Fw: [專欄] Kobe brilliant, 但湖人也需要團隊籃球

看板Lakers作者時間11年前 (2013/04/11 22:59), 編輯推噓25(28341)
留言72則, 28人參與, 最新討論串1/5 (看更多)
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1HPh7ZoY ] 作者: popinteddy (骨。) 看板: NBA 標題: [專欄] Kobe brilliant, 但湖人也需要團隊籃球 時間: Thu Apr 11 20:51:42 2013 Kobe brilliant, but Lakers need team ball, too 連結: http://espn.go.com/blog/los-angeles/lakers/post/_/id/36384/kobe-brilliant-but-lakers-need-team-ball-too 縮網址:http://ppt.cc/B_VD 作者:By Dave McMenamin / ESPNLosAngeles.com 原文部分摘錄(絕無斷章取義): Bryant was winding down from what can only be described as an epic performance by the 17-year veteran -- a season-high 47 points, eight rebounds, five assists, four blocks and three steals with just one turnover, a statistical line never before recorded in the league, according to the Elias Sports Bureau. Kobe 17年的NBA生涯,在今天又打出了一場經典賽,47分8籃板5助攻4阻攻3抄截1失誤 而這紀錄從未在聯盟中出現過。 And all those stats paled in comparison to Bryant's playing all 48 minutes, each and every second of the game, to help L.A. sweep a back-to-back for the first time in 16 tries this season and beat the Trail Blazers 113-106 in Portland, where the Lakers had lost 12 of their previous 14 games. 然而這些數據相較於Kobe打了足足48分鐘來說卻略顯失色,特別是過去14場背對背賽事 12輸的局面。(不太清楚是這樣翻還是過去14場對拓荒者的輸了12場) But World Peace and the rest of Bryant's teammates might not quite have his back the way he thinks they do. 但世界和平以及其他的隊友也許並不如Kobe所想像中的那麼支持他[的打球方式]。 "It's bittersweet," Pau Gasol said when asked about Bryant's dominating performance against the Blazers, in which he played all 48 minutes in a it's spectacular and it's very impressive and it's remarkable to be able to play 48 minutes and score 47 points. That's incredible. On the other hand, I'm a player that likes to see a little bit more ball movement and better balance. I've always been [like that]. That's just how I perceive this game." Gasol被問及Kobe驚人的表現卻打了48分鐘時表示:「苦樂參半吧。我覺得又強大又 令人折服,在48分鐘的比賽中能得47分。那真的很厲害。但另一方面,我自己身為球員 會比較偏向多一點導球及多一點平衡。我也一向如此。這也是我對這場球賽的看法。」 "But again, he was incredible tonight. He scored a tremendous amount of points that I never scored in my life. So, like I said, it was very impressive and it's not something that you do every night, of course." 「但但但我必須重申,今晚的Kobe沒有極限。他所得的分數是我畢生從未達成的。 所以就像我說的,這很厲害而且也不是你每天都能做到。」 And Gasol is certainly aware he might not be a Laker today and definitely would not be a Laker finally getting consistent post touches in Mike D'Antoni's system if it wasn't for Bryant supporting him. Gasol之所以會如此補充也是因為他了解如果不是Kobe在在冷笑話系統中支持他,他今 天也許不是湖人球員了。 Hence, Gasol didn't rail on Bryant's going 14-for-27 on a night when he and Dwight Howard combined to go 20-for-26, but he also made his point quite clear. 於是在他與魔獸合計20-26的今晚,Gasol並沒有對Kobe的14-27多做評論,但他也把他 的想法講很清楚了。 "I just always like to see a little more ball movement because he attracts so much attention," Gasol said. "He attracts so much double-teams off pick-and-rolls, off isolations, and he's made great plays, great passes down the stretch. But he was extra aggressive tonight." 「我只是比較喜歡看多一點傳球,單純因為他招攬太多防守威脅了。不過今晚面對多 樣的包夾、pick-and-roll、ISO,他的確投了很多好球也傳了很多好球。」 