[轉錄][外絮] Los Angeles Lakers: Not Just K …

看板Lakers作者 (Ken Huang)時間13年前 (2010/11/14 12:47), 編輯推噓28(28028)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1CtsO3Qd ] 作者: loed () 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Los Angeles Lakers: Not Just Kobe Bryant's Team 時間: Sun Nov 14 12:30:56 2010 中文不負責任摘要(酸民請看完原文再討論): 該作者認為湖人不只是Kobe的球隊。 Gasol已經成長為NBA中名列前茅的優質長人,他對湖人隊的貢獻度是難以估量的。 Gasol於湖人的戰術體系中如魚得水,效率值也是聯盟前五,有必要為其地位平反。 Gasol已經成長到近似於Shaquille O'Neal於湖人三連霸中的地位了。 Kobe無庸置疑的還是聯盟中的超級球星,但已經不是湖人隊中的絕對領袖了。 Los Angeles Lakers: Not Just Kobe Bryant's Team By Jack Winter (Correspondent) on November 12, 2010 The LA Lakers' amazing start to the 2010-2011 NBA season signaled a changing of the guard for the two-time defending champions. This is no longer just Kobe Bryant's team. The Lakers belong to Pau Gasol as much as they do anyone else. Gasol has long been considered one of the premier frontcourt players in the league. Even so, there are some who believe that his play for the Lakers has gone undervalued by most fans. Opening this season, his easy dominance ensures that will no longer be the case. In leading LA to a 8-1 start, the nine year veteran has taken his game to another level on each end of the floor. Gasol is averaging 22.7 points and 11.8 rebounds per game this season, both of which are career highs. Additionally, he is fifth in the league in PER, posting a stellar number of 26.29. It is no fluke that Gasol's increased offensive workload has coincided with the Lakers leading the league - by a comfortable margin - in offensive efficiency. Quite simply, LA is best when the ball is in the Spaniard's hands. Acknowledging that Bryant is no longer LA's clear cut best, or most valuable player, is no slight to the superstar SG. Rather, its a confirmation of Gasol's ascent to the top of the NBA pyramid. By all accounts, he has been one of the five best players in the league this season. There isn't a big man in the NBA who has been such a force, both scoring and rebounding the basketball, to start the young year. It is time we start recognizing Gasol for what he is: the best all around post player in the world. In doing so, its vital to give him as much credit for the Lakers' early success as anyone else. Kobe fans may not like admitting that his significance to LA has been, at least, matched by another player. However, given his early play, it appears even Bryant is willing to share the reigns with Gasol. Bryant took fewer than 23 shots in the Lakers first seven games, a streak rarely matched throughout his storied career. In fact, he is averaging fewer shot attempts this season than he has since 2004. It is no coincidence then, that Gasol is taking more shots than he ever has as a Laker. Gasol and Bryant becoming a true tandem is in the best interest of the Lakers. It saves wear and tear on the latter's achy body, and gives the team a more balanced offensive attack. Additionally, preparing for a Los Angeles team with two primary scorers, rather than one dominant force, is tougher for the opposition. If Gasol's dominance continues throughout the season, Los Angeles will be the best its been since 2002, when the combination of Bryant and the league's best post player— Shaquille O'Neal—finished off a three-peat. Behind Gasol's increased role, there's no reason the Lakers' new 1-2 punch can't do the same. http://goo.gl/tDmu4 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Ken52039 來自: (11/14 12:48)

