w1L
09/30 21:00, 6F

09/30 21:00, 6年前 , 7F
不奶LMS? 穩了
09/30 21:00, 7F

09/30 21:00, 6年前 , 8F
09/30 21:00, 8F

09/30 21:01, 6年前 , 9F
09/30 21:01, 9F

09/30 21:01, 6年前 , 10F
09/30 21:01, 10F

09/30 21:01, 6年前 , 11F
LMS 88888 連奶的價值都沒了
09/30 21:01, 11F

09/30 21:01, 6年前 , 12F
09/30 21:01, 12F

09/30 21:01, 6年前 , 13F
未看先猜 預測TSM第一出線
09/30 21:01, 13F

09/30 21:02, 6年前 , 14F
09/30 21:02, 14F

09/30 21:02, 6年前 , 15F
09/30 21:02, 15F

09/30 21:02, 6年前 , 16F
TSM:拜託別奶 幹
09/30 21:02, 16F

09/30 21:02, 6年前 , 17F
09/30 21:02, 17F

09/30 21:02, 6年前 , 18F
09/30 21:02, 18F
─────────────────────────────────────── 上個色。 ─────────────────────────────────────── ※ 編輯: fkc (, 09/30/2017 21:05:15

09/30 21:03, 6年前 , 19F
09/30 21:03, 19F

09/30 21:03, 6年前 , 20F
狂捧C9欸 AHQ不太行是真的 但是C9...LUL
09/30 21:03, 20F

09/30 21:03, 6年前 , 21F
看到TSM就笑了 吹了一堆
09/30 21:03, 21F

09/30 21:03, 6年前 , 22F
為什麼這麼不看好EDG啊 還是真的對NA太有信心
09/30 21:03, 22F

09/30 21:03, 6年前 , 23F
09/30 21:03, 23F

09/30 21:05, 6年前 , 24F
ahq本來就沒救了 不需要他們說吧
09/30 21:05, 24F

09/30 21:05, 6年前 , 25F
別的我不知道 但TSM我看是去了 這奶...
09/30 21:05, 25F

09/30 21:06, 6年前 , 26F
TSM每年都在吹每年都下去 小組第一 好意思耶
09/30 21:06, 26F

09/30 21:06, 6年前 , 27F
EDG烙賽歸烙賽 烙賽狀態戰績還是比C9好啊...
09/30 21:06, 27F

09/30 21:07, 6年前 , 28F
笑死 TSM第一 已經慘兩年了 而且兩次MSI都被掃出去
09/30 21:07, 28F

09/30 21:07, 6年前 , 29F
09/30 21:07, 29F

09/30 21:08, 6年前 , 30F
09/30 21:08, 30F

09/30 21:08, 6年前 , 31F
AHQ別打了 我們回家吧
09/30 21:08, 31F

09/30 21:09, 6年前 , 32F
TSM感覺很強阿 第一有什麼問題 先擔心FW好嗎
09/30 21:09, 32F

09/30 21:09, 6年前 , 33F
09/30 21:09, 33F

09/30 21:09, 6年前 , 34F
AHQ,可以不要出線,但是麻煩把C9 2:0
09/30 21:09, 34F

09/30 21:09, 6年前 , 35F
幹 真的別奶我MSF
09/30 21:09, 35F

09/30 21:10, 6年前 , 36F
拜託讓c9 0-6
09/30 21:10, 36F

09/30 21:10, 6年前 , 37F
09/30 21:10, 37F

09/30 21:10, 6年前 , 38F
SKT EDG C9 食物中毒
09/30 21:10, 38F
還有 98 則推文
09/30 22:53, 6年前 , 137F
HKA打那鳥樣 給人LMS整體爛到骨子裡的感覺
09/30 22:53, 137F

