[外絮] Jatt對C9 Balls KR soloq評價推特合戰已回收

看板LoL作者 (^<0>w<0>^)時間8年前 (2015/09/14 18:22), 8年前編輯推噓122(1264112)
留言242則, 95人參與, 最新討論串1/5 (看更多)
原編輯者: MadlyChemical 原Reddit串:https://goo.gl/7nWeHg Jatt: https://twitter.com/RiotJatt/status/643277527994101760 Huni: 375 LP Masters in 115 games Balls: D2 84 LP in 192 games There's more to life than solo Q, but this is a worrying trend for C9. Huni: 115場就打上大師375分 Balls: 192場還卡鑽二 Soloq不代表全部,但這是C9的一個隱憂 Sneaky: https://twitter.com/C9Sneaky/status/643278768753082368 @RiotJatt why are u picking on balls ? I'm pretty sure there's more than just him in diamond 2. https://twitter.com/C9Sneaky/status/643279209935212544 @RiotJatt bjergsen, turtle, aphro, xmithie 你為什麼要針對球球,我很肯定他絕對比鑽二還強 比爾森,龜龜,阿佛摸跟非常不幸也沒打很高阿 Jatt: https://twitter.com/RiotJatt/status/643279379347279872 @C9Sneaky Not trying to pick on anyone, I feel like currently he's an outlier. http://www.trackingthepros.com/bootcamp?hide=true https://twitter.com/RiotJatt/status/643279606389207040 @C9Sneaky Balls has 80+ more games than anyone else in D2. It's not personal. I hope to see C9 do well at worlds https://twitter.com/RiotJatt/status/643280091389161472 @C9Sneaky Also Bjergsen, Turtle, Aphro, and xmithie have not demoted from D1 to D2 on multiple occasions. 我沒有針對誰,只是覺得目前他不在同一個等級上 我希望C9在世界賽上表現得很好,還有鼻爾森,龜龜,阿佛摸跟非常不幸 並沒有從鑽一掉到鑽二好幾次 sOAZ: https://twitter.com/sOAZIZGOOD/status/643281207879270400 @RiotJatt how does this even matter ? darien and genja never played soloq in their life. soloq is completely different than competitive 這到底有什麼關係?達理安跟蔗皇從來就沒有打過soloq,soloq跟比賽是完全不同的東西 SaintVicious: https://twitter.com/LolStvicious/status/643281664194560000 @sOAZIZGOOD @RiotJatt alright Jatt ima draw the line here, questioning someones solo q ranking is pretty stupid 好了,jatt,到這裡為止了,質疑一個人的soloq成績是非常蠢的 Hauntzer: https://twitter.com/lolHauntzer/status/643282665227948032 @LolStvicious @sOAZIZGOOD @RiotJatt If soloq determined how well you did in competitive then I'd be the worst top in lcs 如果soloq表示你在比賽會打得多好的話,我就會是LCS最差的選手了(GV上路) Amazing: https://twitter.com/Amazing_EU/status/643282767766155268 @RiotJatt @C9Sneaky Why do you even bring up soloQ rating in order to estimate someone's skill? It just fuels potential shit coming his way 你為什麼要用soloq來評價一個人的技巧?這只是在引起觀眾戰balls而已。 Sheep: https://twitter.com/C9Sheep/status/643284365154361345 @LolStvicious @sOAZIZGOOD @RiotJatt wolf has been master tier like 90% of this season and he has a negative win rate on every support EDIT: Format EDIT 2: Added Haunzter and Amazing EDIT 3: Added C9 Sheep EDIT 4: Aaaand Jatt's Twitlonger is up Calling out Balls for his solo Q performance was in bad form. I think there is value in data, but a single data point doesn’t paint an accurate or fair picture. I’ve reached out to C9 and apologized, and I wish them the best as they prepare for worlds. Wolf這一季幾乎90%的時間都在大師,而他所有的角色勝率都不太好 用soloq的成績去說Ball的狀態不佳,我覺得資料有它的價值,但單一的資料不能準確 或公正的看出實際情況。 我跟C9接觸也致歉,而我希望他們在世界賽準備得很好。 EDIT 5: Monte: https://twitter.com/RNGMonteCristo/status/643356898016804864 I don't think @riotjatt did anything wrong accounting for all factors in his discussion of Balls. Pros may not like it, but it's his job. https://twitter.com/RNGMonteCristo/status/643357262539530240 In my opinion, Balls' professional play has been sub-par this year and it's worth at least considering his solo queue performance. https://twitter.com/RNGMonteCristo/status/643358088314097664 Pros will never like it when analysts discuss flaws in their play. Fact is, however, not everyone can be the best. https://twitter.com/RNGMonteCristo/status/643358992954228736 I think pros should spend less time arguing with analysts on Twitter and just prove to us they're good at Worlds. 匯集所有因素去討論Ball,我不覺得這件事上Jatt有做錯什麼,只是職業選手不喜歡 ,但這是Jatt的工作。 我是覺得Balls今年的職業表現低於水準,而這至少值得讓我們去考慮他的soloq表現 但職業選手絕對不會喜歡分析師談論他們的缺點,然而事實是 沒有任何人可以是完美的。 我覺得職業選手應該花少點時間在推特上戰分析師,然後在世界賽上證明自己。 EDIT 6: God these just keep coming, don't they... FORG1VEN: https://twitter.com/FORG1VENGRE/status/643358150196883456 @RiotJatt @MarcelFeldkamp @LolStvicious if soloq is not a good indicative of a 'current' level of a player then we shouldnt play!!! 如果Soloq不是一個良好的指標去衡量一個選手的目前水準,那我們都不該打soloq! Dexter: https://twitter.com/MarcelFeldkamp/status/643303962532257792 @RiotJatt Presenting the data itself was fine, just the phrasing you used seemed to be completely off. Analysing is your job afterall. https://twitter.com/MarcelFeldkamp/status/643305348158365700 @RiotJatt Presenting the data itself was fine, just the phrasing you used seemed to be completely off. Analysing is your job afterall. https://twitter.com/MarcelFeldkamp/status/643305348158365700 @LolStvicious @RiotJatt Soloqueue has been completely shit anyways for 2 straight seasons. I dont give a fuck anymore if botlane goes 0-20 呈現資料是沒問題的,只是你引申的東西完全離題了,不過畢竟分析是你的工作 soloq在這兩季以來完全就只是屎罷了,當下路爆線時我完全不在乎了。 @LolStvicious @RiotJatt Soloqueue in both NA and EU is a complete clown fiesta, nothing to add NA和EU的soloq只是鬧劇罷了,沒什麼好講的 Febiven: (lol) https://twitter.com/FnaticFebiven/status/643375848490295296 soloq is just luck zzzzzzz soloq就是狗屎運啦 zzzzzzz -------------------------持續更新中 起因是Jatt在抽籤評論說Balls卡鑽二 之後整個論壇延燒,後來變成推特合戰 原本想翻一些下面reddit鄉民回應,不過好像該買飯了..XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1442226165.A.40C.html 補漏翻,出門囉