It's walking a fine line, of course, to not give total credit to what Bryant has been doing. The Lakers need to win all these games. They have gone 5-1 in their past six with Bryant playing 45.7 minutes per game while averaging 28.0 points, 9.2 assists, 7.7 rebounds, 2.5 steals and 1.2 blocks. Tough to argue with that. However, if this playoff push is supposed to ready the team for a championship run, that's where Gasol and Howard feel it's within their right to speak up. This isn't a sustainable formula to take the title. 當然不把所有的功勞都歸給Kobe就像走在一條鋼索上。湖人需要贏最近這幾場球賽,而 Kobe的數據也很難被辯駁。然而,進到季後賽,Gasol跟魔獸認為他們有權在球隊中發 聲了。湖人這樣的打球方式絕對無法撐到冠軍。 "We just got to play together; that's the biggest thing," Howard said. "Play together. I think we got to really play inside-out. That's what kills teams. It slows the game down. It gets me and Pau in a rhythm, and we're able to find guys on the perimeter also. It's tough to guard." 魔獸表示:「我們需要一起打球,這是最重要的。打團隊球賽,我們也需要裡外兼顧。 這樣才能殺爆其他球隊。雖然會讓球賽慢下來,但這會讓我跟Gasol跟上節奏,而我們 也可以因此找到更多有空檔的隊友。這樣我們就很難防守了。」 "At the end of the game, Pau was looking for Kobe, and I'm like, 'What the hell are you looking for Kobe for? Go to work. You don't have time for spectating. Everybody, what the f--- are you looking for Kobe for? Go to work. Everybody go to work,'" World Peace said Tuesday. "The five guys that are on that floor? We go to work. We're not watching." 世界和平在星期二的比賽說:「在比賽快結束時,Gasol在尋找Kobe,但是我大喊: 『你幹嘛找Kobe?認真打球啊。你沒有時間觀察!大家你們他X的幹嘛找Kobe?快打球 啊!大家快點動起來!我們不是旁觀者而是球隊的一份子。」 There's a reason Bryant is one of only five players ever to score 30,000 points or more. He has a tremendous individual will. Odds are he's not going to all of a sudden start giving. His teammates will have to take. Kobe之所以是史上前五位得分超過30000分的球員不是沒有原因的。他有極大的個人 意志。要他在一時之間突然開始傳球實在強人所難。他的隊友必須忍受。 "You try to do everything," Bryant said of his historic stat line. "You don't look for excuses. You don't wait on anybody else to make rotations; you do it yourself, and by doing that, it sets an example for everybody else to do the same thing. It's not to sit and wait on everybody else to be aggressive or to make plays. Everybody just go out there and do it as yourself, and that's how you end up getting those good, collective wins." Kobe談及他的紀錄時表示:「你只能盡力而為,不能找理由。你不能等其他人輪轉; 你得自己來,而這樣做會促使大家也跟著這樣做。打球本來就不是坐著等其他人進攻。 每個人應該是去打球然後自己設法得分,這樣終究才能打贏那些團隊的好仗。」 ================= 心得: 湖人大家都在說要打團隊球賽,Kobe自己來的終極目的也是為了團隊贏球 但是對於「團隊」的認知每個球員都不太一樣 Gasol跟魔獸期待的是in-and-out策略,多傳才能分散防守壓力 世界和平期待的大家上場就做好自己的事,打好自己的位置 而Kobe的期待是大家上去就「自己來」,然後全隊自己來之後就叫Team Basketball了 所以這樣比較起來,湖人有可能取得一個「團隊精神」的球隊共識嗎? 文章裡面世界和平在星期二的比賽也已經講到盲點了 當天的比賽最後,Gasol在找Kobe,這樣是適用Kobe的團隊版本,就是讓他投球 但是世界和平認為大家應該打好自己的位置,不是只有「找Kobe投球」 而是後衛的打好後衛、前鋒打前鋒、中鋒打中鋒 然而Gasol的傳球也符合他跟魔獸的in-and-out傳球策略 就是多導傳製造空檔不是嗎? 湖人的 team play,要說達成了好像有,但球員間的認知又好像沒有 實在很弔詭。 【順補今天被噓到X2那篇的額外心得】 我沒有在酸,但是事到如今因該被湖迷框定了XD 如果說今天的比賽Kobe多傳球呢? 我也沒有在說乾爹,但是看影片Kobe一直被包夾,隊友很多空檔 假如說今天剛好犯在Kobe身上的犯規沒有這麼明顯,結果裁判沒吹 那是不是就增加了球隊輸球的風險了? 18-18的罰球數只要再少掉一點的話,那湖人今天的贏球可能就不樂觀了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: infinite8176 (, 時間: 04/11/2013 22:59:02

