[情報] 美版天堂將有重大改變!

看板Lineage作者 (光)時間13年前 (2011/01/07 12:32), 編輯推噓36(36019)
留言55則, 38人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
情報出處: 美版官方論壇 原文網址: http://boards.lineage.com/showthread.php?t=14151 情報內容: 簡單翻譯一下 We know that when you players are not getting immediate responses from the team, you feel as though we are ignoring you. I want to assure you that is not the case, we are always reading and discussing player feedback as a team and working towards developing content we can implement to fit with our unique market. We do not always have the option of discussing our plans with you directly until we are sure of the feasibility and time line of implementation. No promises are better than broken promises. 我們其實知道當你無法得到我們立即的回應時,你會以為你被忽略了。我要說的 是,你的意見我們都有在看,而且我們的確也一直在進行一些相關工作。我們不 會隨便承諾些什麼東西,因為不承諾總好過無法實現的承諾。 So Jetzen, what does the team have planned? 那麼,我們的團隊現在正在進行些什麼計畫呢? We are currently at a point where we do not have any new content on the internal servers to test while we are waiting for the behind the scenes updates from the Korea development team. 我們目前並不會改版(應是指水龍版本),直到韓國方面提供協助。 We have decided that January and February would be a great time to address some long standing player concerns and work on some 'pet projects'. The overall goal: Reduce the grind, increase the fun. 在一月和二月,我們將會進行一些改變。簡單來說,就是要減少玩家的痛苦並且 增加遊戲的樂趣。 The grind may have worked for the Lineage of the past, the Lineage most of us have held on to for years but that grind is not drawing in new players to encourage a Lineage of the future. In fact, it is turning the next generation of Lineage players away. 一些遊戲帶來的痛苦已經困擾我們很久,而且新來的玩家也無法倖免。事實上, 這會造成一些玩家的流失。 This week you will see the first of the grind reduction updates on the test server. 本周就要在測服更新以下內容,而且很快會實施在正服上。 Our first priorities are: Permanent double exp with no level cap. We will be enabling the double exp flag as a permanent addition to the game. We understand that some players that have put a lot of time into leveling their characters will feel slighted by this change. However, those characters will not do you much good if your future competition quits because they do not feel that they ever have a chance to achieve what you have. 永久經驗加倍。我們知道很多花了很多時間衝等的玩家會感到不悅,但這其實是 提供給更多玩家一個讓他們達到自己的理想的機會。 Party EXP Bonus - Recently the ability to modify the amount of EXP gained while in a party has become available to us. (My first thought was 'YES!') When this change goes into effect, any group of players hunting as a party will gain an additional 75% bonus exp on top of what you would normally get. Just so there is no confusion, a party consists of a minimum of two players that have used the /invite command to group together. 組隊將額外獲得75%經驗加成,這也就是說,最少兩人的隊伍就可享受這個獎勵。 Antharas balancing - You want to beat him, we want to see you beat him. We will be tweaking the balance of the Antharas raid to cater to the level of players on our servers. 地龍弱化。玩家們希望幹掉地龍,我們更希望看到玩家幹掉牠!所以我們將弱化 地龍以符合玩家的普遍強度。 Additional changes in the works include: 其他的更新: Over all drop reward increases - We are still working on the specifics of this change. It will not just be a straight up flat increase across the board, everything is changed in the same way type of change. In general, drop percentages ARE going to increase on most every item from every mop but we aren't just turning on double drop probability permanently. The changes will be looked at more closely than that. This is a case by case process that will take me time to complete. 除了經驗加倍,掉寶率當然也要一併提昇!但這並不意味著玩家可以無限進行兩 倍掉寶的狩獵。掉寶率的提升並不會高於兩倍,這必須視測試的結果而定。 Seemingly impossible to craft items - We plan to increase the availability of some crafting ingredients. The intended result of this is to make some of those items (Sword of Silence, Devils Weapons, Moon Bow, etc) that no one ever makes - because it is just a ridiculous amount of work - into reasonable crafting goals. If you set out with the goal to craft a Sword of Silence(eg.), we want you to be able to achieve that goal in a much more reasonable time frame. 道具製作的難度調整。一些裝備像是沉默之劍、惡魔系列武器、天使弓的材料將 會更容易取得。 Monster spawn rates - Across the board increase of available monsters to kill in your favorite hunting areas. No one enjoys going three screens without seeing a monster! 怪物數量調整。你不會想走過三個畫面還碰不到一隻怪,我們希望你能夠持續在 你喜愛的地方狩獵,所以我們會增加怪物的數量。 Addition of new US only items and crafting quests. (Can you say unbreakable two handed sword?) 增加美版專屬武器和任務。你想要一把不壞刀的超猛雙手劍嗎? Additional hunting area revamps - Lastavard? TOI? Castle Dungeons? Ya, it is coming. 翻新狩獵地圖。你希望哪些地圖翻新?拉斯塔巴德?傲塔?城監?沒錯,這些都 將實現! These are some of the plans we have for the very near future. We are sharing these ideas with you so that you can provide feedback ahead of time. 上面說的很快都會實現,這是我們的想法,所以希望你也提供你的想法來與我們 討論。 We need your feedback! Hate it? Love it? Have your own idea? Let us hear it! 爽! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/07 12:37, , 1F
01/07 12:37, 1F