09/14 18:24, , 1F
09/14 18:24, 1F

09/14 18:24, , 2F
09/14 18:24, 2F

09/14 18:26, , 3F
09/14 18:26, 3F

09/14 18:26, , 4F
他真的卡鑽2蠻久的 還從鑽1掉到鑽2.....
09/14 18:26, 4F
如果有人好奇選手們牌位 可以看這網站 http://goo.gl/2RG3ix

09/14 18:27, , 5F
09/14 18:27, 5F

09/14 18:27, , 6F
jatt本來在reddit就很黑了 剛好被抓辮子來鞭
09/14 18:27, 6F

09/14 18:28, , 7F
09/14 18:28, 7F

09/14 18:28, , 8F
他自己都講soloq不是全部了 其他人在敏感甚麼
09/14 18:28, 8F

09/14 18:29, , 9F
09/14 18:29, 9F

09/14 18:30, , 10F
09/14 18:30, 10F

09/14 18:31, , 11F
09/14 18:31, 11F

09/14 18:31, , 12F
說實話.. balls夏季是該他領繩無誤...
09/14 18:31, 12F

09/14 18:31, , 13F
09/14 18:31, 13F

09/14 18:32, , 14F
FNC都知道solo很重要 加強練習
09/14 18:32, 14F

09/14 18:32, , 15F
一堆人那邊不准 不打跟打不上去是兩回事吧
09/14 18:32, 15F

09/14 18:33, , 16F
09/14 18:33, 16F

09/14 18:35, , 17F
09/14 18:35, 17F

09/14 18:35, , 18F
外國版叉燒ㄇ:gg3:0 鄉民:團練不代表一切R
09/14 18:35, 18F

09/14 18:35, , 19F
09/14 18:35, 19F

09/14 18:35, , 20F
09/14 18:35, 20F

09/14 18:37, , 21F
09/14 18:37, 21F

09/14 18:37, , 22F
tsm_jatt 意外嗎
09/14 18:37, 22F

09/14 18:38, , 23F
我覺得jatt monte by far比較有道理
09/14 18:38, 23F

09/14 18:39, , 24F
09/14 18:39, 24F

09/14 18:39, , 25F
Balls 以前不是很強嗎
09/14 18:39, 25F

09/14 18:39, , 26F
怎麼感覺敏感的都是些問題人物 XDD
09/14 18:39, 26F

09/14 18:39, , 27F
soloq本來就無關比賽 哥soloq也打很爛阿
09/14 18:39, 27F

09/14 18:40, , 28F
09/14 18:40, 28F

09/14 18:40, , 29F
jatt可以來台灣 這邊也是SOLOQ看天下 ㄏ
09/14 18:40, 29F

09/14 18:40, , 30F
不過給哥四個faker隊友 去打世界賽也能完虐EDG
09/14 18:40, 30F

09/14 18:40, , 31F
09/14 18:40, 31F

09/14 18:40, , 32F
soloq在這兩季以來完全就只是屎罷了 太癢啦
09/14 18:40, 32F

09/14 18:40, , 33F
個人認為sneaky在實況裡說的更扯 :Q
09/14 18:40, 33F

09/14 18:40, , 34F
balls不是藍寶王嗎 怎麼落到這般田地
09/14 18:40, 34F

09/14 18:41, , 35F
sOAZ SV Hauntzer Amazing 問題人物抱團取暖
09/14 18:41, 35F

09/14 18:41, , 36F
09/14 18:41, 36F

09/14 18:42, , 37F
去找他看抽籤時的實況 不過是我自己不喜歡他那樣
09/14 18:42, 37F

09/14 18:42, , 38F
09/14 18:42, 38F
還有 164 則推文
還有 2 段內文
09/14 20:03, , 203F
09/14 20:03, 203F

09/14 20:09, , 204F
09/14 20:09, 204F

09/14 20:10, , 205F
09/14 20:10, 205F

09/14 20:10, , 206F