04/11 23:00, , 1F
忘記刪推文了= =
04/11 23:00, 1F

04/11 23:01, , 2F
的確 我也有同樣的疑慮 這樣打法 無法持久..
04/11 23:01, 2F

04/11 23:02, , 3F
老柯這樣燃燒 對球隊不是好事..
04/11 23:02, 3F

04/11 23:02, , 4F
攻守兩端 都太累了..今天第四節不錯
04/11 23:02, 4F

04/11 23:03, , 5F
交給Gasol處理 讓他到低位策應 這樣是最好的
04/11 23:03, 5F

04/11 23:03, , 6F
噓心得 沒有如果 也沒有假如
04/11 23:03, 6F

04/11 23:03, , 7F
讓他跟DH更多的配合 也減輕老柯的壓力..
04/11 23:03, 7F

04/11 23:04, , 8F
可惜隊上除了受傷的Nash跟老柯 沒有其他的Play maker
04/11 23:04, 8F

04/11 23:04, , 9F
04/11 23:04, 9F

04/11 23:04, , 10F
小黑跟老柯同場 就只會3分跟低級失誤...
04/11 23:04, 10F

04/11 23:04, , 11F
請按ctrl E ctrl K刪推文
04/11 23:04, 11F

04/11 23:05, , 12F
04/11 23:05, 12F

04/11 23:05, , 13F
不過 現在走到這地步 也沒有機會調整了..
04/11 23:05, 13F

04/11 23:06, , 14F
奇怪我按CTRL K刪不了推文阿= =
04/11 23:06, 14F

04/11 23:07, , 15F
04/11 23:07, 15F

04/11 23:07, , 16F
我們根本沒有打過穩定的團隊 XDD
04/11 23:07, 16F

04/11 23:08, , 17F
04/11 23:08, 17F

04/11 23:08, , 18F
04/11 23:08, 18F

04/11 23:10, , 19F
奇怪 Y要大寫嗎= =
04/11 23:10, 19F

04/11 23:11, , 20F
04/11 23:11, 20F

04/11 23:12, , 21F
04/11 23:12, 21F

04/11 23:22, , 22F
如果隊友給力點 需要Kobe這麼燃燒小宇宙嗎...
04/11 23:22, 22F

04/11 23:23, , 23F
shift+e編輯 ctrl+y刪行
04/11 23:23, 23F

04/11 23:23, , 24F
04/11 23:23, 24F

04/11 23:24, , 25F
04/11 23:24, 25F

04/11 23:27, , 26F
04/11 23:27, 26F

04/11 23:27, , 27F
04/11 23:27, 27F

04/11 23:27, , 28F
04/11 23:27, 28F

04/11 23:28, , 29F
04/11 23:28, 29F

04/11 23:28, , 30F
都說了 還不刪推文?????
04/11 23:28, 30F
※ 編輯: infinite8176 來自: (04/11 23:31)