11/14 12:50, , 1F
11/14 12:50, 1F

11/14 12:51, , 2F
的確 缺少Gasol跟缺了Kobe的湖人 前者戰績可能會較差
11/14 12:51, 2F

11/14 12:51, , 3F
11/14 12:51, 3F

11/14 12:51, , 4F
11/14 12:51, 4F

11/14 12:53, , 5F
11/14 12:53, 5F

11/14 12:54, , 6F
KB打不好 不一定會輸 但是GASOL打不好很容易輸
11/14 12:54, 6F

11/14 12:55, , 7F
11/14 12:55, 7F

11/14 12:55, , 8F
不過內線球員表現不佳的話 本來就很容易輸掉比賽 沒辦法
11/14 12:55, 8F

11/14 12:55, , 9F
11/14 12:55, 9F

11/14 12:57, , 10F
昨天在找材料的時候有看到這篇 但我選擇性跳過了 XD
11/14 12:57, 10F

11/14 12:57, , 11F
摘要只是作者故意那樣寫的 原文其實寫了很多東西很不錯
11/14 12:57, 11F

11/14 13:03, , 12F
11/14 13:03, 12F

11/14 13:04, , 13F
Bynum 等著接老大位子 (不過前提是別再傷了)
11/14 13:04, 13F

11/14 13:08, , 14F
11/14 13:08, 14F

11/14 13:08, , 15F
11/14 13:08, 15F

11/14 13:11, , 16F
功能性不同啊~ 去年遇到太陽 很明顯Gasol搞不定阿罵
11/14 13:11, 16F

11/14 13:12, , 17F
主要是靠Kobe這個點把太陽打下的 大家不反對吧?
11/14 13:12, 17F

11/14 13:14, , 18F
不是搞不定阿罵 是搞不定區域防守
11/14 13:14, 18F

11/14 13:19, , 19F
Gasol影響力無庸置疑 但說湖人已不是Kobe的球隊..倒不認為
11/14 13:19, 19F

11/14 13:21, , 20F
球隊進攻遇到瓶頸 還是要把球丟給Kobe阿.....
11/14 13:21, 20F

11/14 13:21, , 21F
Gasol還是第二選擇 但是Gasol實在是太重要
11/14 13:21, 21F

11/14 13:21, , 22F
11/14 13:21, 22F

11/14 13:38, , 23F
11/14 13:38, 23F

11/14 13:43, , 24F
Kobe下去,Gasol上來;Gasol下去,Bynum上來。 能贏就好。
11/14 13:43, 24F

11/14 13:59, , 25F
11/14 13:59, 25F

11/14 14:00, , 26F
11/14 14:00, 26F

11/14 14:06, , 27F
Bynum還要再成長些 他應該還沒有到Gasol Odom的等級
11/14 14:06, 27F

11/14 14:48, , 28F
11/14 14:48, 28F

11/14 16:14, , 29F
Kobe依然是老大 關鍵時刻還是得靠他 很顯然一堆反串來了
11/14 16:14, 29F

11/14 16:19, , 30F
Gasol沒有那種逆轉比賽的奇蹟 但是有Kobe就有可能 是差距
11/14 16:19, 30F

11/14 16:28, , 31F
11/14 16:28, 31F

11/14 16:37, , 32F
11/14 16:37, 32F

11/14 16:38, , 33F
11/14 16:38, 33F

11/14 16:38, , 34F
11/14 16:38, 34F

11/14 16:53, , 35F
11/14 16:53, 35F

11/14 16:54, , 36F
湖人目前沒人可取代... (沒Kobe老魚都會投麵包 =.=)
11/14 16:54, 36F

11/14 16:55, , 37F
我想 KB多分點球給隊友應該不會有任何人反對吧...
11/14 16:55, 37F

11/14 16:56, , 38F
11/14 16:56, 38F

11/14 16:56, , 39F
11/14 16:56, 39F

11/14 18:04, , 40F
交棒是不可避免的 但現階段 kobe還是重心
11/14 18:04, 40F

11/14 18:49, , 41F
我覺得這文章也沒啥部隊 只是試"kb"何種打法 以目前來看
11/14 18:49, 41F

11/14 18:50, , 42F
耶穌在場時 球是比較流動的 攻擊上效率較高 但kb季初分球+
11/14 18:50, 42F

11/14 18:51, , 43F
攻擊模式很好時 那球流動就跟耶穌一樣ok 但若跟這兩場一樣
11/14 18:51, 43F

11/14 18:52, , 44F
頭腦發熱時 那攻擊就很單板 就不過是24號戰術 當然再陷入膠
11/14 18:52, 44F

11/14 18:53, , 45F
著時 這打法是突破的窗口 只是若是能像前幾場一樣 說不定
11/14 18:53, 45F

11/14 18:54, , 46F
根本就不會比數相近 我想kb出手的點就跟他個性很難掌握
11/14 18:54, 46F

11/14 18:55, , 47F
也許他拿捏很準的話就不是kb了 但身為球迷 還是希望他能多善
11/14 18:55, 47F

11/14 18:56, , 48F
目前陣容 像金塊那場那樣投 這種文章就永遠不會少
11/14 18:56, 48F

11/14 20:01, , 49F
11/14 20:01, 49F

11/14 20:38, , 50F
原因是打法的關係吧 三角戰術的中樞的確是由內線發起
11/14 20:38, 50F

11/14 21:04, , 51F
當初的公牛內線誰能發動攻勢哩?Cartwright? Grant?
11/14 21:04, 51F

11/14 21:04, , 52F
11/14 21:04, 52F

11/14 22:49, , 53F
11/14 22:49, 53F

11/15 00:43, , 54F
11/15 00:43, 54F

11/15 09:58, , 55F
沒老大的湖人 對小弟來說就跟沒喬神的公牛一樣
11/15 09:58, 55F

11/15 10:06, , 56F
11/15 10:06, 56F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Ctsd4NC (Lakers)