怎沒人TAG Dyrus 出來說看看
09/14 20:10, 206F

09/14 20:12, , 207F
FNC很重視韓國SOLO Q阿 所以反串無誤
09/14 20:12, 207F

09/14 20:13, , 208F
09/14 20:13, 208F

09/14 20:20, , 209F
Balls真的慘阿! 他去Bootcamp的選手裡 打最兇的
09/14 20:20, 209F

09/14 20:21, , 210F
09/14 20:21, 210F

09/14 20:21, , 211F
結論就是na eu soloq沒參考價值 kr不同XD
09/14 20:21, 211F

09/14 20:22, , 212F
西門現在二度叩關世界 TOYZ除了要錢 還會什麼?
09/14 20:22, 212F

09/14 20:23, , 213F
S1~S5最被人看不起的冠軍隊 你很驕傲?
09/14 20:23, 213F

09/14 20:23, , 214F
雖然以前三星也戳戳的 但是亂玩跟認真卻上不了有差
09/14 20:23, 214F

09/14 20:30, , 215F
09/14 20:30, 215F

09/14 20:31, , 216F
之前看過fnatic影片 deilor跟小王子說dont be so co
09/14 20:31, 216F

09/14 20:31, , 217F
cky XD
09/14 20:31, 217F

09/14 20:31, , 218F
皇族連兩年亞軍 UZI2次打決賽又怎樣?
09/14 20:31, 218F

09/14 20:36, , 219F
很強阿 怎樣? 這種事每個人觀點都不同 挑這個戰很無
09/14 20:36, 219F

09/14 20:36, , 220F
聊 是沒別的東西可戰了嗎
09/14 20:36, 220F

09/14 20:42, , 221F
balls在bootcamp打得兇我不知道 但他的butt練很兇
09/14 20:42, 221F

09/14 20:49, , 222F
說真得AHQ國際賽從來都是吃鍋貼 怎那麼多人有信心
09/14 20:49, 222F

09/14 20:53, , 223F
09/14 20:53, 223F

09/14 21:17, , 224F
全世界除了某些弱智會覺得皇族很差? 好笑了
09/14 21:17, 224F

09/14 21:17, , 225F
的確亞軍不了不起 可有些隊伍八強甚至世界賽都進不
09/14 21:17, 225F

09/14 21:18, , 226F
去 不過某些弱智可能會選擇性忽略 1>>0嘛
09/14 21:18, 226F

09/14 21:18, , 227F
草創時期的冠軍就別拿來自慰了 歐美中韓完全沒人鳥
09/14 21:18, 227F

09/14 21:18, , 228F
09/14 21:18, 228F

09/14 21:19, , 229F
過台港澳區 就玩具粉整天拿出來顯擺
09/14 21:19, 229F

09/14 21:32, , 230F
09/14 21:32, 230F

09/14 21:58, , 231F
09/14 21:58, 231F

09/14 21:58, , 232F
09/14 21:58, 232F

09/14 21:58, , 233F
09/14 21:58, 233F

09/14 21:59, , 234F
09/14 21:59, 234F

09/14 22:00, , 235F
09/14 22:00, 235F

09/14 22:00, , 236F
了最少有六、七次,但椅粉真的別再推1>0了 很好笑
09/14 22:00, 236F

09/14 22:20, , 237F
C9真的爛阿 連閃電郎都打不贏 何況在B組 應該全敗
09/14 22:20, 237F

09/14 22:23, , 238F
講個soloq都可以崩潰 等不及世界賽歐美心碎了
09/14 22:23, 238F

09/14 22:39, , 239F
09/14 22:39, 239F

09/14 22:42, , 240F
09/14 22:42, 240F

09/15 14:15, , 241F
09/15 14:15, 241F

09/21 10:05, , 242F
C9等著6敗吧 POOL3 16隊中最弱 絕對!
09/21 10:05, 242F
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