04/11 23:30, , 31F
04/11 23:30, 31F

04/11 23:31, , 32F
謝S大教我方法我不太會用= =
04/11 23:31, 32F

04/11 23:32, , 33F
04/11 23:32, 33F

04/11 23:33, , 34F
hssz 不累喔 去旁邊尿尿去
04/11 23:33, 34F

04/11 23:33, , 35F
04/11 23:33, 35F

04/11 23:33, , 36F
04/11 23:33, 36F

04/11 23:34, , 37F
要討論看完比賽再來哀 不然就去旁邊尿尿啦
04/11 23:34, 37F

04/11 23:34, , 38F
進攻不順 鳥失誤連發 節奏快的要命 KOBE跳出來沒啥不好
04/11 23:34, 38F

04/11 23:34, , 39F
事實這場第四節老科以傳導為主完全沒有硬幹 幾乎KB>Pau>DH
04/11 23:34, 39F

04/11 23:35, , 40F
Finish都碼Pau跟DH 標準看box寫心得
04/11 23:35, 40F

04/11 23:35, , 41F
現在這角色分配 對湖人來講 是拿季後賽門票的極佳解!!!
04/11 23:35, 41F

04/11 23:42, , 42F
KB這種時間完全就是Nash不在的標準結果 還是說要10ast以上
04/11 23:42, 42F

04/11 23:43, , 43F
才是不霸球 看box還是一樣可以說他獨啊
04/11 23:43, 43F

04/11 23:44, , 44F
這球隊需要MWP !
04/11 23:44, 44F

04/11 23:45, , 45F
04/11 23:45, 45F

04/11 23:46, , 46F
04/11 23:46, 46F

04/11 23:47, , 47F
如果別人打35min拿個36pt 7reb 7ast就會被說超有效率超神
04/11 23:47, 47F

04/11 23:48, , 48F
推Heron 這就是KB打球的方式 一直以來都是 當要他改變
04/11 23:48, 48F

04/11 23:49, , 49F
人手短缺KB打48min 47pt 8reb 5ast 4blk 3st叫失色...
04/11 23:49, 49F

04/11 23:49, , 50F
打法績效下降的時候 就是要退的時候了
04/11 23:49, 50F

04/11 23:49, , 51F
這什麼客觀態度 太好笑了
04/11 23:49, 51F

04/11 23:50, , 52F
04/11 23:50, 52F

04/11 23:51, , 53F
也不是什麼改變打法問題 Kobeslaker大之前文章就有提到了
04/11 23:51, 53F

04/11 23:53, , 54F
為了這個團隊KB這季起碼改了不下3種打法 當某種打法會贏球
04/11 23:53, 54F

04/11 23:53, , 55F
04/11 23:53, 55F

04/11 23:56, , 56F
這季改變打法是配合球隊 我說的改變是個人效率不再而改
04/11 23:56, 56F

04/12 00:04, , 57F
看來對KOBE的標準都必須很嚴苛 這場到底還能要求啥???
04/12 00:04, 57F

04/12 00:05, , 58F
真的很好笑 反正KOBE不管怎麼打 都會有人有話要說
04/12 00:05, 58F

04/12 00:06, , 59F
樓上 你賓果啦!!!!!!!
04/12 00:06, 59F

04/12 00:06, , 60F
04/12 00:06, 60F

04/12 00:07, , 61F
04/12 00:07, 61F

04/12 00:16, , 62F
04/12 00:16, 62F

04/12 00:16, , 63F
04/12 00:16, 63F

04/12 00:35, , 64F
PAU&DH:給我球 MWP:打好自己的球 KB:來跟我要球
04/12 00:35, 64F

04/12 00:49, , 65F
04/12 00:49, 65F

04/12 01:16, , 66F
04/12 01:16, 66F

04/12 03:17, , 67F
MWP 正確無誤
04/12 03:17, 67F

04/12 10:45, , 68F
04/12 10:45, 68F

04/12 12:24, , 69F
04/12 12:24, 69F

04/12 14:58, , 70F
Kobe 一直這樣打還不是有拿到冠軍
04/12 14:58, 70F

04/12 16:32, , 71F
04/12 16:32, 71F

04/12 21:43, , 72F
打48分鐘你還能要求他什麼... 他又不是在場上睡覺= =
04/12 21:43, 72F
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