Re: [閒聊] 看三小事情(也不小啦~)

看板Lakers作者時間15年前 (2009/06/16 17:14), 編輯推噓22(2205)
留言27則, 24人參與, 最新討論串3/4 (看更多) 而這是Ariza那一段 -- Kobe's coaching keyed title Kobe拿下年度最佳教練(大誤) Trevor Ariza tried to explain the other day, and he wound up stopping mid-sentence to convey what he was truly feeling. Ariza在解釋(Kobe執教生涯對他的影響)時,講到一半卻停了下來 "I used it like it was …" he began. 「對我來說那像是...」 Then he tilted his head back, turned his palms up and stretched those noodle arms out to his sides. Ariza:(扭來扭去) And he looked to the heavens. Ariza:(看天空) "I used it like it was the Bible," Ariza said. 「...像是聖經一樣。」 What we were talking about was the shooting-practice program given to Ariza entering the summer before this season by one Kobe Bryant. 這邊聊到的是Kobe出給Ariza的投籃作業。 The meaning of the gesture to Ariza – and its net effect in transforming his jump shot and thus this Lakers championship team – makes it the quintessence of the latter-day Bryant as a teammate. 這麼做的意義,以及它對提升Ariza命中率進而帶領湖人拿下冠軍的結果, 正是Kobe Bryant做為一個隊友的精華所在。 He is a champion again, but he is an altogether different champion. 他又拿到戒指了,不過是個不一樣的戒指。 (謎:這次的戒指吃起來像布朗尼不像餅乾) "He has become a giver rather than just a guy who is a demanding leader," Lakers coach Phil Jackson said upon the Lakers winning the NBA championship Sunday night. "And that's been great for him and great to watch." 「他變成了一個能提供,而不是只是下指令的領導者,」Phil提到。 「那對他來說很棒,(只)在旁邊看著也很棒...ZzZz...」 We follow sports, but sports are really about people – their success and failure, hopefully their growth. Win or lose, Bryant has always been the same in one regard: driven to the point of drama. At 30, he has grown glacially in other ways of life, however. 我們(記者)追新聞,而新聞實際上就是人-人的成功失敗,與他們的成長。 不論輸贏,Bryant都一樣的戲劇化; 而三十歲的他,卻在其他的部分有所成長。 Through stinging defeat, years of contemplation and a head-high stack of leadership books given him by Jackson, Bryant has made a quantum leap. 經歷了輸球,思考跟Phil給他的一大疊書之後,Bryant跨出了一大步。 (Phil:我要說的話都在裡面了...ZzZz...) He used to wonder why he should pass the ball to a teammate who hasn't practiced as much and isn't as skilled. Now he knows that he can guide that teammate to sharper practice and upgraded skills. 他曾經懷疑是不是該傳球給一個沒他的努力,沒他的技巧的隊友。 現在他知道他可以幫助隊友前進,讓他們也更進一步。 It's simplistic to say this is about trusting teammates. What must happen is ensuring your teammates are trustworthy. 相信隊友這四個字太理想化了, 他做到的是讓他的隊友值得信任。 It's a quality Jackson sought to draw out of Bryant before he was ready. Jackson failed to get Bryant to teach Isaiah Rider the nuances of the triangle offense. Jackson couldn't sway Bryant to gift a moment in the game for Devean George to find his rhythm instead of just looking to take over on his own. 這是Phil在Kobe還沒準備好之前就在尋找的特質。 Phil沒有成功讓Kobe去指導Rider三角戰術, 也沒成功讓Kobe去幫忙George找投籃節奏。 Kobe選擇了自己去解決所有的問題。 "Phil is good at not only coaching X's and O's," Derek Fisher said, "but trying to make a guy be something that you want him to be." 正式轉職成老將的老魚說, 「Phil不只會告訴你對錯,而是把一個人變成你想要的樣子。」 So Jackson shocked his friends and family by returning to coach Bryant, who had begun to mentor Caron Butler and was ready for far more. Bryant yearned for growth, but three seasons with Lamar Odom as the inconsistent next-best Laker didn't produce a single playoff series victory. Phil決定要回去當小菜咖Kobe的教練這件事情讓所有人吃了一驚。 他當時正要開始指導Caron Butler,也準備好迎接更多事情。 Bryant渴望成長,但那三年Odom當老二的日子並沒有為湖人帶來冠軍。 Then last season, with Fisher back to help lead, Bryant's teammates started to show signs of improvement, especially young Andrew Bynum. Out of Bynum's hard work sprung renewed hope in Bryant, and then Mitch Kupchak came up with what he called Sunday night "a couple of lucky strokes" to land Trevor Ariza and Pau Gasol in trade. 直到上一季,還沒變成老魚的中年魚回歸,隊友們才開始成長, 尤其是還沒變霸男的敗嫩。 