Re: [Gaga] Judas 歌詞

看板LadyGaga作者 (I'm nelly, SO WHAT!!!)時間13年前 (2011/04/18 20:58), 編輯推噓10(10012)
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自從這首歌出來之後 旋律馬上擄獲了我!!! 真的超棒的 關於基督教天主教人士們那麼生氣的原因 除了猶大背叛耶穌的故事外 我找到了一些解釋 我個人是覺得他們把這首歌聯想的太誇張了... 這幾篇是我找到討論頗激烈的(共5篇) 我以分享的心來翻譯 但程度沒有那麼好 有翻錯請告知^^ 網友ㄧ Philippians in the bible second chapter states every knee shall bow every tongue will confess that Jesus is the Lord ,so one day lady gaga will be on her knees saying Jesus is the Lord. i really truly believe that there is demon in lady gaga she needs to pray because the route she is on is leading her straight to hell and shes trying to bring her little monsters as she calls them with her ,Judas denied my Jesus why would you sing about him (新約聖經之)腓立比書指出 任何人都應向耶穌屈膝 任何嘴都應承認耶穌是上帝 Lady Gaga有一天將會屈膝並說出耶穌是上帝 我深深的相信Lady Gaga體內有一隻惡魔 她需要禱告 因為她目前的人生道路正引領著她邁向地獄 而且她正試圖將小怪獸們一起帶去受難 Judas否認了我的耶穌 為什麼要歌頌他呢? -------------------- 網友二這篇很長很激動且恐同,看前先做好準備 The song is about ending religion. Specifically the song is stating that the world will be better when religion is gone, especially Christianity. She keeps saying, "I'll bring him down, I'll bring him down, a king with no crown. " Jesus has many titles, "King of the Jews" was the title they placed on his cross when he was crucified. Christians call him "King of Kings, Lord of Lords". But Gaga wants to "bring down the King with no crown". It's a Euphemism. She's saying she can bring down religion, and bring down Christianity. A king with no crown means that Jesus doesn't rule over her. She knows Biblically he ought to, but she doesn't agree with the Bible. Instead, she sees Judas as doing something that should have happened a long time "killing" Christ, he's "killed" religion. If religion dies, then Gay people won't be persecuted anymore. Plus people wouldn't need to feel bad about having affairs, murder ect. Gaga views Religion as the problem and she views Judas as the answer. Kill the Messiah, and thusly kill the belief system that "holds back" what she sees as human progress. Kill religion and Gay people can get married and people can have abortions and we as humans can establish our own set of right and wrong. The Bible mentions a time when "Every man did what was right in his own eye". Gaga wants this. In this way, she becomes a New Messiah for Gay people and the like. In other words she doesn't want to be made to feel like the lifestyle she leads (Gay people lead) should be looked down upon. "I'm a holy fool" means she is of tired religion. It just doesn't work for her. "In the Cultural sense, I just speak in future tense" -- in other words if you follow me, I can show you man's true destiny and it does not involve Christianity. There is a better future that doesn't involve God, Christ, the Bible or other religions. In other words, no, she is not Christian. Gaga sold her soul years ago. And "Judas" is a double entente. She means "Judas" as in the guy who betrayed Jesus and "Judas", the name of her own personal demon. 這首歌所要表達的就是終結宗教 它明確的指出了沒有宗教的世界將會更美好 特別針對基督教 Gaga在歌詞裡提到 I'll bring him down, A king with no crown. (我要讓他下台,沒有王冠的國王) 耶穌有很多稱號 "猶太人的國王"是人們在他被釘時留在他的十字架上的 基督徒們稱他為"萬王之王" 但Gaga卻想把他搞下台 這是ㄧ個委婉詞 Gaga真正要表達的是 她要弄垮宗教 弄垮基督教 沒有王冠的國王代表耶穌並沒有權力統治她 她知道照聖經來說她應該耶穌被統治 不過並她不同意聖經 反之 她認為猶大做的事早該發生了 藉著猶大除掉基督 這個宗教也不復存在 而宗教滅亡後 同性戀者也不會再被迫害 人們也不會再對外遇和謀殺等等感到不適當 Gaga將宗教看做ㄧ個難題 而猶大就是那個問題的解答 殺死彌賽亞 以破壞這個信仰所不允許的事 但Gaga認為這些限制會阻礙到人類發展 消滅宗教後 同性戀就能結婚 女人就能墮胎 人們就能自己建立是非對錯的標準 聖經提到 "每個人都做在他眼中認為對的事" Gaga就是這樣 朝這個路線發展 她就會變同性戀們和贊同她的人的新的彌賽亞 換句話說 她不想讓他人將她的生活方式(和同性戀們的生活方式)被鄙視 I'm a Holy Fool這句在講她已對宗教感到厭倦 宗教對她沒有用 In the Cultural sense, I just speak in future tense這句 換句話說 如果你跟隨我Lady Gaga 我會讓你知道ㄧ個人真正的命運是什麼 而那不包含基督教 未來將有更好的世界 沒有耶穌,沒有基督也沒有聖經 換句話說 Gaga不是基督教徒 她幾年前賣了她的靈魂 "猶大"這詞語含雙關 這個背叛耶穌的人同時也是她體內的惡魔的名字 -------------------- 看了兩篇恐怖又負面的 來看看三篇較正面的轉換一下心情吧 以下幾篇有幾篇有引用Gaga本人接受訪談的話 也有解釋Gaga對Judas的解釋 網友ㄧ Taken from an interview: "It's about leaving your darkness behind in order to come into the light," she added the other day. "I have a lot of things that have haunted me from my past - choices, men, drug abuse, being afraid to go back to New York, confronting old romances - and Judas represents, for me, something that is bad for me that I can't escape. I keep going back and forth between the darkness and the light in order to understand who I am from" Well it might be about her personal experience. I think she's in a relationship with Luc Carl, and based off what I've heard he's a mean one. 從某一個訪談中可以了解到 Gaga說 "Judas這首歌是關於 想迎接光明的話 就必須將一切的黑暗拋的遠遠的" 幾天後她又追加了幾點 "我有很多過去的陰霾困擾著我 選擇 男人 藥物濫用 害怕回到紐約 面對舊情事等 對我而言 Judas代表了對我不好的但我卻逃不開的事 為了瞭解我是誰 我不斷的在黑暗和光明中來回穿梭" 這首歌應該是和她的個人經驗有關 她和Luc Carl有過一段戀情 根據我所聽到的 就是在講Luc Carl ------------------- 網友二 Judas is used metaphorically in the song. In the Bible, Judas betrays Jesus and she uses Judas as a direct connection to men who betray her. In the simplest form, the song talks about falling in love with men who betray you. Judas是用來隱喻的 聖經裡 猶大背叛了耶穌 簡單來講 歌就是在講愛上了一個背叛你的男人 -------------------- 網友三 it is based on what she has been thru as a person with men , who have done her wrong in all the ways that a person could ... i think people need to leave the religion out of it becouse she is not puting anything down she is clearly talking about her past .. maybe if people would watch her interviews they would know insted of talking out of these **** . she belives in god & has said it many times & for us who are her little monsters , we call ourself that because she is one of the many singers out there that belives in equal riqhts , she is smart enough to see that being gay is not a crime & is not a sin becouse god is a loveing & forgiveing god ... soo pleasee stop talking **** .!! (: 這首歌是根據她活到現在所經歷的一些和男人的經驗 ㄧ些對她犯下極嚴重錯誤的人 我覺得大家應該將這首歌與宗教脫離 因為她完全沒有在玷汙任何事 她很明顯的就在講她的過去 如果看過訪談的人就會了解 且不會講出這些XXX 她講過很多次她相信上帝 我們這些會稱自己為小怪獸的人 是因為她是那些相信人人平等的歌手們之ㄧ 她也夠聰明 能體會同性戀並不是罪 因為上帝是富含著愛和包容的 所以請停止講ㄧ些**** -------------------- 我已經很盡力翻了 有錯可以糾正ㄧ下喔 另外 關於猶大的故事我上網找半天還是很混亂 只看到出賣耶穌害被抓、三次不認主這兩個 有沒有更神的板友能分享更多猶大的事 聽音樂學歷史^^ -- Some Dudes Marry Dudes, Get Over It!!! Some Chicks Marry Chicks, Get Over It!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/18 21:20, , 1F
推一個 整理的很仔細@@ 基本上猶大的故事眾說紛紜 記
04/18 21:20, 1F