01/07 12:40, , 2F
幹 這真是天堂!
01/07 12:40, 2F

01/07 12:41, , 3F
台版也有專屬武器啊 請用台幣解任務
01/07 12:41, 3F

01/07 12:42, , 4F
01/07 12:42, 4F

01/07 12:45, , 5F
天哪 永久經驗兩倍A>"<!! 中繼站又要存點了!!
01/07 12:45, 5F

01/07 12:56, , 6F
01/07 12:56, 6F

01/07 13:00, , 7F
幹 這真是天堂!
01/07 13:00, 7F

01/07 13:03, , 8F
一樣是天堂 為什麼我像在玩地獄
01/07 13:03, 8F

01/07 13:04, , 9F
01/07 13:04, 9F

01/07 13:05, , 10F
01/07 13:05, 10F

01/07 14:18, , 11F
更新是好事 但老實說我不希望地圖翻新 要重新記路...
01/07 14:18, 11F

01/07 14:25, , 12F
01/07 14:25, 12F

01/07 14:25, , 13F
01/07 14:25, 13F

01/07 14:26, , 14F
01/07 14:26, 14F

01/07 15:01, , 15F
01/07 15:01, 15F

01/07 15:14, , 16F
1要先有信用卡 2去美版官方下載開遊戲登入試會不會擋
01/07 15:14, 16F

01/07 15:23, , 17F
01/07 15:23, 17F

01/07 15:37, , 18F
01/07 15:37, 18F

01/07 15:40, , 19F
沒信用卡就是花錢買比較貴的月卡 EX:深秋OR中繼站
01/07 15:40, 19F

01/07 15:58, , 20F
幹 這真是天堂!
01/07 15:58, 20F

01/07 15:59, , 21F
01/07 15:59, 21F

01/07 16:02, , 22F
Paradise !!!
01/07 16:02, 22F

01/07 16:25, , 23F
01/07 16:25, 23F

01/07 16:29, , 24F
幹 太爽啦!!!老美的代言真的真的超棒
01/07 16:29, 24F

01/07 16:38, , 25F
01/07 16:38, 25F

01/07 16:39, , 26F
01/07 16:39, 26F

01/07 16:40, , 27F
01/07 16:40, 27F

01/07 17:07, , 28F
01/07 17:07, 28F

01/07 17:07, , 29F
01/07 17:07, 29F

01/07 17:13, , 30F
01/07 17:13, 30F

01/07 17:13, , 31F
有看得到的好裝 感覺很棒
01/07 17:13, 31F

01/07 17:15, , 32F
不像台版要燒一堆電費 掛機費 抽寶費 衝等費
01/07 17:15, 32F

01/07 17:22, , 33F
01/07 17:22, 33F

01/07 18:08, , 34F
有專業的美版前輩能寫一篇出來教大家嗎如何玩嗎 ??
01/07 18:08, 34F

01/07 18:14, , 35F
01/07 18:14, 35F

01/07 18:26, , 36F
01/07 18:26, 36F

01/07 18:56, , 37F
01/07 18:56, 37F

01/07 19:21, , 38F
Heaven (US) VS Hell (TW)
01/07 19:21, 38F

01/07 19:24, , 39F
01/07 19:24, 39F

01/07 19:37, , 40F
01/07 19:37, 40F

01/07 19:38, , 41F
01/07 19:38, 41F

01/07 21:05, , 42F
超有誠意....橘子要羞愧而死了吧= ="
01/07 21:05, 42F

01/07 21:20, , 43F
深秋的cd-key跟月卡說實在滿貴的 沒信用卡的可以找我
01/07 21:20, 43F

01/07 21:24, , 44F
其實裝備還好吧 出過好幾次好裝備活動 包含這次
01/07 21:24, 44F

01/07 21:24, , 45F
美版真的玩有一段時間 該有的都會有
01/07 21:24, 45F

01/07 21:30, , 46F
這篇出現真是時候(某台幣石) 期末考完來摸摸看XDD
01/07 21:30, 46F

01/07 21:38, , 47F
01/07 21:38, 47F

01/07 22:35, , 48F
這次我也什麼都沒開到 (蠟燭算嗎?XDDD)
01/07 22:35, 48F

01/07 22:36, , 49F
但是掉寶雙倍 也賺了大概 4000萬左右
01/07 22:36, 49F

01/07 22:37, , 50F
所以我覺得美板這些裝備武器 都不會太遙不可及
01/07 22:37, 50F

01/07 23:31, , 51F
01/07 23:31, 51F

01/08 10:28, , 52F
01/08 10:28, 52F

01/09 09:52, , 53F
01/09 09:52, 53F

01/11 11:34, , 54F
01/11 11:34, 54F

08/19 22:51, , 55F
想玩的去搜尋引擎「美版 https://noxiv.com
08/19 22:51, 55F
文章代碼(AID): #1D9fTIeH (Lineage)
文章代碼(AID): #1D9fTIeH (Lineage)