Kobe在Bynum的進步之中看到了希望, 庫胖又用低買高賣Lv.999的技能生出了Pau跟Ariza。 It pushed Bryant forward even further in prioritizing his teammates' development. Sharing his personal shooting program with Ariza was akin to unlocking the vault. 這讓Kobe在幫助隊友上更前進了一步。 當Ariza的私人投籃教練就像是打開了一個寶庫。 "Getting that from him? Kind of cool, kind of cool," Ariza said. "Because before I got here, you always hear how he's this certain type of person. And when I got here, you realize he's not what everybody says he is. 「操爽的,撿到天下第一人當我教練咧~欸~」Ariza說, 「在我來這邊之前只聽過他是怎樣的人, 但到了這邊我才知道他不是他家說的那樣。」 "I just got in the gym every day and worked. I used what he told me, used some things that he gave me to do. And I just worked." 「我只是天天念書罷了。乖乖寫作業,然後我就拿書卷了。」 It worked. Ariza had made nine 3-pointers in his first four NBA seasons. This season, he made 61 as a prelude to his 47.6 percent playoff marksmanship that Bynum described with bugged-out eyes this way: "His shooting is ridiculous at this point." 實在金有效。 Ariza在他前四季投了九個三分, 這一季他用47.6%的命中率進了61個, 看得Bynum都快脫窗了。 (Jabbar:你的成績讓我也快脫窗了。) Bryant made nine 3-pointers in the NBA Finals; Ariza made 10. Bryant made 37 3-pointers in the playoffs; Ariza made 40. Kobe在總決賽進了九顆,Ariza十顆; Kobe整個季後賽37顆,Ariza40顆。 (→ 酸民:誰才是老大很明顯啦) Twice in the second quarter Sunday night, Bryant drew defenders and kicked the ball over to Ariza, who stepped into perfect-form 3-pointers against the team that traded him. During that stretch that became a 16-0 run, the Lakers started settling on their summer smiles. (Orlando時間)禮拜天晚上,Kobe抓著老東家讓Ariza噴了兩次。 那造就了一波16-0,以及湖人球員們(還有Phil)呼之欲出的笑容(跟帽子)。 Asked about Orlando trading him to the Lakers, Ariza said: "I know they always knew that I could shoot the ball; that wasn't the issue. It was just the confidence." Ariza面對交易是這樣回答的: 「他們知道我投得進,這我也很了解,不過那不是重點。重點是信心。」 Ariza is hardly the only Laker whose confidence swelled upon having the team's star and the sport's legend care enough to advise, not just chastise. Ariza不是唯一受到神光照射的人。 Bryant essentially taught Sasha Vujacic how to study scouting video, resulting in the gunning Vujacic evolving into a designated defensive stopper in the playoffs. Bryant would text-message Gasol at 3 a.m. with reminders about staying tough-minded, and Gasol came away from the season acknowledging that he was bursting with pride that he fought through this time. Kobe也教了Sasha怎麼看影片學防守。 Gasol的凌晨三點鐘唱得越來越好聽,因此得到了充分自信。 Meanwhile, Bryant became obsessed with graduate-level Michael Jordan coursework: not dominating if it might disrupt the team's flow, definitely dominating if it's a tipping point where the team needs him. 同時,Kobe也越來越投入MJ的課程: 「只」,但也「必定」在關鍵時刻接管比賽。 Out of that came Bryant's 61-point inspiration at Madison Square Garden the game after Bynum's discouraging knee injury in Memphis. (Reggie Miller later called Bryant "a basketball genius" for that timing.) In the one scary series the Lakers had, Bryant delivered two blocks of Yao Ming in a three-minute span on Houston's court to alter the entire course of the Lakers' postseason run. Bryant's willingness in Game 4 to pass out of Orlando's double-teams – leading to Fisher's 3-point heroics – basically won the NBA Finals. 在Bynum受傷以及Madison Square Garden61分屠殺事件之後, Kobe得到了新的靈感。(Miller:他是天才...) 在火箭系列賽之中Kobe三分鐘賞了姚明兩個火鍋改變天命。 在魔術系列賽第四戰Kobe的傳球可以說是贏下總冠軍的關鍵。 Those magic moments are framed art. Yet the clearest snapshots of this season are the little things … 那些魔術般的(雙關嗎XD)時刻簡直就是藝術, 但是最清晰的瞬間卻只是小小的細節... (Usher: It's the simple things in life we forget~) ‧ Bryant is leaning back in his chair on the bench in Cleveland a few more days beyond Bynum's injury, craning his neck to keep Bynum involved and engaged with specific advice about what Bynum could learn from a particular alignment that just played out on the court. 