04/18 21:21, , 2F
04/18 21:21, 2F

04/18 21:21, , 3F
04/18 21:21, 3F

04/18 21:22, , 4F
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04/18 21:23, , 6F
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04/18 21:23, , 7F
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04/18 21:24, , 8F
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04/18 21:33, , 9F
04/18 21:33, 9F

04/18 22:46, , 10F
04/18 22:46, 10F

04/18 22:52, , 11F
三次不認主不認是彼得= =
04/18 22:52, 11F

04/18 22:54, , 12F
04/18 22:54, 12F

04/18 23:00, , 13F
我記得她在today show有說"有人說我是個不虔誠的女人
04/18 23:00, 13F

04/18 23:01, , 14F
所以小怪獸們 一起去教會吧" 其實有時候會有點怕 但聽完
04/18 23:01, 14F

04/18 23:03, , 15F
嘎嘎的解釋就覺得OK 都說"Jesus is my virtue"了啊
04/18 23:03, 15F

04/18 23:04, , 16F
04/18 23:04, 16F

04/18 23:37, , 17F
04/18 23:37, 17F

04/18 23:43, , 18F
bring him down 是這樣翻的喔(= = ?)/
04/18 23:43, 18F

04/19 14:08, , 19F
04/19 14:08, 19F

04/19 18:21, , 20F
04/19 18:21, 20F

04/19 18:30, , 21F
我不是說ga大啦 我是說網友怎麼這樣解讀>'<
04/19 18:30, 21F

07/04 01:08, , 22F
07/04 01:08, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1Dh3Le2J (LadyGaga)
文章代碼(AID): #1Dh3Le2J (LadyGaga)