09/30 23:01, 6年前 , 138F
09/30 23:01, 138F

09/30 23:01, 6年前 , 139F
09/30 23:01, 139F

09/30 23:03, 6年前 , 140F
AHQ已經無所畏懼了 近年最爛評價
09/30 23:03, 140F

09/30 23:13, 6年前 , 141F
TSM第一 ㄏㄏ
09/30 23:13, 141F

09/30 23:22, 6年前 , 142F
LMS危機 幾乎跟外卡差不多了
09/30 23:22, 142F

09/30 23:30, 6年前 , 143F
09/30 23:30, 143F

09/30 23:30, 6年前 , 144F
AHQ季後賽打太爛 被瞧不起很正常 沒甚麼好悲憤的
09/30 23:30, 144F

09/30 23:31, 6年前 , 145F
Lms最近表現太差了 難怪被看不起
09/30 23:31, 145F

09/30 23:37, 6年前 , 146F
09/30 23:37, 146F

09/30 23:48, 6年前 , 147F
09/30 23:48, 147F

09/30 23:53, 6年前 , 148F
為什麼每年TSM都能被吹啊 真的是邪教耶
09/30 23:53, 148F

09/30 23:56, 6年前 , 149F
09/30 23:56, 149F

09/30 23:58, 6年前 , 150F
09/30 23:58, 150F

10/01 00:08, 6年前 , 151F
TSM第一 去年好像也這麼說喔
10/01 00:08, 151F

10/01 00:18, 6年前 , 152F
10/01 00:18, 152F

10/01 00:32, 6年前 , 153F
10/01 00:32, 153F

10/01 00:34, 6年前 , 154F
只求AHQ打贏C9兩場 救救自己親爹
10/01 00:34, 154F

10/01 00:41, 6年前 , 155F
10/01 00:41, 155F

10/01 01:23, 6年前 , 156F
打之前都有人在說hka>ahq啊 連國外賽評都有耳聞這個
10/01 01:23, 156F

10/01 01:23, 6年前 , 157F
10/01 01:23, 157F

10/01 01:50, 6年前 , 158F
10/01 01:50, 158F

10/01 01:56, 6年前 , 159F
每年奶TSM真的看的很膩 可是前幾年歐中都輪流在世界
10/01 01:56, 159F

10/01 01:56, 6年前 , 160F
賽出頭 TSM該醒了吧
10/01 01:56, 160F

10/01 02:14, 6年前 , 161F
雖然起Q目前真的也不強 但看到ESPN就不用看內容了
10/01 02:14, 161F

10/01 02:14, 6年前 , 162F
隔壁某版寧願看遊戲也不看這個 可信度根本廠廠
10/01 02:14, 162F

10/01 04:55, 6年前 , 163F
10/01 04:55, 163F

10/01 08:23, 6年前 , 164F
10/01 08:23, 164F

10/01 09:04, 6年前 , 165F
這個泰勒 看打完之後會不會改名廢勒(failure)好了
10/01 09:04, 165F

10/01 09:22, 6年前 , 166F
10/01 09:22, 166F

10/01 10:52, 6年前 , 167F
TSM是有付錢喔? 奶很大耶
10/01 10:52, 167F

10/01 11:18, 6年前 , 168F
LMS評的可以 TSM又被每年樂觀
10/01 11:18, 168F

10/01 12:44, 6年前 , 169F
AHQ is done. Sorry, Taiwanese fans.
10/01 12:44, 169F

10/01 13:10, 6年前 , 170F
10/01 13:10, 170F

10/01 14:43, 6年前 , 171F
10/01 14:43, 171F

10/01 14:43, 6年前 , 172F
10/01 14:43, 172F

10/01 14:44, 6年前 , 173F
是軟手XD,這種評論的文章看久了就根深蒂固認為NA EU
10/01 14:44, 173F

10/01 14:44, 6年前 , 174F
10/01 14:44, 174F

10/01 15:07, 6年前 , 175F
10/01 15:07, 175F

10/01 15:11, 6年前 , 176F
幾天後,我會再發文告訴大家,誰會勝出z z z z
10/01 15:11, 176F
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