在Bynum受傷時往後躺跟他聊天的Kobe ‧ Bryant seems sure to fire away in Oklahoma City after Kevin Durant stops him on the previous possession, yet then idles down and instead waves Luke Walton into the post so Walton can use his extra three inches and 35 pounds against Kyle Weaver. The result is Walton drawing help and passing for an uncontested Odom jam. 召喚Luke來打mismatch的Kobe ‧ Bryant stands and yells from the farthest corner of the court in Detroit when he was supposed to be resting on the Lakers' bench, trying to make sure Jordan Farmar knows while hounding Rodney Stuckey just inside the midcourt stripe that no pick is coming. 在遠處大喊提醒Farmar的Kobe ‧ Bryant discreetly sidles up to Jackson in the final seconds of a playoff victory in Houston, acknowledging he hasn't really been trying to get the ball while the Rockets have been fouling on purpose – wanting to give Ariza, Farmar and Gasol test runs with late-game free throws. "I can go get it," Bryant admits to Jackson. 替隊友扛起失敗責任的Kobe ‧ Bryant strides over to Fisher early in a Finals game in Orlando while the Magic is shooting foul shots to tell him it's time for him to get a shot, which he will wind up making. But Bryant also walks down to Gasol to make completely clear how Gasol's pick must be so Bryant can make his jump pass to Fisher: "Come all the way up to me," Bryant whispers to Gasol. 擔任場上指揮官的Kobe The last game Sunday night was just more of the same. 禮拜天的Kobe差不多也是這樣 That Bryant snarl that attracted so much attention this series? Bryant showed it again in the Lakers' whirlwind second quarter – except it didn't come after he something he did. Bryant strutted up to Ariza with jaw jutting and brow furrowed because Ariza had stolen the ball and regenerated the Lakers' energy after a timeout. 那個引起超多注意的Kobe在第二節的時候又出現了, 唯一的差別是他不是那個執行者。 他在Ariza又偷了別人東西的時候面對面鼓勵了他的行為(好孩子不要學)。 As they walked off the court at halftime, Bryant and Gasol were talking – just as they always seem to be. It was Bryant talking about Gasol's turnover, Gasol nodding, and the conversation ending. Before they could even take five more steps, Gasol was running up again behind Bryant and starting a new chat about some other strategy. That conversation ended with Bryant nodding and saying: "I got you." 在半場之後Kobe跟Gasol在聊天,像平常一樣。 不過Kobe是在講Gasol的失誤,Gasol點了點頭對話就結束了。 五步成詩的Gasol之後追上了Kobe提出另外一首詩...不是,是戰術。 Kobe點了點頭,「I got you」。 Bryant won his first NBA MVP trophy last season by helping build a contending team, though ultimately it got no better than Bryant holding aloft that rust-colored trophy of one man alone with a basketball. Kobe上一季拿到了第一個MVP,實至名歸。 On Sunday night, Bryant was holding aloft the Larry O'Brien NBA Championship Trophy, a communal prize for everyone to pass around. Sixteen pounds of sterling silver, a 24-carat gold shine all around, and a team ball on top. 禮拜天晚上,布萊恩拿到了冠軍的「歐~布萊恩」獎杯。 大家把這16磅的大傢伙傳來傳去, 24克拉的黃金在周圍閃耀,上面有一顆象徵球隊的球。 Bryant didn't really try to get another MVP award this season. What he tried to do – and did do – was make all his teammates more valuable players. Kobe沒有去試著得到另外一個MVP。 他試著去做,並且做到的是, 讓其他的隊友都變成MVP-More Valueable Players。 -- Aura: Kobesque Aura Lv.10 Effect: All Stats +20 Range: Whole Stadium -- "Satan's not in a guitar pick, he's inside all of us. In here, in your hearts. He's what makes us not want to go to work, or exercise, or tell the truth. He's what makes us want to party and have sex with each other all night long. He's that little voice in your mind that says 'Fuck you' to the people you hate." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/16 17:16, , 1F
拜託湖人千萬要留下高以愛啊。( 還有 Odom )
06/16 17:16, 1F

06/16 17:18, , 2F
高以愛 糖果夜店咖 一定要留下
06/16 17:18, 2F

06/16 17:29, , 3F
推 More Valueable Players... (〒▽〒)b
06/16 17:29, 3F

06/16 17:29, , 4F
推 這篇更嗨XD
06/16 17:29, 4F

06/16 17:30, , 5F
06/16 17:30, 5F

06/16 17:31, , 6F
06/16 17:31, 6F

06/16 17:42, , 7F
06/16 17:42, 7F

06/16 18:18, , 8F
06/16 18:18, 8F

06/16 18:47, , 9F
推 很嗨!!
06/16 18:47, 9F

06/16 18:55, , 10F
06/16 18:55, 10F

06/16 19:22, , 11F
推! 後面每一個KOBE看了都好感動!
06/16 19:22, 11F

06/16 20:04, , 12F
06/16 20:04, 12F

06/16 20:23, , 13F
06/16 20:23, 13F

06/16 20:24, , 14F
06/16 20:24, 14F

06/16 20:24, , 15F
06/16 20:24, 15F

06/16 20:43, , 16F
誰是湖人一哥很明顯了吧XDDDD 夠鄉民
06/16 20:43, 16F

06/16 20:48, , 17F
06/16 20:48, 17F

06/16 21:05, , 18F
06/16 21:05, 18F

06/16 22:42, , 19F
06/16 22:42, 19F

06/16 22:46, , 20F
是九顆三分 不是四記
06/16 22:46, 20F

06/16 22:47, , 21F
對不起 我不知道眼睛看到哪去了 大概當時計中有正妹= =
06/16 22:47, 21F
※ 編輯: doodoohow 來自: (06/16 22:47)

06/17 00:11, , 22F
這篇太棒了 謝謝嘟嘟好 ^^
06/17 00:11, 22F

06/17 08:36, , 23F
06/17 08:36, 23F

06/17 11:28, , 24F
Jabbar:你的成績讓我也快脫 了。 看到這裡狂笑~ XDD
06/17 11:28, 24F

06/17 11:52, , 25F
06/17 11:52, 25F

06/18 11:59, , 26F
06/18 11:59, 26F

06/19 20:06, , 27F
06/19 20:06, 27F
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